"Cyrano de Bergerac" Essay (Final Draft)

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Susan Huynh English 2A Period 3 November 7, 2013

Cyrano de Bergerac: Modernized Many generations ago, in Paris, France, a man named Cyrano de Bergerac was suffering from an old battle wound from Arras. Roxane, his cousin, only recently found out that he loved her. When Cyrano collapsed to the ground in exhaustion, Roxane confessed her love to him tearfully. Ragueneau and Le Bret, two of his closest friends, stood around them, and tears streamed down their faces as they witnessed what seemed like the most tragic event in history. But little did they know, Cyrano was going to be okay. After his recovery, Roxane made amends with Cyrano and they spent the rest of their lives together, unmarried. Now, in the twenty-first century, there was a handsome boy named Cyrano and a girl named Roxane. They were childhood friends and never kept secrets from each other. If no one knew any better, they might have easily passed as a couple, but no one dared to say anything in fear of facing one of Cyranos angry responses. One time, someone made fun of Cyranos nose and he made a long speech about all of the insults that people could have said to his face if they had the courage to do so. One day, there was a new family that moved into Roxanes neighborhood. Roxane watched the family from her window and saw a handsome boy around Cyranos age. The boy looked up and saw her watching him, but he diverted his gaze to the ground. That night, Roxane called Cyrano to tell him about the new boy in her neighborhood. You have never spoken? Cyrano asks her incredulously. Only our eyes Roxane answers. Cyrano sighs. His name? Thats the problem.

Susan Huynh English 2A Period 3 November 7, 2013

I heard that there was going to be a new player on the football team who just recently moved here. Im guessing that thats him. Do you want me to find out his name? Will you? Just for me? Might as well. Cyrano and Roxane finished up their conversation. Roxane went to sleep, dreaming about the new boy that just moved in to her neighborhood. The next day in school, Cyrano found out that the new boys name was Christian. He told Roxane everything that he could about Christian before hurrying to football practice. Cyrano would meet Christian during practice and find that he was a very social and likable person so he eventually revealed that Roxane likes him. She loves me? Christian exclaimed in shock. Perhaps, Cyrano mocked. Why dont you ask her to the dance? Its being held tonight in the auditorium. Can you ask her for me? I guess. Thanks. I gotta go. Ill see you around, Cyrano! After that encounter, Cyrano was jealous beyond measure. He knew Roxane the longest and had a crush on her for as long as he could remember. He felt miserable knowing that they were never meant to be together, but he knew that it was the truth. He called Roxane and told her about what Christian had said to him during practice. On the other end, Cyrano knew that Roxane was slowly digesting what she was hearing. Tell him that he can pick me up at seven, she urged. Got it, Cyrano replied.

Susan Huynh English 2A Period 3 November 7, 2013

It was seven and Cyrano and Christian arrived at Roxanes house. They went to the dance and Cyrano became the third wheel; Christian and Roxane were oblivious to Cyranos existence. Christian and Roxane were having the time of their lives while Cyrano just stood around awkwardly. The dance was filled with celebrities and students. Celebrities like Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber, Harry Styles, and Austin Mahone were walking around, signing everyones notebooks and hands. Katy Perry, with her pink hair, three-inch heels, and her lollipop dress, kept on blowing kisses to the other celebrities and some of the students. Lady Gaga wore a white wig, a slick, black dress, and white heels and was escorted by two security guards. Justin Bieber constantly had a crowd of girls trailing himself, Harry Styles, and Austin Mahone. They were all dressed up in tuxedos and had shades on, despite the lack of light in the auditorium. Justin Bieber, Harry Styles, and Austin Mahone tried to shake off the crowd of girls, but it was almost impossible. Close to the end of the dance, Roxane caught Christian with a group of girls after she came back from the restroom. Roxane was furious and left the dance with Cyrano in tears. It turned out that Christian was not what Roxane thought he was. Roxane talked to Cyrano all night. She became more depressed as the weeks drag by. She talked to Cyrano more often than before. Months later, Ragueneau, one of Cyranos closest friends, revealed that Cyrano had a dislocated shoulder from football. Roxane, in shock, hurried to Cyranos house to visit him. Cyrano laid in his bed, his face pale with the effort of smiling. Roxane looked around his room and found something on his desk: a picture of her. Roxane walked over to his desk and picked it up.

Susan Huynh English 2A Period 3 November 7, 2013

Why do you have a picture of me on your desk? Roxane inquired. Ragueneau, how many times have I told you to stop pulling pranks on me? Cyrano exclaimed in false accusation. I swear, Ragueneau protested. I wasnt me! You liked me all this time and you didnt tell me? Roxane questioned. I never had a crush on you. Why would I? Cyrano retorted in denial. Roxane blamed herself for not noticing earlier while Cyrano kept on telling her that it wasnt her fault that she didnt know and that it would never have worked out. Cyrano finally confessed that he loves Roxane and Roxane was so touched that she decided that he is the one that she should be going out with, not Christian. After Cyranos shoulder made a full recovery, he received a letter in the mail from the U.S. Army saying that he is going to be drafted into the military. Roxane stared at the letter in horror, not wanting Cyrano to leave her. Cyrano left the next morning and while hes still at the army base, he managed to find time to webcam or call her. When Cyrano returned home years later, they married and lived happily ever after.

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