Turbine & Generator #1 Inspected By: Mr. N.S.Venkatesan, SR - Manager/Fire Safety. Date: 28/11/2013

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TURBINE & GENERATOR #1 Inspected by &ate : Mr. N.S.Venkatesan Sr.Mana!er"#$re Sa%ety.

: '("11"')1*

Sr. No.



Compliance Date


Domestic Cylinder being used for cutting at TG 1 area. %& hrs TURBINE & GENERATOR #1 No Hotwork permit system being followed. The Engineer of ! " Inspected bydoesn#t know : Mr.about N.S.Venkatesan Sr.Mana!er"#$re Sa%ety. the e$istence of such system. &ate : '("11"')1* Legal Requirement : Only Industrial lpg cylinders has to be used for cutting and that too they should be kept in a trolley with a fire-extinguisher near the hot work area. ot work permit should be taken and displayed at work area.

%. 1) Many Domestic LPG Cylinders are kept inside the container o !ech Sharp "sed as Stores. #) $ithin the stores container perosnnel are sittin% as Store &eeper amidst all the ha'ards present. () )lammable li*"ids are also present near the cylinders and more dan%ero"sly cookin% arran%ement is also done inside the container +hich sho"ld be stopped orth+ith. ,) No ire e-tin%"ishers are provided or the containers. Le%al .e*"irement /

TURBINE & GENERATOR #1 Inspected by &ate : Mr. N.S.Venkatesan Sr.Mana!er"#$re Sa%ety. : '("11"')1*

!a'or (afety issues are listed below) 1) No fire e$tinguisher at hot work spot area. 2) *nly +ndustrial Cylinders ha,e to be used. Name o the inspector / N.(.-enkatesan

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