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Unit its Shocking MYP year 8 Syed Arshad Mushtaq

Lesson Objectives
Explain the difference between a cell and a battery
Describe, in simple terms, how a battery works.

Interesting!!! The first battery

Over 200 years ago, an Italian

physician discovered the first battery. After dissecting a frog, Luigi Galvani attached different metals to the frogs spinal cord and leg muscle, and discovered that the frogs leg would twitch if the two metals were touched. Although Galvani attributed this startling find to animal electricity, he had actually created a battery.
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Cell Vs Battery
An electric cell provides

A battery is actually made up

energy to the electrons in a circuit.

of two or more cells joined together.

An Electric Cell
An Electric cell contains

positive terminal, an negative terminal and chemical paste. Chemical reaction occurs with in the paste that produce the electrons that flow through the circuit.


9 V batteries
The cell we use

contains 1.5 V of energy. In 9 V battery six 1.5 V cells are connected in series.

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12 V Battery
Cars are powered by 12V batteries.
Car battery recharges when engine is running.

Running engine reverse the chemical reaction in the battery. After few years we need to replace car battery. Why?

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What you think about Cell Phone Battery?


Non Rechargeable

Activities Page
2. 3.

4. 5. 6. 7.

A battery is made of more than one cells, A Cell provide energy to electrons by chemical reaction Negative terminal, positive terminal and Chemical paste The separator stops electrons from moving from chemical paste into the carbon instead of moving around the external circuit Because some of the products of the chemical reactions in the battery build up and stops it from recharging properly The LED showed that electric current is flowing in the circuit. A 9 volt battery is correctly named as it is made up of six 1.5 V cells joined together Four RT5eI&list=PLE5C480F62E9EEFFE

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