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AOS 43 Curriculum

Kindergarten English Language Arts

Revised 7.12.11

Upon successful completion of this class, students will be able to: A. READING Reading S ills se c!m"rehensi!n strategies t! understand te#ts $ithin a grade a""r!"riate s"an !% te#t c!m"le#it&.

'evel!" v!ca(ular& using knowledge of story context. 'em!nstrate (eginning reading strategies) such as one to one, left to right, and top to bottom. Read %luentl& and accuratel& $ithin a grade*a""r!"riate s"an !% te#t c!m"le#it& $ith a""r!"riate "acing and e#"ressi!n. Rec!gni+e grade-level sight words. Reading !omp"ehension ,egin t! identi%& and descri(e settings and characters. Retell the se-uence !% events and include beginning, middle, and end. Ans$er -uesti!ns a(!ut in%!rmati!n %!und directl& in the te#t. Read a variet& !% grade*a""r!"riate poems $ith su""!rt. .ntr!duce te#ts) $ithin a grade a""r!"riate s"an !% te#t c!m"le#it&) %!r di%%erent "ur"!ses. As/ and ans$er relevant -uesti!ns. Restate %acts %r!m the te#t. Follow !ne* and t$!*ste" oral instructions. #. $RI%ING $"iting 'ictate a st!r& t! c!mmunicate their ideas. se $riting "r!cess t! c!mmunicate their ideas.

Select a %!cus %!r $riting and devel!" an idea) including a beginning, middle, and end. Res"!nd t! clari%&ing -uesti!ns and suggested revisi!ns orally.
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AOS 43 Curriculum

Kindergarten English Language Arts

Revised 7.12.11

Upon successful completion of this class, students will be able to: D. &ANGUAGE Standa"d English !on'entions se c!rrect sentence structure in s"ea/ing and $riting.

Ca"itali+e proper nouns and words at the beginning of sentences. ,egin t! use periods, question marks, and exclamation points . S"ell high frequency grade-level words and use "h!nics "atterns t! aid in s"elling. ,egin t! alphabetize by grouping. E. &IS%ENING AND S(EA)ING &istening and spea ing se early active listening skills. As/ relevant -uesti!ns at a""r!"riate times. C!nverse $ith!ut interru"ting. 1!ll!$ !ne* and t$!*ste" !ral instructi!ns.

se speaking skills t! c!mmunicate. 2a/e clear re-uests. 2a/e sim"le "resentati!ns. se v!ice level a""r!"riate t! the situati!n.

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