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Comma Interactive Exercise 2

1. In the crevices between the bathroom tiles,(1) mold sprouts as opportunistically as weeds do in the cracks of sidewalks. 2. Diane couldn't concentrate on General Hospital because Santana,(9) her beagle who had been cooped up in the house all day,(9) wanted to take a long walk around the lake. 3. The blue,(7) creamy frosting from the cupcake hung like a stalactite at the tip of poor George's nose,(13) causing Michelle to giggle uncontrollably. o change. !. "nthony wanted fried chicken for lunch,(12) but the cafeteria offered only greenish meatballs with o#ercooked noodles and crispy meatloaf with lumpy mashed potatoes. $. To clean up the kitchen more uickly,(1) !aria let %omeo&'() the family's German she"herd,(9) "rewash the dishes with his fat,(7) "ink tongue. *. +Don't let the cat out,#(1$) warned my roommate ,eatrice. +-esterday&'1) he brought home another dead s uirrel,%(1$) she then e&"lained to me. .. "n upswept driveway and o#ergrown lawn make the house on the corner look deserted,(12) but the truth is that the family li#ing there loathes yard work. /. 0wimming in cloudy water,(1) the goldfish peered through the dirty a uarium glass&'11) hoping that today 2red would remember to sprinkle some food into the tank. (. 0imon needed a dollar for a soda but disco#ered that his wallet was em"ty,(12) so he ga#e the machine a hard kick&'11) hoping to dislodge a bottle for free. o change. 13. %honda remembered to grab a 4acket before she left the house so that she wouldn't free5e for fifty minutes in 6ollege "lgebra. 11. 'ive steaming bowls of s7uid eyeball stew sat on the buffet table. 6assandra didn't want to be a "ig,(12) but the smell was so a""eti(ing that she took two 4ust for herself.

12. +Take that comma out,%(1$) whis"ered 6rystal&'13) who saw )amara making a mistake on the 7ui5. +-ou need to put it after the ne8t word,%(1$) she then ad#ised. 11. Dr. Grayson&'13) who en4oys belittling students,(1*) "ointed a long, (7) bony finger at 6harlotte and began to e8plain why 6harlotte's comment about the 2rench %e#olution was ho"elessly and completely wrong. 1!. 9arry's crum"led,(7) smelly laundry piled on the chair caused his neat:freak sister 0amantha so much frustration that she washed the clothes for her la5y brother. 1$. "fter I saw a cockroach "eeking out of my burrito&'1) one restaurant that I no longer recommend is Tito's Taco +alace on ;est 0ummerland. 1*. %icky stuffed his wad of money in a sock hidden in the ham"er so that Mark&'() his freeloading roommate,(9) wouldn,t start begging for a +loan.+ 1.. <air clung to all the seat cushions,(12) and dog snot smeared the glass of the li#ing room windows. ,ones&'1) stuffed toys,(3) and tennis balls littered the floor. =8hausted from their day of play&'1) -reo and 0keeter slept soundly on the lo#eseat&'11) waiting for their owners to return. 1/. +Sweetheart,(.) you better get your girlfriend a better >alentine's gift than that cheap bo8 of chocolates,%(1$) warned Mrs. Smith,(9) /larence,s mother. o change. 1(. 9ouisa had to go food sho""ing,(12) for her cat had nothing to eat e&ce"t the e8pensi#e canned tuna that 9ouisa didn't want to waste on a pet. 23. ;hen 0am saw the 5ero at the top of his comma ui(,(1) he scratched his head in "u((lement because he had studied for hours. Then he reali5ed the problem::he had forgotten to use "encil to mark the bubble sheet?

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