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HOLDING PROCEDURES Published holding procedures over a facility or fix: 1.

hold overhead/at (significant point, name of facility or fix) 2. level 3. expect approach/further clearance at (time)/EAT Holding procedures require both a full readback and its acknowledgement CTN 662, hold at PIS, FL 160, expect further clearance at 1102, landing delays at Zagreb 20 minutes To hold at PIS, FL 160, roger, CTN 662 CTN 622, correct CTN 622, hold at PUL, FL 240 To hold at PUL, FL 240, what is the delay, CTN 622 CTN 622, correct, expected delay 10 minutes CTN 622, roger Description of holding procedure based on a facility: 1. FIX 2. LEVEL 3. INBOUND TRACK 4. RIGHT OR LEFT TURNS 5. TIME OF LEG (if necessary) 6. EAT (if more than 20 minute delay is expected) The pilot may request description of holding procedure based on a facility (VOR of NDB) CTN 622, hold at ZAG, FL 100 CTN 622, request holding instructions CTN 622, hold at ZAG VOR, FL 100, inbound track

218 degrees, right-hand pattern, outbound time 1 minute, expect holding of 12 minutes. To hold at ZAG VOR, FL 100, inbound track 218 degrees, right-hand pattern, outbound time 1 minute, roger, CTN 622 CTN 622, correct CTN 622, request holding procedure CTN 622, hold on radial 222 of SPL VOR, between 15 and 20 miles DME, at FL 100, inbound track 042 degrees, right-hand pattern, EAT 1032 To hold on radial 222 of SPL VOR, between 15 and 20 miles DME, FL 100, inbound track 042 degrees, right-hand pattern, EAT 1032, CTN 622 CTN 622, correct

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