Personal Pronoun Review/Worksheet

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Personal Pronoun Review/Worksheet

Subject I we you he she it they them him her Object me us




Singular Plural

Second Third Masculine Feminine Neutral Plural

Possessive Pre-noun Alone my mine our ours your yours his hers its their theirs

Subject pronouns represent the person or thing doing the action described by the verb: I ran around the room. They saw the movie. He went outside. Object pronouns represent any other people or things involved in the sentence: The man gave us a check. The dog licked him on the nose. The book bored them. Possessive pronouns represent ownership. If you include the noun, use the pre-noun version: The cat nibbled your finger. My book has a red cover. If the possessive pronoun stands alone, use the alone version: This book is yours. This car is theirs. *** IMPORTANT NOTE: Using conjunctions *** When combining pronouns with and, or, and other conjunctions, use the form that youd use without the conjunction. For instance: Correct: Incorrect: Compare: Correct: Incorrect: Compare: Correct: Incorrect: Compare: He and I are going out to the movies. Me and him are going out to the movies. We are going out to the movies. Im good friends with her and him. Im good friends with he and she. Im good friends with them. Just between you and me, this is a common error. Just between you and I, this is a common error. Just between us, this is a common error.

Complete the exercises on the other side of this sheet.

For each underlined noun, write the correct pronoun in the blank. 1. The man sat at the table. 2. We watched the movie. 3. Those people like pizza. 4. I saw some men and women standing outside the school. 5. John gave the boys cat a pat on the head. 6. The cats claws needed to be trimmed. 7. Are you and that boy dating now? 8. That girl and I got into an argument. 9. His mother gave him and his sister their Christmas gifts. 10. Your father brought you and your brother some pizza. _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______

Write the correct first person pronoun (I, me, my, mine) in each blank: 11. The man gave ______ a lot of money.

12. You and _______ need to have a talk.

13. He saw you and ______ walking down the street.

14. This is _____ car; I bought it from my brother.

15. This bedroom is ______.

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