To Adapt Flickering Converting Starting Ensure Being Stored: I Staviti Glagol Iz Zagrade U Odgovarajuci Oblik (20 Poena)

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I Staviti glagol iz zagrade u odgovarajuci oblik (20 poena) 1) This method allows you (adapt) your work any

way you want . to adapt 2) This should prevent the screen from (flicker). flickering 3) The machine works by (convert) heat into work. converting 4) Before (start) the analyses, they studied the relevant literature. starting 5) The required temperature can ( ensure) by a number of a different methods. be ensure 6) Before (store) the data must be converted into digital form. Being stored 7) Optical fibers (make) of pure glass, can carry light signal for up to sum without amplification. made 8) A current (flow) trough a circuit produces a varying magnetic field . flowing 9) An ISDN communications line (consist) of there independent channels. Consists of 10) The output from each channel (feed) to a flack in a multi-track tape recorder. Is fed II Upotrebiti odgovarajuci oblik date reci ( 5 poena) 1) 2) 3) 4) I know all about the electrical resistance different materials.- RESIST There are studying new ways of data transmission. -TRANSMIT In that period the load increases significantly. -SIGNIFICANT The processor gave a detailed description of how the system worksDESCRIBE 5) The strength of the material must be calculated. -STRONG

III Dopunite tekst odgovarajucim recima (10 poena ) answering, continual, devices, equipment, tasks , over, more, in , as, feature Not only is computing equipment getting smaller , it is getting more sophisticated . Computers are part of many machines and devices that once required continual supervision and control. Today , computers in security system result in safer environments , computers in phones provide feature such as all forwarding, call answering. These smart machines are designed to take over same of the basic tasks previously performed by people as a result people are now able to spend more line doing what they do best.

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