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Preface. « CHAPTER, CHAPTER 2: CHAPTER 3: CHAPTER by CHAPTER, CHAPTER 6: CHAPTER 7: CHAPTER 9: CHAPTER 10: CHAPTER 1: CHAPTER 13: CHAPTER hs CHAPTER 15: CORTENTS Introduction to Statistical Methods)... 6. Statistical Description of systens of Particles. Statistical Thermodynamics... eee ee ees Macroscopic Parameters an@ their Measurenent . . « ‘Simple Applications of Macroscopic Thermodynamics. Basic ethods and Results of Statisticel Mechanics Simple Applications of Statistical Mechanics . . . ‘Equilibrium between Phases ani Chemical Species. quantum Statistics of Ideal Gases... . Systems of Interacting Particles... + + Magnetism and Low Temperatures»... « : Elementary Theory of Transport Processes « Transport Theory using the Relaxation~Tine Approximation Near-Exact Formation of Transport Theory... + + Irreversible Processes and Fluctuations... 1... ‘PREFACE, This manual contains solutions to the problens in Fundanentals of Statistical and Thermal Hiysics, by F. Reif, The probilens have been solved using only the ideas explicitly presented im this text and in the wey a student encomtering this material for the first time vould probably approach thea. Certain topics which have implications far beyond those called for in ‘the stetenent of the problems ere not developed further here. The reader can refer to the numerous treatments of these subjects. Except when new symbols are defined, the notation conforms to thet of the text. rt is @ pleasure to thank Dr. Reif for the help end encouregenent he freely gave as this work vas progressing, but he has not read all of this miterial and is in no way responsible for its shortcomings. Sincere thanks are also due to Miss Beverly West for patiently typing the entize manuscript. ould greatly appreciate your celling errors or omissions to my attention. Fe Knacke CHAPTER 1. Introduction to Statistical Methods Ty ‘There are 6+6+6 = 216 ways to roll three dice. The throvs giving e sum less than or equal to 6 Troe pylyl | D2 DLb | 122 [23 | Bee To. of Permtationg 1 3 3 3 3 6 1 Since there are a total of 20 permutations, the probability te 22; = Je « 2 (a) Protability of obtaining one ace = (probability of an ace for one of the dice) x (probabil- 5 ity that the other dice do not show an ace) x (number of permutations) = (2)(2 - 2) 5 -@ = me. (&) Tae probability of obtaining at least one ace is one minus the probability of obtaining 6 1-@ = 667 (c) By the sane reasoning as in (a) ve have 4 ee as ihe probability of a particular sequence of digits such that five are greater than 5 and five are 55 ese than 5 is (2) (2). ‘then multiplying by the muber of permtations gives the probability irrespective of order. Lk (a) to return to the origin, the aruk must take the sane mmber of steps to the left as to the right. Thus the probability is 5 where W is even. (>) The drunk cannot return to the lamp post in an odd mmber of steps.

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