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Sales !

A guy name ChrlsLopher wroLe me over Lhe weekend, wonderlng lf l Leach people how Lo
become a Sales !edl. Pe wanLs Lo be one of Lhose "Sales !edls where Lhe cusLomers end up
dolng all of Lhe 'work', and Lhe salesman [usL guldes Lhem Lo Lhe quesuons and answers."
lf LhaL's a Sales !edl, Lhen l guess Lhe answer ls ?es. And l have creaLed more Lhan a few of
Lhem Lhe lasL few years.
A Sa|es Ied| |s not some fast ta|k|ng, has-a||-the-answers sa|es dude.
?ou see lL's nearly lmposslble Lo have all Lhe answers. CusLomers are always comlng up wlLh
new quesuons. 8uL more lmporLanLly, cusLomers don'L wanL Lo hear "all Lhe answers".
CusLomers [usL wanL Lhe answer Lo Lhelr own quesuons - noL Lhe oLher guy's quesuons.
So whaL l Leach, or should l say help you dlscover, ls how Lo Lake conLrol of Lhe sale, and leL
Lhe cusLomer's wanLs, palns and deslres fuel Lhe sale.
lL ls a blL zen-llke, or !edl-llke, ln LhaL you don'L "push" people.
?ou don'L lle and Lry Lo scare your prospecLs wlLh problems LhaL don'L exlsL.
?ou don'L drop your panLs and Lhrow ouL a dlscounL [usL Lo "geL some urgency".
?ou quallfy people, nd Lhelr paln, and use quesuons and probes Lo geL Lhem Lo do Lhe work
and LreaL you as an equal and a parLner ln Lhe process of solvlng Lhelr paln.
?es, some of my cllenLs mlghL say LhaL l show you how Lo become a Sales !edl.
Cne of my frlends even calls me Lhe Sales ?oda. 8uL l dunno, l don'L even have LhaL much
halr anymore. l am noL sure lf l can make you a Sales !edl or noL. Cnly because l don'L know
lf you wlll do Lhe work aer l show you whaL lL Lakes Lo become a Sales !edl.

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