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Welling School CPD POLICY 2009/10

This policy document outlines four key areas that are central to Welling School’s CPD offer:

• Principles, Values and Entitlements

• Identifying CPD Needs
• CPD Provision
• Evaluating Impact and Disseminating Good Practice

Principles, Values and Entitlements

1. Welling School is a “dynamic and creative learning community” where all staff at every level of
organisational structure are involved, with equity, in a continuous process of improvement and
enrichment to “Learn, grow, lead and inspire”. The school is committed to fostering a positive climate
for continuous learning. CPD is the means by which the school is able to motivate and develop its
community. It does so at a variety of levels - individual, team, whole school, within the Kemnal Trust
framework and through wider LA, local and national networks with an emphasis on fostering
collaborative learning with every member of staff taking some responsibility for the learning of others.
It conforms closely to the GTCE’s ‘Professional Learning Framework’.

2. The school believes in the DCSF philosophy that “effective teachers should take ownership
and give a high priority to professional development”. It believes that a coherent and
progressive opportunity to develop professionally and personally both improves standards and raises
staff morale through personal and professional fulfilment and assists recruitment and retention, thus
creating a sustainable workforce. The CPD will be co-ordinated by Nina Moore (Acting DHT CPD/QA) but
who will be assisted by others in taking forward this policy as the following model highlights:

3. All those involved in the school community shall have an entitlement to equality of access to high-
quality induction and continuing support and development that empowers staff, improves practice and
helps to raise standards.

4. The central features of the CPD policy comprises effective auditing and identification of need and
aspiration, ensuring appropriate match of provision to learning needs of the individual; reliable and
thorough evaluation of the impact of provision, effective dissemination of good and successful practice
to ensure that such practice is embedded and reinforced. A database of staff CPD targets extracted
from the PMR document each academic year will enable the CPD Coordinator to match provision to

5. The school will obtain appropriate quality standards in organisations that support effective CPD. This
academic year, emphasis will be placed on securing ‘Investors in People’ Gold standard accreditation.

6. The school will use a range of types of provision and providers adopting “Best Value” principles in
determining these.

Welling School CPD Policy 2009/10: NME

‘Learn, Grow, Lead, Inspire’
7. The school’s CPD provision will allow staff to develop skills and competencies progressively allowing
them to develop, build on and reinforce skills and expertise identified within the PMR process,
particularly across the key areas identified in the appropriate Standards Frameworks.

8. The school will support professional recognition including accreditation of the CPD undertaken
through bespoke in-house certification that can be evidenced in an on-going portfolio.

Identifying CPD Needs

1. The school will have a named CPD Leader who shall be deemed to be fulfilling a leadership and
management responsibility in relation to this post. Nina Moore (DHT CPD/QA) will receive training and
support as appropriate in order to fulfil this role effectively and attend useful providers’ sessions.

2. The CPD Leader working closely with JTM (First Deputy) shall be responsible for identifying the
school’s CPD needs and those of the school community. Such needs will be identified largely through
existing mechanisms such as Performance Management, CPD interviews with Cathy Coughlan (Vice
Principal of Kemnal Technology Trust), self-evaluation, national and local priorities, other internal and
external monitoring and feedback evidence and through informal and formal discussions with
individuals and teams. The outcomes of the needs analysis will be a CPD plan which forms part of the
School Improvement Plan.

3. The CPD Leader will be responsible annually for discussing with the Head teacher and Governing
Body the main CPD priorities and the likely budgetary implications of addressing these needs.

4. CPD issues will be addressed at Governing Body meetings and be included as part of the Head
teacher’s report. The CPD Leader shall attend appropriate Governing Body meetings and, at least
annually, present a report on the provision and impact of CPD.

5. Requests for accessing CPD should be addressed to the CPD Leader using the appropriate pro-forma
that can be found on the CPD Professional Learning Community Blog ‘Welling Post-it’
( The CPD Leader in consultation with line managers and Celia Clark
(Cover Coordinator) will only sanction withdrawal from teaching and learning commitments if the
training is relevant and meaningful; matched to individual needs identified through the PMR process;
offers ‘Best Value’, will support raising standards and achievement, and does not place pressure on
capacity. Staff will be encouraged to explore alternative means of accessing CPD through in-house
‘Learning Breakfasts’, AST support, cross-curricular collaboration and/or via the Trust in order to
maximise the budget and offer ‘Best Value’.

6. The CPD Leader shall provide and update details of the range of opportunities available and be
responsible for communicating relevant opportunities to appropriate staff. The information will be kept
updated and made accessible and available to the school community via the school blog:

7. The CPD Leader shall be responsible for ensuring that appropriate opportunities are provided for the
following groups of the school community:

• Newly Qualified Teachers (NQT’s), through liaison with Sue Harris (DHT); Annette Davies
(NQT/ITT Coordinator) and AST’s who serve this group within the school community.
• Other staff new to the school or role
• Teachers with 5 years+ experience (including those beyond the threshold and those in
the later stages of their career)
• Teachers specialising in teaching particular groups of pupils
• Advanced Skills Teachers, Fast Track and Lead Teachers
• Middle managers/Subject Leaders (Emergent Leaders)
• Senior Leaders in their early years
• More experienced senior managers
• SLT and ALT
• Governors
• Senior support staff including Bursars, Business Managers, ICT Systems Managers and
Premises Managers
• Teaching assistants, learning mentors and Cover Supervisors

Welling School CPD Policy 2009/10: NME

‘Learn, Grow, Lead, Inspire’
• Secretarial and administrative staff including librarians, catering staff
• Technicians including science, DT, Music, Media and ICT
• Parents and carers (PTA/Family Learning)
• Regular supply staff and those seeking to return to the profession
• Overseas Trained Teachers - OTT
• Beginning teachers – ITT and GTP

8. Nina Moore, Dawn Skinner (HR/CPD Support) and Nikki Whitelock (Support Staff CPD Leader) will be
responsible for ensuring that providers are of sufficient quality.

9. The school will have systems and opportunities for teams, and the whole school to discuss and
feedback to the CPD Leader details of priorities and methods including the use of the school training

10. CPD leader will QA all in-house training and ensure that staff complete an evaluation pro-forma for
all external courses evidencing how skills, knowledge will be disseminated to colleagues.

11. CPD leader with support from Dawn Skinner and Nikki Whitelock will be responsible for ensuring the
efficient organising of opportunities, e.g. booking, confirmation and for providing appropriate support
such as organising relevant resources, setting up appropriate meetings and organising membership of,
and subscriptions to, appropriate bodies such as subject associations and school improvement

CPD Provision
1. The opportunities available will fully reflect the Code of Practice produced by the DCSF in
that they will only be offered if they:

• meet identified individual, school or national development priorities

• be based on good practice - in development activity and in teaching and learning
• help raise standards of pupils’ achievements
• respect cultural diversity
• be provided by those with the necessary experience, expertise and skills
• be planned systematically and follow the agreed programme except when dealing with
emerging issues
• be based, where appropriate, on relevant standards
• be based on current research and inspection evidence
• make effective use of resources, particularly ICT
• be provided in accommodation which is fit for purpose with appropriate equipment
• provide value for money
• have effective monitoring and evaluation systems including seeking out and acting on
user feedback to inform the quality of provision

2. The school will support a wide portfolio of CPD approaches identified according to “Best
Value” principles and which reflect the learning effectiveness of the participants. These

• in-school training using the expertise available within the school and collaborative
activity (e.g. collaborative teaching, planning and assessment, work with a learning
team, classroom observation, existing expertise, peer evaluation, collaborative enquiry
and problem-solving, modelling, collaborative online discussions and sharing of best
practice using the school CPD blog ‘Post-it’)
• coaching and mentoring and engaging in a learning conversation
• contributions to, and engagement with ‘Post-it’ the whole school ‘Professional Learning
Community’ blog:
• job enrichment/enlargement (e.g. a higher level of responsibility, front line working in
someone else’s job, job sharing, acting roles, job rotation, shadowing, leading meetings)
• producing documentation or resources such as curriculum development, teaching
materials, assessment package, ICT or video programme
• accessing an external consultant/adviser or relevant expert such as an Advanced Skills
Teacher or Lead Teacher
• master classes, model and demonstration lessons
Welling School CPD Policy 2009/10: NME
‘Learn, Grow, Lead, Inspire’
• role play, simulations
• collecting and collating pupil feedback, data and outcomes
• attendance at a lecture, course or conference
• school visits across the trust and beyond to observe or participate in good and successful
• secondments, exchanges and placements (e.g. within a regional or national organisation,
an exchange or placement with another teacher, school, higher education, industry,
international exchange, involvement with Governing Body)
• postgraduate professional development and other qualifications from higher educational
institutions and other forms of professional recognition and qualifications such as NVQs,
Higher Level Teaching Assistants, NCSL programmes
• research opportunities
• distance learning (e.g. relevant resources such as educational journals and publications,
training videos, reflection, simulations)
• practical experience (e.g. national test or exam marking experience, opportunities to
present a paper, contribute to a training programme, co-ordinating or supporting a
learning forum or network, involvement in local and national networks, involvement with
a subject or specialist association)
• external partnerships (e.g. with a colleague, group, subject, phase, activity or school-
based team meetings and activities such as joint planning, observation or
standardisation, special project working group, involvement in a formal or informal
partnership such as a Trust Network Learning Community)
• Voluntary ‘Learning Breakfast’ CPD training events offered four times each term and
delivered by staff for staff across four key strands – Wellbeing, Teaching and
Learning, Tutor time and Communication.

3. All staff are expected to engage with CPD and take ownership of their learning
pathways and those of colleagues. Staff will therefore be urged to:

• Keeps a systematic record of CPD undertaken and delivered (in-house, LA and external)
using the ‘Personal CPD Record’ leaflet supplied to staff.
• reflect on their development using appropriate mechanisms such as the DCSF ‘Teacher
net’ Career Development Portfolio/ online teacher CV:
• seek professional recognition, including accreditation for CPD undertaken both in-house
and external. The CPD Leader will provide directly or organise guidance to staff on how
such recognition can be achieved.
• Contribute to the whole school CPD professional learning community blog ‘Post-it’ : to support the school in realising its ambitions of being
a dynamic collaborative professional learning community with all staff contributing to the
learning of others in some capacity.
• Contribute to and participate in the voluntary programme ‘Learning Breakfasts’ (Four per
Term focusing on key CPD strands of – Wellbeing, Teaching and Learning, Tutor time and

All staff will be required to:

• Construct a ‘community’ CPD target as part of the PMR process that requires staff to
identify how they will support the learning and professional development of colleagues.

All Middle-Managers (HOD/HOF/HOY), ALT and SLT will be

required to:
• Evidence CPD as an inherent feature of team meeting agendas in the schedule outlined
in the Calendar of Events. This evidence will take the form of minutes from meetings that
will be QA’d by the CPD coordinator.

Evaluating Impact and Disseminating Good Practice

1. Following professional or other development, the participant will complete an evaluation and discuss
with the CPD Leader the opportunities to disseminate to other staff. Relevant feedback about the

Welling School CPD Policy 2009/10: NME

‘Learn, Grow, Lead, Inspire’
provision and the ideas should be provided for the CPD Leader within the written evaluation. Where it is
agreed that there would be benefit in a wider circulation or follow up, the CPD Leader will be
responsible for organising that, e.g. circulating relevant resources, a session at a staff or subject
meeting, introducing a teaching or learning strategy, inclusion on the school website/blog.

2. The CPD Leader will be responsible for ensuring whether any follow up is needed to the provider, e.g.
feedback, issues of access.

3. The CPD Leader shall be committed to ensuring that CPD systems and procedures conform to
current research findings and DCSF Guidelines.

3. The CPD Leader will review annually whether any aspects of the CPD provision do not represent
value for money and make appropriate recommendations to the Head teacher and Governing Body.

4. The CPD Leader shall be responsible for assessing the value for money aspect of CPD through
seeking to monitor and evaluate impact. This will be undertaken at a variety of levels including:

• immediate/short term evaluation by participants

• longer term follow up for a sample of CPD undertaken usually at a period no less than 6
months following the provision
• informal discussion with colleagues about improved practice

6. Use will be made of appropriate DCSF and other documents to aid the impact but it will, in any case,
comprise hard objective data as well as other beneficial effects such as

• pupil and school attainment

• record keeping
• more effective and embedded teaching and learning such as creativity, autonomy, a greater
variety of teaching and learning approaches
• a climate of supporting success and effort
• staff confidence, enrichment, motivation, self-esteem, preparedness to take risks,
collaboration, reflectiveness
• pupil enthusiasm, engagement and commitment
• recruitment and retention
• career progression/promotable staff.

7. Annually the CPD Leader shall provide a report to the Governing Body on the benefits of the CPD
undertaken and future needs.

The CPD policy will be reviewed annually by the Governing Body.

25th September 2009

Welling School CPD Policy 2009/10: NME

‘Learn, Grow, Lead, Inspire’

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