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Jordan Ryder Role of Regular Education Teacher in an I.E.P. Team Meeting The role of a regular education teacher in an I.E.P.

team is important because they are bringing the content knowledge along with insight on how their student responds and participates in a regular classroom. They are a crucial role to providing accurate and reliable data of the students progress. As the regular education teacher, having unit and lesson plans in place can help the I.E.P. team understand what is and will be taught in the regular classroom. This can help the team determine the best learning plan for the student. The regular education teacher can also give insight into how the class is taught, and what types of differentiated instruction is being used. By doing this, it can help the team determine accommodations and modifications that might need to be made for the student. Another benefit of having the regular education teacher involved in the I.E.P. meeting is that they are the person that is involved in the classroom every day. They should be able to give their observations of the interactions between the student with disabilities and the other students in the classroom. This is important in a variety of ways because it can help determine if the student is getting the help they need from peer involvement and can also be important if the student is also graded on social interaction. On the other side of things, the regular education teacher being involved in I.E.P. meetings can also help determine the types of support they can and will receive to allow for all students learn effectively. The regular education teacher should be willing and able to be flexible and differentiated in their instructions techniques. They should also be open to preparing accommodations and modifications and asking for help and support when they need. All-in-all, I.E.P. teams are called teams for a reason. Everyone needs to work together and support each other to provide the best education for each students needs.

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