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The UU District of Metro New York


The 2014 Junior Youth Con

An intentional community for UU youth grades 6 through 8 9:00 am Saturday, March 29th through 8:00 am Sunday, March 30th

What is this Con thing?

Its similar to a youth conference, but held at a UU congregation. Its a 24hour event where junior UU youth meet. We have fun, make, do and learn stuff. We eat. We get to know each other. UUs from all over the Metro area attend. The retreat is led by YRUU senior youth. RE teachers and parents attend as advisors. The ratio of youths to adults is about 5:1. This event is held every spring, along with a retreat held every fall.

How do I attend?
Register online and pay. The Con costs $60 per person. Registration link: The registration fee covers food, lodging, and supplies. We regret that, due to costs, we must collect fees from adults, too. We encourage each society to pay for its adult attendees. Getting there. Each society is responsible for its own transportation and for providing at least one adult for every five youth. We recommend you coordinate with your DRE. What to bring: o A sleeping bag and pillow o Toothbrush & toothpaste, towel, soap, comb, etc. o Clothing appropriate for being outside in late March o A change of clothing o Music to share (instruments, voice, etc.) o A high spirits, a sense of adventure and your open-minded anticipation. What not to bring: o Personal electronics. Youth may not have cell phones during the retreat.

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Monmouth County

1475 West Front Street Lincroft, NJ 07738

Questions? Contact:
Program info: Registration info:
Denice Tomlinson Charlie Neiss 914 310-0244 908 769-5820

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