Guidelines - Research

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University Research Coordination Office

LS Mezz. 154 - 155 * Local 164
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________




RESEARCH TITLE 1. 2. Research Title must be reflective of its problem It must answer the following questions: 2.1 What question will answer THE !""!WI#$ 2.1.1 What are %ou tr%ing to investigate& 2.1.2 What are %ou tr%ing to fin' out( 'etermine or 'iscover& 2.2 Who question will answer who are the respon'ents or sub)ects of the stu'% 2.* Where question will in'icate the research locale( setting or the place where the research stu'% is con'ucte'.


BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY 1. 2. *. The proponent shoul' 'escribe the e+isting an' prevailing problem situation base' on his,her e+perience. This scope ma% be global( national( regional an' local. The proponent shoul' give strong )ustification for selecting such research problem in his,her capacit% as a researcher. -eing a part of the organi.ation or s%stems an' the 'esire an' concern to improve the s%stems. The researcher shoul' lin/ an' relate the bac/groun' of the stu'% to the propose' research problem.


REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 1. 2. *. 1. 2. Relate' literature inclu'es research fin'ings( publishe' or unpublishe' theories an' principles formulate' b% e+perts or authorities in some fiel' or 'iscipline0 an' i'eas or opinions of e+perts containe' in boo/s( pamphlets maga.ines an' perio'icals. It shoul' be written in terms of the purpose of the stu'%. It shoul' give more weight to stu'ies consi'ere' more authoritative as evaluate' an' shoul' give reference to primar% rather than secon'ar% sources. It shoul' be organi.e' thematicall% to conform with the specific problems. It shoul' be s%nthesi.e' such that evi'ence from all the stu'ies reviewe' woul' get an overall un'erstan'ing of the state of /nowle'ge in the problem area.


CONCEPTUAL/ THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK OF THE STUDY 1. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK 1.1 1.2 1.* The conceptual framewor/ is the schematic 'iagram which shows the variables inclu'e' in the stu'%. 3rrows or line shoul' be properl% place' an' connecte' between bo+es to show the relationship between the in'epen'ent an' 'epen'ent variables. 3ll the in'epen'ent an' 'epen'ent variables shoul' be clearl% 'iscusse' an' e+plaine' how these woul' influence the results of the stu'%.


THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK 2.1 2.2 The theoretical framewor/ consists of theories( principles( generali.ations an' research fin'ings which are closel% relate' to the present stu'% un'er investigation. It is in this framewor/ where the present research problem un'erstu'% evolve'. 3uthors of these theories an' principles shoul' be cite'. 3s much as possible research fin'ings an' theories shoul' be correct.


STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM 1. 2. *. 1. 2. There shoul' be an intro'uctor% statement which reflects the main problem of the stu'%. 4ub5problem shoul' be state' in such a wa% that it is not answerable b% either %es( no( when an' where. 4ub5problems shoul' inclu'e all the in'epen'ent an' mo'erate variables which are reflecte' in the conceptual framewor/. 4ub6problems shoul' be arrange' in logical or'er an' e+tensive in coverage an' must be mutuall% e+clusive in its 'imensions. If the research is quantitative avoi' the 7how questions.8


ASSUMPTIONS 1. 2. 3ssumption refers to a proposition of some occurrences or consi'erations that ma% be consi'ere' in eliminating the area of the stu'%. It is a proposition which a researcher asserts base' on his own intuition( e+perience( an' observations but which is not scientificall% proven. It is a'opte' as a premise to the solution of the problem envisione' in his stu'%.


SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY 1. This section 'escribes the contributions of the stu'% to /nowle'ge. This coul' be in the form of new /nowle'ge in the fiel'( a chec/ on the ma)or fin'ings of other stu'ies( a chec/ on the vali'it% of fin'ings in a 'ifferent population( a chec/ on tren's over time an' a chec/ on the other fin'ings using 'ifferent metho'olog%. It 'iscusses the importance of the stu'% to the societ%( the countr%( the government( the communit%( the institution( the agenc% concerne'( the curriculum planners an' 'evelopers an' to the researchers. It e+poun's on the stu'%9s probable impact to e'ucation( science( technolog%( on5going researchers an' etc.

2. *. VIII.

DEFINITION OF TERMS 1. 2. *. The terms which connote 'ifferent meaning from the conceptual or 'ictionar% 'efinitions shoul' be operationall% 'efine' to facilitate the full un'erstan'ing of the te+t b% the rea'ers. The terms to be operationall% 'efine' are those use' throughout the stu'% an' ma% be a wor' or a phrase( usuall% ta/en from the title( the statement of the problem or h%pothesis. The terms shoul' be arrange' in alphabetical or'er an' the 'efinitions shoul' be state' in complete sentences.


SCOPE AND LIMITATION 1. 2. *. 1. This section e+plains the nature( coverage( an' time frame of the stu'%. It presents in brief the sub)ect area of investigation( the place( the time perio'( or school %ear covere'. It 'iscusses the variables inclu'e' in the stu'% an' the e+clusion of other variables which are e+pecte' to be inclu'e'. It in'icates the e+tent of capabilit% of results arising from the sampling population


METHODOLOGY 1. This 'iscusses the research locale( research 'esign( population sampling or respon'ents of the stu'%( research instrument( an' the statistical treatment of 'ata.


Research "ocale 1.1 1.2 This 'iscusses the place or setting of the stu'%. It 'escribes in brief the place where the stu'% is con'ucte'. !nl% important features which have the bearing on the present stu'% are inclu'e'. 4hows the target population.


Research :esign 1.2.1 This 'escribes the research mo'e whether it is true e+perimental or quasi5 e+perimental 'esign( 'escriptive or surve% research( historical research( qualitative research( ethnographic an' etc.


;opulation 4ampling or Respon'ents of the 4tu'% 1.*.1 1.*.2 This 'escribes the target population an' the sample frame. It specifies the sampling technique use' an' how the sample si.e is 'etermine'.


Research Instrument 1.1.1 This e+plains the specific t%pe of research instrument use' such as questionnaire( chec/list( questionnaire5chec/lists( structure' interview( teacher6 ma'e test( stan'ar'i.e' instrument which are a'opte' or borrowe' with permission from the author or from other sources. The parts of the instruments shoul' be e+plaine' an' what bits of information are 'erive'. The establishment of vali'it% an' reliabilit% shoul' be e+plaine' an' onl% e+perts shoul' be chosen to vali'ate such instrument. 4pecific an' appropriate statistical test use' shoul' be given an' the compute' values 'erive'. Interpretation shoul' be inclu'e' in the 'iscussions.

1.1.2 1.1.*


4tatistical Treatment of :ata 1.1.1 1.1.2 E+plain how each statistical test is use' in the treatment of 'ata. If the research instrument inclu'e' options which are scale'( e+plain how each scale is given the weight( its interval an' class limits.


BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. This inclu'e all materials use' an' reviewe' b% the researcher( such as boo/s( maga.ines( perio'icals( )ournals( thesis or 'issertation <publishe' or unpublishe'=. >onographs( speeches an' mo'ules( web page or internet( etc. In the choice of bibliographic materials( the following shoul' be consi'ere': 2.1 Relate'ness to the research problem. 2.2 Inclusion of recent publications <materials publishe' in the 2?9s up to @?9s shoul' not be inclu'e'=.


I. II.

(Please use the Gantt Chart)

FINANCIAL PLAN Wor/ plan an' financial plan must go han' in han'. The purpose is to trace all the activities to be accomplishe' in un'erta/ing the stu'% an' the correspon'ing financial requirements in carr%ing out these activities. The researcher,proponent must ma/e careful estimates of all e+penses that are li/el% to be incurre' in carr%ing out the pro)ect. It contains the following: ;ersonnel Requirement( >aterials an' 4upplies( Aommunication 4ervices an' !ther operating e+penses such as research5relate' travel an' transportation( materials repro'uction( testing fee( computeri.ation( evaluation fee( etc.

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