Past Perfect: Examples

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Past Perfect
We use the past perfect to express an event that took place in the past. We are talking about an event that occurred in the past and from that point we describe what happened before that event. Examples:
Sarah went to a party last week. Paul went to the party too but they didnt see each other. Paul went home at 10. 0 and Sarah arrived at 11 oclock. So!

When Sarah arrived at the party" Paul wasnt there. #e had gone home.

PAST PERFECT Forms: $ffirmative! Personal Pronoun % &erb 'o Have in Past % (ain Verb in Past Participle Reg/Irreg ) *ou #e+She+)t We *ou 'hey % % % % % % had had had had had had % % % % % % gone gone gone gone gone gone

-egative! Personal Pronoun % &erb 'o Have in Past % -./ % (ain Verb in Past Participle Reg/Irreg ) *ou #e+She+)t We *ou 'hey % % % % % % had had had had had had not not not not not not hadnt hadnt hadnt hadnt hadnt hadnt % % % % % % gone gone gone gone gone gone

)nterrogative! &erb 'o Have in Past % Personal Pronoun % (ain Verb in Past Participle Reg/Irreg #ad #ad #ad #ad #ad #ad
More examples: When we got home last night" we found that somebody had broken into the flat. 1aren didnt want to come to the cinema with us because she had already seen the film.

% % % % % %

) *ou #e+She+)t We *ou 'hey

% % % % % %

gone0 gone0 gone0 gone0 gone0 gone0

$t first ) thought ) had done the right thing" but soon ) discovered that ) had made a serious mistake.

Present Perfect Past Perfect Who is that woman0 ) have never seen ) didnt know who she was. ) had never her before. seen her before. We arent hungry. Weve 4ust had lunch. We werent hungry. We had 4ust had lunch.

Past Simple Was 'om at the party when you arrived0 *es" but he went home soon afterwards. $nn wasnt at home when ) phoned. She was in 5ondon. Past Perfect Was 'om at the party when you arrived0 -o" he had already gone home. $nn had 4ust got home when ) phoned. She had been in 5ondon.

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