Strut Bucling, Simply Supported Beam N Cantilevel Beam

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Title of experiment Strut Buckling Objective To determine the buckling load for a fixed end strut.

Apparatus Strut Testing Apparatus Theory A long structural member subject to a compressive load is called a strut. Struts with large cross sections compared with the length generally fail under compressive stress and the conventional failure criteria apply. When the cross section area is not large compared to the length in example the member is slender then the member will generally fail by buckling well before the compressive yield strength is reached. The notes below relate to uniform straight members made from homogeneous engineering materials used within the elastic operating range. !t is assumed that an end load is applied along the centroid of the ends. The strut will remain straight until the end load reaches a critical value and buckling will be initiated. Any increase in load will result in a catastrophic collapse and a reduction in load will allow the strut to straighten. The value of the critical load depends upon the slenderness ratio and the end fixing conditions. The slenderness ratio is defined as the effective length "l# $ the least radius of gyration "k# of the section

Procedure %. &hoose the specimen and measured its length width and thickness. 'ote the reading. (. )laced the specimen in the slot of the attachment. *. To lower the position of the attachment turned the screw jack handle clockwise and to close the gap turned the screw jack handle counter clockwise. +. )ressed the ,tare- button to set the indicator to .ero. /. 0oad the specimen by tuning the screw jack handle counter clockwise direction. 1. !ncreased the load for each load increment and record the load and corresponding mid2span deflection. 3. 4nloaded the specimen once the desired maximum is reached.

Results 0ength of member 5 166 mm Width of member 5 (/6 mm Thickness of member 5 +6 mm 7oment of inertia of member 5bh*$%( 5 mm+ 8ial gauge reading % div 5 6.6% mm 9or pinned support. 0oad ) "'# (6 +6 16 :6 %66 %(6 %+6 %16 %:6 (66 7id2Span 8eflection d div mm 6.6( 6.6* 6.** 6.+/ 6.3: %.+ (.*% +.(; ;.:( %*.+; ( * ** +/ 3: %+6 (*% +(; ;:( %*+; d$) mm$' 6.%6 6.6: 6.// 6./1 6.3: %.%3 %.1/ (.1: /.+1 1.3/

9or pinned support.

0oad ) "'# /6 %66 %/6 (66 (/6 *66 */6 +66 +/6 /66

7id2Span 8eflection d div mm 6.6( 6.6+ 6.6: 6.%% 6.%/ 6.(6 6.(3 6.*/ 6.+* 6./( ( + : %% %/ (6 (3 */ +* /(

d$) mm$' + x %62+ + x %62+ /.** x %62+ /./ x %62+ 1 x %62+ 1.13 x %62+ 3.3% x %62+ :.3/ x %62+ ;./1 x %62+ %.6+ x %62*

Title of experiment 8etermining the deflection of simply supported beam subjected to a point load and a uniformly distributed load "480#. Introduction Beams are the most common structural elements and carry loads by developing shear forces and bending moments along their length. A beam that is supported by a pinned

support and a roller support is called simply supported beam. <xample of simply supported beams is include beam bridges truss bridges gangways etc. Objective %. To determine the maximum deflection at mid span for beam subjected to an increasing point load and uniformly distributed loads. (. To study the relationship between loads and deflection on the simply supported beam. Apparatus Simply supported beam 8ial gauge 0oads =uler Theory )oint load at mid span 7aximum deflection at mid span > 5 W0*$+:<! 4niformly distributed load 7aximum deflection at mid span > 5 /W0*$*:+<!

Procedure 9or point loads ? %. 7easure the dimension "0 b and d# of simply supported beam and record it. (. Applied loads at mid span and recorded dial gauge reading. *. =epeat procedure by increased the loaded. 9or 4niformly 8istributed 0oad "480#. %. Applied loads along support to support and recorded dial gauge reading.

(. =epeat procedure by increased the loaded due to the result table.


Table % @ Beam dimension 0 "mm# %6*6 A "mm# /%/ b "mm# (+/.: Table ( @ )oint 0oads 0oad &ases / %6 %/ (6 (/ <A)<=!7<'T 8ATA ? 8ial gauge "x 6.6% mm# 0oading 4nloading div mm div mm %*+ %.*+ 6 6.66 *3( *.3( % 6.6% +%+ +.%+ ( 6.6( 1/* 1./* * 6.6* 3:; 3.:; * 6.6* Average Theory d "mm# ((1./ !5bd*$%( (*:x%61

6.13 %.:3 (.6: *.(: *.;1

Table * @ 480 <A)<=!7<'T 8ATA ? 0oad &ases %( (+ *1 +: 16 Theory 8ial gauge "x 6.6% mm# 0oading 4nloading div 7m div mm (6( (.6( % 6.6% +;* +.;* * 6.6* 1;* 1.;* ( 6.6( ;6/ ;.6/ * 6.6* %6;1 %6.;1 % 6.6% Average %.6( (.+: *.+: +./+ /.+: Theory

0oad cases / %6 %/ (6 (/ Sample Calculation To find deflection 0oad 5 /' for point load

8eflection )oint loads

0oad cases %( (+ *1 +: 16

8eflection 480

7aximum deflection at mid span > 5 W0*$+:<! 5 0oad 5 %(' for 480 7aximum deflection at mid span > 5 /W0*$*:+<! 5

To find Average Average 5 "div"loading# B div"unloading##$( 5 "%*+"%.*+# B 6#$( 5 13 '

Title of experiment 8etermining CoungDs 7odulus "7odulus of <lasticity# of the given beam material by conducting deflection test on cantilever beam. Objective To determining CoungDs 7odulus "7odulus of <lasticity# of the given beam material by conducting deflection test on cantilever beam. And hence to find Shear 7odulus "7odulus of =igidity# or )oissonDs ratio if one of them is given. Apparatus Slotted weight dial gauge scale Theory

A cantilever is a beam supported on only one end. The beam carries the load to the support where it is resisted by moment and shear stress.E%F &antilever construction allows for overhanging structures without external bracing. &antilevers can also be constructed with trusses or slabs. This is in contrast to a simply supported beam such as those found in a post and lintel system. A simply supported beam is supported at both ends with loads applied between the supports.

Procedure %. Set dial gauge to be .ero reading. (. Apply load and note dial gauge reading. *. !ncrease the load and note dial gauge reading.
+. )lot the graph between the applied load GWD on the C2axis and deflection

H on A2

axis. Results Breadth of the beam b 5 ((1.%+ mm 8epth of the beam d 5 (+/./( mm Span 0 5 /( mm a 5 (+/.6 mm table "%#

S. 'o.

0oad "'#

8ial gauge reading 0oading 4nloading


<xperimenta l 8eflection "mm#

Theoretical 8eflection "mm#

% ( * + / 1

/ %6 %/ (6 (/ *6

;6 %:3 (31 *:* +;* /;+

%* ; ( %% * 2*

Table "(# S. 'o. Span 0 "mm# % By using formula @ < 5 (J"%BL# Where J 5 Shear 7odulus in '$mm( L 5 )oissonDs =atio < 5 7odulus of elasticity in '$mm( %66 A "mm# /( Ialue of < "'$mm(# Ialue of J "'$mm(# Kr L

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