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Math Problem Solving Use a rubric:

-You showed you knew what the problem asked -You showed you knew what facts were given, including key words -You chose a good strategy and used it correctly -Your calculations or operations were done correctly -You got a correct and complete answer and labeled it -You wrote a good, clear e planation of your strategy and how you used it -You put all the steps you used to get your answer -You e plained your thinking clearly

-You showed you knew what the problem asked -You showed you knew what facts were given, including key words -You chose a good strategy !U" you may not have used it correctly #$ You made have made an error in calculations -You wrote an e planation of your strategy and how you used it -You might not have used all the steps to get your answer -You e planation was mostly clear but might not have been entirely compete

-You showed you knew what the problem asked -You showed you knew what facts were given, including key words -You chose a good strategy !U" you may not have used it correctly #$ You made have made an error in calculations -Your answer may not be correct -Your e planation may not be complete -Your e planation may not be clearly written

-You did not understand what the problem asked #$ you did not know what facts were given -You did not select a good strategy or did not apply your strategy correctly -You made an error in calculations -Your e planation was not complete or you did not write an e planation -Your e planation was not clearly written

%% You will never get a & if you start to solve the problem' You should ()*(YS write down what you were asked to find out and what facts were given' "his shows you understood the problem and attempted to solve it' 2 Step Decision Making Process

BEFORE you use a rubric, use a 2 step decision making process' "his will give you a +ump on scoring your work' ,ecide if the work is: Acceptable 3 or 4! #r "nacceptable 1 or 2! -f your work is acceptable, decide if it is: F#ll and complete 4! #r $earl% &#ll and complete' b#t not per&ect 3! -f your work is #nacceptable, decide if it shows: (imited or onl% some #nderstanding 2! #r )ittle or no #nderstanding 1! ( )! is $O attempt ./0.1)-S" 22222 ,id - read the problem at least twice3 ,o - understand it3 22222 ,id - write down the 4uestion that is being asked3 22222 ,id - write down the keywords in the problem3 22222 ,id - write down the facts that are given3 22222 ,id - write the strategy that - used3 22222 ,id - solve the problem3 22222 (re my calculations correct3 22222 ,id - e plain how - solved the problem3 22222 ,id - include all the steps - took to solve it3 22222 -s my writing clear3 22222 ,id - label my work3 22222 ,oes my answer make sense3 22222 ,id - answer the e act 4uestion being asked3 22222 (lways check your work5

Mary6s front lawn is a s*#are+ 0ach side is 7& feet long' /er father wants to put a border of rose bushes around the lawn' "he rose bushes will be planted , &eet apart, and there will be a rose bush in each corner' /ow man% rose bushes will be planted3 *hat 4uestions are we asked3

*hat are the keywords3

*hat facts were given3

*hat6s going on3

Maria and )eo ordered lunch' Maria bought a sandwich for 89'9& and a +uice for 8':;' )eo bought 9 slices of pi<<a for 8='9; and a soda for 8>'9;' /ow much more did )eo6s lunch cost than Maria6s3 *hat is the 10Y*#$, to help you solve the problem3

*hat 4uestion are you being asked to find3

*hat are the facts3

*hat strategy will you use3

!eth plans to walk 9 miles eac- day for 9 days' ?or the ne t 7 days she will walk 7 miles each day' "hen she will walk = miles each days for = days' She will continue this pattern until she is walking @ miles each day' #n what day will she &irst walk @ miles3

*hat 4uestion are we asked3

*hat are the keywords3

*hat are the facts3

*hat strategy will you use3

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