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Official User Guide

Linux Mint
Main Edition

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Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION TO LINUX MINT........................................................................................ 4 HISTORY.........................................................................................................................................4 PURPOSE.........................................................................................................................................4 VERSION NUMBERS AND CODENAMES ..........................................................................................5 EDITIONS........................................................................................................................................6 WHERE TO FIND HELP...................................................................................................................6 INSTALLATION OF LINUX MINT.......................................................................................... 7 DOWNLOAD THE ISO.....................................................................................................................7 VIA TORRENT..................................................................................................................................7 Install a Torrent client.....................................................................................................................8 Download t e Torrent file...............................................................................................................8 VIA A DO!N"OAD #IRROR..............................................................................................................8 READ THE RELEASE NOTES..........................................................................................................8 CHECK THE MD5...........................................................................................................................9 BURN THE ISO TO DVD..............................................................................................................1 BOOT THE LIVEDVD...................................................................................................................11 INSTALL LINUX MINT ON YOUR HARD DRIVE...........................................................................1! THE BOOT SE"UENCE..................................................................................................................19 INTRODUCTION TO THE LINUX MINT DESKTOP......................................................... !1 THE #NOME DESKTOP................................................................................................................!1 DESKTOP SETTIN#S.....................................................................................................................!1 $ETTIN$ TO %NO! T&E #EN'......................................................................................................() T e *Places+ ,en-........................................................................................................................() T e *./ste,+ ,en-......................................................................................................................(5 T e *A00lications+ ,en-.............................................................................................................(1 T e *.earc + field........................................................................................................................)1 DE2INE 3O'R 2AVORITE APP"I4ATION.........................................................................................)( #A%E 3O'R O!N .&ORT4'T.......................................................................................................)( "A'N4& APP"I4ATION. A'TO#ATI4A""3 !&EN 3O' "O$ IN.......................................................)( 4&AN$E T&E APPEARAN4E O2 T&E #EN'....................................................................................)( A4TIVATE T&E RE4ENT P"'$5IN...................................................................................................)) RE.TORE T&E DE2A'"T .ETTIN$..................................................................................................)6 REP"A4E T&E #EN' !IT& T&E DE2A'"T $NO#E #EN'...............................................................)6 SOFTWARE MANA#EMENT................................................................................................. $5 PACKA#E MANA#EMENT IN LINUX MINT..................................................................................$5 T&E .O2T!ARE #ANA$ER...........................................................................................................60 T&E #EN'....................................................................................................................................60 .3NAPTI4 7 APT..........................................................................................................................60

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REMOVE APPLICATIONS..............................................................................................................41 2RO# T&E #EN'..........................................................................................................................61 '.IN$ APT...................................................................................................................................6( .3NAPTI4......................................................................................................................................6( UPDATE YOUR SYSTEM AND YOUR APPLICATIONS.....................................................................4! '.IN$ T&E 'PDATE #ANA$ER.....................................................................................................6) TIPS AND TRICKS.................................................................................................................... 47 COPY AND PASTE WITH THE MOUSE...........................................................................................47 TAKES NOTES WITH TOMBOY.....................................................................................................48 ARCHIVE EMAILS AND WEBSITES AS PDF..................................................................................49 CONCLUSION........................................................................................................................... 5

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I%&'()*+&,(% &( L,%*- M,%&

"in-8 #int is a co,0-ter o0erating s/ste, designed to wor9 on ,ost ,odern s/ste,s: incl-ding t/0ical 88; and 8;6 P4s. "in-8 #int can <e t o-g t of as filling t e sa,e role as #icrosoft=s !indows: A00le=s #ac O.: and t e free >.D O.. "in-8 #int is also designed to wor9 in con?-nction wit ot er o0erating s/ste,s @incl-ding t ose listed a<oAeB: and can a-to,aticall/ set -0 a *d-al <oot+ or *,-lti5<oot+ enAiron,ent @w ere t e -ser is 0ro,0ted as to w ic o0erating s/ste, to start at eac <oot5-0B d-ring its installation. "in-8 #int is a great o0erating s/ste, for indiAid-als and for co,0anies.

"in-8 #int is a Aer/ ,odern o0erating s/ste,C Its deAelo0,ent started in (00;. It is: oweAer: <-ilt -0on Aer/ ,at-re and 0roAen software la/ers: incl-ding t e "in-8 9ernel: t e $N' tools and t e $no,e des9to0. It also relies on t e '<-nt- and De<ian 0ro?ects and -ses t eir s/ste,s as a <ase. T e "in-8 #int 0ro?ect foc-ses on ,a9ing t e des9to0 ,ore -sa<le and ,ore efficient for eAer/da/ tas9s 0erfor,ed </ reg-lar -sers. 'nderneat t e des9to0 t e o0erating s/ste, also 0roAides a -ge collection of aAaila<le software and a Aer/ well integrated set of serAices. "in-8 #int saw a ra0id rise in 0o0-larit/ and ,ore and ,ore 0eo0le -se it eAer/ da/.

T e 0-r0ose of "in-8 #int is to 0roAide a des9to0 o0erating s/ste, t at o,e -sers and co,0anies can -se at no cost and w ic is as efficient: eas/ to -se: and elegant as 0ossi<le. One of t e a,<itions of t e "in-8 #int 0ro?ect is to <eco,e t e <est o0erating s/ste, aAaila<le </ ,a9ing it eas/ for 0eo0le to get to -se adAanced tec nologies: rat er t an </ si,0lif/ing t e, @and t ere</ red-cing t eir ca0a<ilitiesB: or </ co0/ing t e a00roac es ta9en </ ot er deAelo0ers. T e goal is to deAelo0 o-r own idea of t e ideal des9to0. !e t in9 t at it is <est to ,a9e t e ,ost o-t of t e ,odern tec nologies t at e8ist -nder "in-8 and ,a9e it eas/ for eAer/<od/ to -se its ,ost adAanced feat-res.

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V1'.,(% %*231'. 4%) +()1%421.

Version n-,<ers and codena,es follow a -niD-e logic in "in-8 #intE 5 5 4odena,es 0roAide a wa/ to refer to Aersions of "in-8 #int t at is ,ore fa,iliar t an -sing a Aersion n-,<er. .ince Aersion 5: "in-8 #int as followed a ; ,ont s release c/cle and -ses a si,0lified Aersion sc e,e. T e Aersion n-,<er si,0l/ gets incre,ented eAer/ ; ,ont s. If reAisions are ,ade to a 0artic-lar release @a <it li9e .erAice Pac9s in !indowsB its Aersion n-,<er gets a ,inor reAision incre,ent. 2or instance *)+ <eco,es *).1+. 4odena,es in "in-8 #int are alwa/s fe,ale na,es ending wit *a+. T e/ follow t e al0 a<etical order and t e first letter of t e codena,e corres0onds to t e inde8 of t e Aersion n-,<er in t e al0 a<et.

.o far "in-8 #int as -sed t e following codena,esE V1'.,(% 1.0 (.0 (.1 (.( ).0 ).1 6.0 5 ; 7 8 1 10 11 C()1%421 Ada >ar<ara >ea >ianca 4assandra 4elena Dar/na El/ssa 2elicia $loria &elena Isadora F-lia %at/a

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An Edition is a release of "in-8 #int w ic is c-sto,iGed to address a certain set of needs. T is g-ide coAers t e #ain Edition. &ere are so,e of t e ,ost 0o0-lar editionsE #ain Edition @-ses a $no,e des9to0B %DE Edition @-ses a %DE des9to0B H24E Edition @-ses an H24E des9to0B

If /o- donIt 9now w ic edition to -se: /o- s o-ld c oose t e #ain Edition. NoteE If /o- intend to redistri<-te or to ,a9e co,,ercial -se of "in-8 #int in t e '.A or in Fa0an and if /o-Ire not s-re a<o-t 0atent legislation /o- s o-ld -se t e *4D No 4odecs+ installation i,ages.

W51'1 &( 6,%) 5170

T e "in-8 #int co,,-nit/ is Aer/ el0f-l and Aer/ actiAe. If /o- aAe D-estions or a 0ro<le, related to "in-8 #int: /o- s o-ld <e a<le to get el0 fro, ot er -sers online. 2irst: ,a9e s-re to register wit t e *"in-8 #int 2or-,s+. T is is t e Aer/ first 0lace w ere /o- can find el0E tt0EJJwww.lin-8,,Jfor-,. If /o- want to c at wit ot er -sers /o- can connect to t e IR4 c at roo,. 'nder "in-8 #int si,0l/ la-nc *H4 at+ fro, t e ,en-. If /o-Ire -sing anot er o0erating s/ste, or anot er IR4 client ,a9e s-re to connect to t e *irc.s0otc serAer and to ?oin t e c annels *Klin-8,int5 el0+ and *Klin-8,int5c at+. "in-8 #int -ses '<-nt- re0ositories @,ore on w at t is ,eans laterB and is f-ll/ co,0ati<le wit it so ,ost of t e reso-rces: articles: t-torials: and software ,ade for '<-nt- also wor9 for "in-8 #int. If /o- canIt find el0 on a s0ecific s-<?ect: ,a9e s-re to searc on t e sa,e s-<?ect for '<-nt-.
Note: Ubuntu is another operating system based on GNU/Linux. Note: A repository is an online service by which software is stored and made available for the operating system to install and update from. ost operating systems based on GNU/Linux use repositories and connect to them via !""# or $"# to install and upgrade their software.

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I%.&4774&,(% (6 L,%*- M,%&

3o- can download t e "in-8 #int o0erating s/ste, for free. It co,es as an I.O file w ic /o- need to <-rn to a <lan9 DVD. T e liAeDVD is t en <oota<le and 0roAides a f-ll/5f-nctional o0erating s/ste, w ic /o- can tr/ wit o-t affecting /o-r P4. In la/,an=s ter,s: w en /o- 0-t "in-8 #int on a DVD and 0lace it into /o-r co,0-ter: /ocan tr/ it o-t w ile leaAing /o-r c-rrent s/ste, intact.
Note: %t is also possible to write the %&' image to a U&( stic) or other memory device and boot from that* or to boot from the %&' image on the hard drive* but these options are somewhat more advanced and the method presented here is recommended. $or help with alternative methods of installing and running Linux int* please visit the forums.

If /o- li9e w at /o- see w en r-nning t e liAeDVD /o- can decide to install t e s/ste, to /o-r ard driAe. All t e necessar/ tools @0artitioning and installation toolsB are 0resent on t e DVD.

D(8%7(4) &51 ISO

NoteE If /o- don=t aAe a <road<and connection: or if /o-r Internet access is too slow /ocan order t e DVD fro, t is we< siteE, Ot erwise: /ocan Aisit t e tt0EJJwww.lin-8,,Jdownload.0 0 T en c oose t e edition /o-=re interested in. 2ro, t is 0age: /o- s o-ld <e a<le to findE an #D5 signat-re a torrent lin9 a list of download ,irrors "in-8 #int download 0age ereE

T e file /o- need to download is an I.O file. T ere are two wa/s to download t is file: </ torrent @a Peer to Peer 0rotocolB or Aia a download ,irror @&TTP or 2TP 0rotocolB. Once /o-r download is finis ed: /o- can ens-re /o-r I.O file isnIt corr-0ted </ c ec9ing its signat-re wit t e #D5.

V,4 T(''1%&
Torrent is a Peer to Peer @P(PB 0rotocol. >asicall/: instead of downloading fro, a central location: a torrent lets /o- download t e I.O file in 0arts fro, different 0eo0le across t e Internet.

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T e ,ore 0eo0le w o download t e I.O file: t e faster t e download s0eed gets. T is is t e 0referred and reco,,ended wa/ to download "in-8 #int. I%.&477 4 T(''1%& +7,1%& 3o- need a 0iece of software called a *torrent client+ in order to download files Aia torrent. If /o- r-n "in-8: /o- can install *Trans,ission+. If /o- r-n "in-8 #int: Trans,ission is alread/ installed. If /o- r-n !indows: /o- can -se V-Ge @ B. D(8%7(4) &51 T(''1%& 6,71 T e ne8t ste0 is to follow t e torrent lin9 fro, t e "in-8 #int we<site and to download t e .torrent file. T is file is Aer/ s,all. After it downloads: /o- s o-ld o0en it wit /o-r torrent client. T e torrent client will 0ro<a<l/ as9 /o- w ere /o- want to saAe t e I.O. .elect a destination and t en wait for t e download to co,0lete. 2or ,ore infor,ation a<o-t tt0EJJen.wi9i0edia.orgJwi9iJ>itTorrent t e torrent 0rotocol: AisitE

V,4 4 )(8%7(4) 2,''('

If /o- canIt: or do not c oose to -se t e torrent 0rotocol: t en loo9 at t e list of download ,irrors and 0ic9 one of t e,. T e/Ill 0roAide a lin9 to t e I.O file itself w ic /o- can ?-st clic9 to start t e download. NoteE Re,e,<er t at <andwidt is li,ited t o-g and t e ,ore 0eo0le download fro, a ,irror: t e slower t e download s0eed gets for eAer/<od/ w o is downloading fro, t at ,irror. 2-rt er,ore: if for so,e reason t e download s o-ld <e interr-0ted: it ,a/ <e corr-0ted and t e download ,a/ aAe to <e restarted. 2or t ese reasons it ,ig t <e wort w ile -sing a download ,anager: li9e for "in-8: or for !indows: if ta9ing t is ro-te.

R14) &51 R1714.1 N(&1.

3o-r download is 0ro<a<l/ going to last at least an o-r: so now wo-ld <e t e 0erfect ti,e for /o- to get fa,iliar wit t e new feat-res co,ing wit t e release /o-Ire c-rrentl/ downloading. T e release notes are feat-red on t e "in-8 #int we< 0age and answer t e following D-estionsE ! at are t e new feat-res deliAered in t is releaseL

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! at are t e 9nown 0ro<le,s of t is releaseL &ow do I -0grade fro, t e 0reAio-s releaseL

T e/ also contain screens ots of t e latest release. Of co-rse: /o- co-ld find o-t a<o-t ,ost feat-res ig lig ted in t e release notes </ si,0l/ -sing t e o0erating s/ste,: <-t /o- ,ig t ,iss a few t ings: so it is ,ost relia<le to read t e release notes. T e release notes for "in-8 #int 11 %at/a are aAaila<le ereE tt0EJJwww.lin-8,,JrelM9at/a.0 0

C51+9 &51 MD5

3o-IAe read t e release notes: /o- ?-st canIt wait to 0la/ wit t e new feat-res or tr/ "in-8 #int: and /o-r download ?-st finis ed s-ccessf-ll/. 3o-Ire read/ to <-rn a DVD and to <oot on itN <-t e/O !ait for a secondO If t at DVD is fa-lt/ /o- will e80erience weird <-gs and will aAe a lot of tro-<le finding el0. T e two ,ost co,,on reasons for a DVD to <e fa-lt/ areE An iss-e wit t e download ca-sing 0ro<le,s in /o-r I.O file An error d-ring t e <-rn 0rocess t at alters t e contents of /o-r <-rned liAeDVD

T e #D5 signat-re: w ic is 0resent on t e download 0age: 0roAides a D-ic9 wa/ for /o- to ,a9e s-re t at /o-r I.O file is e8actl/ li9e it s o-ld <e. .o: letIs c ec9 t e I.O file /o- ?-st downloaded <efore we <-rn it and saAe o-rselAes fro, a lot of 0otential 0ro<le,s. If /o- r-n an/ Aersion of "in-8 /o- 0ro<a<l/ alread/ aAe t e ,d5s-, 0rogra, installed. O0en a ter,inal and *cd+ to t e director/ w ere /o-r I.O file is @for instance: if *lin-8,int5gno,e5i)8;.iso+ is on t e Des9to0B: o0en a ter,inal and t/0eE
cd ~/Desktop md5sum linuxmint-gnome-i386.iso

T is co,,and s o-ld o-t0-t a series of n-,<ers and letters w ic co,0rise t e #D5 s-,: or signat-re: of /o-r I.O file. >/ design: an/ s,all c ange to t e I.O file will ca-se t is signat-re to <e significantl/ different: allowing -s to Aerif/ t at t e file is e8actl/ as it s o-ld <e. 4o,0are t at signat-re wit t e one on t e download 0age of t e "in-8 #int we<site. If t e two signat-res are t e sa,e: t en /o- 9now /o-r I.O file is e8actl/ t e sa,e as t e original and /o- can now get read/ to <-rn it on DVD If /o- a00en to r-n !indows: c ances are /o- donIt aAe ,d5s-, installed. 3o- can get it fro, ereE tt0EJJwww.etree.orgJ,d5co,. t,l Page 1 of 50

Place t e I.O file and t e ,d5s-,.e8e in t e sa,e 0lace @letIs sa/ in 4EPB and r-n *c,d.e8e+. In t e co,,and line enAiron,ent: t/0e t e following co,,andsE
C: cd \ md5sum linuxmint-gnome-i386.iso

T en co,0are t e signat-re to t e one 0resent on t e we<site.

B*'% &51 ISO &( DVD

Now t at /o- aAe c ec9ed t e I.O file wit #D5: /o- are read/ to <-rn it to a DVD.
Note: Linux int also provides images which fit on +,, ( -.s. %f you can/t burn .0.s please use the -. images instead.

$et a <lan9 DVD5R @a DVD5R! s o-ld wor9 as well: <-t t is t/0e of ,edia is 9nown to aAe co,0ati<ilit/ iss-esB and /o-r faAorite ,ar9er and la<el t e DVD. Alt o-g la<eling /o-r DVDs so-nds triAial: /o- s o-ld <e s-re to do so: as /o- can easil/ end -0 wit (0 -nla<eled and -nidentifia<le discs on /o-r des9. EB Insert t e <lan9 DVD5R in t e driAe and get read/ to <-rn t e I.O. If /o-Ire r-nning "in-8 wit $no,e rig t5clic9 on t e I.O file and select *!rite to Disc+. If /o-Ire r-nning "in-8 wit %DE: la-nc %)> and in t e *Tools+ ,en- c oose *!rite I.O I,age+. If /o-=re r-nning "in-8 and wo-ld li9e to -se t e ter,inal: fro, t e director/ /o- aAe downloaded t e i,age toE
cdrecord -v -dao dev=1,0,0 linuxmint-gnome-i386.iso

Re0lacing t e n-,<ers after deAQ wit t e a00ro0riate deAice n-,<er for /o-r disc driAe. 3o- can r-n
cdrecord -scanbus

to find t is o-t. 3o- ,a/ need to <e root to r-n t ese co,,ands. If /o-Ire r-nning !indows /o- can -se a 0rogra, li9e InfraRecorderE
Note: a)e sure to burn the %&' image to dis)* and not to write the %&' file to the dis). A very common mista)e* especially for people using Nero* is to actually burn the %&' file on the dis) as a data file. "he %&' file is an image of a dis) so it needs to be burnt not as a file which will appear on the dis)* but as an %&' image which will be decompressed and whose content will be burnt onto the disc. After burning the .0. you shouldn/t see the %&' file within the disc* but rather folders li)e 1casper2 or 1isolinux2. ost burning software has a special option for this.

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B((& &51 L,:1DVD

Place t e DVD in t e driAe and restart t e co,0-ter. 3o- s o-ld now see t e following screenE

Note: %f you don3t see this screen and your #- boots as usual it3s probably because your (%'& is not set to boot on .0.. 4estart the computer and press $5* $6* .elete* or 7scape 8or whatever )ey lets you enter the (%'& configuration9 and change your (%'& settings to tell your computer to boot from its .0. drive.

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I%.&477 L,%*- M,%& (% /(*' H4') D',:1

2ro, t e first screen c oose t e defa-lt *.tart "in-8 #int+ o0tion and 0ress Enter.

After a little w ile t e liAe s/ste, s o-ld <e read/ and /o- s o-ld see t e des9to0E

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At t is stage "in-8 #int is not installed on /o-r co,0-ter: itIs si,0l/ r-nning fro, t e DVD. T e s/ste, /o- aAe in front of /o- is: oweAer: al,ost e8actl/ t e sa,e as t e one /o- will aAe on /o-r co,0-ter after t e installation is finis ed. &aAe f-n wit it and see if /o- li9e it. >ear in ,ind t at w en r-nning fro, t e DVD: "in-8 #int r-ns significantl/ slower t an it does w en it is installed on a ard driAe: since it as to read data fro, t e DVD driAe: w ic is a slower ,edi-, t an t e ard driAe. ! en /o- are read/: do-<le5clic9 on t e *Install "in-8 #int+ icon located on t e des9to0. T e Installer a00earsE

If /o- aAenIt read t e release notes /et: and /o- aAe an Internet connection: t en t is an ideal o00ort-nit/ to reAiew t e,C si,0l/ clic9 on t e -nderlined lin9. It is ig l/ reco,,ended t at -sers read t e release notes prior to installation in order to adAise t e,selAes of new feat-res: as well as an/ iss-es t at ,ig t affect t eir 0artic-lar ardware config-ration. .elect /o-r lang-age and 0ress t e *2orward+ <-tton.

Page 1) of 50

In t e ne8t screen: ,a9e s-re /o-=re connected to a 0ower so-rce @if /o-=re -sing a la0to0B: t e Internet and t at /o- aAe t e reco,,ended a,o-nt of dis9 s0ace. T en 0ress t e *2orward+ <-tton.

In t e ne8t screen /o- can assign /o-r entire ard driAe to "in-8 #int or install it alongside ot er o0erating s/ste,s. AlternatiAel/: /o- can also define and assign t e 0artitions ,an-all/.

If /o- c oose to -se t e entire dis9: its content will <e erased and "in-8 #int will <e installed as t e onl/ o0erating s/ste, on /o-r co,0-ter. If /o- c oose to install it alongside ot er o0erating s/ste,s: t e installer will -se t e free s0ace aAaila<le on ot er 0artitions to create a new one for "in-8 #int. Page 16 of 50

3o- will <e as9ed ow ,-c s0ace /o- want to allocate to it. T e installer will t en s rin9 a 0artition and ta9e care of eAer/t ing for /o-. Post5installation /o-r co,0-ter will aAe a <oot screen fro, w ic /o-=ll <e a<le to <oot all /o-r o0erating s/ste,s. If /o- c oose to s0ecif/ 0artitions ,an-all/: a 0artition editor will a00ear: giAing /o- f-ll control oAer t e 0artitioning of /o-r ard driAe. T is is reco,,ended onl/ to adAanced -sers w o -nderstand ow 0artitioning wor9s -nder "in-8. Note t at "in-8 #int reD-ires a 0artition of at least )$> and t at t e reco,,ended siGe for a swa0 0artition is 1.5 ti,es t e a,o-nt of RA# aAaila<le on t e co,0-ter.

4 oose t e a00ro0riate o0tion and clic9 on t e *2orward+ <-tton.

T e ne8t screen as9s /o- to confir,. ! en read/ 0ress t e *Install Now+ <-tton to start t e installation. At t is stage: t e installation is going on in t e <ac9gro-nd and t e installer as9s /oset-0 D-estionsE

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4 oose /o-r location on t e ,a0 </ clic9ing on t e cit/ w ic is t e nearest to /o-. T e 0-r0ose of t is ste0 is to identif/ /o-r ti,e Gone. #a9e s-re t e *4-rrent ti,e+ a00ears correctl/ and clic9 t e *2orward+ <-tton.
Note: &ometimes the installer doesn/t properly handle &ummer/:inter time ad;ustments* so even by selecting the proper city you might see a difference of an hour or so with the correct time. &imply ignore this at this stage and remember to ma)e sure that the time is correct after you reboot in your newly installed Linux int des)top.

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.elect /o-r 9e/<oard la/o-t. If /o- are not s-re a<o-t e8actl/ w ic la/o-t ,atc es t e 9e/<oard /o- aAe: clic9 on t e te8t field at t e <otto, of t e screen and start t/0ing wit /o-r 9e/<oard. #a9e s-re t e 9e/s /o- 0ress ,atc t e c aracters t at a00ear in t e te8t field in order to ens-re /o- aAe selected t e rig t 9e/<oard la/o-t. .o,e la/o-ts onl/ differ wit res0ect to accents: n-,<ers and 0-nct-ation signs: so ,a9e s-re to test t ese as well. ! en /o-Ire read/ clic9 t e *2orward+ <-tton. Enter /o-r real na,e and a -serna,e and 0assword. EAer/ ti,e /o-Ill -se "in-8 #int /o-Ill -se /o-r acco-nt wit t is -serna,e and 0assword. Once "in-8 #int is installed /o-Ill <e a<le to define ot er acco-nts if ot er 0eo0le are to -se t is co,0-ter. Also giAe /o-r co,0-ter a na,e. T is na,e will <e -sed </ /o-r co,0-ter on t e networ9 or in Aario-s 0laces of t e s/ste,. If /o-IAe neAer reall/ t o-g t a<o-t na,ing /o-r co,0-ters: t en now is t e ti,e. Peo0le co,,onl/ 0ic9 flower @da lia: rose: t-li0B or 0lanet @,ars: ?-0iter: 0l-toB na,es for t e co,0-ters on t eir networ9. ItIs entirel/ -0 to /o- w at /o- want to -se: <-t ,a9e s-re to 0ic9 a na,e /o- li9e and t at /o- will easil/ re,e,<er.
Note: -apital letters* spaces and special characters are not permitted in the username or in the name of the computer.

If /o-=re t e onl/ one -sing t e co,0-ter and /o- want to </0ass t e login screen: c ec9 t e o0tion *"og in a-to,aticall/+.

Page 17 of 50

! en /o-Ire read/ clic9 on t e *2orward+ <-tton.

T e installer ,ig t detect ot er o0erating s/ste,s on /o-r co,0-ter and as9 /o- if /owant to ,igrate so,e 0ersonal infor,ation. T/0icall/ t is allows /o- to ,igrate <oo9,ar9s: contacts: faAorites and ot er sorts of 0ersonal infor,ation fro, ot er o0erating s/ste,s installed on /o-r ard dis9 driAe into t e newl/ installed "in-8 #int. ! en /o-Ire read/ clic9 on t e *2orward+ <-tton.

Page 18 of 50

T e installation s o-ld ta9e <etween 10 and 15 ,in-tes.

Note: "he installer will download pac)ages from the %nternet to support the language you3ve selected. <our computer needs to be connected to the %nternet for this to wor). 'therwise ;ust 1s)ip2 that step and you3ll be able to add support for your language after the installation is finished and you3ve rebooted into your new system.

Once t e installation is done clic9 t e *Restart Now+ <-tton and t e liAeDVD enAiron,ent will s -t down. ! en 0ro,0ted: re,oAe t e DVD fro, t e driAe and 0ress Enter. 3o-r P4 is now read/ to <oot "in-8 #int fro, t e ard driAe.

T51 B((& .1;*1%+1

'0on re<oot: if /o- aAe ,ore t an one o0erating s/ste, installed: /o- s o-ld see a *<oot ,en-+. Once "in-8 #int is finis ed loading /o- s o-ld see a new screen inAiting /o- to enter /o-r -serna,e and 0assword. T is screen is t e *$no,e "ogin #anager+ and is co,,onl/ called *$D#+. Enter t e 0assword /o- c ose d-ring t e installation.

Page 11 of 50

Note: (y default* your 1root2 password is the same as the password you chose during the installation. %f you do not )now what this means* then don/t worry about it.

Page (0 of 50

I%&'()*+&,(% &( &51 L,%*- M,%& D1.9&(0

T is section of t e g-ide will foc-s on t e tec nologies and t e tools t at are s0ecific to "in-8 #int and 0roAide infor,ation on so,e of t e a00lications and tec nologies incl-ded </ defa-lt in t e #ain Edition.

T51 #%(21 D1.9&(0

T e *des9to0+ is t e co,0onent of t e o0erating s/ste, w ic is res0onsi<le for t e ele,ents t at a00ear on t e des9to0E T e Panel: t e !all0a0er: t e 4ontrol 4enter: t e ,en-sNetc. T e #ain Edition of "in-8 #int -ses t e *$no,e+ des9to0 w ic is <ot int-itiAe and 0owerf-l. 3o- can find t e $no,e 'ser $-ide at t is addressE tt0EJJli<rar/.gno,e.orgJ-sersJ-ser5 g-ideJ(.)(J-ser5g-ide. t,l

D1.9&(0 S1&&,%<.
*Des9to0 .ettings+ is a tool deAelo0ed s0eciall/ for "in-8 #int w ic allows /o- to ra0idl/ config-re t e as0ects of /o-r $no,e Des9to0 t at /o- will -se t e ,ost.

Page (1 of 50

"a-nc it </ clic9ing on *#en-+ @in t e <otto,5left corner of /o-r screenB: t en select *Preferences+ and clic9 on *Des9to0 .ettings+.

Page (( of 50

T e #en-"in-8 #int co,es wit a -niD-e ,en-. T is ,en- was initiall/ ins0ired </ t e *.la<+ ,en- deAelo0ed </ .'.E <-t differs fro, it in ,an/ wa/s. "in-8 #int also co,es wit t e defa-lt $no,e ,en- w ic /o- can actiAate to re0lace t e "in-8 #int #en-: w ic weIll learn ow to do later on. T e "in-8 #int #en- is: oweAer: wort learning. Alt o-g it is Aer/ different fro, w at /o- ,ig t <e -sed to: /o-Ill 0ro<a<l/ loAe it once /o-=Ae gotten -sed to it. To o0en t e ,en- clic9 on t e *#en-+ <-tton at t e <otto,5left corner of /o-r screen or 0ress 4TR"R.'PERM" @*.-0erM"+ is t e left !indows 9e/ on /o-r 9e/<oardB.

#1&&,%< &( 9%(8 &51 21%*

T51 =P74+1.> 21%*

On t e to0 left corner of t e ,en- /o- can see a section called *Places+ w ic 0roAides fiAe <-ttons. T ese <-ttons giAe /o- D-ic9 access to t e ,ost i,0ortant 0laces wit in /o-r $no,e Des9to0.

Page () of 50

T e *4o,0-ter+ Place s ows /o- t e storage Aol-,es 0resent in /o-r co,0-ter. If /o-r 0artitions are alread/ ,o-nted and *Des9to0 .ettings+ is set to s ow *#o-nted Vol-,es+ on t e des9to0: t en /o- 0ro<a<l/ donIt need to access t is Place Aer/ often. &oweAer: if /o- c oose not to s ow t e ,o-nted Aol-,es on /o-r des9to0: or if /oneed to ,o-nt a 0artition w ic is not ,o-nted </ defa-lt: t is Place can 0roAe Aer/ -sef-l.

Page (6 of 50

In contrast: t e *&o,e+ Place is one of t e ,en- <-ttons /o-Ill 0ro<a<l/ -se t e ,ost. If /o-IAe -sed $no,e <efore: /o-Ire 0ro<a<l/ -sed to clic9ing on t e *&o,e+ icon 0laced on t e des9to0. ! en windows are o0ened and w en t e des9to0 is not co,0letel/ Aisi<le: t e ,en- can 0roAe -sef-l </ 0roAiding /o- wit a wa/ to D-ic9l/ access /o-r *&o,e+.

3o-r *&o,e+ folder e8ists to giAe /o- a 0lace to 0-t all of /o-r 0ersonal data. T e *Des9to0+ folder corres0onds to w at is s own on /o-r des9to0: so 0lacing a file ere will also 0lace it on /o-r des9to0. T e sa,e effect can <e ac ieAed </ si,0l/ dragging t e file onto t e des9to0. T e *Networ9+ Place si,0l/ s ows /o- t e ot er co,0-ters: s ared serAices: do,ains: and wor9gro-0s 0resent on /o-r networ9. T e *Tras + Place is w ere files end -0 after /o- delete t e,.

! en /o- rig t clic9 on a file /o- can eit er *#oAe to Tras + or *Delete+. If /o- c oose to *Delete+: t e file will <e 0er,anentl/ deleted and /o- nor,all/ wonIt <e a<le to recoAer it. If /o- c oose *#oAe to Tras + it will <e ,oAed to t e *Tras + Place: w ic is accessi<le fro, t e ,en-. 2ro, t ere /o- will <e a<le to drag and dro0 it so,ew ere else if /o- want to restore it: 0er,anentl/ delete one or ,ore files: or select *E,0t/ Tras + if /o- want to 0er,anentl/ delete all ite,s fro, t e Tras . T51 =S/.&12> 21%* T ere is a section called *./ste,+ in t e <otto, left corner of t e ,en-. T is section 0roAides si8 <-ttons w ic let /o- D-ic9l/ access i,0ortant feat-res of t e s/ste,.

Page (5 of 50

T e *.oftware #anager+ <-tton la-nc es t e "in-8 #int .oftware #anager. T is 0rogra, is t e reco,,ended wa/ to install software in "in-8 #int. !e will tal9 ,ore a<o-t t is feat-re later onC for now: let=s e80lore t e ot er o0tions.

Page (; of 50

T e *Pac9age #anager+ <-tton la-nc es an a00lication called *./na0tic+. T e 0-r0ose of t is a00lication is to ,anage t e 0ac9ages t at are installed on /o-r co,0-ter and t e 0ac9ages t at are aAaila<le in t e re0ositories. If t is doesnIt ,a9e ,-c sense to /o/et: donIt worr/: we will tal9 a<o-t 0ac9ages and ow t e/ wor9 in greater detail later on.

T e *4ontrol 4enter+ <-tton la-nc es t e $no,e 4ontrol 4enter. T is a00lication lets /o- config-re eAer/ as0ect of t e $no,e Des9to0 and of t e co,0-ter in general. !e will go t ro-g eac ite, wit in t is 4ontrol 4enter at a later ti,e.

Page (7 of 50

T e *Ter,inal+ <-tton la-nc es an a00lication called *Ter,inal+ w ic lets /o- enter co,,ands directl/ -sing t e 9e/<oard. If /o-Ire -sed to #icrosoft !indows /o- ,a/ t in9 t at t is is old at: <eca-se in !indows t e co,,and line asn=t 0rogressed ,-c f-rt er t an t e *DO. 0ro,0t+ and is idden awa/ in an accessories ,en-. One of t e wa/s in w ic "in-8 s/ste,s differ fro, !indows s/ste,s is t at t e ter,inal is D-ite i,0ortant in "in-8: as it is often -sed as a wa/ of getting ,ore direct control oAer one=s co,0-ter. !eId 0ro<a<l/ agree t at t e Ter,inal isnIt t e ,ost Ais-all/ a00ealing a00lication incl-ded in "in-8 #int: <-t it is wort 9nowing t at it is </ far t e ,ost 0owerf-l: and once learned itIs act-all/ not Aer/ ard to -se. In fact: it is wort w ile -nderstanding t at every co,,and t at /o- e8ec-te -sing a gra0 ical des9to0 enAiron,ent goes t ro-g t e Ter,inal. ! en /o- clic9 on an icon on t e ,en-: for e8a,0le: /o- are instr-cting $no,e to 0ass a te8t-al instr-ction to t e Ter,inal. As an instr-ctional e8ercise: if /o- o0en *#ain #en-+ fro, t e *"oo9 and 2eel+ section of *4ontrol 4enter+ @see a<oAeB: and naAigate to an/ of t e a00lication ,en-s: 0ic9 an a00lication: and clic9 on t e 0ro0erties <-tton: /o- will see in t e *4o,,and+ field t e te8t co,,and t at is 0assed to t e s/ste, w en /o- clic9 on t at a00lication=s entr/ in t e ,en-. In ot er words: /o- aAe alread/ <een -sing t e Ter,inal for so,e ti,e: 0er a0s wit o-t realiGing it. All t at was different was t at: instead of /ot/0ing o-t t e co,,ands: /o-r des9to0 @$no,eB was doing it for /o- @w ic is a good t ing <eca-se no<od/ wants to re,e,<er -ndreds of a00lication na,es all t e ti,eB. .ooner or later: t o-g : /o- will 0ro<a<l/ aAe <e in a sit-ation w ic ca-ses /o- to -se t e Ter,inal directl/: eit er to access co,,ands t at are not aAaila<le t ro-g an/ $'I: or to get a ?o< done ,ore efficientl/. 3es: /o- read t at rig tO It can <e ,ore efficient to t/0e a single co,,and: for certain tas9s: t an to o0en -0 lots of windows to ac ieAe t e Page (8 of 50

sa,e t ing. T e ,ore /o- -se it: t e ,ore /o-Ill co,e to act-all/ li9e it. Re,e,<er ow /o- didnIt li9e certain t ings w en /o- were a 9id and ow /o- co-ldnIt do wit o-t t e, nowL Ter,inal is one of t ese t ings. In a few wee9s: /o-Ill <e co,0letel/ addicted to it. 3o-=ll <egin to feel in co,0lete control of /o-r co,0-ter. T ere will <e ti,es w en /o- wonIt eAen aAe to -se t e Ter,inal: <-t /o- will an/wa/: <eca-se for so,e tas9s itIs faster: ,ore acc-rate: ,ore Aersatile and act-all/ si,0ler to -se t an eD-iAalent gra0 ical interfaces. And an/one watc ing /o- will t in9 /o-=re a co,0lete 0ro.

T e *"ogo-t+ <-tton la-nc es a dialog w ic lets /o- logo-t or switc -sers. T e *S-it+ <-tton la-nc es a dialog <o8 w ic lets /o- c oose w at /o- want to doE 5 5 5 5 *.-s0end+ saAes /o-r session to RA# and /o-r co,0-ter goes to slee0 -ntil /o0ress a 9e/. *&i<ernate+ saAes /o-r session to /o-r ard driAe and /o-r co,0-ter s -ts down. *Restart+ restarts t e co,0-ter. *. -t Down+ t-rns t e co,0-ter off.

Note: %t is also possible to loc) the screen by pressing -"4L=AL"=L.

T51 =A007,+4&,(%.> 21%* T e "in-8 #int DVD is co,0ressed and act-all/ contains a<o-t )$> of data. T e a00lications t at are incl-ded </ defa-lt w en /o- install "in-8 #int are said to <e 0art of t e *Defa-lt .oftware .election+. .ince one of t e 0-r0oses of "in-8 #int is to <e eas/ to -se and to wor9 o-t of t e <o8: a collection of software is incl-ded </ defa-lt in order to let /o- ac ieAe co,,onJ i,0ortant tas9s.

Page (1 of 50

In t e rig t5 and section of t e ,en-: /o- can see all installed a00lications. T e/ are organiGed </ categories. T e first categor/ is called *All+ and: as /o- 0ro<a<l/ g-essed: it s ows /o- a list of all installed a00lications. T e last two categories: *Preferences+ and *Ad,inistration+: s ow /o- t e tools and a00lications 0roAided to config-re and ad,inistrate "in-8 #int. !eIll foc-s on t ese a00lications later on: as t e/ are also 0resent in t e *4ontrol 4enter+. T e 5 categories in t e center 0roAide ,ost of t e a00lications /o-Ill -se on a dail/ <asis. As /o- install new software: new categories ,ig t a00ear. In *Accessories+: /o- can find t e following softwareE N421 4alc-lator 4 aracter #a0 Dis9 'sage Anal/Ger .earc for 2iles... Ta9e .creens ot D1.+',0&,(% A calc-lator A tool to easil/ co0/ and 0aste s0ecial c aracters @accent-ation for instanceB A tool w ic s ows /o- w at ta9es s0ace on /o-r ard driAe. A tool t at lets /o- searc for files on t e co,0-ter A tool to ta9e screens ots. 3o- can also la-nc t is wit t e *Print .crn+ 9e/ on /o-r 9e/<oard to ta9e screens ots of t e des9to0: or wit *A"T+R+Print .crn+ to ta9e screens ots of t e c-rrent window. T e Ter,inal To config-re t e ti,e and date A te8t editor called *gedit+ An a00lication to ta9e notes

Ter,inal Ti,e and Date gEdit To,<o/ Notes

In *$ra0 ics+ /o- can find t e following softwareE N421 $I#P I,age Editor "i<reOffice Draw .i,0le .can gT -,< D1.+',0&,(% An a00lication t at lets /o- ,odif/: conAert or eAen create 0ict-res. T e <est "in-8 eD-iAalent to P otos o0. Part of t e "i<reOffice s-ite of a00lications. A tool to ca0t-re i,ages fro, a scanner An a00lication to ,anage /o-r 0 otos

In *Internet+ /o- can find t e following softwareE N421 2irefo8 $iAer T -nder<ird Pidgin D1.+',0&,(% A !e< <rowser A D-ic9 file5s aring -tilit/ An E,ail a00lication An Internet #essenger @co,0ati<le wit Page )0 of 50

AI#: >on?o-r:

Trans,ission Hc at

$ad-5$ad-: $oogle5Tal9: $ro-0!ise: I4S: IR4: #.N: #/.0aceI#: SS: .I#P"E: .a,eti,e: H#PP: 3a oo and Te0 /rB A Torrent client. An IR4 c at 0rogra,. It is config-red </ defa-lt to a-to,aticall/ connect /o- to t e "in-8 #int c at roo, @Aer/ -sef-l if /o- want to tal9 to ot er "in-8 #int -sersB.

In *Office+ /o- can find t e following softwareE N421 Dictionar/ "i<reOffice >ase "i<reOffice I,0ress "i<reOffice 4alc "i<reOffice !riter D1.+',0&,(% A dictionar/ @reD-ires an Internet connectionB A data<ase a00lication @alternatiAe to #icrosoft AccessB. A 0resentation a00lication to ,a9e slides @alternatiAe to #icrosoft Power0oint and co,0ati<le wit PPTB A s0reads eet a00lication @alternatiAe to #icrosoft E8cel and co,0ati<le wit H".B A word 0rocessor @alternatiAe to #icrosoft !ord and co,0ati<le wit DO4.B

In *.o-nd 7 Video+ /o- can find t e following softwareE N421 >rasero #oAie Pla/er >ans ee D1.+',0&,(% A 4DJDVD <-rning a00lication. >rasero can also ,a9e a-dio 4Ds fro, ,-lti,edia files. A ,-lti,edia a00lication w ic is associated wit ,ost Aideo and a-dio files @alternatiAe to #icrosoft #edia Pla/erB A ,-sic a00lication to 0la/ online radio: strea, ,-sic fro, t e Internet and online ,-sic serAices and to listen to /o-r collection of ,-sic files @alternatiAe to iT-nesB. >ans ee also ,anages 0odcasts: 0orta<le 0la/ers and can ri0 4Ds. A so-nd recorder. A Aideo 0la/er: notorio-s for <eing a<le to 0la/ ,ost Aideo files aAaila<le on t e !e<.

.o-nd Recorder V"4 T51 =S14'+5> 6,17)

If /o- canIt re,e,<er ow to find a 0artic-lar a00lication wit in t e ,en- or if /o- want to get D-ic9er access to it /o- can -se t e searc feat-re. .i,0l/ clic9 on *#en-+ in t e <otto,5left corner of /o-r screen and start t/0ing t e na,e or a descri0tion of t e a00lication /o-Ire loo9ing for.

Page )1 of 50

As /o-Ire t/0ing: onl/ t e a00lications ,atc ing /o-r searc will sta/ Aisi<le wit in t e ,en-. If /o-r searc /ields no res-lts: t e ,en- will 0roAide *s-ggestions+ related to t e 9e/word /o- t/0ed. 2or instance: if /o- t/0e *o0era+ and if t e O0era we< <rowser isn=t installed on /o-r s/ste,: t e ,en- will s ow a <-tton to install it: or to searc t e software 0ortal or t e re0ositories for it.

D16,%1 /(*' 64:(',&1 4007,+4&,(%.

3o-Ill -se so,e a00lications ,ore t an ot ers: so /o-Ill D-ic9l/ find t at /o- want fast access to t e a00lications t at /o-Ire -sing t e ,ost. T e ,en- lets /o- define *faAorite+ a00lications and 9ee0 t e, on a s0ecial ,en- for eas/ aAaila<ilit/. Rig t clic9 on an a00lication of /o-r c oice wit t e ,en- and select *. ow in ,/ faAorites+. 3o- can also drag 7 dro0 an a00lication on t e *2aAorites+ <-tton w ic is located on t e to05rig t corner of t e ,en-. 4lic9 on t e *2aAorites+ <-tton in t e to05rig t corner of t e ,en- and /o- s o-ld now see /o-r faAorite a00lications @clic9 t e <-tton again to switc <ac9 to t e co,0lete a00lication listB. ! en t e faAorites section of t e ,en- is actiAe: /o- can reorganiGe t e a00lications. Dragging and dro00ing allows /o- to c ange t eir order: w ile t e rig t clic9 ,en- lets /o- insert s0aces and se0arators: as well as re,oAing ite,s @incl-ding s0aces and se0aratorsB fro, t e ,en-.

M491 /(*' (8% .5('&+*&.

If /o- donIt li9e t e idea of aAing *2aAorite+ a00lications: /o- can si,0l/ -se /o-r 0anel or /o-r des9to0 to ac ieAe si,ilar res-lts: @na,el/: giAing /o-rself D-ic9 access to /o-r a00licationsB. .i,0l/ drag 7 dro0 t e a00lication of /o-r c oice fro, t e ,en- to /o-r 0anel or to /o-r des9to0.

L4*%+5 4007,+4&,(%. 4*&(24&,+477/ 851% /(* 7(< ,%

3o- can rig t5clic9 on an/ a00lication in t e ,en- and select *"a-nc w en I log in+. T e a00lication will t en <e la-nc ed a-to,aticall/ eac ti,e after /o- log in. T is can <e disa<led </ following t e sa,e 0roced-re again.

C54%<1 &51 40014'4%+1 (6 &51 21%*

3o- can c-sto,iGe t e ,en- in ,an/ wa/s. *Preferences+. Page )( of 50 Rig t clic9 on *#en-+ and select

T e config-ration tool for t e ,en- a00ears. &ere: /o- can ,odif/ al,ost eAer/ as0ect of t e "in-8 #int ,en-. #ost of t e settings ta9e effect i,,ediatel/: <-t so,e reD-ire t e ,en- to <e restarted @t is can <e acco,0lis ed </ rig t clic9ing t e ,en- <-tton and selecting *Reload Pl-gins+B.

A+&,:4&1 &51 R1+1%& 07*<?,%

T e ,en- co,es wit a 0l-gin w ic is not actiAated </ defa-lt @,ostl/ <eca-se it ,a9es t e ,en- <iggerB. T is 0l-gin s ows t e 10 ,ost recentl/ o0ened doc-,ents.

Page )) of 50

To actiAate t is 0l-g5in: o0en t e ,en- 0references and select *. ow Recent Doc-,ents+.

R1.&('1 &51 )164*7& .1&&,%<.

If /o- want to reAert to t e defa-lt settings: rig t clic9 on t e ,en- <-tton wit in t e 0anel: c oose *Re,oAe fro, Panel+: t en o0en a ter,inal and t/0eE
mintmenu clean

T en rig t clic9 on an e,0t/ 0art of t e Panel and c oose *Add to Panel+. T en select *,int#en-+ in t e list.

R1074+1 &51 21%* 8,&5 &51 )164*7& #%(21 21%*

If /o- decide /o- donIt li9e t e ,en- and t at no ,atter ow cool it is: /o- want to -se t e defa-lt $no,e ,en- instead: t en follow t e ste0s <elow. Rig t clic9 on t e ,en- <-tton wit in t e 0anel and c oose *Re,oAe fro, Panel+. T en rig t clic9 on an e,0t/ 0art of t e Panel and c oose *Add to Panel+. T en select *#ain #en-+ if /o- want a si,0le $no,e #en-: *#en- >ar+ if /o- want t e defa-lt $no,e #en- or *,int#en-+ if /o- c ange /o-r ,ind and act-all/ want to -se t e "in-8 #int ,en-.

Page )6 of 50

S(6&84'1 M4%4<121%&
P4+94<1 M4%4<121%& ,% L,%*- M,%&
If /o- aAe installed "in-8 for t e first ti,e: t en /o- ,a/ not <e fa,iliar wit t e conce0t of organiGing software into *0ac9ages+. 3o- will soon <eco,e fa,iliar wit 0ac9age ,anage,ent and a00reciate t e adAantages it offers in ter,s of sec-rit/: control and ease of -se. !e aAe tried to ,a9e it so t at all or ,ost of /o-r ardware was detected and driAers were installed a-to,aticall/ so t at /o-r co,0-ter wo-ld wor9 o-t of t e <o8. !e aAe also tried to ,a9e it so t at /o- co-ld do ,an/ of t e t ings /o- want to wit o-t aAing to loo9 aro-nd for t ird 0art/ software on we<sites. 3o- ,a/ aAe noticed t at /o-r "in-8 #int installation alread/ as a f-ll office s-ite: a 0rofessional5D-alit/ i,age5 editing sol-tion: an I# and an IR4 client: a dis9 <-rner: and seAeral ,edia 0la/ers @as well as ,an/ ot er <asic accessoriesB. Rela8: it=s o9a/O 3o- aAen=t stolen an/t ingO T is is w at free software is all a<o-tO And t e tr-l/ great t ing a<o-t 0ac9age ,anage,ent in "in-8 #int and generall/ is t at /o- s o-ld neAer need to loo9 far and wide for e8tra software: eAen w en t e ti,e co,es t at /o- do want ,ore f-nctionalit/ fro, /o-r "in-8 #int s/ste,. T is section is intended to e80lain ow t is wor9s and t e adAantages t at it can <ring to /o-. It=s a <it long: <-t o0ef-ll/ it will 0roAide /o- wit a good -nderstanding of t e 0 iloso0 / <e ind 0ac9age ,anage,ent and w / it is considered a $ood T ing @a 0 rase co,,onl/ ca0italiGed </ "in-8 -sers to ,ean t at so,et ing is sD-arel/ in t e categor/ of goodB. If /o-=re in a -rr/: /o- can s9i0 to t e ne8t section w ic will tell /o- ow to act-all/ -se t e 0ac9age s/ste,. T e 0ro<le,s wit <rowsing software Aendors= we<sites and downloading and installing t e software t e/ offer are ,an/E It is diffic-lt or i,0ossi<le to find o-t if t e software as <een tested to wor9 wit /o-r o0erating s/ste, It is diffic-lt or i,0ossi<le to 9now ow t is software will interact wit t e ot er software installed on /o-r s/ste, It is diffic-lt or i,0ossi<le to 9now if /o- can 0lace /o-r tr-st t at software fro, an -n9nown deAelo0er software will not ca-se an/ ar,: willf-l or negligent: to /o-r s/ste, 7ven if you )now about a specific piece of software and its developer* you cannot be entirely sure that you are not downloading an executable that has been swapped out by a malicious third party for some type of malware.

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2-rt er,ore: a 0ro<le, wit downloading and installing ,-lti0le different 0rogra,s: fro, ,-lti0le different deAelo0ers: is t at t ere is no ,anagerial infrastr-ct-re. >efore /o- sa/ *<ig deal+: consider ow /o- are going to 9ee0 all t ese different 0ieces of software -0 to date. If /o- get tired of a 0rogra, and want to re,oAe it: ow do /o9now ow to ac ieAe t atL T e 0rogra, in D-estion ,ig t not aAe co,e wit a re,oAal o0tion: and eAen if it did: ,-c of t e ti,e t is will fail to re,oAe t e software cleanl/ and co,0letel/. In a Aer/ real sense: w en /o- ran t at installer 0rogra,: /o- gaAe -0 so,e of /o-r control of /o-r co,0-ter to a 0rogra, written entirel/ </ a co,0lete stranger. 2inall/: software w ic is distri<-ted in t is wa/ is often: </ Airt-e of necessit/: *static+. T is ,eans t at not onl/ do /o- need to download t e 0rogra, itself: <-t also all of t e data li<raries t at are reD-ired for it to r-n. .ince a t ird50art/ software deAelo0er cannot 9now w ic data li<raries /o- ,a/ alread/ aAe aAaila<le on /o-r s/ste,: t e onl/ wa/ t at t e/ can g-arantee it will r-n on /o-r s/ste, is </ s-00l/ing all of t e data li<raries it needs along wit t e 0rogra, itself. T is ,eans <igger downloads: and it ,eans t at w en t e ti,e co,es to -0date a giAen li<rar/: it needs to <e done se0aratel/ for all t ose 0rogra,s -sing it: instead of ?-st once. In s-,,ar/: t e distri<-tion of static software res-lts in t e -nnecessar/ d-0lication of a lot of wor9. Pac9age ,anage,ent in "in-8 #int: and $N'J"in-8 o0erating s/ste,s in general: as <een esta<lis ed for so,e ti,e and is t e 0referred ,et od for ,anaging software as it aAoids all of t ese iss-es. !e=Ae <een safel/ and a-to,aticall/ installing o-r software since t e earl/ 1110s. .oftware is first written </ a deAelo0er: as /o- ,ig t e80ect: and t is end of t e 0rod-ction c ain is 9nown as *-0strea,+. As a -ser of a "in-8 distri<-tion: /o- are referred to as <eing at t e f-rt est 0oint *downstrea,+ @-nless /o-=re an ad,in: in w ic case your -sers are t e f-rt est 0oint downstrea,: <-t /o- 9new t at <eca-se /o-=re an ad,inB. Once t e deAelo0er is a00/ wit t e 0rogra, or t e -0date to t e 0rogra, t e/ aAe written: t e/ will release t e so-rce code for it. T e/ will also co,,-nicate in t eir doc-,entation w ic data li<raries or ot er 0rogra,s t e/ too9 adAantage of w en t e/ were writing t e 0rogra,. T e/ aAe <een doing t is for so,e ti,e and t ere are standardiGed and Aenera<le wa/s for t e, to do t is. Note t at: wit a few e8ce0tions @-s-all/ eit er ardware ,an-fact-rers w o release driAers for "in-8: li9e nVidia or ATI: or certain ,a?or co,0anies li9e Ado<e: w o we can tr-stB t e/ release t e act-al source code for t e 0rogra,: t at is: t e list of instr-ctions in t at 0rogra, in a -,an reada<le for,. T is as a n-,<er of i,0lications: <-t ,ost i,0ortantl/ for t is disc-ssion it ,eans t at t e/ are willing to aAe t eir software 0eer reAiewed </ an/one and eAer/one wit an Internet connection. It=s awf-ll/ diffic-lt to snea9 s0/ware into /o-r 0rogra, w en /o-=re letting eAer/one see w at /o-=Ae writtenO T e software now ,oAes down t e strea, to 0ac9age ,aintainers: w o are eit er Aol-nteers or 0aid e,0lo/ees wor9ing for a "in-8 distri<-tion. It is t eir res0onsi<ilit/ to co,0ile t e so-rce code for t e software: test it on t e distri<-tion to ,a9e s-re t at it wor9s: resolAe an/ 0ro<le,s t at t e/ enco-nter and finall/ pac)age t e co,0iled @i.e.:

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,ac ine5reada<leB software in a conAenient for,at. T is 0ac9age contains t e e8ec-ta<le 0rogra,@sB: t eir config-ration files: and t e instr-ctions t e 0ac9age ,anage,ent software needs to s-ccessf-ll/ install it. Note t at it won=t ordinaril/ contain an/ static li<raries: since it doesn=t need to U t e li<raries are 0roAided </ ot er 0ac9ages: and are t erefore 9nown as shared li<raries. 3o-r 0ac9age ,anage,ent software will 9now if t at a 0artic-lar 0ac9age reD-ires anot er 0ac9age to <e installed first @li9e a s ared li<rar/B: <eca-se: as /o- will re,e,<er: t e data li<raries and related 0ac9ages needed for t e software to wor9 were declared f-rt er -0strea, and t at infor,ation is incl-ded in t e 0ac9age. T e instr-ctions are s-fficientl/ detailed t at eAen s0ecific Aersions of ot er 0ac9ages can <e reD-ested to ens-re intero0era<ilit/. T e finis ed 0ac9age is t en -0loaded to a s0ecial file serAer: w ic is called a software re0ositor/. It is fro, t at single location t at /o- are a<le to download and install t e software /oneed. 3o- will 9now t at t e location is bona fide: <eca-se it is signed wit a certificate t at /o-r 0ac9age ,anager will c ec9. 3o- will also 9now t at eac indiAid-al 0ac9age t at /o- install is sec-re: <eca-se eac 0ac9age is itself signed </ a $P$ 9e/: w ic /o-r 0ac9age ,anager will also c ec9. 3o-r 0ac9age ,anager will eAen r-n an #D5 s-, on eac 0ac9age to ,a9e s-re t at not ing went wrong w en it was downloading: ?-st li9e we did <efore wit t e "iAeDVD iso. Notice ow it=s doing all of t is for /o-. 3o-=re ?-st sitting <ac9: si00ing a ,artini: and c atting in Klin-8,int on 8c at. T e 0ac9age ,anager as downloaded t e 0ac9ages /o- aAe selected: it will follow: to t e letter @co,0-ters are fastidio-s in following instr-ctionsB: t e instr-ctions in t e 0ac9age to 0erfectl/ install /o-r software: and all of its de0endencies: in t e rig t order. T ere is no s0ace for -,an error U if t e 0ac9age wor9ed on t e ,aintainer=s co,0-ter: t en it o-g t to on /o-rs <eca-se t e 0ac9age ,anager will follow exactly t e sa,e 0roced-re. ! en it co,es ti,e to c ec9 for software -0dates: /o-r 0ac9age ,anager will a-to,aticall/ co,0are t e software Aersion t at /o- aAe against w at is aAaila<le in t e re0ositor/: and do all t e necessar/ wor9 to 9ee0 /o-r s/ste, r-nning s,oot l/ and sec-rel/. .o: if Aersion (.6 of >est.oft is -0loaded to t e re0ositor/: and /o- aAe Aersion (.): t e 0ac9age ,anager will co,0are t ose Aersion n-,<ers: and offer to install t e latest Aersion: ta9ing care: of co-rse: of all t e de0endencies for t e newer Aersion of t e software. .o-nding good /etL It gets <etter. &-,ans err w ere co,0-ters don=t and fro, ti,e to ti,e so,et ing ,a/ go wrong in t is 0rocess. Per a0s /o- will: </ accident: install ardware driAers for t e wrong 0iece of ardware and t is ,ig t <rea9 so,et ing. !e=Ae all done t at. Or 0er a0s t ere=s a <-g or /o-r faAorite feat-re was re,oAed </ t e 0rogra,=s deAelo0er for so,e reason. T ese 0ro<le,s de,onstrate: 0arado8icall/: t e strengt and sec-rit/ of 0ac9age ,anage,ent. >eca-se /o-r 0ac9age ,anager 9ee0s fastidio-s records of eAer/t ing it eAer does: it is a<le to reAerse installations: cleanl/ and co,0letel/. It will ,a9e s-re t at re,oAing one 0ac9age doesn=t <rea9 an/ ot ers: and /o- can eAen tell it s0ecificall/ to do t ings li9e not a-to,aticall/ -0grade certain 0ac9ages: <eca-se /o- li9e t e, t e wa/ t e/ are: or to reAert to an earlier Aersion. 2inall/: t e w ole 0rocess is very eaAil/ 0eer5

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reAiewed. >eca-se /o- are 0art of a large co,,-nit/ of "in-8 -sers: all -sing t e sa,e re0ositories to o<tain t eir software: if an/t ing goes wrong /o- can <e a<sol-tel/ s-re t ere will <e a <ig f-ss a<o-t it: and t at t e 0ro<le, will <e resolAed D-ic9l/O In t is wa/: software distri<-tion in $N'J"in-8 distri<-tions is Aer/ ,-c <ased on tr-st: fro, t e ,o,ent t e original deAelo0er dis0la/s t eir so-rce code for all to see: to t e o0en disc-ssion on t e distri<-tion=s we<site. 3o- can <e confident in t e software /o- o<tain: not onl/ <eca-se of t e sec-rit/ 0rotocols alread/ ,entioned: <-t <eca-se if an/t ing does go wrong everyone will <e tal9ing a<o-t itO "et=s loo9 again at o-r list of 0ro<le,s and see w at we aAe solAedE

%t is difficult or impossible to find out if the software has been tested to wor) with your operating system 3o- 9now t at t e software aAaila<le to /o- t ro-g t e re0ositor/ as <een t oro-g l/ tested </ t e 0ac9age ,aintainer and t e testing tea, to wor9 wit /o-r o0erating s/ste,. T e/ won=t want to get it wrong: ,ostl/ on 0rinci0le: <-t also <eca-se if t e/ do t e/=ll soon <e getting lots of e,ails. %t is difficult or impossible to )now how this software will interact with the other software installed on your system .i,ilarl/: 0ac9age ,aintainers tr/ t eir -t,ost to ens-re t at 0ac9ages won=t conflict wit ot er 0ac9ages offered </ t eir distri<-tion. Of co-rse: t e/ ,ig t not aAe eAer/ last 0ac9age installed on t eir testing ,ac ines @in fact: -s-all/ 0ac9age ,aintainers <-ild t eir 0ac9ages on clean installations to ens-re t at t e/ are standardB: <-t if a ,e,<er of t e -ser co,,-nit/ finds o-t t at t ere is a 0ro<le,: t e/ will no do-<t let t e distri<-tion tea, 9now: and t e 0ro<le, will <e fi8ed: or at least wor9ed on. 'nless /o- are a <eta tester: t en /o- are -nli9el/ to eAer see s-c a conflict: <eca-se t at=s w at <eta testing is for. %t is difficult or impossible to )now if you can place your trust in the developer that their software will not cause any harm* willful or negligent* to your system Pac9age ,aintainers are ardl/ li9el/ to 0ac9age software t e/ 9now will ar, 0eo0le=s co,0-ters @incl-ding t eir ownBO Onl/ software w ic is 9nown and tr-sted will eAer ,a9e it to t e re0ositor/. 7ven if you )now about a specific piece of software and its developer* you cannot be entirely sure that you are not downloading an executable that has been swapped out by a malicious third party for some type of malware. In addition to t e -s-al sec-rit/ ,eas-res 0-t in 0lace </ t e instit-tions w o own t e serAers @-s-all/ 0restigio-s acade,ic or researc instit-tions: or large co,0aniesB: t e re0ositor/ and 0ac9ages t e,selAes are sec-red </ certificates and $P$ 9e/s. If so,et ing=s gone wrong: /o-r 0ac9age ,anager will tell /o- a<o-t it. T e 0resent a-t or: in ten /ears of -sing "in-8: as neAer once 9nown an/t ing to go wrong in t is res0ect. %t is difficult to remove 8all traces of9 installed programs >eca-se t e 0ac9age ,anage,ent software 9ee0s a co,0lete record of all of its actions: it is D-ite ca0a<le of reAersing an/ ste0s t at it too9 in t e 0ast:

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w ile ens-ring t at re,oAing one 0ac9age will not ca-se an/ ot er 0ac9age to fail. &tatic pac)ages are big and clun)y >eca-se /o-=re -sing 0ac9age ,anage,ent: /o- will onl/ eAer download static li<raries w en t ere is no s ared alternatiAe. If /o- need new s ared data li<raries to install a giAen 0rogra,: /o-r 0ac9age ,anager will 9now t is and install t e, for /o- a-to,aticall/. 3o- will onl/ eAer aAe to download a s ared li<rar/ once <eca-se: well: it=s s ared </ all t e 0rogra,s t at need it. If /o- end -0 re,oAing t e last 0ac9age t at needs a s ared li<rar/: t en t e 0ac9age ,anage,ent software will re,oAe t at too. (ut: if /o- decide t at /o- do want to 9ee0 t e s ared o<?ect an/wa/: 0er a0s <eca-se /o- ?-st 9now /o-=ll need it later: t en /o- can tell t e 0ac9age ,anage,ent software to do t at: too. %/m still not convinced $oodO Post a ,essage on t e for-,s a<o-t it if /o- aAe a gen-ine concern a<o-t 0ac9age ,anage,ent: or to as9 a<o-t ot er 0eo0le=s e80eriences. It <ears re0eating t at t e 0ac9age ,et od of distri<-tion in $N'J"in-8 relies on tr-st: so if t ere=s a 0ro<le,: we want to ear a<o-t itO

A final word. 3o- ,a/ aAe <een s-<?ected to r-,ors to t e effect t at "in-8 isn=t finis ed /et: or t at if /o- -se "in-8 t en /o- are a <eta5tester: or t at "in-8 software is -nsta<le. T ese are all alf tr-t s. *"in-8+ will neAer <e *finis ed+: an/ ,ore t an an/ ot er ,a?or o0erating s/ste, can <e considered *finis ed+. 2ro, t e "in-8 9ernel to t e artwor9 on /o-r screen: all t e ele,ents of /o-r o0erating s/ste, will always <e -nder so,e 9ind of deAelo0,ent. T is is <eca-se 0rogra,,ers are wor9ing ard to 9ee0 -s -0 to date wit t e latest deAelo0,ents in 0rogra,,ing and ardware tec nolog/. T is does not ,ean t at t e software aAaila<le for /o- to -se is of <ad D-alit/. T e <ase s/ste, at t e core of "in-8 #int as <een -nder eaA/ deAelo0,ent for a<o-t two decades now: and is Aer/ ,at-re: sta<le: and 0roAen. ! ile t ere are definitel/ -nsta<le Aersions of ,ost of t e software on /o-r o0erating s/ste,: you won=t <e -sing t e, <eca-se you/re not a <eta tester. 3o- 9now /o-=re not a <eta tester: <eca-se /o-=re reading t is. T e software aAaila<le to /o- on t e re0ositories /o- -se will always <e sta<le and well tested: -nless /o- c ange t ose re0ositories to t e ones -sed </ t e testers @in w ic case congrat-lations: /o-=Ae ?-st <eco,e a testerB. It=s a <it of a no5<rainer: reall/. .o: to s-,,ariGe wit an e8a,0le: w en /o- install O0era: Real Pla/er or $oogle Eart in "in-8 #int: t ese a00lications do not co,e fro, t eir original deAelo0ers @O0era: Real and $oogleB. Of co-rse t e -0strea, a00lication co,es fro, t ese deAelo0ers: <-t onl/ after t e/IAe <een 0ro0erl/ 0ac9aged and tested do t e/ <eco,e aAaila<le for /o-. .o: in ot er words: /o- s o-ld neAer need to go and <rowse t e Internet to loo9 for software: as eAer/t ing /o- need is aAaila<le and alread/ tested for /o- and for /o-r s/ste, </ t e "in-8 #int and '<-nt- tea,s. All /o- need to do is c oose w at /o- want to do.

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"in-8 #int will -0date itself a-to,aticall/ t ro-g a tool called t e '0date #anager: w ic will -0date not onl/ t e <ase o0erating s/ste,: <-t all t e software installed on /o-r ,ac ine as well. It=s t at si,0le. ! ewO .o,e of t e ,ost 0o0-lar a00lications t at are not installed </ defa-lt in "in-8 #int are O0era: .9/0e: Acro<at Reader: $oogle Eart and Real Pla/er. 3o- ,ig t also want to add ga,es @a lot of nice free ga,es are aAaila<le for "in-8... tr/ installing gno,e5ga,es to start o-t wit B.

T51 S(6&84'1 M4%4<1'

T e easiest wa/ to install software in "in-8 #int is to -se t e .oftware #anager. It is <-ilt on to0 of t e 0ac9age tec nolog/ we disc-ssed earlier: <-t ,a9es t ings easier to -nderstand: as it allows /o- to install programs rat er t an 0ac9ages @t o-g : re,e,<er: it is still -sing t e 0ac9age s/ste, in t e <ac9gro-nd: so it still as t e sa,e <enefitsB. O0en t e ,en- and select *.oftware #anager+. T e .oftware #anager lets /o- <rowse t e software ,ade aAaila<le for "in-8 #int. 3ocan <rowse </ categor/: searc </ 9e/word or sort t e software </ rating and 0o0-larit/.

T51 M1%*
If /o- 9now w at /o-=re loo9ing for: /o- don=t need to la-nc an/t ing. F-st start t/0ing t e a00lication=s na,e in t e ,en- and aAe it installed fro, t ere. 2or instance: to install t e *gft0+ 0ac9ageE Press 4TR"R.-0erM" to o0en t e ,en T/0e *gft0+ Press t e *'0+ arrow to ig lig t t e *Install gft0+ <-tton Press Enter Did we ,ention ow great 0ac9age ,anage,ent is /etL

S/%40&,+ @ APT
If /o- want to install ,ore t an one a00lication or if /o-Ire loo9ing for so,et ing w ic is not in t e .oftware Portal or in t e .oftware #anager: "in-8 #int 0roAides two ot er wa/s to install software. One is a gra0 ical tool called *./na0tic+ and t e ot er is a co,,and line tool called *APT+. "etIs see ow we can install O0era @an alternatiAe to t e 2irefo8 !e< >rowserB wit t ese tools insteadE

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O0en t e ,en- and select *Pac9age #anager+. 4lic9 on t e *.earc + <-tton and t/0e *o0era+. T en go t ro-g t e list of 0ac9ages and find t e one corres0onding to t e O0era !e< >rowser. Tic9 t e <o8 and select *#ar9 for Installation+ t en clic9 on t e *A00l/+ <-tton. Now letIs see ow we co-ld aAe installed O0era -sing t e APT co,,and line tool. O0en t e ,en- and select *Ter,inal+. T en t/0e t e following co,,andE
apt install opera Note: a)e sure synaptic is closed before using A#". &ynaptic is using A#" in the bac)ground so both can3t run at the same time. "he same goes for the &oftware anager.

As /o- can see APT is e8tre,el/ eas/ to -se <-t itIs not gra0 ical. ItIs O%. If /o-Ire starting wit "in-8 /o- 0ro<a<l/ 0refer to deal wit a gra0 ical interface @t at=s w / t e/=re t ereB <-t as ti,e goes on /o-Ill 0refer t ings to <e fast and efficient and as /ocan see t e fastest wa/ to install O0era is to t/0e *a0t install o0era+. It canIt <e si,0ler t an t at. T ere is one i,0ortant difference <etween t e .oftware #anager and ./na0ticJAPT t o-g . !it ./na0tic and APT /o- <asicall/ deal wit 0ac9ages. In o-r e8a,0le t e O0era a00lication was Aer/ si,0le and was onl/ ,ade of one 0ac9age w ic na,e was also *o0era+: <-t t is will not alwa/s <e t e case: and so,eti,es /o- ,ig t not 9now w at t e na,e of t e 0ac9age is. .o,eti,es /o- ,ig t not eAen aAe access to t e 0ac9ages for a 0artic-lar a00lication. T e .oftware #anager is different <eca-se it lets /o- install *a00lications+ </ getting t e rig t *0ac9ages+ for /o-: not onl/ fro, t e re0ositories @0ac9ages data<asesB t at ./na0tic and APT aAe access to: <-t also fro, ot er 0laces on t e Internet. .o /o- ,ig t -se t e .oftware #anager for two different reasonsE 5 >eca-se /o-Ire not -sed to APTJ./na0tic 5 >eca-se it can act-all/ install a00lications /o- donIt aAe access to -sing ot er tools.

R12(:1 4007,+4&,(%.
F'(2 &51 M1%*
Re,oAing an a00lication is D-ite eas/ in "in-8 #int. .i,0l/ ig lig t t e a00lication in t e ,en-: rig t clic9 on it and select *'ninstall+. T e ,en- finds t e 0ac9ages and de0endencies related to t e a00lication /o- selected.

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4lic9 *Re,oAe+ and t e a00lication will <e -ninstalled.

U.,%< APT
Anot er wa/ to re,oAe a00lications is </ -sing APT. Again: weIre tal9ing co,,and5 line -tilit/ ere: <-t see ow s-r0risingl/ eas/ t is isE O0en t e ,en- and select *Ter,inal+. T en t/0e t e following co,,andE
apt remove opera Note: a)e sure synaptic is closed before using A#". &ynaptic is using A#" in the bac)ground so both can3t run at the same time.

And t atIs it. !it one single co,,and /o-IAe re,oAed O0era fro, /o-r co,0-ter.

3o- can also -se ./na0tic to re,oAe 0ac9ages... "in-8 is all a<o-t c oice so letIs see ow to do t is. O0en t e ,en- and select *Pac9age #anager+. 4lic9 on t e *.earc + <-tton and select *o0era+. T en go t ro-g t e list of 0ac9ages and find t e one corres0onding to t e O0era !e< >rowser. Tic9 t e <o8 and select *#ar9 for Re,oAal+ t en clic9 on t e *A00l/+ <-tton.

U0)4&1 /(*' ./.&12 4%) /(*' 4007,+4&,(%.

If a new Aersion of an/ 0ac9age installed on /o-r co,0-ter is ,ade aAaila<le /o- can -0grade to it. It ,a/ <e a sec-rit/ -0date for so,e co,0onent of t e o0erating s/ste,: it ,a/ <e an o0ti,iGation in one s0ecific li<rar/ or it ,a/ eAen <e a newer Aersion of 2irefo8. >asicall/: /o-r s/ste, is ,ade of 0ac9ages and an/ 0art of it can <e -0dated </ -0dating so,e of t ose 0ac9ages. T is ,eans re0lacing t e c-rrent 0ac9age wit a newer Aersion. T ere are ,an/ wa/s to do t is <-t onl/ one of t e, is reco,,ended. 3o- co-ld -se APT to -0grade all /o-r 0ac9ages wit one si,0le co,,and @*a0t -0grade+B <-t we strongl/ reco,,end /o- donIt do so. T e reason is t at it doesn=t ,a9e an/ distinctions in selecting w ic -0dates to a00l/ and ass-,es t at /o- want all of t e,. .o,e 0arts of t e s/ste, are safe to -0date and so,e ot ers arenIt. 2or instance: </ -0dating /o-r 9ernel @t e 0art w ic is res0onsi<le a,ong ot er t ings for ardware recognitionB /o- ,ig t <rea9 /o-r so-nd s-00ort: /o-r wireless card s-00ort or eAen so,e a00lications @s-c as V#!are and Virt-al<o8B w ic are closel/ lin9ed to t e 9ernel. Page 6( of 50

U.,%< &51 U0)4&1 M4%4<1'

"in-8 #int co,es wit a tool called t e '0date #anager. It giAes ,ore infor,ation a<o-t -0dates and lets /o- define ow safe an -0date ,-st <e <efore /o- want to a00l/ it. It loo9s li9e a s ield and sits on t e <otto,5rig t corner of /o-r screen. If /o- 0lace /o-r ,o-se 0ointer on to0 of it: it will tell /o- eit er t at /o-r s/ste, is -0 to date or: if it isn=t: ow ,an/ -0dates are aAaila<le.

If /o- clic9 on t e loc9 icon: t e '0date #anager o0ens and s ows /o- t e -0dates t at are aAaila<le. T e interface is Aer/ eas/ to -se. 2or eac 0ac9age -0date /o- can read t e descri0tion: t e c angelog @t is is w ere deAelo0ers e80lain t eir c anges w en t e/ ,odif/ t e 0ac9ageB: and eAent-all/ if "in-8 #int assigned warnings or e8tra infor,ation a<o-t t e -0dates. 3o- can also see w ic Aersion is c-rrentl/ installed on /o-r co,0-ter and w ic Aersion is aAaila<le for /o- to -0date to. 2inall/: /o- can see t e sta<ilit/ leAel assigned to t e 0ac9age -0date. Eac 0ac9age -0date <rings i,0roAe,ents or fi8es sec-rit/ iss-es <-t t at doesnIt ,ean t e/Ire ris95free and canIt introd-ce new <-gs. T e sta<ilit/ leAel is assigned to eac 0ac9age </ "in-8 #int and giAes /o- an indication of ow safe it is for /o- to a00l/ an -0date. Of co-rse /o- can clic9 on t e col-,ns to sort </ sta<ilit/ leAel: stat-s: 0ac9age na,e or </ Aersion. 3o- can select all -0dates or -nselect all of t e, </ -sing t e *4lear+ and *.elect All+ <-ttons. Page 6) of 50

"eAel 1 and "eAel ( -0dates are ris95free and /o- s o-ld alwa/s a00l/ t e,. "eAel ) -0dates *s o-ld <e safe+ <-t: alt o-g we reco,,end /o- ta9e t e,: ,a9e s-re /oloo9 oAer t e, on t e list of -0dates. If /o- e80erience a 0ro<le, wit a 0artic-lar "eAel ) -0date: tell t e "in-8 #int deAelo0,ent tea, so t e/ can ta9e ,eas-res to ,a9e t at -0date a "eAel 6 or a "eAel 5 so as to warn or eAen disco-rage ot ers against a00l/ing it.

If /o- clic9 on t e *Preferences+ <-tton /o- s o-ld see t e screen a<oAe. >/ defa-lt t e '0date #anager tells /o- a<o-t "eAel 1: ( and ) -0dates. 3o- can decide to ,a9e "eAel 6 and 5 *Aisi<le+. T is will ,a9e ,ore -0dates a00ear in t e list. If /o- want to /o- can eAen ,a9e "eAel 6 and 5 -0dates *safe+ @alt o-g t is is %(& reco,,endedB. T is will ca-se t e, to <e selected </ defa-lt wit in t e '0date #anager. T e '0date #anager onl/ co-nts *safe+ -0dates. .o w en it tells /o- /o-r s/ste, is -0 to date: it ,eans t ere are no -0dates aAaila<le assigned wit a leAel t at /o- defined as <eing *safe+. T e '0date #anager onl/ s ows *Aisi<le+ -0dates in t e list. 2or e8a,0le: if /o- ,ade all leAels *Aisi<le+ and onl/ "eAel 1 and ( *safe+: /o- wo-ld see a lot of -0dates in t e list: <-t t e '0date #anager wo-ld 0ro<a<l/ tell /o- t at /o-r s/ste, was -0 to date. T e *A-to5Refres + ta< allows /o- to define ow often t e '0date #anager c ec9s for -0dates. T e *'0date #et od+ ta< lets /o- define ow t e '0date #anager c ec9s for new -0dates. T e *.tart-0 dela/+ is t e a,o-nt of ti,e t e '0date #anager waits <efore c ec9ing for an Internet connection. T is dela/ is -sed to giAe t e Networ9 #anager an o00ort-nit/ to esta<lis a connection w en t e co,0-ter starts.

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3o- can also define w ic do,ain na,e is -sed </ t e '0date #anager to c ec9 t e connection to t e Internet. T e '0date #anager will tr/ to 0ing t is do,ain <efore loo9ing for -0dates. T e *Incl-de dist5-0grade 0ac9ages+ o0tion allows /o- to define w et er t e '0date #anager s o-ld install new de0endencies or not. 2or instance if 0ac9age A Aersion 1 was installed on /o-r co,0-ter and 0ac9age A Aersion ( <eca,e aAaila<le: <-t Aersion ( ad a new de0endenc/ on 0ac9age > w ic isnIt installed on /o-r co,0-terN w at wo-ld a00enL If /o- left t is c ec9<o8 -nc ec9ed: Aersion ( wo-ld not a00ear as an -0date in t e list of -0dates. If /o- c ec9ed t is c ec9<o8: it wo-ld: and if selected it wo-ld install 0ac9age> as a de0endenc/. >e caref-l wit t is o0tion as de0endenc/ can install new 0ac9ages on /o-r <e alf <-t t e/ can also so,eti,es re,oAe 0ac9ages /o- alread/ aAe installed. In t e *Ignored 0ac9ages+ ta< /o- can define 0ac9ages for w ic /o- do not want to receiAe -0dates. *L+ and *V+ wildcard c aracters are s-00orted. T e *Pro8/+ ta< lets /o- define 0ro8/ settings. T e last ta< lets /o- c ange t e icons -sed </ t e '0date #anager in t e s/ste, tra/. If /o- get errors wit t e '0date #anager @*4anIt refres list of 0ac9ages+ for instanceB: /o- can c ec9 t e logs. Rig t clic9 on t e loc9 icon in t e s/ste, tra/ and select *Infor,ation+. T e following screen a00earsE

Page 65 of 50

In t is screen /o- can see t e 0rocess ID of t e '0date #anager: w et er it=s r-nning wit -ser or root 0er,issions: and t e content of its log file. 3o- can also reAiew t e -0dates t at were a00lied on /o-r s/ste, @0roAided t e/ were a00lied Aia t e '0date #anagerB </ clic9ing on *View5W&istor/ of '0dates+.

Page 6; of 50

T,0. 4%) T',+9.

Are /o- ,a9ing t e ,ost of /o-r des9to0L Do /o- -s-all/ 0ress *4TR"R4+ on /o-r 9e/<oard to co0/ so,e te8tL Do /o- o0en a te8t editor to ta9e a D-ic9 noteL &ow do /os are files wit /o-r friendsL T ere are ,an/ wa/s to 0erfor, si,0le tas9s: so,e ,ore efficient t an ot ers. T is c a0ter is going to s ow /o- a few 0artic-larities of "in-8: $no,e: and t e "in-8 #int des9to0: to ,a9e s-re /o- ,a9e t e ,ost of /o-r s/ste,.

C(0/ 4%) 04.&1 8,&5 &51 2(*.1

#ost 0eo0le are -sed to clic9ing on t e *Edit+ ,en- or to rig t clic9ing on t e content t e/ want to co0/. In "in-8 #int /o- can do t is as well: <-t ,ost $N'J"in-8 o0erating s/ste,s also let /o- co0/ and 0aste content fro, t e co,fort of /o-r ,o-se. &ere=s ow it wor9sE T e left <-tton of t e ,o-se co0ies and t e ,iddle <-tton 0astes. It=s as si,0le as t atO "et=s giAe it a tr/. "a-nc "i<reOffice !riter or a te8t editor: or an/ a00lication of /o-r c oice t at lets /o- in0-t te8t. Now t/0e a few sentences. .elect so,e of t e te8t /o- ?-st t/0ed wit t e left <-tton of /o-r ,o-se. T in9 /o- need to clic9 on t e *Edit+ ,en- and 0ress *4o0/+L NoL >et /o-=re t in9ing /o- wo-ld -se a co,<ination of 9e/s on /o-r 9e/<oard s-c as *4TR"R4+. In "in-8: it is ,-c si,0ler. F-st </ selecting t e te8t:

Page 67 of 50

/o-=Ae alread/ co0ied it. T at=s rig t... t at te8t is now co0ied to /o-r *,o-se <-ffer+ and /o- don=t need to 0ress an/t ing else. Now clic9 on so,e ot er 0art of t e doc-,ent to ,oAe t e c-rsor t ere and clic9 t e ,iddle <-tton of /o-r ,o-se @or t e w eel5clic9 if /o- aAe a ,o-se wit a w eel: or <ot t e left and rig t <-ttons toget er if /o-r ,o-se onl/ as two <-ttons... eAer/t ing=s <een t o-g t of: a0art fro, t ose weird #ac ,ice wit onl/ one <-ttonB. As /o- can see t e te8t /o- 0reAio-sl/ selected as now <een 0asted. T e ,ore /o- get -sed to t is t e faster /o-=ll get at co0/ing and 0asting content. T is tec niD-e also wor9s on ,ost 'ni8 and $N'J"in-8 o0erating s/ste,s.
Note: "he buffer used by the mouse is not the same as the one used by the Gnome des)top. &o you can actually copy something with your mouse and copy something else with 1-"4L=-2 or with the 17dit2 menu. "han)s to this you can copy two elements at a time and depending on how you copied them you can paste them with either the middle mouse button or with 1-"4L=02 or the 17dit2 menu.

T491. %(&1. 8,&5 T(23(/

!e all ta9e notes. ! et er it=s an address giAen </ so,eone oAer t e 0 one: an eAer5 growing TODO list or so,e 0artic-lar t ing to re,e,<er: we=re often faced wit t e sit-ation w ere we need to ta9e a D-ic9 note. .o,e of -s aAe a lot of written notes aro-nd o-r co,0-ters and neAer see, to find a wor9ing 0en w en t e sit-ation arises: ot ers waste ti,e in la-nc ing tools t at are not s-ita<le for t is 0artic-lar -se @"i<reOffice !riter for instance is not Aer/ and/ to ta9e notesB and Aer/ few 0eo0le act-all/ -se software dedicated to note5ta9ing. "in-8 #int a00ens to incl-de a dedicated note5ta9ing tool. It is called To,<o/ Notes. To,<o/ Notes is a Aer/ eas/ tool to -se. >/ clic9ing on it /o- get a list of all /o-r notes. 3o- can create new notes </ clic9ing on *4reate New Note+.

Page 68 of 50

A new note o0ens -0. >/ c anging its title /o-=ll also c ange its na,e. 3o- can write w ateAer /o- want in t e note and close it. T e content /o- wrote in /o-r note will alwa/s <e accessi<le t ro-g To,<o/ NotesC 3o- don=t need to saAe an/t ing and /ocan eAen re<oot or t-rn off t e co,0-ter. Again: /o-r note is saAed a-to,aticall/ as /o-=re writing it. If /o- eAent-all/ decide t at /o- no longer need to 9ee0 a 0artic-lar note: /o- can o0en t at note and clic9 on t e *Delete+ <-tton. If /o- write down t e na,e of anot er note=s title wit in /o-r note: To,<o/ will a-to,aticall/ create a lin9 to t at ot er note and /o-=ll <e a<le to clic9 t at lin9 to o0en t e ot er note. 3o- can also -se different for,atting o0tions wit in /o-r note and -se t e ,an/ feat-res 0roAided </ To,<o/ Notes @s/nc roniGation: searc feat-res: e80ort notes to PD2J&T#"...etcB.

A'+5,:1 124,7. 4%) 813.,&1. 4. PDF

Do /o- <oo9,ar9 we< 0ages w en /o- want to read t e, laterL Do /o- 9ee0 old e,ails in /o-r in<o8 w en t e/ contain so,e infor,ation /o- ,ig t need to re,e,<erL Are /o-r in<o8 and /o-r <oo9,ar9s cl-ttered wit t ings /o- don=t need <-t don=t want to ris9 loosingL . o-ldn=t /o- store t is 9ind of infor,ation so,ew ere elseL Of co-rse /oco-ld -se To,<o/ Notes for t is <-t 0asting an entire article fro, t e !e< to a note is not e8actl/ ideal: /o-=d loose t e 0ict-res: t e la/o-t and a lot of infor,ation. ! / not ?-st 0rint t e content insteadL Not on 0a0er: <-t as a PD2 file... Page 61 of 50

"in-8 #int co,es wit a PD2 0rinter installed </ defa-lt. T is 0rinter ta9es t e o-t0-t of t e a00lication /o-=re -sing and sends its content to <e stored wit in a PD2 file. .o: for instance: if /o-=Ae ?-st <oo9ed a flig t on t e !e< and /o- were giAen a flig t reference s eet and a registration ID: ?-st it t e file ,en- and select 0rint. 4 oose t e *PrintMtoMPD2+ 0rinter and clic9 on t e *Print+ <-tton. T e 0age /o- were loo9ing at will <e 0rinted wit in a PD2 doc-,ent stored in /o-r &o,e folder. .i,ilarl/ /o- can 0rint e,ails fro, T -nder<ird or an/ 9ind of content fro, an/ a00lication and aAe t e content stored in a generated PD2 file wit in /o-r &o,e folder.

T ere=s a lot ,ore to learn a<o-t "in-8 #int and a<o-t "in-8 in general. T is g-ide was ?-st an oAerAiew of so,e of t e as0ects related to /o-r des9to0. >/ now /o- s o-ld feel ,ore co,forta<le wit -sing it and /o- s o-ld aAe a <etter -nderstanding of so,e of its co,0onents. ! ere are /o- going to go ne8tL !ill /o- learn ow to -se t e ter,inalL !ill /o- giAe ot er des9to0s a tr/ @%DE: H24E: etc.BL It=s entirel/ -0 to /o-. Re,e,<er: "in-8 is a<o-t f-n and t e co,,-nit/ is t ere to el0. Ta9e /o-r ti,e and learn a little <it eAer/ da/. T ere=s alwa/s so,et ing new no ,atter ow ,-c /o- 9now alread/. En?o/ "in-8 and t an9 /o- for c oosing "in-8 #int.

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