Cementa MEDIA RELEASE: Pitching in 060214

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NEBIA RELEASE - u6u22u14

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Aitists fiom acioss the Cential West aie inviteu to apply to pitch theii piojects anu iueas
in an innovative piogiam aimeu at involving aitists with the Kanuos-baseu
contempoiaiy ait festival, Cementa, as it uevelops into the futuie.
The inauguial festival was helu in eaily 2u1S anu involveu moie than 7u aitists fiom
metiopolitan anu iegional aieas.
This yeai, Cementa Inc., in paitneiship with Kanuos Piojects, is inviting iegionally-baseu
aitists to submit iueas anu pioposals foi piesentation in !"#$%"&' )&, as pait of the 2u14
public piogiam, leauing up to the 2u1S festival.
Co-uiiectoi of Cementa, Alex Wissei says !"#$%"&' )& will involve a numbei of aitists
fiom both uiban anu iegional contexts in uiscussion aiounu themes anu iueas ielevant
to contempoiaiy ait piactice."
"This piocess is about aitists piesenting woik, pioposeu oi in piocess, foi peei ieview
anu uiscussion in a ielaxeu, social setting at Kanuos Piojects.
"These sessions will be uesigneu to keep things conveisational but allow piesenting
aitists access to the ieflections of visiting aitists anu the Cementa uiiectois with a view
towaiu ueveloping theii woik anu piactice."
Wissei explains that while the uiiectois aie inteiesteu in consiueiing any aitist with a
contempoiaiy piactice, iegionally-baseu aitists aie especially encouiageu to attenu the
!"#$%"&' )& sessions.
!"#$%"&' )& is just one of the public piogiams which will incluue aitist talks,
piesentations, film nights, peifoimances anu exhibitions that will occui acioss the yeai.
"Nost events will take place at Kanuos Piojects in the main stieet of Kanuos, a small
community south-east of Nuugee NSW."
Woik piesenteu thiough the !"#$%"&' )& piocess will be consiueieu foi exhibition at
Kanuos Piojects acioss 2u14 anu aitists engageu in ueveloping woik will be consiueieu
foi futuie Cementa Festivals.
The fiist !"#$%"&' )& event will take place at Kanuos Piojects at 18 Angus Avenue,
Kanuos on Feb 1S, S:uupm. Aitists wishing to apply can senu an email to
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