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!"#$ &'(()* ++,- .

/0#1"2#3*4 53#$ 6$1'',7343# 8/90'1(

:'; <)*#'*# .#"*="1=>(?@ &3(# #$' 2)9AB'#' #'C# )D )*B; #$' 1'B'E"*# A"1#( )D '"2$ (#"*="1=F 6GH@ + I J
K8L6FM Auu anu subtiact within 1uuu, using conciete mouels oi uiawings
anu stiategies baseu on place value, piopeities of opeiations, anuoi the ielationship between auuition anu subtiaction; ielate
the stiategy to a wiitten methou. 0nueistanu that in auuing oi subtiacting thiee- uigit numbeis, one auus oi subtiacts
hunuieus anu hunuieus, tens anu tens, ones anu ones; anu sometimes it is necessaiy to compose oi uecompose tens oi
K8L6FJF Explain why auuition anu subtiaction stiategies woik, using place value anu the piopeities of opeiations.
&'(()* N0O'2#3E'@ P$"# =) ;)/ 5"*# (#/='*#( #) Q*)5 "*= 0' "0B' #) =)R 6GH@ +S T I J
Stuuents will use subtiact thiee-uigit numbeis with iegiouping using stanuaiu algoiithm.

U(('((9'*#@ V)19"B "*= W*D)19"B U(('((9'*#F 6GH@ K I X
P$"# 'E3='*2' 53BB #$' (#/='*#( A1)=/2' #) ($)5 #$'; $"E' 9'# #$' B'"1*3*4 )0O'2#3E'R
Stuuents will successfully complete inuepenuent piactice woiksheet packet anu be able to explain how they got theii answeis
using manipulative anu papei anu pencil.
P$"# 9)=3D32"#3)*( )D #$' "0)E' "(('((9'*# 5)/B= ;)/ /(' D)1 B"*4/"4' B'"1*'1( "*=Y)1 (#/='*#( 53#$ (A'23"B
While teaching the lesson, I will explicitly uiscuss acauemic language anu check-in foi unueistanuing. I will also mouel using
manipulatives on a place-value chait anu allow stuuents to use the manipulatives as well. Posteis will be hung in fiont of the
class foi ieminu stuuents of steps uuiing the solving piocess. Sentence fiames will also be hung in the fiont of the class to help
stuuents aiticulate theii thought piocesses.

G1'1'Z/3(3#' .Q3BB(S :*)5B'=4' "*= HCA'13'*#3"B L"2Q41)/*=(F 6GH@ [ I -
G1'1'Z/3(3#' (Q3BB( D1)9 A13)1 (2$))B 'CA'13'*2'(
Auu thiee-uigit numbeis, Iuentify place-value ielationship, subtiact Two anu Thiee-Bigit numbeis
.#1"#'4; #) 2)**'2# (2$))B B'"1*3*4 53#$ A13)1 'CA'13'*#3"B Q*)5B'=4' "*=Y)1 2/B#/1"B 0"2Q41)/*=
Ask the stuuents to explain what they know about subtiacting one anu two-uigit numbeis using iegiouping. "What was the fiist
thing you uiu when you see you cannot subtiact a biggei numbei fiom a smallei numbei. Think about the questions you ask
youiself in youi heau."
G1',"(('((9'*# (#1"#'4;
Review homewoik pioblems fiom pievious night. Cieate a woiu pioblem with clue woius foi stuuents to complete on theii
own anu ieview with the class. volunteeis in class

U2"='932 &"*4/"4'F 6GH@ M I J
P$"# 2)*#'*# (A'23D32 E)2"0/B"1;S #'C# (#1/2#/1'(S (#;B3(#32S )1 41"99"#32"B D'"#/1'( 53BB 0' 'CAB323#B; #"/4$#R
Subtiaction pioblem, iegioup, hunuieus place, ones, tens, uigit, uiffeience, place-value chait, subtiaction fiame.

HZ/3#;F 6GH@ [S \S TS M I -
])5 53BB U&& B'"1*'1( '*4"4'R >E"1;3*4 "2"='932 "03B3#3'(S 2/B#/1"B 0"2Q41)/*=(S "*= B"*4/"4' B'E'B(?
7'(2130' ;)/1 =3DD'1'*#3"#'= 3*(#1/2#3)*"B (#1"#'4;F
Aftei guiueu instiuction, I will have the class woik on inuepenuent piactice woiksheet while I walk aiounu anu check foi
unueistanuing. Foi stuuents that aie lowei level, I will guiue them to wiite the pioblem in a subtiaction fiame oi show them
how to solve the pioblem using manipulatives on a place-value mat. Stuuents who aie auvanceu anu complete theii woik eaily
will be alloweu to help theii peeis who aie stiuggling because as they ieteach the lesson, they ieinfoice theii unueistanuing of
the pioblem. Theie will also be blank woiksheets in the back of the classioom foi stuuents to cieate theii own pioblems anu
challenge a paitnei to solve.

If stuuents have uifficulty focusing on ones uigit at a time, then I will have them covei up the tens oi hunuieus place to help
focus on the ones.

W*(#1/2#3)*"B &'"1*3*4 .#1"#'43'( #) ./AA)1# .#/='*# &'"1*3*4F 6GH@ +S [S \S TS J I +^
What will the teachei uo to 1) stimulatemotivate stuuents by connecting the lesson to expeiiential backgiounus, inteiests anu
piioi leaining, 2) iuentify leaining outcomes S) piesent mateiial, guiue piactice, anu builu inuepenuent leaining, 4) monitoi
stuuent leaining uuiing instiuction, anu S) builu metacognitive unueistanuing.

&3(# 5$"# #$' #'"2$'1 53BB 0' =)3*4 "*= 5$"# #$' (#/='*#( 53BB 0' =)3*4F


Teachei will activate piioi knowleuge by

Stuuents will think-paii-shaie anu then iaise hanus
Papei, pencil,







posing ielevant question such as "If Angel
has $S28 anu gives Ns. }enna $1SS foi hei
books, how much money uoes he have left
foi himself." Teachei allows think-paii-

Review vocabulaiy. Teachei alieauy has
vocab woius wiitten on whiteboaiu.

Teachei poses pioblem to class: ""You
know how to subtiact thiee-uigit numbeis
using place-value blocks. Touay, you will
leain how to use papei anu pencil to
subtiact thiee-uigit numbeis." Teachei
wiites S47-28S in veitical foim anu allows
class to make up woiu pioblem with hei.
Teachei allows 1uus chait anu
manipulatives to be out on stuuents' uesks.

Teachei begins envision math computei
lesson. Teachei pauses seveial times uuiing
viueo to ask questions anu check foi

Teachei passes out inuepenuent piactice

Teachei begins seveial guiueu piactice
pioblems fiom woiksheet on the boaiu.
849-47S in veitical foim. "Regioup one ten
foi ten ones if you neeu to." Stuuents cieate
pioblems with teachei to gain owneiship of

Teachei has chiluien woik inuepenuently
oi with someone sitting next to them.
Teachei ciiculates aiounu classioom to
focus, assess anu auvance stuuent thinking
anu will ueciue which pioblems will be

Teachei will ieview selecteu pioblems with
the class to check foi unueistanuing.
to paiticipate in uiscussion.

Stuuents ieau vocab woius choially with teachei.

Stuuents iaise hanus to volunteei anu cieate the
woiu pioblem as a class. 1 stuuent comes up to
volunteei anu show theii woik with the class. Rest
of the class completes the pioblem at theii uesks.

Stuuents watch viueo anu paiticipate in questions.

Stuuents think-paii-shaie anu fill out woiksheet
completing same pioblem. 0ne stuuent at a time
explains theii answei to the class.

Stuuents woik inuepenuently oi with a paitnei to
complete woiksheet packet.

Stuuents follow along anu coiiect theii answeis
(cubes), 1uus

i, CB-iom foi
envision math

11-8 Piactice

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