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Our trip to Germany has been a great experience for more than one single reason. First of all, we got at the airport in Mlaga and for some of us, it was the first time we travelled by plane. Undoubtly, it was going to be an exciting opportunity. econd, it was the first time we went abroad and finally, though no less important, it was the first time in our life that we were ta!ing part in a school exchange. "e were going to live with a German family for a wee!. #errific$$$ On the %&th of 'ovember, we arrived in Germany at %& am, but we didn(t get to our exchange partner)s house until *pm. "e too! a tram from the airport to the train station and then, we too! the train to +eine. ,verything was going well, till we failed to get out of the train and our host families had to pic! us up at the next train station. - really embarrassing beginning for the panish group. Fortunately, our hosts could not have been more polite and friendly. "e were nervous, but happy, to be in Germany with our new friends. #he first day, we had brea!fast at the school and visited their facilities. .ertainly, the school was /uite large and different. 0t was also time to meet the rest of students from 0taly and later on, from France. #ogether, we wor!ed, went on different school trips and, above all, had fun in and out school. +eople from four different countries sharing an incredible experience. "e have learnt about new languages, different cultures and habits, technologies. "hat is more important, we have learnt that we are all different, though, at the same time, we are all the same, teenagers with dreams, future expectations and passion for life.

"ith regard to the families, we 1ust can say 2than! you3 because they made us feel at home. #hey were friendly, helpful and nice. #hey made a great effort to communicate with us in German, ,nglish and some, even in panish. #hey turned our embarrassment and shyness into friendship and comfort. #he wor! we did to record the video, set the .omenius board and carry out the other tas!s ma!es sense now and we will do our best in this wonderful pro1ect. 'ext meeting will be in 4o1a and we hope you en1oy it as much as we have done in Germany. ee you soon$$$

The Spanish students IES Moraima

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