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Feb 10 Wrestling Observer Newsletter: Update on departure of CM Punk, Faber stoppage ontrovers!, "# ratings perfor$ers b! !

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Wrestling Observer Newsletter PO Box 1228, Campbell, CA 95009-1228 ISSN10839593 February 10, 2014 UFC 1%& PP# PO'' ()*U'"* "+u$bs up , -0%./01 "+u$bs down 21 -34.&01 5n t+e $iddle %0 -20.301 6)*" M7"C8 PO'' Abel Trujillo vs. Jamie Varner 117 WO(*" M7"C8 PO'' Ali Bagautinov vs. John Lineker 41 Alan Patrick vs. John Mak essi !7 "ick #atone vs. Tom $atson !% N)W 97P7N (O7: "O N)W 6);5NN5N; 5PP# PO'' ()*U'"* "+u$bs up <4 -100.001 "+u$bs down 0 -00.001 5n t+e $iddle 0 -00.001 6)*" M7"C8 PO'' Tanahashi&'oto&"aito vs. (ka a&"akamura&)shii *! WO(*" M7"C8 PO'' +onma , #a-t. "e. Ja-an vs. )i/uka , 0ano !1 Base on e&mails an -hone calls to the (bserver as o2 Tues a34 !54.

The e-arture o2 #.M. Punk 6Phil Brooks4 *78 a2ter eight&an &a&hal2 3ears un er a $$9 contract remaine the most talke about thing in -ro .restling this -ast .eek4 .ith chants 2or Punk at most o2 the arenas the com-an3 hel sho.s in. "ot a lot has change in the -ast .eek. Punk .alke out on 15!7 in #levelan 4 about *% minutes be2ore the :a. television sho. .as going to go on the air. There have been a lot o2 claims as to .h34 inclu ing re-orts claiming he .as ma ;ave Bautista returne an .as getting the $restleMania title match at :an 3 (rton 6.hich .oul contra ict .hat he sai in an intervie. .ith Ariel +el.ani a 2e. a3s earlier4 .here he sai he .as 2ine .ith that8. Those close to the situation sa3 that -eo-le looking 2or a singular reason or a sim-le reason are missing the -oint. "earl3 ever3one .ho kne. him reasonabl3 .ell sai that the3 kne. he .as going to leave. At one -oint4 (rton vs. Punk 2or the title .as -lanne 2or $restleMania4 but that change some time back. <ome ha note to us that the3 i n=t believe he= last through Jul34 .hen the three&3ear contract he signe in !%11 .oul e>-ire. ?rom those .ithin the com-an34 the talk is that Vince McMahon .ants him back4 because he is the com-an3=s secon biggest merchan ise seller4 behin John #ena4 an one o2 its ke3 -er2ormers4 -lus .as 2igure into a ke3 $restleMania match .ith +++. McMahon is sai to be the one .ho is going to han le this situation even though +++4 or Paul Leves@ue4 as he=s reall3 kno.n b3 most .ho aren=t .restlers4 runs talent relations. <ome have sai that Leves@ue 2elt that Brooks .alking out .as un-ro2essional4 an that the com-an3 i n=t nee him or an3one. (thers have note that he can=t e>-ress that 2eeling an it=s best 2or him to sta3 @uiet. 9ven though a gu3 .alking out o2 a television shoot as a hea liner an .ith no notice .oul be consi ere un-ro2essional4 2or him to e>-ress strong 2eelings .oul have -eo-le sa3 he=s -utting his -ersonal .restling angle ahea o2 business. A ke3 is that Punk ma e it clear that a match .ith +++ .as not a match he .as intereste in at $restleMania. This is in a sense is a sla- in the 2ace o2 +++ as a -er2ormer. The realit3 is that a match .ith +++4 because o2 his an long&time star om4 is guarantee to be one o2 the ke3 -ushe matches on the sho.. (n the 2li- si e4 i2 Punk .as going to leave in Jul34 .hich .as his -lans4 it reall3 .oul n=t make sense 2or Punk to beat +++4 .ho is going to sta34 an .ho4 .hile not a 2ull&time .restler4 .ill remain a ke3 -er2ormer .ith the com-an3 2or 3ears to come. An even i2 +++ oesn=t .ant to .in4 he=s ver3 .ell verse in both -romos an matches at not reall3 -utting -eo-le over4 even i2 he oes get -inne in the en . An the realit3 is4 i2 Punk is leaving4 there is no reason 2or +++ to -ut him over -ast -aci23ing 2ans 2or the moment .hile not buil ing the ne>t ste-4 unless it=s to buil 2or a return .here +++ oes go over. $$9 has ma e no -ublic statements. Punk has4 ho.ever4 been remove 2rom all a vertising going . +is name .as never mentione on :a. an the chants 2or him .ere not ackno.le ge in an3 2orm. <ome e>-ecte a big burial like the com-an3 i in !%%! .hen <teve Austin .alke out un er some.hat similar circumstances4 but the com-an3 -robabl3 learne to have the 2oresight to avoi that. <till4 the3 are clearl3 not con2i ent he=s coming back. +e .as remove 2rom the o-en o2 the sho. an re-lace .ith a shot o2 Aane. +e .as remove 2rom a gra-hic on the a-- an re-lace b3 #ena. (n !544 a licensee .as given the instructions to remove all gra-hics on merchan ise going that .as to have Punk an re-lace them .ith :an 3 (rton. The latter move4 in -articular4 is a long&term move an .oul n=t have been calle 2or unless the3 .ere -rett3 sure he .asn=t coming back soon. Those .ho have s-oken .ith him an tol us to e>-ect him to leave have note his being unha--3 about mone3 an creative4 that there .ere things he ha been tol

.oul ha--en that i n=t -an out. )t .asn=t an3 one thing4 although his $restleMania -a3o22 2or the Bn ertaker match .as sai to be one o2 man3 things. But it .as ma e clear to me not to look so sim-l3 at one s-eci2ic thing4 -ast he ha lost his enthusiasm an .ante out. Because he i n=t live high on the hog4 an can a22or to go home an .ith the .a3 he lives4 he=ll have no mone3 .orries 2or the rest o2 his li2e. There .as the continual 2rustration that he 2elt4 correctl34 that he i n=t that the3 believe a to- gu3 shoul have an it .as kee-ing him 2rom There .ere also a lot o2 injuries to be consi ere . +e ha a 2e. M:)s -ast t.o months regar ing various injuries4 an un er.ent )mPact -ossible concussion 6he teste negative8 the night be2ore. have the look that -osition. one over the testing 2or a

The general 2eeling in the com-an3 .as that a lot o2 -eo-le .ere tire o2 his negativit3 an 2rom an o22ice stan -oint4 man3 .ere gla he .as gone. Bnlike a lot o2 2ans4 there .as a moo that because o2 the .a3 he le2t that the3 shoul move on rather than have him come back 2or a 2e. months to a relationshi- neither .ants4 even though he sells a lot o2 merchan ise. Mick ?ole34 in -articular4 note that he .oul .atch him an cringe .hen he .oul go to the to- ro-e 2or the :an 3 <avage elbo. ro-4 noting he kne. ho. much it hurt him to o it an suggeste Punk to take that move out o2 his re-ertoire. +e note Punk .as going to o ever3thing he coul to have the best match -ossible until he le2t. Austin note that4 .hether he agree or not .ith the creative as it .as in !%%! that le him to leave4 he regrets oing so the .a3 he i 4 because he le2t a lot o2 mone3 on the table4 as Punk is oing. A ke3 thing Austin brought u- is that .hen he le2t4 he4 like Punk4 .oul have been in breach o2 contract. The3 can=t 2orce him back to .ork i2 he oesn=t .ant to .ork. +o.ever4 .hen Austin le2t in !%%!4 because o2 the breach4 the3 cut o22 all mone34 meaning he i n=t get an3 merchan ising checks 2rom items that bore his name an likeness4 or 2rom ;V;=s sol 2eaturing him4 vi eo game ro3alties4 or an3 ro3alties. )2 he .ere to com-lete his contract4 he .oul continue to get merchan ise checks a2ter leaving the com-an34 .hich in his case4 .oul be a signi2icant amount o2 mone3. McMahon i learn 2rom the Austin situation4 an situations .ith so man3 others .ho le2t on ba terms4 that it=s not smart business to bur3 a major star a2ter an abru-t e-arture4 because it onl3 leaves ba 2eelings i2 he oes come back. There is nothing that has sai the3 have calle him in breach an are hol ing u- all 2uture -a3ments4 onl3 that the3 o have the right to o so. Punk .oul not be able to .ork in -ro .restling4 or MMA4 until his contract e>-ires in Jul34 but he .oul be 2ree an clear 2rom that -oint to go or o an3thing. $$9 ha talke o2 changing u- the -lanne $restleMania sho. base not just on Punk leaving4 but the cro. reactions at the :o3al :umble. At this -oint4 .e are not a.are o2 an3 major changes. The belie2 is ;aniel Br3an vs. +++ .ill take the -lace o2 Punk vs. +++4 an the #ena vs. Bra3 $3att4 Bn ertaker vs. Brock Lesnar an :an 3 (rton vs. Batista $$9 title matches .ill go as 2irst sche ule . ?rom TV4 it i a--ear (rton vs. Batista is still a irection. Lesnar4 Paul +e3man an #ena all i n=t .ork TV this .eek. Lesnar .as -ulle last .eek 2rom the :a. sho. in Los Angeles. #ena .ill be back on that sho. an there is no .or at this -oint i2 +e3man is booke on TV in Los Angeles an 5or (ntario4 #A. ?ole34 .ho escribe himsel2 as someone .ho kne. Punk -rett3 .ell an ha talke .ith him at length over his situation4 sai on one han his leaving .as shocking4 but

on the other han 4 he .asn=t sur-rise . ?ole34 .ho has also le2t the com-an3 a 2e. times4 2rustrate .ith .orking there 2or i22erent reasons4 sai he4 like man34 .ere a.are o2 ho. 2rustrate Punk ha been an sai he ha trie to convince Punk to look at the glass as being hal2 2ull instea o2 hal2 em-t3. But he sai that someone .ho 2ancies himsel2 on being the best in the .orl is not going to be able to o that. CPunk is a reall3 honest gu34D ?ole3 sai in a vi eo talking about the situation. C+e rubbe -eo-le the .rong .a3. A lot o2 -eo-le -ersonall3 on=t like him4 but i2 3ou .ere to ask the gu3 to change4 3ou= eliminate .ho he is. 0ou= take a.a3 his rive.D ?ole3 note Punk .as un ersi/e an i n=t have the look that $$9 .ants4 but in s-ite o2 that4 he ha become one o2 the to- stars in the business. CThe sk3 shoul have been the limit4 an it hasn=t @uite been. There have been some ecisions ma e as 2ar as his irection that ) i n=t agree .ith. ) kne. he .as thinking o2 leaving. ) kne. he .as looking to leaving 2or a .hile.D ?ole3 sai he .oul tell Punk to just take time o22 an comeback re2reshe . let his injuries heal an

C+e .oul sa3 to me4 E)=m not 3ou. (nce )=m one4 )=m one.=D +e sai that he e>-ects to talk to Punk an take time o22 an heal u-. .ill tell him to .ork out his contract4 then

C)2 3ou still love the business4 go back to the in ies. ;o it on 3our o.n terms. ) have to believe he no longer nee s the mone3 but ) think he=s going to love the .restling business 2or a long time to come.D ?ole3 sai he .as gla Punk stoo u- 2or .hat he believe in4 but 2elt it .as an o--ortunit3 lost 2or both the $$9 an Punk. +e4 like Austin4 encourage Punk to come back an at least .ork out his contract. ?ole3 sai he 2elt Punk=s -romos ha been lacking 2or the -ast several months. Punk4 in intervie.s a3s be2ore @uitting4 sai that he ha gotten tire o2 2ighting an .as just acce-ting things. ?ole3 sai he .oul encourage $$9 that i2 he oes come back4 to not scri-t his intervie.s at all an let him sa3 .hat he .ants. ?ole3 note that .hen the3 .orke together4 Punk re2use to o scri-te lines that ma e 2un o2 ?ole3=s .eight. +e sai that a buil 2or a Punk vs. +++ match .oul be a great buil u- an almost guarantee a great match because both are goo big game -la3ers. A gran stan challenge to Punk 2or a 2ight that .ill likel3 never ha--en4 .as issue b3 Jason ;avi ?rank4 the 2ormer 'reen :anger o2 the :angersD an the $orl <eries o2 ?ighting. Their matchmaker an 9>ecutive Vice Presi ent4 Ali Ab e &A/i/ con2irme to Ariel +el.ani o2 MMA? that ?rank=s manager contacte them about such a match an sai the3 .oul be intereste in -romoting it. +e also sai the3 .ere intereste in having Punk 2ight i2 he= like to. Bellator has also e>-resse interest in Punk. B?# Presi ent ;ana $hite sai he thought Punk4 .ho he=s met at several sho.s4 inclu ing on 15!1 in #hicago4 .as a cool gu34 but sai Punk ma e no hints at .anting to 2ight in B?# .hen the3 talke last .eek. +e sai he i n=t kno. i2 Punk coul 2ight so i n=t give a e2inite .hen aske i2 the3 .oul be intereste in using him. Punk ha tol +el.ani that there=s a chance he= 2ight4 but he also sa3s he=s thinking o2 2ighting so he can entertain himsel2 rea ing -eo-le talk shit about him on message boar s. ?rank4 .ho is 4%4 2ought three times as an amateur an once as a -ro4 as a heav3.eight4 but hasn=t 2ought in more than three 3ears. )2 Punk .ere to 2ight4 an the o s are against it because o2 the as-ect4 base on his 2rame4 he= more likel3 2ight at mi le.eight. But he has the same as ;ave Bautista4 an is 3ounger4 an 2e. reall3 e>-ecte Bautista to

2ight4 but it .as something on his bucket list an he i it. Bill 'ol berg4 a big MMA 2an .ho traine in the s-ort4 ha also entertaine oing an MMA 2ight a2ter $#$ close o.n4 but in the en 4 eci e against it. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF The big stor3 coming out o2 B?# 11G .as the controvers3 over the sto--age o2 the main event. Bantam.eight cham-ion :enan Barao knocke o.n Brijah ?aber4 .ho .as 2lattene out4 on his stomach. Barao thre. 17 -unches aime at the si e o2 the hea 4 ever3 one o2 .hich .as blocke b3 ?aber. Barao ma e a look to re2eree +erb ;ean4 o24 CAren=t 3ou going to sto- itHD ;ean sai something to ?aber4 .ho .as still blocking the -unches .ith his le2t han 4 an he gave a thumbs u- .ith his right han to sho. he .as un er control an e2en ing4 .hile in a ba -osition. ;ean then sto--e the 2ight. The sto--age .as clearl3 earl3. )t also i n=t a--ear that there .as much o2 a chance 2or ?aber to .in. )=m not sure an3one right no. is beating Barao unless it=s a gu3 .ho has one -unch knockout -o.er4 like 9 ie $inelan 4 an got the shot in. But $inelan ha his shot an .as 2inishe earl3 in roun t.o. Barao looke like he .as on the verge o2 .inning. Arguabl3 the single best 2ighter in the s-ort to a34 Barao ma e ?aber4 a strong can i ate 2or !%1* ?ighter o2 the 0ear4 look like he .as com-letel3 outclasse in a bout that onl3 laste *I4!. The sto--age took the luster o22 Barao=s im-ressive sho.ing4 an .as isa--ointing as it .as ?aber=s si>th straight loss in title matches ating back to late !%%J. At *44 it a--ears he=s one at the cham-ionshi- level4 but one also .oul have sai that a2ter he lost to ;ominick #ru/ an -reviousl3 to Barao. That theme tol the stor3 o2 the sho.4 .hich 2eature a recor setting ten ecisions. ;ana $hite sai 4 C?aber .as oka3. +e .as rocke . +e .as blocking the shots. +erb ;ean oesn=t make man3 mistakes4 but he ble. it tonight.D $hile $hite sai he thought ;ean .as the best re2eree in the s-ort4 but he ma e a ba call here. +e calle the earl3 sto--age the cherr3 on to- o2 a catastro-hic night. )t .asn=t @uite that ba . But it .as the com-an3=s thir straight lackluster sho.. Barao an teammate Jose Al o both ominate 4 as e>-ecte 4 .ith Al o retaining the 2eather.eight title over :icar o Lamas. Al o took a 2ive&roun ecision .here Lamas .on onl3 the last roun . Barao seems to have no viable conten ers le2t e>ce-t ;ominick #ru/4 his originall3 sche ule o--onent4 .ho has misse !J months o2 his -rime ue to t.o knee reconstruction surgeries an more recentl34 a torn groin that ke-t him out o2 this sho.. ?aber4 .ho seemingl3 .as going to 2ace the Barao vs. #ru/ .inner4 took the 2ight on three .eeks notice4 an .ith limite training ue to a minor hamstring tear an ee- bruising4 but he .as a team -la3er an took the 2ight imme iatel3 .hen aske . )t .oul be better 2or #ru/ to have at least one tune&u- 2ight be2ore Barao4 but the lack o2 e-th ma3 -ut him as the ne>t conten er. The onl3 other conten ers are ?aber=s teammate4 T.J. ;illasha.4 :a-hael Assuncao4 .ho ?aber beat but .ho beat ;illasha. in a close s-lit ecision4 or -erha-s Take3a Mi/ugaki. ;ana $hite .as -ushing 2or Al o to move u- to 177 an 2ace Anthon3 Pettis4 .ho is currentl3 out o2 action a2ter reconstructive knee surger3. Al o agree to the 2ight verball34 as i Pettis. But the 2inancial etails .eren=t .orke out. The 2ight .oul take -lace .hen Pettis is rea 3. +e .as sa3ing 7574 but that ma3 be -ushing it.

)2 that ha--ens4 Al o .oul vacate the title at 147. Most likel3 #ha Men es vs. either ?rankie 9 gar or more likel34 #ub <.anson4 .oul battle to etermine the ne. cham-ion. )2 Pettis beats Al o4 he coul come back o.n an imme iatel3 challenge to get his belt back. +o.ever4 Al o has aske 2or a catch .eight 2ight at 17%4 as it a--ears he oesn=t .ant to vacate his title4 .hich he=s hel 2or 2our 3ears an three months4 through eight title e2enses. An erson <ilva=s recor s are si> 3ears an nine months as cham-ion an ten success2ul title e2enses. At !74 those recor s are .ithin his reach. Also announce over the .eeken is the biggest sho. o2 at least the 2irst hal2 o2 the 3ear4 a 75!4 ate at the M'M 'ran 'ar en Arena in Las Vegas .ith #hris $ei man vs. Vitor Bel2ort 2or the mi le.eight title4 an #hael <onnen vs. $an erlei <ilva. The mi le.eight title 2ight ha been e>-ecte 2or this ate. The -romotion .ante it over Memorial ;a3 or Jul3 4th .eeken 4 an $ei man -re2erre the earlier ate because he .ante to s-en the summer .ith his ki s not .orr3ing about an im-en ing 2ight. The ate announce -uts the onus on the "eva a <tate Athletic #ommission on the testosterone use e>em-tion issue 2or Bel2ort4 .ho 2aile a steroi test in "eva a in !%%7. B?# 11G4 on !51 in "e.ark4 "J4 not 2ar 2rom the <u-er Bo.l the ne>t a3 in 9ast :uther2or 4 "J 6not a coinci ence as ?(K aske B?# to run the same market84 re. 144*%J 2ans an L141714%%%. ?or a com-arison4 last 3ear=s sho. in the same buil ing4 hea line b3 Jon Jones vs. #hael <onnen4 a 2ar more marketable 2ight4 i 174!!7 2ans an L!.7 million. At the -ress con2erence t.o a3s be2ore the 2ight4 ;ana $hite sai it .as sol out an that he ha to turn o.n )ce T an ?rankie 9 gar=s 2rien s 2or tickets. +o.ever4 a number o2 rea ers contacte us the ne>t a3 sa3ing the3 .ere able to call the bo> o22ice an get tickets. The sho. .as not e>-ecte to o an3 major PPV business. Most -reliminar3 in icators -ut it on the lo. en . (ne cable com-an3 .e got real numbers 2rom ha it virtuall3 i entical to the :o3al :umble4 .hich is actuall3 a little better than ) e>-ecte . TV ratings 2or the shoul er -rogramming .ere strong. The -relims on ?< 14 even .ith an Alan Patrick vs. John Mak essi main event .hich meant /ero B.<. star -o.er4 an 2our mostl3 2orgettable ecisions .hen it came to action4 i G**4%%% vie.ers. )t .as the most&.atche sho. on ?< 1 o2 the .eek4 .hich is signi2icant since the entire .eek on the station ha been built aroun <u-er Bo.l coverage. )t .as the 1*th most .atche television sho. in the histor3 o2 the si>&month ol station. The -re&2ight sho. i !*G4%%% vie.ers4 .hich is ouble the 1!%4%%% average an secon highest since moving to ?< 1. The -ost&2ight sho. ha 17G4%%% vie.ers. $ith onl3 t.o 2inishes4 an no submissions4 the best knockout bonus .ent to Abel Trujillo 2or a <cott <mith&like comeback as he .as about to be 2inishe b3 Jamie Varner be2ore lan ing a -er2ect -unch that 2lattene his 2oe. Trujillo got L7%4%%% 2or the knockout4 an he an Varner each got L774%%% as the best 2ight bonus. That 2ight .as reall3 the onl3 thing memorable on the sho.. )n the loser leaves to.n match4 Alistair (vereem4 o.n in .eight4 2ought a care2ul4 an not all that e>citing three roun s .inning an eas3 ecision over ?rank Mir. "o .or on .hat .ill ha--en to Mir4 .ho one .oul think .oul be highl3 covete b3 Bellator. But Mir .as not even com-etitive. A2ter the 2ight4 instea o2 Junior ;os <antos4 .ho one .oul have 2igure .as (vereem=s most likel3 ne>t o--onent4 he calle out Brock Lesnar. C) think he coul have 2inishe Mir4D sai $hite a2ter the sho.. C+e ke-t his job. <houl ?rank retireH $e on=t make those ecisions tonight. ?rank is tough. )t .as a cra--3 -er2ormance b3 Alistair an then he calls out someone .ho oesn=t even 2ight in the B?#. )t .as not a great night 2or (vereem.D

1. "eil Magn3 6G&48 beat 'asan Bmalatov 614&*&18 on scores o2 !G&!J4 *%&!7 an *%& !7. This .as the most im-ressive Magn3 has looke to ate. +e easil3 took the 2irst t.o roun s4 .hile the thir roun .as close. Magn3 ha Bmalatov o.n at the en o2 the 2irst t.o roun s4 having taken his back be2ore the roun en e . Bmalatov got t.o take o.ns in the thir . !. :ashi Magome ov 611&18 beat Ton3 Martin 6J&18 on straight !G&!J scores. Both men .ere ebuting. Martin looke goo earl34 .ith a take o.n into si e control an then clam-e on an armbar. The armbar looke locke in4 but Magome ov s-un out .hile screaming in -ain. )n the secon an thir roun s4 Martin coul n=t take Magome ov o.n4 an got beaten u- stan ing. Magome ov buste Martin=s e3e in the secon roun . Martin=s 2ace .as a mess in the thir roun as it .as more o2 the same an Martin coul n=t take him o.n. Magome ov lan e kicks right to Martin= 2ace in the thir roun . *. #lint +ester 61%&*8 beat An 3 9n/ 6J&18 on scores o2 *%&!74 *%&!7 an *%&!1. Best 2ight o2 the earl3 -art o2 the sho.. +ester knocke 9n/ o.n earl34 an ominate the stan &u-. <till4 the cro. booe uring the secon an thir roun s. 4. Al )a@uinta 6J&!&18 beat Aevin Lee 67&18 on scores o2 !G&!J4 !G&!J an !J&!7. )a@uinta .on the 2irst an thir roun s. )n the 2irst4 he score a knock o.n. )n the secon 4 Lee took him o.n an got his back4 .orking 2or a choke several times. Lee ke-t back -osition 2or much o2 the roun . <o it came o.n to the thir roun . Lee got a take o.n an lan e -unches but )a@uinta got back u-. )a@uinta .as blee ing 2rom the nose. But he lan e a lot o2 -unches late in the roun to take it. At one -oint Lee trie an en/uigiri4 but )a@uinta blocke it. 7. "ick #atone 61%&48 beat Tom Aong $atson 611&78 via s-lit ecision on scores o2 !J&!G4 !G&!J an *%&!7. Boring 2ight. #atone .on the 2irst t.o roun s. Little ha--ene in the 2irst roun -ast #atone taking $atson o.n an kee-ing him on his back. $atson lan e earl3 in the secon roun until being taken o.n into si e control. #atone took him o.n into si e control a secon time later in the roun . )n the thir 4 #atone .as tire an coul n=t get the take o.n. $atson starte lan ing. +is lo. kicks hurt #atone=s le2t leg. #atone .as blee ing. #atone got t.o take o.ns late an brie2l3 ha $atson=s back in the thir . 1. #hris #ariaso 611&78 beat ;ann3 Martine/ 617&78 on straight !G&!J scores. #ariaso got the better o2 the stan &u- in roun one4 .ith the ke3 oing a kick to the hea . +e took the secon roun as .ell4 lan ing a lot o2 kicks4 although Martine/ took him o.n once. )n the thir 4 Martine/ starte lan ing an got a take o.n. Martine/ lan e the better -unches in the thir . ?ans booe this 2ight in the secon roun an it .as lackluster overall. 7. Alan Patrick 61!&%8 beat John Mak essi 61!&*8 on a controversial !G&!J4 !G&!J an *%&!7 ecision. ) ha Mak essi .inning roun s t.o an three. Joe :ogan .ent cra/3 about the ecision. ?or a long time he=s been railing about ho. .e nee to get 2ighters into the ju ging an then it .ill be better. ?ighters .on=t necessaril3 make an3 better or .orse ju ges than .hat .e=ve got4 an in time4 histor3 .ill bear that out. <o he talke about ho. great it is that :icar o Almei a4 a 2ormer B?# 2ighter4 .as ju ging4 an then Almei a Patrick the ecision here .hich :ogan thought .as cra/3. The 2ight .asn=t a blo.&out4 but ) .as stunne .hen the scores .ere rea that Patrick got the ecision. (ur -oll ha 77M 2or Mak essi4 4%M 2or Patrick an *M ha it even. ?ans .ere booing this one like cra/3. Patrick got a momentar3 take o.n in the 2irst4 .hich Mak essi got right u- 2rom4 but since nothing else ha--ene o2 signi2icance4 it .as Patrick=s roun . Mak essi got the better o2 the secon roun lan ing some s-in kicks4 although Patrick got the onl3 take o.n. )n the thir 4 Mak essi got the better o2 it but Patrick i lan a nice hea kick. J. Abel Trujillo 61!&74 1 no contest8 beat Jamie Varner 6!1&G&14 ! no contests8 via knockout at !I*! o2 the secon roun . 9arl3 2ight o2 the 3ear can i ate. Both tra e

-unches. )t .as clear Varner .as the more skille 2ighter4 but Trujillo .as aggressive an hit har . Trujillo .ent 2or a take o.n but Varner blocke it an got on to-4 an then got Trujillo=s back. +e .ent 2or a "orth&<outh choke an hel it 2or a long time4 but coul n=t lock it in. Varner let it go. Trujillo got to his 2eet. Both .ere s.inging an it .as a cra/3 late roun . )n the secon roun 4 Varner ke-t lan ing. Trujillo lan e har u--ercuts. Then Varner got the better o2 it. Varner .as taking him a-art an ha Trujillo hurt. Trujillo .oul .il l34 an mostl3 miss. More -unches an knees. Trujillo looke like he .as about to be 2inishe .hen he lan e a -er2ect right hook to the ja. an Varner colla-se on the groun an it .as over. G. Ali Bagautinov 61*&!8 beat John Lineker 6!*&78 via straight !G&!J scores in a 2ight that coul etermine the ne>t conten er to 2l3.eight cham-ion ;emetrious Johnson. Lineker at 2irst .eighe in at 1!7 -oun s4 .hich .oul have been the 2ourth time he misse .eight. But he .ent back to the sauna an ma e 1!1 an hour later. But that .as likel3 to hurt his stamina4 an .hen it came to eci e the 2ight in roun three4 Bagautinov controlle it. Bagautinov took him right o.n an thre. -unches on the groun . Both .ent 2or a heel hook. Lineker got to his 2eet but Bagautinov took him o.n again an lan e -unches 2rom the to-. The cro. .as booing here. )n the secon roun Lineker .as blocking the take o.ns an lan ing bo 3 shots that hurt. Bagautinov .ent 2or take o.ns but coul n=t get them. Bagautinov came back late in the roun . <o it came o.n to the thir . Bagautinov imme iatel3 got the take o.n. +e tri--e him o.n a secon time an .as elbo.s to the ribs. +e en e ugetting 2our take o.ns in the thir . +e .as -unching 2rom the to-4 an then starte 2le>ing as time ran out. 1%. Alistair (vereem 6*7&1*4 1 no contest8 beat ?rank Mir 611&G8 on straight scores o2 *%&!7. )n the 2irst roun 4 (vereem took him o.n an beat him u-. )n the secon 4 he thre. Mir o.n in something close to a ca-ture su-le>. ?ans booe in the secon roun . Mir got a take o.n an .orke 2or a guillotine but (vereem esca-e an .as on to- lan ing -unches an elbo.s to the 2ace an bo 3. Mir .as blee ing ba l3 2rom the right si e o2 the 2ace b3 late in the roun . )n the thir roun 4 Mir -rett3 much .ent to his back. (vereem sta3e on to- an mostl3 just sta3e there4 lan ing a 2e. goo -unches .ith Mir=s 2ace a mess b3 the en . 9ver3one 2igure this .as a @uick .in 2or someone an ) on=t think man3 2igure on this one going the istance. #ro. booe both gu3s .hen it .as over. 11. Jose Al o Jr. 6!4&18 beat :icar o Lamas 61*&*8 to retain the 2eather.eight title on straight scores o2 4G&41. 9ven though this .as in "e. Jerse34 the cro. .as strongl3 behin Al o4 chanting 2or him in Portuguese4 .hich in icate a lot o2 -eo-le 2rom Bra/il .ere at the sho.. Al o ma e 147 an in the cage looke 17%4 thick an muscular. +e 2ought a basic 2ight4 lan ing -unches4 lo. kicks an a s-in kick. )t a--eare Lamas= game -lan .as to .ait 2or Al o to tire4 .hich reall3 i n=t ha--en. Lamas thre. lo. kicks but Al o checke most o2 them. Al o i more -unches an lo. kicks. +e hurt Lamas .ith -unches an s-un him aroun once .ith a lo. kick. Lamas .as hurting as Al o ke-t lan ing lo. kicks. Al o .as taking him a-art in the thir roun .ith brutal lo. kicks. )n the 2ourth roun 4 Lamas 2inall3 .ent 2or a take o.n4 but coul n=t get it. Al o tri--e him instea an lan e on to-. Al o got 2ull mount an back -osition4 .orking 2or a choke. Lamas esca-e the choke an trie 2or a take o.n4 .hile Al o thre. elbo.s as Lamas trie the take o.n. Al o .as u2our roun s going into the 2i2th. Lamas .ith bo 3 kicks. Al o got the take o.n an move to mount. Lamas s.e-t to the to- an lan e a lot o2 elbo.s an -unches 2or the rest o2 the roun to .in his lone roun . 1!. :enan Barao 6*4&14 1 no contest8 beat Brijah ?aber 6*%&78 to retain the bantam.eight title in *I4!. This .as goo .hile it laste . ?aber caught a kick an lan e t.o -unches. Barao lan e an then both tra e . Barao .as lan ing har lo. kicks an knocke ?aber o.n .ith a right. ?aber .as in real trouble4 being -oun e on the groun . Most -eo-le .oul n=t have gotten out o2 that -re icament. ?aber esca-e an got back u-. Barao lan e knees an -unches an knocke ?aber o.n

a secon time .ith an overhan re2 +erb ;ean sto--e it.

right. ?aber blocke

ever3 -unch on the groun


FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF #hris +arrington i a stu 3 on TV ratings b3 -er2ormers 2or the 3ear. A 2e. notes on this. The 2irst is that the ata use .as 2rom the (bserver4 .hich essentiall3 means 2rom Januar3 through August .e ha just about ever3 sho. an the numbers .ere actuals. (ver the ne>t 2e. months4 .e ha s-ora ic an the3 .ere 2rom a i22erent source an .ere estimates4 but it=s a i22erent metho olog3 an .asn=t e>act. But as 2ar as4 on average4 ho. man3 -eo-le are gaine or lost base on this character=s segments4 this is the to- !%I 1. The :ockI **741GJ !. Brock LesnarI **%4%1J *. John #enaI *!J44%1 4. Paul +e3manI *1747*1 7. +++I !7G44!% 1. #.M. PunkI !4147*4 7. <te-hanie McMahonI !4!4J41 J. Vickie 'uerreroI !*44*7G G. Vince McMahonI !%*4477 1%. Bra Ma o>I 11J4J1G

11. <eth :ollinsI 1174*JJ 1!. :oman :eignsI 1114!%! 1*. Big <ho.I 111414* 14. ;aniel Br3anI 1774*41 17. ;ean AmbroseI 1*7417! 11. :3backI G14!G4 17. #urtis A>elI 7G41GG 1J. AaneI 4J41GJ 1G. <heamusI 4%4%14I !%. :an 3 (rtonI *14*%7 A 2e. notes on these numbers. There is an a vantage in the sense those -erceive as to- ra.s are going to get the better segments4 so it=s not -er2ect. Also4 .restlers are

not isolate in the sense onl3 one -erson is in a segment. ;oes +e3man4 2or e>am-le4 bene2it greatl3 here b3 the 2act he .orke .ith Lesnar an Punk all 3earH (2 course. :ollins , :eigns .ere a tag team4 an the onl3 thing it sho.e is that Ambrose 2ares .orse as B.<. cham-ion than as -art o2 the unit4 hurting his average com-are to the other t.o. ) oubt an3one shoul be sur-rise b3 that. All the authorit3 2igures 2are .ell because the3 are in the segments .here the3 make big announcements4 or are involve .ith to- angles. Bra Ma o> is not a bigger ratings ra. than ;aniel Br3an. Also4 as -art&time -er2ormers4 it -robabl3 hel-s :ock an e2initel3 hel-s Lesnar. The i ea that #ena an Punk .ere the t.o most success2ul 2ull&timers coinci es .ith the i ea that the3 .ere the t.o most -ushe uring that -erio . ?or the bottom !%I 1. #ameronI &4G14714 !. La3laI &4J147%% *. AksanaI &*G74%%% 4. "aomiI &*JG4417 7. :&TruthI &*!!414* 1. Brie BellaI &*!!41** 7. "ikki BellaI &*114177 J. "atal3aI &!GG4*%% G. Alicia ?o>I &!*44J77 1%. #hristianI &!%J4%%% 11. BsosI &!%74417 1!. Ao2i AingstonI &!%!417J 1*. 'reat AhaliI &!%14!%% 14. ;amien <an o.I &1J4414% 17. ?an angoI &177414% 11. <antino MarellaI &17G44*J 17. Bra3 $3attI &1714!!7 1J. Nack :3 erI &17!414* 1G. A.J. LeeI &17!4J*J !%. 9rick :o.anI &14!4!7% The ke3 here is the bottom s-ots being ominate b3 the .omen. ) on=t think the or er is signi2icant4 since in ma3 .a3s the3 are booke to be interchangeable. )t=s

more the overall message over the course o2 the 3ear. More -eo-le tune out uring .omen=s matches4 .hich are o2ten multi-le -erson matches that 2eel like 2iller -rogramming. Television vie.ershi- is su--ose to be about attractive -eo-le4 3et to a -re ominatel3 male au ience4 the -h3sicall3 most attractive -eo-le are at the bottom o2 the list4 .hich tells 3ou that things are not nearl3 as sim-le as the3 are ma e out to be. )t sho.s that television truisms are like the Cturn hea s at air-ortsD line .restling -eo-le talk about to e>-lain .h3 certain -eo-le shoul an shoul n=t get -ushe .hen the realit3 is this. The best -re ictor o2 .hether someone can get over is i2 he or she has one so -reviousl3 in a meaning2ul .a3. The other is that nothing is a be&all or en &all. 9ver3one .ill make ju gments on looks4 -romos4 si/e4 -s3cholog3 o2 character an .orking abilit3. All are 2actors. But the over.helming 2actor is4 oes it .orkH <ome .ith ever3thing on -a-er going 2or them on=t .ork out. <ome .ith none o. An again4 these numbers aren=t stagnant. $ork .ith better -eo-le4 or get -ushe as a more im-ortant act4 an 3our numbers .ill im-rove. But the i ea that a meaningless .oman=s match .ill bring in teenage bo3s4 or a ult males4 soun s great in a meeting. But in real li2e4 in !%1*4 the o--osite .as true. (r a giant like Ahali on television .ill kee- -eo-le 2rom turning the channel ma3 have been true .hen he 2irst came in4 but a2ter 3ears4 it=s no longer the case. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF "e. Ja-an starte its "e. Beginning tour .ith the 2irst o2 three iPPV sho.s4 on !5! at Aorakuen +all in Tok3o. The sho. .as more like a television sho. .ith matches set to buil matches on the t.o major sho.s4 .hich are !5G an !511. u- the bigger

The biggest ne.s coming out o2 the sho. came a2ter the 2ourth match4 .hen $ataru )noue announce his retirement. )noue4 4%4 .as in tears talking about his injuries4 .hich inclu e a herniate isc in his neck su22ere 11 months ago4 combine .ith egenerative arthritis in his right shoul er. +is bo 3 hasn=t res-on e to treatment an he has limite or range o2 motion in his right arm. +e .ill have a 2ormal retirement ceremon3 on the 45* sho. at Aorakuen +all. )noue4 originall3 a stu ent o2 Animal +amaguchi=s g3m4 starte as a -ro .restler in 1GGG4 an joine "e. Ja-an in !%%4. +e s-ent a 2e. 3ears as a smaller junior heav3.eight4 hol ing the )$'P jr. heav3.eight title 2rom ;ecember J4 !%%74 .hen he e2eate :3usuke Taguchi4 an vacate the title in June4 a2ter he ha .on the !%%J Best o2 the <u-er Juniors tournament4 to move to heav3.eight. +e an 0uji "agata .on the )$'P tag team titles on Ma3 *4 !%1% in ?ukuoka4 in a three&.a3 match over cham-ions 0ujiro Takahashi , Tetsu3a "aito an 'iant Bernar , Aarl An erson. )n a rematch on June 1G4 !%1%4 another three&.a3 match4 the3 lost them to Bernar , An erson in (saka. That 2all4 the3 beat Bernar , An erson in the semi2inals an "aito , Takahashi in the 2inals to .in the annual '&1 tag team tournament. But the3 lost .hen challenging Bernar , An erson 2or the titles on ;ecember 114 !%1%. +e also ha a short run .ith Aoji Aanemoto as his -artner as )$'P jr. tag team cham-ions4 beating 'e o , Ja o on March 44 !%%74 in Tok3o4 be2ore losing to +irooki 'oto 63es4 he .as a junior heav3.eight8 , Minoru 6Tanaka8 on Ma3 144 !%%74 also in Tok3o. )noue .ill take a job .orking in the "e. Ja-an 2ront o22ice. The PPV sho. this month is s-lit in t.o. (n !5G 61 a.m. late !5J B.<. time 9astern4 1% -.m. Paci2ic4 kee- in min times liste on the "e. Ja-an Bstream site o2ten aren=t

accurate8 2rom the +iroshima <un Pla/a Arena has Aota )bushi , Bushi vs. Jushin Liger , ;es-era o4 Minoru <u/uki vs. Tama Tonga4 Aa/ushi <akuraba , 0uji "agata vs. Toru 0ano , Takashi )i/uka4 +iro3oshi Ten/an vs. Michael Tarver4 <atoshi Aojima vs. Big ;a 3 0um0um 6B3ron $ilcott8 2or the "$A title4 Tomoaki +onma , Tetsu3a "aito vs. 0ujiro Takahashi , Tomohiro )shii4 Ale> <helle3 , Aushi a , :3usuke Taguchi , Togi Makabe vs. Prince ;evitt , Ba Luck ?ale , 0oung Bucks4 +irooki 'oto , Aatsu3ori <hibata vs. 0oshi&+ashi , Aa/uchika (ka a4 Aarl An erson , ;oc 'allo.s vs. ;ave3 Bo3 <mith Jr. , Lance Archer 2or the )$'P tag titles an +iroshi Tanahashi vs. <hinsuke "akamura 2or the )# title. (n !511 at the (saka Bo 3maker #olosseum4 6* a.m. late !51% 9astern4 mi night Paci2ic time8 has 0oung Bucks vs. <helle3 , Aushi a 2or the )$'P jr. tag titles4 <hibata vs. 0oshi&+ashi4 <mith Jr. , Archer , <u/uki vs. An erson , 'allo.s , Tonga4 Makabe , Taguchi vs. ;evitt , ?ale4 Aojima , Ten/an vs. Tarver , 0um0um 6.inners get a shot at "$A tag cham-s :ob #on.a3 , Ja> ;ane84 <akuraba , "agata vs :olles , ;aniel 'racie4 Tanahashi , Liger vs. "akamura , Takahashi4 )bushi vs. ;es-era o 2or the )$'P jr. title4 "aito vs. )shii 2or the "ever (-en .eight title an (ka a vs. 'oto 2or the )$'P heav3.eight title. The 2irst sho.4 .hich re. a sellout o2 !4%17 2ans4 .as -rett3 straight . The stu22 be2ore intermission .as nothing s-ecial. :eall34 the onl3 thing s-ecial .as a strong trios main event. 1. Taka Michinoku , Taichi beat <ho Tanaka , 0ohei Aomatsu in 7I** .hen Taichi took o22 his -ants an su-erkicke Aomatsu 2or the -in. Aomatsu .as .orking .ith a messe u- le2t shoul er. "ot a lot o2 heat but it got goo momentum .hen Aomatsu got a series o2 near 2alls on Taichi an the cro. smelle an u-set that i n=t ha--en. FF154 !. Jushin Liger , Tiger Mask , Bushi beat 0ujiro Takahashi , 0oshi&+ashi , Ja o in 7I7%. Ja o ha Bushi in a cross2ace an .as leaning s to -ut on more -ressure4 an in oing so Bushi cra le his shoul ers 2or the -in. 'oo 2inish. Match .as all action but the 2ans .eren=t much into it. Takahashi .alke out on his teammates a2ter the match. F15! *. Tomoaki +onma , #a-tain "e. Ja-an beat Toru 0ano , Takashi )i/uka via ;O in JI!1.hen )i/uka hit #a-tain .ith a series o2 chair shots. All the usual stu22 2rom 0ano , )i/uka inclu ing the chairs4 the un oing o2 the turnbuckle -a ing in one corner4 an )i/uka choking .ith a mic cor . But no heat an just a nothing match .ith a ba 2inish. A2ter the match4 )i/uka naile both gu3s .ith the iron 2ingers. ;B; 4. +iro3oshi Ten/an , <atoshi Aojima , ;es-era o 6A3osuke Mikami4 2ormerl3 "amajague in #MLL8 beat 0uji "agata , Manabu "akanishi , Aota )bushi in 1!I*1 .hen Aojima -inne "akanishi a2ter a lariat. "akanishi is so slo. it=s like his boots are ma e out o2 cement an the ring is @uick san . All the )bushi vs. ;es-era o stu22 .as goo to buil their title match. Aojima i his 7% cho-s in the corner on "akanishi4 .hich is e>-ecte but it=s almost like a cliche no.. Aojima has a tra emark elbo. o22 the to- ro-e4 but he=s been hurting so ba he goes u- there an something ha--ens to kee- him 2rom oing it. +ere )bushi i this somersault into a kick that knocke him o22 the to- ro-e. "akanishi -o--e the cro. oing a missile ro-kick. This .oul be like bringing back some ol gu3 like :on <immons an he oes a missile ro-kick o22 the to-. FF*54 7. Lance Archer , ;ave3 Bo3 <mith Jr. , Minoru <u/uki beat Aarl An erson , Luke 'allo.s , Tama Tonga in GI!1 .hen Archer -inne Tonga a2ter he an <mith Jr. gave him a ouble&team killer bomb. <u/uki i n=t kick a ring atten ant at the en o2 his song. )t ha become almost a cliche as .ell4 but .hen he i n=t o it4 it .as like something 2rom missing 2rom the sho.. #ro. .as into Archer vs. 'allo.s as the t.o

big gu3s clotheslining each other an not going o.n. Lots o2 bra.ling. +ighlight .as <mith Jr.4 .ho is -robabl3 in his career best sha-e at !77 an 2airl3 cut on the 'racie iet4 -icking 'allo.s u-4 an he is no small man4 an hol ing him .ith a ela3e vertical su-le> like his a 4 2or 14.7 secon s. ;uring about a secon o2 that4 he hel him u- .ith one arm. FF*54 1. :3usuke Taguchi , Ale> <helle3 , Aushi a , Togi Makabe beat Prince ;evitt , Ba Luck ?ale , 0oung Bucks in 11I*% .hen ;evitt came o22 the to- ro-e .ith a ouble 2oot stom- to Taguchi=s groin 2or the -in. The big @uestion here is .hether ;evitt is going to sign 2or a ne. 3ear or go to $$9. "o real but him scoring the -in .oul seem to in icate he=s sta3ing. This .as Taguchi=s 2irst match back. +e an ;evitt .ere -artners 2or 3ears4 ma3be the best jr. team in "e. Ja-an o2 the last ten 3ears an then ;evitt .ent heel on him earl3 last 3ear. Taguchi got hurt just as their 2eu .as starting. The eal here is ;evitt .oul tag out .hen Taguchi .as in4 unless Taguchi .as o.n. ?ale -la3e a monster to Taguchi to almost a sill3 egree. Last 2e. minutes .ere real goo . FFF 7. <hinsuke "akamura , Aa/uchika (ka a , Tomohiro )shii beat +iroshi Tanahashi , +irooki 'oto , Tetsu3a "aito in !4I77 .hen )shii -inne "aito a2ter a brainbuster. 9>cellent match. 9ver3one -aire o22 so it .as mostl3 "akamura vs. Tanahashi4 (ka a vs. 'oto an )shii vs. "aito. The cro. .as behin the CheelsD as Tanahashi got the #ena res-onse4 although not as ar ent4 an "aito .as also lightl3 booe . Tanahashi an "akamura came o22 like the stars here4 but "aito an )shii .orke the har est an ma e the match. All action .ith ever3one giving a -revie. o2 .hat the3=ll likel3 o this coming .eek4 .ithout giving the big stu22 a.a3. )shii an 'oto i the real sti22 clothesline s-ots inclu ing back&an &2orth .ith each other. "akamura set ua bom a 3e on Tanahashi4 but out o2 no.here4 'oto took his hea o22 .ith a lariat. 'oto also clothesline (ka a an )shii. )shii i a ela3e su-er-le> on "aito an kille him .ith elbo.s. "aito came back .ith a uranage an a 'erman su-le>4 be2ore missing the star ust -ress. (ka a naile Tanahashi .ith a high ro- kick an )shii clothesline 'oto. )shii kille "aito .ith a lariat4 but he kicke out4 be2ore hitting him .ith the brainbuster 2or the -in. FFFF154 FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF A cou-le o2 notes 2rom Bruno <ammartino about the 1G17 attem-t to uni23 the "$A an $$$? cham-ionshi-s .ith a <ammartino vs. Lou Thes/ close &circuit match. $hile there .ere several "$A vs. $$$? cham-ionshi- matches in the late 7%s an earl3 J%s4 inclu ing +arle3 :ace vs. <u-erstar Bill3 'raham4 a number o2 :ace vs. Bob Backlun matches an one :ic ?lair vs. Backlun match4 be2ore the .restling .ar starte 4 all .ere ra.s an ;O 2inishes4 an there .as never an3 talks in that era o2 actuall3 uni23ing the titles. )n the 1%s4 things .ere i22erent in the sense that <am Muchnick al.a3s believe that 2or the cre ibilit3 o2 -ro .restling4 there shoul be one .orl cham-ion because in those a3s4 that .as .hat .as ma e 2un o2. Vince McMahon <r. an #a-ital $restling ha le2t the "$A in 1G1* over the is-ute as the3 .ante Bu 3 :ogers to retain the "$A .orl cham-ionshi-4 .hile "$A Presi ent <am Muchnick ha gotten so much heat 2rom "$A territories .ho coul n=t book :ogers an .ere .anting to ro- out o2 the "$A an create their o.n cham-ion. The #algar3 an Amarillo territories use 'ene Ainiski4 an the (hio an 'eorgia territories also create their o.n .orl cham-ions4 even though it .ent against "$A b3la.s4 because the3 coul n=t get ates on :ogers. <o the3 ha the sho. o.n .here Thes/ beat :ogers in Toronto on Januar3 !44 1G1*.

B3 1G174 <ammartino ha been $$$? cham-ion 2or a cou-le o2 3ears an ha establishe himsel2 as a major car . +e .as !G 3ears ol an Thes/ .as 4G. There .ere a series o2 meetings involving McMahon4 Joe CTootsD Mon t4 .ho .as the other major stockhol er in #a-ital $restling4 Muchnick4 an a 2ourth -erson4 .ho <ammartino sai he believe to have been Bobb3 Bruns 6Muchnick=s booker in <t. Louis at the time4 so that name .oul make sense8. <ammartino sai he .as not invite to an3 o2 the meetings4 although he kno.s that Thes/ atten e one or t.o o2 them. The ecision .as ma e to go .ith <ammartino as cham-ion. At the meeting4 McMahon an Mon t e>-resse that 2or their major arena sho.s4 the3 ha built the territor3 u- to .here the3 nee e <ammartino or the3 .oul n=t ra. .ell4 an the3 sai the3 nee e him 17 or 1J ates -er month. $ell4 that .as the same eal .ith :ogers a 2e. 3ears earlier that le to the s-lit. Muchnick sai that the3 coul make the eal4 but the "$A nee e 11 or 17 ates .hich the3 coul s-rea out4 because the "$A cities .ere built on a conce-t .here the cham-ion .as a s-ecial attraction .ho i n=t a--ear on ever3 sho.4 although Muchnick like to get him eight or so times a 3ear. (2 course4 that sche ule looke im-ossible. <ammartino sai he s-oke .ith Phil Nacko4 .ho .as a sharehol er in #a-ital <-orts an the -romoter in Phila el-hia4 .ho tol him about .hat .as being iscusse an that the3 .ante to make him the uni2ie cham-ion. <ammartino .ante to make clear that the issue .asn=t .here he .orke 4 as he ha no -roblem as 2ar as cities4 but the issue .as the number o2 ates. Nacko en e u- arranging a meeting .ith <ammartino4 Nacko4 McMahon4 Mon t an $illie 'il/enberg 6a bo>ing an .restling -romoter out o2 "e. Jerse3 .ho .as the 2igurehea $$$? Presi ent an another sharehol er8. At the meeting4 <ammartino .as tol that the3 literall3 .ante him on the roa ever3 a3 e2en ing the title because so man3 cities nee e title matches an the3 .oul .ork out the cities. <ammartino sai that he .oul o the sche ule un er one -rovision4 an that .as that he nee e ever3 <un a3 o22 to be .ith his 2amil34 that he almost never sa.. <o that cut the -otential ates o.n 2rom *% or *1 a month to !1 or !7. <ammartino note that Mon t4 a2ter he sai that4 sai to McMahon4 that he tol him that uni23ing the titles .asn=t a goo i ea. Thes/4 in his book4 state it 2ell a-art on his han at the meeting because he eman e a L1%%4%%% guarantee to ro- the title. +e .as also tol that a2ter one 3ear4 he .oul get it back4 but he i n=t trust that .as the case4 hence he .ante the guarantee. <ammartino sai that he never hear o2 that eman 2rom Thes/4 but sai he .as tol onl3 that Thes/ .ante to be guarantee return matches .ith <ammartino at all the major arenas all over the countr3. But the issue 2ell a-art 2rom there an no match .as ever booke 4 nor .as there even a match booke bet.een the t.o .here the3 .oul go to a ra. an both .oul kee- their titles. )n 1G714 McMahon rejoine the "$A4 an his cham-ion4 Pe ro Morales4 .as bille as $$$? cham-ion instea o2 $$$? .orl cham-ion. The McMahons .ere "$A members until 1GJ*4 .hen at the meeting that 3ear4 Vincent Aenne 3 McMahon4 Vincent James McMahon an Jim Barnett 6b3 then their ;irector o2 (-erations a2ter being 2orce out o2 his 2ormer -osition o2 running the 'eorgia -romotion8 all @uit the "$A. The3 i n=t state .h34 but it .as because Vincent Aenne 3 McMahon4 .ho ha taken over 2or his 2ather4 .ho .as 3ing 2rom cancer4 although nobo 3 kne. that at the time4 .as -lanning on e>-an ing nationall3. But it .as that -erio 4 .here the $$$? title an later $$?4 .as al.a3s calle C$$? cham-ion4D instea o2 .orl cham-ion4 .hich is .h3 the3 almost never use the term C.orl D 2or the cham-ionshi- as time .ent on.

FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF :a. on !5* i a *.14 rating an 4.!% million vie.ers4 .ith vie.ers o.n 11M 2rom last .eek. The sho. .as hurt b3 a lot less star than usual4 .ith no Brock Lesnar4 Paul +e3man4 #.M. Punk or John #ena4 but the big ro- .as the thir hour4 the 2irst hour o2 !%14 to 2all belo. 4 million vie.ers 2or the entire hour. That hour .as mostl3 the great :an 3 (rton vs. ;aniel Br3an match. $e on=t have @uarters but asi e 2rom the main event it .as a $3atts trios match an an Aksana vs. "aomi match4 an it .oul 2igure that in the thir hour4 both4 -articularl3 the latter4 .oul not o .ell. The three hours .ere 4.4* million 2or the 2irst hour4 4.!! million 2or the secon an *.GJ million 2or the thir . $$9 <mack o.n on 15*1 i a !.17 rating an *.%* million vie.ers4 .hich is a strong rating 2or the sho.. )t .as secon on cable 2or the night. The main s-orts com-etition .as the "BA on 9<P" at 1.71 million vie.ers. )m-act on 15*% i a 1.14 rating an 1.47 million vie.ers. )t .oul have been the secon largest au ience4 trailing the -revious .eek4 to .atch the sho. ating back to the summer. )t also beat the "BA on T"T4 .hich i 1.*J million vie.ers4 hea &to& hea in vie.ers4 although not in the ke3 emos. $e on=t have the @uarters hours 2or the sho. at -ress time. Bltimate ?ighter on 15!G .as move to ?< ! 2or one .eek because ?< 1 ha a basketball game. The sho. i 1%74%%% vie.ers4 .hich4 consi ering the net.ork an its -enetration4 is consi erabl3 more im-ressive than .eek t.o on ?< 1. )t .as the secon most&.atche sho. on a $e nes a3 since the launch o2 ?< ! in August an the 17th most .atche sho. overall on the station. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF This is the secon issue o2 the current set. )2 3ou=ve got a 618 on 3our a means 3our subscri-tion e>-ires .ith ne>t .eek=s ouble issue. ress label4 it rates 2or the -rinte (bserver in the Bnite <tates are L1! 2or 2our issues 6.hich inclu es L4 2or -ostage an han ling84 L!! 2or eight4 L*1 2or 1!4 L4% 2or 114 L1% 2or !44 LJ% 2or *!4 L1%% 2or 4%4 L1*% 2or 7! u- through L11% 2or 14 issues. ?or #ana a an Me>ico4 the rates are L1*.7% 2or 2our issues 6.hich inclu es L1 2or -ostage an han ling84 L!4 2or eight4 L*4 2or 1!4 L44 2or 114 L11 or !44 LJJ 2or *!4 L11% 2or 4% issues4 L14* 2or 7! an L171 2or 14. ?or 9uro-e4 3ou can get the 2astest eliver3 an best rates b3 sen ing to Moonsault4 P.(. Bo> *%774 Barnet4 +erts 9"4 G0:4 9nglan 4 or b3 sen ing e&mail or ers to moonsaultPme :ates are QG -er set o2 2our issues. B.A. rea ers or ering at least si> sets can get them 2or QJ.7% -er set. ?or the rest o2 the .orl 4 the rates are L17.7% 2or 2our issues 6.hich inclu es LG 2or -ostage an han ling84 L*% 2or eight4 L4* 2or 1!4 L71 2or 114 L7% 2or !%4 LJ4 2or !44 LGJ 2or !J4 L14% 2or 4% issues an L1J! 2or 7! issues. 0ou can also get the (bserver on the .eb at 2or L1%.GG -er month 2or a -remium membershi- that inclu es ail3 au io u- ates4 ?igure ?our $eekl34 s-ecial articles an a message boar . )2 3ou are a -remium member an still .ant har co-ies o2 the (bserver4 3ou can get them 2or LJ -er set in the B.<.4 LG -er set in #ana a an L11.7% -er set 2or the rest o2 the .orl .

All subscri-tion rene.als shoul be sent to the $restling (bserver "e.sletter4 P.(. Bo> 1!!J4 #am-bell4 #A G7%%G&1!!J. 0ou can also rene. via Visa or Master#ar b3 sen ing 3our name4 a ress4 -hone number4 Visa or Master#ar number 6an inclu e the three or 2our igit securit3 co e on the car 8 an e>-iration ate to ; or b3 2a> to 64%J8!44&*4%!. 0ou can also rene. at using ; as the -a3 to a ress. ?or all cre it car or -a3-al or ers4 -lease a a L1 -rocessing 2ee. )2 there are an3 subscri-tion -roblems4 3ou can contact us an .e .ill attem-t to recti23 them imme iatel34 but -lease inclu e .ith 3our name a 2ull a ress as .ell a -hone number 3ou can be contacte at. All letters to the e itor4 re-orts 2rom live sho.s an an3 other corres-on ence -ertaining to this -ublication shoul also be sent to the above a ress. $e also have co-ies o2 our latest book4 RTributes ))4R a !G*&-age har cover 2ull color book .hich 2eatures biogra-hies right out o2 the -ages o2 the (bserver. Those 2eature are $ahoo Mc;aniel4 Lou Thes/4 Miss 9li/abeth4 ?re ie Blassie4 :oa $arrior +a.k4 An re the 'iant4 #urt +ennig4 Johnn3 Valentine4 ;ave3 Bo3 <mith4 Terr3 'or 34 (.en +art4 <tu +art4 'orilla Monsoon4 The <heik an Tim $oo s. The book is available 2or L1!.G7 -lus L*.7% 2or -ostage an han ling in the B.<.4 L1G 2or -ostage an han ling in #ana a an L!%.7% 2or -ostage an han ling 2or the rest o2 the .orl . This -ublication is co-3right material an no -ortion o2 the (bserver ma3 be re-rinte .ithout the e>-resse consent o2 -ublisher5.riter ;ave Melt/er or #hie2 legal counsel an e-ut3 managing e itor <cott $illiams. The (bserver is also -ro uce b3 John ?. :aa an there .as a itional hel- 2rom ;an $ahlers. ?a> messages can be sent to the (bserver !4 hours a a3 at 64%J8 !44&*4%!. Phone messages can be le2t !4 hours a a3 at 64%J8 !44&!477. 9&mails can be sent to ; FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ()*U'"* 1=12 >!oto -New 9apan=CM'' Fantasti a Mania ? 1,000 sellout1: Bushiroa , Titan b 'e o , Ja o4 ?uego , :e3 #ometa , <tuka Jr. b <higeo (kumura , Vangell3s , :e3 9scor-ion4 Taka Michinoku , Taichi b Jushin Liger , Ma>imo4 Tetsu3a "aito , Mascara ;ora a b Aushi a , Vola or Jr.4 Mistico , :ush b <hinsuke "akamura , Me-histo4 +iroshi Tanahashi , La <ombra , ;es-era o b Aa/uchika (ka a , "iebla :oja , Bltimo 'uerrero 1=1% 8untsville -"N7 5$pa t "# tapings ? 1,/001: Jose-h Park , James <torm , 'unner , 9ric 0oung , <amoa Joe , (;B b :obbie 9 , Jessie 'o er/ , #hristo-her ;aniels , ?rankie Aa/arian , Nema )on , Le=; Ta-a4 "o ;OI Bull3 :a3 b Aen An erson4 Anockouts titleI Ma ison :a3ne b 'ail Aim4 <-u 5Magnus re2I 9than #arter ))) b <ting4 #age matchI Aurt Angle b Bobb3 :oo e4 K titleI Austin Aries b #hris <abin to .in title4 Brie2case matchI 'unner b James <torm4 T"A titleI Magnus b <ting 1=1% "ok!o >orakuen 8all -:ragon ;ate ? 1,2001: Jimm3 Aan a , 'enki +origuchi , Jimm3 Aagetora b ;on ?ujii , 'amma , +oll3.oo <talker )chika.a4 Jimm3 Aan a , 'enki +origuchi , Jimm3 Aagetora b ;on ?ujii , 'amma , +oll3.oo <talker )chika.a4 ;ragon Ai b 0osuke <anta Maria4 A&"ess , <u-er <hisa , Aennichiro Arai b B>B +ulk , Mon ai :3u , A/34 #ima , #hihiro Tominaga b Aotoka , :3otsu <himi/u4 Akira To/a.a , <hingo Takagi b T&+a.k , B&T4 Jimm3 <usumu , :3o <aito , Ouu Ouu To3onaka ;ol-hin b 0amato , "aruki ;oi , #3ber Aong4 (-en the ;ream 'ate titleI Masato 0oshino b Masaaki Mochi/uki

1=1/ *t. 'ouis -WW) ? %,0001: Tag titlesI #o 3 :ho es , 'ol ust b Jack <.agger , Antonio #esaro4 Kavier $oo s b Bro us #la34 Alicia ?o> b Aksana4 Big <ho. b Aane4 Titus (="eil , ;arren 0oung b :3back , #urtis A>el4 Alberto ;el :io b <in #ara4 $orl titleI John #ena b :an 3 (rton&;O 1=1/ Mobile -"N7 ? <001: K titleI #hris <abin b Austin Aries4 Anockouts titleI Ma ison :a3ne b 'ail Aim4 'unner b Bobb3 :oo e4 9than #arter ))) b 9ric 0oung4 T"A titleI Magnus b James <torm4 #age matchI <amoa Joe b Bull3 :a3 1=1/ "ok!o *+inkiba -New 9apan=CM'' Fantasti a Mania ? <001: ?uego , :e3 #ometa , <tuka Jr. b Taka Michinoku , Taichi , <higeo (kumura4 Vangell3s , Me-histo b Titan , Mascara ;ora a4 #MLL light heav3.eight titleI :e3 9scor-ion b Ma>imo4 Mistico , :ush b Bltimo 'uerrero , "iebla :oja4 La <ombra Vola or Jr. 1=1, Cin innati -WW) ? %,0001: Titus (="eil , ;arren 0oung b #urtis A>el , :3back4 Alicia ?o> b Aksana4 Kavier $oo s b Bro us #la34 Tag titlesI 'ol ust , #o 3 :ho es b Jack <.agger , Antonio #esaro4 +an ica- matchI Luke +ar-er , 9rick b Aane4 Alberto ;el :io b <in #ara4 $$9 titleI John #ena b :an 3 (rton&;O 1=1, 8a$$ond, 5N -WW) ?<,&00 sellout1: Ao2i Aingston b The Mi/4 Bra3 $3att b Big <ho.4 "on&titleI "atal3a b A.J. Lee4 T3ler Bree/e b Justin 'abriel4 )# titleI Big 9 Langston b ;amien <an o.4 Ba "e.s Barrett b T3son Ai 4 :&Truth b ?an ango4 +an ica- matchI #.M. Punk b <eth :ollins , :oman :eigns , ;ean Ambrose 1=1, :ot+an, 7' -"N7 ? 2001: K titleI #hris <abin b Austin Aries4 Anockouts titleI Ma ison :a3ne b 'ail Aim4 9than #arter ))) b 9ric 0oung4 !5* 2allsI <amoa Joe b Bull3 :a34 T"A titleI Magnus b 'unner4 #age matchI James <torm b Bobb3 :oo e 1=1, Osaka -:ragon ;ate ? 1,,00 sellout1: ;on ?ujii , 'amma b T&+a.k , B&T4 0osuke <anta Maria .on 2our&.a3 over Mon ai :3u4 <u-er <hisa an 'enki +origuchi4 B>B +ulk b :3otsu <himi/u4 <hingo Takagi b Aotoka4 "aruki ;oi , A/3 b Jimm3 Aan a , Jimm3 Aagetora4 0amato , #3ber Aong b Masato 0oshino , Akira To/a.a4 (-en the Triangle 'ate titleI Jimm3 <usumu , :3o <aito , Ouu Ouu To3onaka ;ol-hin b #ima , Masaaki Mochi/uki , ;ragon Ai 1=1& Colu$bus, O8 -WW) ? %,2001: Titus (="eil , ;arren 0oung b :3back , #urtis A>el4 Alicia ?o> b Aksana4 Kavier $oo s b Bro us #la34 Tag titlesI #o 3 :ho es , 'ol ust b Jack <.agger , Antonio #esaro4 +an ica- matchI Luke +ar-er , 9rick b Aane4 Alberto ;el :io b <in #ara4 $$9 titleI John #ena b :an 3 (rton&;O 1=1& >ala$a@oo -WW) ? 4,0001: Ao2i Aingston b The Mi/4 #age matchI Bra3 $3att b Big <ho.4 "on&titleI "atal3a b A.J. Lee4 T3ler Bree/e b Justin 'abriel4 )# titleI Big 9 Langston b ;amien <an o.4 Ba "e.s Barrett b T3son Ai 4 :&Truth b ?an ango4 +an ica- matchI #.M. Punk b <eth :ollins , ;ean Ambrose , :oman :eigns 1=1& 7lban!, ;7 -"N7 ? 3001: ;e.e3 Barnes b ;an <avage4 !5* 2allsI 'unner b Bull3 :a34 Anockouts titleI Ma ison :a3ne b 'ail Aim4 K tileI #hris <abin b Austin Aries4 9than #arter ))) b 9ric 0oung4 James <torm b Bobb3 :oo e4 #age match 2or T"A titleI Magnus b <amoa Joe 1=40 :a!ton -WW) (aw=*uperstars "# tapings ? /,2001: Brie Bella b Alicia ?o>4 Los Mata ores , <in #ara b +eath <later , Jin er Mahal , ;re. Mc)nt3re4 <eth :ollins , :oman :eigns , ;ean Ambrose b Big 9 Langston , #o 3 :ho es , 'ol ust4 ?an ango b Kavier $oo s4 #.M. Punk b Bill3 'unn4 Alberto ;el :io b :e3 M3sterio4 "aomi , #ameron b A.J. Lee , Tamina <nuka4 Bsos b Luke +ar-er , 9rick :o.an4 :an 3 (rton b Ao2i Aingston&;O

1=41 ;rand (apids, M5 -WW) *$a kdown=Main )vent "# tapings1: "aomi b 9mma4 :&Truth b ;amien <an o.4 Bella T.ins b Aksana , Alicia ?o>4 Alberto ;el :io b <in #ara4 Big <ho. , :e3 M3sterio b Jack <.agger , Antonio #esaro4 The Mi/ b Bro us #la34 A.J. Lee b #ameron4 :3back , #urtis A>el b Los Mata ores4 Luke +ar-er , 9rick b Titus (="eil , ;arren 0oung4 Ao2i Aingston b ?an ango4 'ol ust , #o 3 :ho es , Big 9 Langston , Bsos "# <eth :ollins , :oman :eigns , ;ean Ambrose , :oa ;ogg , Bill3 'unn4 +an ica- matchI #.M. Punk b <eth :ollins , :oman :eigns , ;ean Ambrose 1=43 *tate College, P7 -WW) ? <,2001: ?an ango b Justin 'abriel4 Ale>an er :usev b Nack :3 er4 "aomi , #ameron b Alicia ?o> , Aksana4 Los Mata ores b +eath <later , ;re. Mc)nt3re4 Ao2i Aingston b :3back4 :e3 M3sterio , #o 3 :ho es , 'ol ust b Alberto ;el :io , Jack <.agger , Antonio #esaro4 $$9 titleI John #ena b :an 3 (rton&;O 1=42 (eading, P7 -WW)1: Ao2i Aingston b :3back4 ?an ango b Justin 'abriel4 Ale>an er :usev b Nack :3 er4 "aomi , #ameron b Aksana , Alicia ?o>4 Los Mata ores , Torito b +eath <later , Jin er Mahal , ;re. Mc)nt3re4 Big <ho. b Aane4 :e3 M3sterio b Alberto ;el :io4 $$9 titleI John #ena b :an 3 (rton&;O 1=42 Canton, O8 -WW) ? 4,2001: B.<. titleI ;ean Ambrose b :&Truth4 'reat Ahali b #urtis A>el4 "on&titleI "atal3a b A.J. Lee4 )# titleI Big 9 Langston b ;amien <an o.4 Ba "e.s Barrett b T3son Ai 4 Tag titlesI #o 3 :ho es , 'ol ust .on three&.a3 over :oman :eigns , <eth :ollins an Jack <.agger , Antonio #esaro4 #age matchI Bra3 $3att b ;aniel Br3an 1=42 Pittsburg+ -(O8 ? 1,0001: Jimm3 Jacobs , B.J. $hitmer b A#+ , Ta arius Thomas4 +anson b :a3mon :o.e4 Michael Bennett b :omantic Touch4 TV titleI Tomasso #iam-a .on title in three&.a3 over cham-ion Matt Taven an Ja3 Lethal4 #e ric Ale>an er b An re. 9verett4 Aevin <teen b A3le (=:eill34 Michael 9lgin , #hris +ero .on three&.a3 over A am #ole , Matt +ar 3 an Mark , Ja3 Briscoe 1=42 ;uerrero Negro -777 "# tapings ? %,000 sellout=free sponsored s+ow1: Ta3a Valk3rie , Mari A-ache , <e>3 <tar b ?abi A-ache , Jarochita , Jenni2er Blake4 The Ps3cho #ircus b 9l Te>ano Jr. , Mascara Ano !%%% Jr. , Psicosis4 Norro .on 'rou- 1 o2 :e3 e :e3es over <ilver Aing4 Mesias an ?eni>4 ;ark (// , ;ark #uervo , ;ark 9scoria b La Parka , Jack 9vans , #ibernetico 1=4/ Cleveland -WW) (aw=*uperstars "# tapings ? &,2001: "atal3a b <ummer :ae4 Los Mata ores b Jin er Mahal , ;re. Mc)nt3re4 Jack <.agger , Antonio #esaro b :e3 M3sterio , <in #ara4 :&Truth b ?an ango4 ;ol-h Niggler b The Mi/4 Bsos b :3back , #urtis A>el4 Alberto ;el :io b Ao2i Aingston4 Tag titlesI #o 3 :ho es , 'ol ust b Bill3 'unn , :oa ;ogg&;O4 Bella T.ins , #ameron , "aomi b A.J. Lee , Aksana , Alicia ?o> , Tamina <nuka4 John #ena , <heamus , ;aniel Br3an b <eth :ollins , :oman :eigns , ;ean Ambrose&;O 1=4, "oledo -WW) *$a kdown=Main )vent "# tapings1: Ale>an er :usev b T3son Ai 4 Alberto ;el :io b :&Truth4 "atal3a b Tamina <nuka4 Bsos , Big 9 Langston b +eath <later , Jin er Mahal , ;re. Mc)nt3re4 Antonio #esaro b ;ol-h Niggler4 :3back , #urtis A>el b Titus (="eil , ;arren 0oung4 #hristian b Jack <.agger4 Ao2i Aingston b ;amien <an o.4 #o 3 :ho es b :oa ;ogg4 <eth :ollins , :oman :eigns , ;ean Ambrose b ;aniel Br3an , <heamus , :e3 M3sterio 1=4& :ublin, 5reland -"N7 ? 1,0001: * on !I Jose-h Park , 9ric 0oung , )van the Ma La b 9than #arter ))) , :ockstar <-u 4 Velvet <k3 re2I (;B , Ma ison :a3ne b 'ail Aim , Le=; Ta-a4 'unner b Bobb3 :oo e4 Three&.a3 2or K titleI Austin Aries .on over <amoa Joe an #hris <abin4 Tag titlesI :obbie 9 , Jessie 'o er/ b #hristo-her ;aniels , ?rankie Aa/arian4 Tables matchI Aen An erson b Bull3 :a3

1=<0 ;lasgow, * otland -"N7 ? 2,2001: Ma ison :a3ne , Velvet <k3 b 'ail Aim , Le=; Ta-a4 James <torm , 'unner b #hristo-her ;aniels , ?rankie Aa/arian4 Tag titleI :obbie 9 , Jessie 'o er/ "# 9ric 0oung , Ab3ss4 Aurt Angle , <amoa Joe b Magnus , 9than #arter )))4 K titleI Austin Aries b Nema )on4 Monster=s BallI Ab3ss b 9ric 0oung4 "on&titleI Aurt Angle b Magnus&;O4 <amoa Joe b Bobb3 :oo e 1=<0 "olu a -777 "# tapings ? <,000 sellout1: Argenis , ;inastia , 'otita e Plata b Argos , Mini #harl3 Manson , Mini Ps3cho #lo.n4 ;ark #uervo , Mari A-ache b ;ragon , ?abi A-ache4 ;aga , 9l +ijo el ?antasma , Pentagon Jr. b Angelico , ?eni> , Ps3cho #lo.n4 La Parka .on 2our&.a3 over Parka "egra4 Blue ;emon Jr. an #hessman4 9l Te>ano Jr. , Norro b #ibernetico , 9lectroshock 1=<1 Mia$i -WW) ? %,0001: :&Truth b ?an ango4 "aomi , #ameron b Aksana , Alicia ?o>4 Titus (="eil b #urt +a.kins4 "on&titleI A rian "eville b Bo ;allas4 #o 3 :ho es , 'ol ust b Jack <.agger , Antonio #esaro4 Los Mata ores , <in #ara b +eath <later , Jin er Mahal , ;re. Mc)nt3re4 Big <ho. b Aane4 $$9 titleI John #ena b :an 3 (rton&;O 1=<1 Man +ester -"N7 5$pa t "# tapings ? 4,/001: Austin Aries b ?rankie Aa/arian4 La er matchI 'unner b 9than #arter )))4 <amoa Joe , 9 ie 9 .ar s , ;ave3 :ichar s b :obbie 9 , Jessie 'o er/ , Nema )on4 MVP b :ockstar <-u 4 #hris <abin b Velvet <k34 #asket matchI Aen An erson b Bull3 :a34 "on&title street 2ightI 'ail Aim b Ma ison :a3ne4 * on 1 han ica- matchI <amoa Joe b :obbie 9 , Jessie 'o er/ , Nema )on4 9 ie 9 .ar s , ;ave3 :ichar s b #hristo-her ;aniels , Aa/arian4 T"A titleI Magnus b 'unner4 9than #arter ))) b 9ric 0oung 1=<1 MeAi o Cit! 7rena MeAi o -CM''1: Pe@ueno Violencia , Pierrothito b <tuka , Bltimo ;ragoncito4 Aamaitachi , (kumura , <angre A/teca b ?uego , <u-er +alcon Jr. , Triton4 ;all3s la #aribena , Princesa Blanca , Princesa <ugei b ;ark Angel , 9strellita , Marcela4 'ran Alternativa tournament Block AI Blue Panther , #achorro b Averno , :ebel e4 La <ombra , (ro Jr. b :e3 Bucanero , Akuma4 Vola or Jr. , <oberano b Me-histo , 9s-anto Jr.4 9l Terrible , 'uerrero "egro Jr. b Ma>imo +ombre Bala Jr.4 La <ombra , (ro Jr. b Blue Panther , #achorro4 Vola or Jr. , <oberano b 9l Terrible , 'uerrero "egro Jr.4 Vola or Jr. , <oberano b La <ombra , (ro Jr.4 Atlantis , La Mascara , :ush b Mr. "iebla , <hocker , Bltimo 'uerrero&;O 4=1 Orlando -WW) ? %,2001: :&Truth b ?an ango4 "aomi , #ameron b Aksana , Alicia ?o>4 Titus (="eil b #urt +a.kins4 "on&titleI A rian "eville b Bo ;allas4 #o 3 :ho es , 'ol ust b Jack <.agger , Antonio #esaro4 Los Mata ores , <in #ara b +eath <later , Jin er Mahal , ;re. Mc)nt3re4 $orl titleI John #ena b :an 3 (rton& ;O 4=1 Wi +ita -WW)1: Mark +enr3 , Big 9 Langston b #urtis A>el , :3back4 Ale>an er :usev b Nack :3 er4 "atal3a b Tamina <nuka4 <heamus , Bsos b <eth :ollins , :oman :eigns , ;ean Ambrose4 The Mi/ b ;amien <an o.4 Ba "e.s Barrett b Ao2i Aingston4 #age matchI Bra3 $3att b ;aniel Br3an 4=1 'ondon, )ngland -"N7 5$pa t "# tapings ? 3,0001: Tag titlesI :obbie , Jessie 'o er/ .on three&.a3 over #hristo-her ;aniels , ?rankie Aa/arian an 9 ie 9 .ar s , ;ave3 :ichar s4 9than #arter ))) b ;oug $illiams4 <amoa Joe b Ba Bones4 Al-ha ?emale , Le=; Ta-a b Ma ison :a3ne , Velvet <k34 Austin Aries re2I Bobb3 :oo e b MVP4 #hristo-her ;aniels b Ba Bones4 9limination matchI Bobb3 :oo e , Austin Aries , :obbie 9 "# MVP , 9 ie 9 .ar s , ;ave3 :ichar s4 9ric 0oung "# <amuel <ha.4 Ma ison :a3ne , Velvet <k3 , (;B b 'ail Aim , Le=; Ta-a , Al-ha ?emale4 Bobb3 :oo e b ;ave3 :ichar s 4=4 >ansas Cit! -WW) ? 3,0001: Mark +enr3 , Big 9 Langston b #urtis A>el , :3back4 Ale>an er :usev b Nack :3 er4 "atal3a b Tamina <nuka4 Bra3 $3att b The

Mi/4 Ao2i Aingston b ;amien <an o.4 Ao2i Aingston b Ba "e.s Barrett4 <heamus , Bsos b <eth :ollins , :oman :eigns , ;ean Ambrose4 #age match 2or $$9 titleI :an 3 (rton b ;aniel Br3an 4=4 'akeland, F' -WW) ? <,0001: :&Truth b ?an ango4 "aomi , #ameron b Aksana , Alicia ?o>4 "on&titleI A rian "eville b Bo ;allas4 <in #ara , Los Mata ores b +eath <later , Jin er Mahal , ;re. Mc)nt3re4 Titus (="eil b #urt +a.kins4 #o 3 :ho es , 'ol ust b Jack <.agger , Antonio #esaro4 #age matchI Big <ho. b Aane 4=4 6ir$ing+a$, )ngland -"N7 9okers Wild PP# tapings ? <,0001: 'ai Aim b <hanna4 ;oug $illiams , Magnus b #hris <abin , 'unner4 <amoa Joe , Ba Bones b #hristo-her ;aniels , :obbie 94 Bull3 :a3 , :ockstar <-u b Aen An erson , Austin Aries4 ?rankie Aa/arian , 9than #arter ))) b #urr3 Man , 9ric 0oung4 9 ie 9 .ar s , ;ave3 :ichar s b Bobb3 :oo e , James <torm4 <amuel <ha. , Ab3ss b Nema )on , Jessie 'o er/4 9limination matchI Velvet <k3 , Ma ison :a3ne , (;B b 'ail Aim , Le=; Ta-e , Al-ha ?emale4 9than #arter ))) .on Battle :o3al 4=4 Fukuoka -:ragon ;ate ? 1,,00 sellout1: <hachihoko Bo3 , Batten Tamaga.a b #hihiro Tominaga , +oll3.oo <talker )chika.a4 Masaaki Mochi/uki , ;on ?ujii , 'amma b #3ber Aong , A/3 , Mon ai :3u4 Jimm3 Aagotora , Ouu Ouu To3onaka ;ol-hin b Aotoka , :3otsu <himi/u4 A&"ess , ;ragon Ai b B&T , 0osuke <anta Maria4 Masato 0oshino b Jimm3 <usumu4 'enki +origuchi , :3o <aito , Jimm3 Aan a b 0amato , B>B +ulk , "aruki ;oi4 (-en the 'ate titleI Akira To/a.a , <hingo Takagi b #ima , T&+a.k 4=< O$a+a -WW) (aw=*uperstars "# tapings ? &,2001: Tamina <nuka b "atal3a4 Bsos , Los Mata ores b +eath <later , Jin er Mahal , ;re. Mc)nt3re , #urt +a.kins4 <eth :ollins , :oman :eigns , ;ean Ambrose b :e3 M3sterio , Ao2i Aingston , Big 9 Langston4 #hristian b Jack <.agger4 #age match 2or $$9 tag titlesI Bill3 'unn , :oa ;ogg b #o 3 :ho es , 'ol ust4 Titus (="eil b Nack :3 er4 <heamus b #urtis A>el4 Bra3 $3att , 9rick , Luke +ar-er b :&Truth , Kavier $oo s , ;ol-h Niggler4 "aomi b Aksana4 "on&titleI ;aniel Br3an b :an 3 (rton 4=< "ok!o >orakuen 8all -Pro Wrestling NO78 ? 1,0001: ;aisuke +ara a b 0ohei Aomatsu4 'enba +ira3anagi b Mitsuhiro Aitami3a4 0oshinari (ga.a b +ajime (hara&;O4 Taiji )shimori b Ktra Large4 <hin3a )shika.a b Jonah :ock4 "aomichi Maru2uji b :3uichi Aa.akami4 Mike3 "icholls b Mohamme 0one4 Takashi <ugiura b Atsushi Aotoge4 Aatsuhiko "akajima b Aenou&;O4 Takeshi Morishima b <hane +aste4 "o rules matchI A9"TA b Ma3bach Taniguchi 4=< Fukus+i$a -New 9apan ? 1,&00 sellout1: ;es-era o , <ho Tanaka b Bushi , 0ohei Aomatsu4 0uji "agata , Jushin Liger b Tiger Mask , #a-tain "e. Ja-an4 +iro3oshi Ten/an , <atoshi Aojima , Manabu "akanishi b Takashi )i/uka , 0oshi& +ashi , Ja o4 Minoru <u/uki , Taichi b Toru 0ano , 'e o4 Togi Makabe , :3usuke Taguchi , Aushi a , Ale> <helle3 b Prince ;evitt , Ba Luck ?ale , 0oung Bucks4 Aarl An erson , ;oc 'allo.s , Tama Tonga b Lance Archer , ;ave3 Bo3 <mith Jr. , Taka Michinoku4 +iroshi Tanahashi , +irooki 'oto , Tetsu3a "aito , Tomoaki +onma b Aa/uchika (ka a , <hinsuke "akamura , Tomohiro )shii , 0ujiro Takahashi 4=3 :es Moines -WW) *$a kdown=Main )vent "# tapings ? 3,2001: Ale>an er :usev b T3son Ai 4 The Mi/ b ?an ango4 Alberto ;el :io b Nack :3 er4 Big 9 Langston b #urtis A>el4 :oman :eigns , ;ean Ambrose b Ao2i Aingston , ;ol-h Niggler4 <heamus b :3back4 ;aniel Br3an b Antonio #esaro4 "on&titleI A.J. Lee b "ikki Bella4 Bra3 $3att b 'ol ust4 "on&titleI :an 3 (rton b #hristian4 ;aniel Br3an b Bra3 $3att&;O 4=3 5baraki -New 9apan ? 1,0001: ;es-era o , 0ohei Aomatsu b Bushi , <ho Tanaka4 0uji "agata , Jushin Liger b Tiger Mask , Tomoaki +onma4 +iro3oshi Ten/an

, <atoshi Aojima , Manabu "akanishi b Takashi )i/uka , 0ujiro Takahashi , 'e o4 Toru 0ano , Ja o b Minoru <u/uki , Taka Michinoku4 Togi Makabe , :3usuke Taguchi , Aushi a , Ale> <helle3 b Prince ;evitt , Ba Luck ?ale , 0oung Bucks4 Aarl An erson , ;oc 'allo.s , Tama Tonga b Lance Archer , ;ave3 Bo3 <mith Jr. , Taichi4 +iroshi Tanahashi , +irooki 'oto , Tetsu3a "aito , #a-tain "e. Ja-an b Aa/uchika (ka a , <hinsuke "akamura , Tomohiro )shii , 0oshi&+ashi CM'' The -romotion lost its time slot on Televisa ue to lo. ratings. The3 .ere tol the3 coul kee- their time slot i2 the3 -ai 2or the time but the3 re2use to o so. AAA is negotiating to get the time slot. #MLL is on several i22erent 2ar rate stations an is tr3ing to get a eal .ith rival TV A/teca. <in #ara4 .ho #MLL is a--arentl3 not going to bring back 6the3 are 2ar more stubborn than virtuall3 an3 other -romotion in the .orl .hen it comes to business8 re. 147%% 2or his sho. in Me>ico #it3 on !51 at his g3m .hich 2eature <in #ara , La <ombra , Argenis over Argos , (riental , Black $arrior4 .hich is @uite the main event as <ombra is a #MLL star .hile Argos an Argenis are AAA .restlers4 an that=s be3on 2orbi en. That meant <ombra teame .ith the original Mistico on <atur a3 night in Me>ico #it34 an the ne. Mistico on <un a3 in the same cit3. ?or a neighborhoo sho. .ithout an3 TV or man3 name .restlers4 that .as consi ere ver3 goo an sho.e that at least at 2irst there is still interest in him. The jur3 is out .hether the 2ans .ill consi er him somebo 3 because he .as on $$9 TV 6an someone .ith his name is still on the sho.s84 or i2 he=ll be vie.e as a big star 2rom Me>ico .ho .ent there an 2lo--e . The intervie. that he i .here he -ortra3e it as $$9 not letting him o his moves an tr3ing to change him ma3 hel-4 because it -ut s3m-ath3 in Me>ico on him .ith the i ea the racist Americans scre.e .ith a Me>ican su-erstar ue to ignorance on .hat ma e him tick. +iromu Takahashi 2rom "e. Ja-an ebute on the 15*1 sho. at Arena Me>ico using the name Aamaitachi. +e teame .ith (kumura , <angre A/teca to beat Triton , ?uego , <u-er +alcon in the secon match on the sho.. The car 2eature the A block o2 the 'ran Alternativa tournament4 .hich is essentiall3 to create a ne. star. Vola or Jr. , <oberano 2irst beat Me-histo , 9s-anto Jr.4 then beat 9l Terrible , 'uerrero "egro Jr.4 be2ore beating La <ombra , (ro Jr. in the 2inals. The main event sa. :ush , Atlantis , La Mascara over <hocker , Mr. "iebla , Bltimo 'uerrero via ;O .hen <hocker 2oule :ush. The !57 sho. has Block B o2 the 'ran Alternativa .ith Atlantis , <tar Jr.4 :ush , ;ragon Lee 6.ho is :ush=s brother84 ;iamante A/ul , Black Panther4 Mr. "iebla , #avernario4 Bltimo 'uerrero , +echicero4 "egro #asas , #anelo #asas 6"egro=s ne-he.8 an :ea--er , 9s-iritu "egro. The main event has Marco #orleone , Thun er , <ombra vs. Averno , Me-histo , 9-hesto. 777 Valentin Aguilar4 414 .ho .reste as Mini #hessman4 -asse a.a3 on 15!G 2rom a res-irator3 in2ection. +e ha been sick 2or a 2e. .eeks .ith a strain o2 -neumonia that almost kille )$:' .restler #erebro "egro4 an i kill 9l Bra/o an got Jenni2er Blake reall3 sick. +e starte .resting in 1GJG4 ebute 2or AAA in !%%% an became Mini #hessman in !%%4. +is last match .as on 151. $ith the mone3 coming into the -romotion4 the3 have got ouble ecker touring busses to trans-ort the .restlers to sho.s an have ma e a eal .ith #it3 9>-ress to be the hotel that the .restlers sta3 at. The ne>t major sho. is :e3 e :e3es on *511 in Monterre3 at the bullring.

The TV ta-ing this .eek .as 15*% in Toluca be2ore a sellout o2 *4%%% 2ans. )t=s a small buil ing so selling it out oesn=t reall3 in icate much o2 an3thing4 but the3 turne tons o2 -eo-le a.a3 so that .as consi ere a goo sign. An interesting note in the o-ener .as Argenis , 'otita e Plata , ;inastia beat Argos , Mini Ps3cho #lo.n , Mini #harl3 Manson .hen Argenis -inne Argos. Argenis an Argos are both brothers o2 <in #ara4 an rumors have ha it <in #ara .as hea e in even be2ore his $$9 contract e>-ire . AAA mi>e tag cham-s ;rago , ?abi A-ache lost a non&title match to ;ark #uervo , Mari A-ache .hen #uervo -inne ?abi .ith a bomb. )n real li2e4 #uervo is ?abi=s bo32rien . 9l +ijo el Tirantes .orke heavil3 as a heel re2 here. ;aga , Pentagon Jr. , 9l +ijo el ?antasma beat Ps3cho #lo.n , ?eni> , Angelico .hen ?antasma -inne ?eni>4 .ho is the AAA ?usion cham-ion. The3 issue challenges back&an &2orth so this likel3 sets u- a title match. )n a :e3 e :e3es @uali2ier4 La Parka .on over Parka "egra4 Blue ;emon Jr. an #hessman. #hessman an ;emon Jr. .ere both counte out. Then Parka submitte Parka "egra. The main event sa. Norro , 9l Te>ano Jr. beat #ibernetico , 9lectroshock 6subbing 2or Mesias4 .ho .as there but ha his arm in a sling8. Actuall3 Argenis came out to sub but Te>ano Jr. , Norro beat him o.n an 9lectroshock save . Norro hit 9lectroshock .ith a ken o stick shot 2or the -in. Then the3 en e the sho. .ith all the 2aces an heels in the ring bra.ling. :(7;ON ;7") Johnn3 'argano e2en s the (-en the ?ree om 'ate title against #ima on !5!! in Oueens4 "0 at the 9lks Lo ge4 an the .inner e2en s against :o erick <trong on !5!* in Brookl3n at the L3ceum. +o.ever4 just a2ter that .as announce 4 #ima su22ere a rib injur3 an is o22 the !51 iPPV sho.. The big sho. o2 the .eek .as !5! in ?ukuoka at +akata <tar Lanes be2ore a sellout o2 14J%% 2ans 2or an (-en the 'ate tag title match .here cham-s Akira To/a.a , <hingo Takagi retaine over #ima , T&+a.k in !7I1* .hen Takagi -inne #ima. #ima4 a2ter the match4 sai that it is getting too i22icult 2or him 6 ue to all his injuries8 to com-ete at the main event level an talke about ho. the ne>t generation o2 stars4 naming Masato 0oshino4 To/a.a4 Takagi4 0amato4 "aruki ;oi an B>B +ulk are lea ing the .a3 an that T&+a.k .oul be there as .ell. 0amato , #3ber Aong attacke To/a.a , Takagi an eman e a title match. W()*"') ?1 The 15*1 sho. at Aorakuen +all .as the Minoru Tanaka !%th anniversar3 sho.. Tanaka4 414 .ho starte as a com-etitor in the Ja-anese s-ort o2 shootbo>ing 6similar to <an <hou in that it allo.s striking an take o.ns4 but 3ou can=t 2ollo. u- on a take o.n an there are no submissions84 an then .ent into -ro .restling a2ter being traine b3 0oshiaki ?uji.ara. The3 o-ene the sho. .ith a celebration4 .ith ?uji.ara. The heel ;es-era o grou-4 Aa/ma <akamoto4 :3oji <ai4 Masa3uki Aono an :ene ;u-ree interru-te an smashe u- all the gi2ts Tanaka .as given. Manabu <o3a 6-la3ing the role o2 matchmaker8 then announce that Tanaka , Aoji Aanemoto coul get their revenge tonight against t.o members o2 ;es-era o. <o3a came out later in the sho. to announce the T"A heav3.eight4 tag team an K titles .oul all be e2en e on that sho.. +e announce a tournament on !517 at Aorakuen +all to etermine .ho .oul 2ace Magnus 2or the T"A title. The matches .ere <ei3a <ana a vs. Minoru Tanaka an Masakatsu ?unaki vs. 0asu2umi "akanoueno. Aai came out an .as ma about not being in the tournament. The3 seem to be buil ing a <o3a vs. Aai angle. <o3a sai that Aai has been on a losing streak an oesn=t eserve to be in the tournament. <ana a then sai that he .as more intereste in .inning the K title4 -lus he .restle A.J. <t3les 2or the T"A title an 2aile so somebo 3 else eserve the chance. <o Aai .as -ut in. +o.ever4 Aai .as -inne b3 0uji +ino on the sho. so that ma3 gave <o3a the chance to -ull him 2rom the match an -ut +ino in. ?or the main event4 Tanaka , Aanemoto .ere out but all 2our members o2 ;es-era o .ere out. )t looke like it .oul be a 2our&on&t.o4 but ?uji.ara then came out to make it 2our&on&

three. Then in a sur-rise4 Jushin Liger came out to even the score. Tanaka -inne <akamoto an then the3 ha the real ceremon3 2or him a2ter the main event en e . P(O W()*"'5N; NO78 A9"TA either i n=t look 2or or i n=t get o22ere a $$9 contract a2ter his stint at the Per2ormance #enter in (rlan o. +e .as there all .eek. +e i n=t .ork at the "KT ta-ings. )t .as an in ivi ual tr3out4 an there .ere contingenc3 -lans to reall3 -ush "aomichi Maru2uji i2 he signe .ith $$9. +is si/e .orke against him because4 as note 4 +++ has sai that the3 have too man3 small gu3s alrea 3 in evelo-mental. The i ea no. is the3 are looking to 2in gu3s .ith the -otential to be $restleMania hea liners4 an 3ou kno. .hat that means in $$9. A9"TA ha in the -ast sai that his goal .as to go to $$9 an .ante to give it a tr3. A9"TA note that there .ere gu3s bigger than him4 an gu3s .ho .ere 2ar better athletes than he .as4 an the3 haven=t ma e it 3et. +e sai it=s not just about being a goo -ro .restler. +e sai it .as a goo e>-erience but sai that it .asn=t a tr3out. )2 it .asn=t4 the3 .oul n=t have ha so man3 -eo-le scouting him. +e returne 2or the 2irst sho. o2 the ne. tour on !5* at Aorakuen +all. +e 2ace Ma3bach Taniguchi be2ore 14%%% 2ans in a no rules match4 .inning in !*I71 a2ter a series o2 'T<=s. )t .as essentiall3 a .ea-ons match. A9"TA mentione that he .as sta3ing in the green ring 6so .asn=t going to $$98 an .oul be back 2or the !51% sho. in the same buil ing. Masato Tanaka .as in Takashi <ugiura=s corner 2or his .in over Atsushi Aotoge. Tanaka , <ugiura team u- on the !511 Nero&(ne sho. at Aorakuen +all. N)W 97P7N A Minoru <u/uki vs. Takashi )i/uka 2eu .as starte on Taka Michinoku , Taichi=s sho. on 15*1 at <hinjuku ?ace in Tok3o. The t.o .ent to a @uick ouble count out in 1I!14 an then rematches .ith a ouble ;O in a match .here both juice 4 an these gu3s on=t use bloo 2re@uentl3. $es Brisco is su--ose to start here in Ma34 as Massao CTigerD +attori4D the long&time re2 .ho hel-s book the 2oreign talent4 has been 2rien s .ith 'eral Brisco 2or eca es. The Brisco name is .ell kno.n in Ja-an among ol er 2ans since Jack .as one o2 those gu3s .ho ha a big re-utation as a legit su-erstar4 an he=s also the gu3 .ho 'iant Baba beat the 2irst time Baba .on the "$A .orl title4 .hich .as a major -art o2 Ja-anese .restling histor3 since he .as the 2irst Ja-anese star to .in the CrealD .orl title. O"8)( 97P7N NO")* ;aisuke <ekimoto un er.ent knee surger3 on 15!*4 an him back in A-ril. 8)() 7N: "8)() A correction 2rom last .eek in the "anc3 Argentino stor3. $e .rote that the Argentino 2amil3 hire a -rivate investigator 3ears later an got a e2ault ju gment against Jimm3 <nuka in the .rong2ul eath civil case. )n actualit34 the3 hire the -rivate investigator ver3 shortl3 a2ter the Allento.n -olice eci e against going .ith the case against <nuka. The e2ault ju gment .as in 1GJ74 t.o 3ears a2ter "anc3 Argentino=s eath. )rv Muchnick4 .ho has covere the stor3 2or eca es4 actuall3 .as the 2irst re-orter to investigate it back in the earl3 G%s4 .rote a -iece .here he believes that the most likel3 charge i2 something is to come out o2 this .oul be involuntar3 manslaughter. An i2 that=s the case4 the statute o2 limitations on that charge e>-ire a long time the3 are ho-e2ul o2 getting

ago. There is no statute o2 limitations 2or 2irst or secon manslaughter.

egree mur er4 or voluntar3

(n the Matt +ar 35:ebecca :e3es +ar 3 2ight that .as re-orte last .eek4 TMN later re-orte that the 2ight .as because +ar 3 .as behaving in a .a3 .here she thought he .as im-aire on "e. 0ear=s 9ve4 an got on his case about it4 .hich le to the 2ight. Jim :oss= -o cast on Po cast (ne guest. ebuts on !51G4 .ith <teve Austin as his 2irst

#+)AA:A Pro .ill be returning .ith a sho. on 75!7. There .as an announcement ma e at the "ational Pro $restling ;a3 sho. on !51 in 9aston4 PA. A ton o2 #+)AA:A .restlers .ere there an ha a bra.l4 .hen the si e oor o2 the arena reveale a ;eLorean .ith smoke coming out o2 it. The i ea is that it .as going back in time4 or like in CBack to the ?uture.D *.% an Arichibal Peck came out an .ere -art o2 the bra.l an it en e .ith the announcement o2 the return o2 the -romotion. 9ric Bischo22 is going to be oing a .eekl3 ra io talk sho. as a combine e22ort o2 his Bischo22&+erve3 9ntertainment 6B+98 an Paul An erson Me ia Agent. The3 are looking to s3n icate the sho.. Longtime rea er ;aniel B3r has -ublishe a book calle CArena #lassics4D .hich is a collection o2 $$$? an $$? cli--ings 2rom the earl3 1%s .hen Bu 3 :ogers .as cham-ion through the Bruno <ammartino ear an the +ulk +ogan era4 -rett3 much through !%%1 .ith the K?L an $B?. ?or more in2o go to (O8 The3=ve got a sho. this .eek at the <hrine Au itorium in <an Antonio on !5J .ith A am #ole vs. Ja3 Briscoe 2or the :(+ title 6that .as the shot Paul Lon on .as originall3 sche ule 2or4 so it looks like a2ter Lon on misse Pittsburgh last .eek that he=s no longer in the -lans since he=s not even a vertise on this sho.84 Michael 9lgin vs. Tommaso #iam-a vs. Ja3 Lethal vs. Aevin <teen 2our&.a3 an A3le (=:eill3 , Bobb3 ?ish vs. A#+ , Ta arius Thomas in a Proving 'roun 6non&title8 match. A2ter that .ill be the 1!th anniversar3 sho. on !5!1 at the Penns3lvania "ational 'uar Armor3 in Phila el-hia .ith #ole vs. +ero 2or the title4 A.J. <t3les vs. Lethal an #iam-a vs. +anson 6To- Pros-ect tournament .inner8 2or the TV title. The3 also have a TV ta-ing the ne>t a3 in Phila el-hia .ith <t3les vs. 9lgin 2irst time ever as the announce to- match. "N7 The -ro-ose Tob3 Aeith&Je22 Jarrett -romotion4 .hich is a long .a3 2rom ha--ening4 stemme almost e>actl3 as 3ou= think. T"A .as 2or sale an Jarrett through his connections .ith the "ashville music in ustr3 an Aeith in -articular4 trie to -ut together a bi to bu3 the com-an3. The eal .as ver3 close at one -oint. Bob #arter came to Aeith to 2inali/e the eal an the t.o si es .ere close on a -rice4 although the3 .ere not @uite there. The belie2 is the3 .ere going to hash it out4 but #arter onl3 ha one re@uest in selling4 .hich .as that ;i>ie #arter .oul remain .ith her title4 have some in the com-an3 an remain a television character. Aeith sai he .asn=t going to bu3 the com-an3 .ith an3 creative limitations4 so the eal actuall3 2ell a-art because Bob #arter in the en .as going to -rotect his aughter. <omeone in T"A .ho .as a.are o2 ho. it .ent o.n note to us that4 CThat=s .h3 .e all are still here4D noting i2 it .as about business4 T"A .oul have never survive a2ter the last gol en carrots 6-rime time TV an +ulk +ogan8 2aile to increase -o-ularit3 or take the com-an3 2rom losing mone3. At that -oint4 the 2eeling .as 2rom Aeith an Jarrett

that the3 i n=t nee to bu3 the com-an34 as the3 coul start their o.n com-an3 2rom scratch. The eal 2alling through .oul have been shortl3 be2ore Jarrett @uit T"A in ;ecember. The other thing note is .hen this stor3 got out insi e o2 T"A4 those .ho ha trie to believe the Janice #arter memo an thought the i ea .as that the #arters .oul n=t sell4 an the talks .ere 2or just a minorit3 investor4 reali/e the3= been ha . Je22 Jarrett -ro uce about a 17 secon vi eo 2or his ne. -romotion just sa3ing C$e=re coming.D (ne -erson .ho has kno.le ge o2 the -roject escribe it as being in ste- one o2 a ten ste- -roject o2 launching4 an that it .oul likel3 be late in the 3ear at the earliest be2ore it=s o22 the groun . As note 4 the kingmakers here are likel3 to be <-ike TV. A eal .hich Jarrett largel3 -ut together be2ore he le2t .as announce this -ast .eek. T"A announce it .oul be ta-ing a (ne "ight (nl3 PPV on *5! at <umo +all in Tok3o in a joint sho. .ith the $restle&1 -romotion. This .as the conce-t .e .rote about months ago. The i ea .as .ith T"A tr3ing to cut back on costs4 that the3 .oul tr3 an s-en as little mone3 as -ossible on the (ne "ight (nl3 sho.s. The conce-t that Jarrett -itche to $restle&1 .ith Jimm3 <u/uki 6a B.<. base Ja-anese maga/ine -hotogra-her .ho i some .restling angles in the J%s an is the "orth American 'eneral Manager 2or $restle&18 be2ore he le2t T"A an also to AAA .as that T"A .oul sen a number o2 .restlers to their sho.4 an the com-anies .oul n=t have to -a3 them. The com-anies coul sell their ;V;s o2 the sho.4 -ut it on TV4 an sell tickets. )n e>change4 T"A .oul get a co-3 o2 the ta-e an have the abilit3 to -ut it on as their o.n television sho. in 2oreign markets outsi e o2 the home countr34 an -ut it on a PPV in the B.<. 6The (ne "ight (nl3 sho.s o incre ibl3 lo. numbers on PPV in the B.<.8. 9ssentiall3 T"A .oul have to -a3 its talent4 but not the 2oreign talent4 trans-ortation4 but .oul get a ta-e .ith /ero -ro uction costs4 .hich are the big e>-ense. Jarrett an Aeiji Muto4 the o.ner o2 $restle&14 ha iscusse this .hen Jarrett .ent to Ja-an 2or an earl3 $restle&1 sho.4 an Muto came to Tennessee. )n a ition4 Muto4 as 'reat Muta an <ei3a <ana a .ill a--ear on the *5G Lock o.n sho. in #oral 'ables4 ?L4 as .ell as the ?an ?est the a3 be2ore. Muta can barel3 .alk4 so even though he .as a big name in the B.<. in 1GJG4 )=m not sure ho. he hel-s the sho.4 although him at the ?an ?est .oul be cool 2or some ol er 2ans an <ana a can go. As -art o2 the eal4 <ana a .ill be in 2or several months. T"A .ill be sen ing Magnus4 Bobb3 :oo e4 <amoa Joe4 'ail Aim4 Ma ison :a3ne4 Austin Aries4 Ab3ss 6.ho .ill be recogni/e as TV cham-ion4 so ) guess that title is back in -la3 no. that he=s back un er that name84 ?rankie Aa/arian4 #hristo-her ;aniels4 9 ie 9 .ar s an ;ave3 :ichar s to Ja-an 2or the sho.. The3 .ante Aurt Angle more than an3one4 but ue to his knee surger34 he .asn=t going to be available. The .orking i ea is to o a secon sho. .ith the t.o -romotions over the summer 6there is talk o2 it being a 2our&hour ouble )m-act ta-ing but that is ver3 -reliminar3 an coul easil3 not ha--en that .a384 built aroun Angle vs. Masakatsu ?unaki4 since ?unaki .as the original -ro .restler .ho -o-ulari/e MMA an he use the ankle lock as a 2inisher an taught the move to Aen <hamrock an it=s a battle o2 +all o2 ?amers. The sho. is e>-ecte to air in the B.<. over the summer. The theme .ill be $restle&1 gu3s challenging 2or the three major T"A titles4 an all 2ive T"A cham-ions .oul a--ear. (n !517 at Aorakuen +all4 there .ill be a Battle :o3al an the .inner challengers Aries 2or the K title. Also4 Aa/ +a3ashi , <huji Aon o .ill 2ace t.o members o2 ;es-era o 6the lea heel grou- in $restle&1 o2 Masa3uki Aono , :3oji <ai , Aa/ma <akamoto , :ene ;u-reeS<akamoto is the same <akamoto that .as .ith Tensai in $$94 not to be con2use .ith the "e. Ja-an .restler o2 the same name8 .ith the .inners 2acing the tag team cham-ions. "o.4 the -lan .as 2or 9 .ar s , :ichar s to beat the Bro Mans 2or the title at the !51 ta-ings in Lon on. But things are su-er isorgani/e .ith stu22 constantl3 changing. Bull3 :a34 .ho is a huge -ro-onent o2 the $olves4 argue against them .inning the titles this earl3 an 2elt the3 shoul s-en more time buil ing them so it=ll mean more .hen the3 get the shot an the belts. Angle is also a big -ro-onent o2 them. Part o2 that coul be that <teve Bra le3 .as involve in training 9 .ar s an Bra le3 hel-e out Angle a lot in Mem-his .hen he .as starting his career. M3 im-ression .as ;ave Lagana 2elt the

same .a34 an John 'aburick4 .ho is the gu3 in charge o2 creative4 .ent .ith it. The negative is that no. the $restle&15T"A PPV -lan 2or the tag title in some 2orm .ill have to change or the $olves have to beat the Bro Mans at a house sho.. The3 coul have ;aniels , Aa/arian .in the titles at a house sho. an them go over there an e2en them4 an have them .ork a -rogram .ith the $olves4 although the i ea o2 ;aniels , Aa/arian vs. Minoru Tanaka , Aoji Aanemoto is -ossible. (r the3 coul just have $restle&1 ro- the tag title match on that sho. ue to T"A=s last secon change o2 -lans. There .ill also be a tournament to see .ho 2aces Magnus 2or the T"A title. The 2our&man tournament takes -lace on the !517 sho. .ith ?unaki vs. 0asu2umi "akanoueno an Aai vs. Tanaka. The .a3 the stor3line .ent4 Aai seeme to be the gu3 .ho .oul get the shot. Tanaka is an a.esome .orker. ?unaki .oul be a st3le -roblem .ith Magnus as ) on=t kno. that Magnus .oul have the e>-erience to .ork a goo match .ithin ?unaki=s st3le o2 having to make the .hole match look legit. 'aburick is e>-ecte to atten the sho. as the T"A re-. )n Ja-an4 -eo-le are going to think he looks just like Big Van Va er. The .hole Ja-an eal .as originall3 one b3 Jarrett but $restle&14 .hich is lo3al to Jarrett 2or coming over earl34 an 2or booking A.J. <t3les vs. <ana a at a Aorakuen +all sho.4 has been .orking .ith 'aburick an Bob :3 er. The3 are un er contract 2or the sho. an .ant to make a long&term relationshi-. But i2 Vince :usso is brought back 6an .hile he is not in no.4 +ulk +ogan an 9ric Bischo22 being gone has o-ene the oor strongl3 to that -ossibilit384 the3 .ant nothing to o .ith T"A once the eal .oul be u- because o2 the 2eeling :usso is racist against Ja-anese because o2 comments he ma e .hen he .orke 2or $#$ an ho. he use the Ja-anese talent .hen booking $#$ an T"A. The TVs this .eek .ere actuall3 being change aroun as the3 .ere being shot. A 2unn3 stor3 regar ing MVP. $hen .e re-orte he .as -robabl3 the investor an e2initel3 going to T"A4 he res-on e sa3ing he ha no contract. ) just 2igure he=s -rotecting his stor3line4 an essentiall34 that is .hat he .as oing. +o.ever4 at least as o2 the .eeken 4 he ha not signe his contract. +e i reach a verbal eal an has a eal agreement in -lace4 but ha not signe an actual contract. The angle ha been booke 2or several .eeks4 .ith T"A 2iguring he .oul sign be2ore going on TV4 but .hen he ha n=t signe 4 the3 -ut him on TV an3.a3 since it .as their stor3line. This ma3 en u- meaning nothing because !%14 isn=t 1GGJ4 .here the other si e coul no. steal him. To a34 $$9 isn=t going to sign someone just to scre. .ith T"A4 an $$9 is buil ing aroun 3ounger gu3s in the training center an MVP is an ol er gu34 nearl3 4%. +e ma3 have signe at -ress time as the last .or ) got is he coul ver3 .ell sign4 but ha n=t .hen he .as on TV. Vince McMahon an +++ have sho.n little interest in bringing him back a2ter John Laurinaitis ha tol him .hen he le2t because he .ante to go to "e. Ja-an 6he .as going in $$94 -lus4 he reall3 got into -ro .restling b3 .atching "e. Ja-an ta-es an .ante to .ork 2or that com-an384 that the oor .as al.a3s o-en 2or a return. The reason he=s using the MVP name is because he came u- .ith the i ea 2or the name an gimmick an tra emarke it4 so he .as able to take it .ith him a2ter leaving $$9. <mart gu3 there. The Lock o.n PPV on *5G 2rom #oral 'ables4 ?L .ill have Magnus vs. <amoa Joe 2or the T"A title in a cage match that can onl3 be .on via knockout or submission calle Joe=s rules4 a Lethal Lock o.n match 2or control o2 the com-an3 .ith MVP=s team o2 himsel24 Je22 +ar 3 6.ho .on=t be announce until the last minute as MVP=s sur-rise returnee84 'unner , 9 .ar s , :ichar s4 2acing ;i>ie #arter=s team o2 ne. heels Austin Aries , James <torm4 along .ith :obbie 9 , Jessie 'o er/. Also Aurt Angle vs. 9#* an James <torm vs. 'unner in a last man stan ing match. 9ver3 match on the sho. .ill be in the cage. Most likel3 a Ma ison :a3ne vs. 'ail Aim Anockouts title match an another -rogram being tease is Aen An erson vs. <amuel <ha..

The Angle vs. 9# * match is not a lock. Angle ha a knee injur34 although the3 i an angle .here Angle claime he i n=t have a knee injur3 an it .as .restling .eb sites erroneousl3 re-orting it as -art o2 the angle 2or the 9# * match. The3 i an angle on the sho. that airs this coming .eek .hich a--eare to .rite him out .here his knee .as estro3e . Then he=ll be o22 a 2e. .eeks o2 TV 6or at least not .restling8 since he i n=t .ork in Manchester. There .ere -eo-le .ho sa. Angle in a .heelchair4 but that .as just .orking -eo-le on the angle. Then he i the +all o2 ?ame ceremon3 an angle .ith 9# * in Lon on to buil u- their match at Lock o.n. Angle oes have a knee ligament tear legit an is going to un ergo arthrosco-ic surger3 at some -oint4 .hich shoul kee- him out a 2e. .eeks4 but not the major surger3 that .oul -ut him on the shel2 until his contract e>-ires. )t .as e>-ecte the angle in 'lasgo. .as to set it u-4 but then the3 brought him back 2or Lon on an announce him 2or the PPV on *5G. <everal note to us that on the 2irst a3 an backstage on other a3s4 Angle coul barel3 move an looke like he .as hurting ba . But he .as like Terr3 ?unk4 in that as soon as he .as in 2ront o2 the -eo-le4 all o2 a su en he ignore it an .oul -ut on goo matches. There .as a stor3 that at one -oint over the .eek Angle ble. u- at 'aburick about being use so much. The .a3 .e hear it is that it .asn=t even an argument or that Angle ble. u-4 just that he e>-resse con2usion as to thinking that his booking i n=t make an3 sense. :egar ing Angle4 the 2act Angle ke-t -utting over $$9 uring his intervie.s that .ere arrange to -romote T"A4 sa3ing he .ante to .restle Punk an Br3an an e>-ecte he .oul at some -oint4 an t.eete about ho. great the Br3an vs. (rton TV match .as4 has -rett3 much in icate in the e3es o2 those in the com-an3 that he=s -re-aring 2or li2e .hen his contract e>-ires in the 2all. The onl3 @uestion is i2 $$9 .ill take him back4 .hich is ver3 much a @uestion because he ma3 not be able to -ass a -h3sical4 or i2 he= go .ith Je22 Jarrett=s grou-. 9ven though one .oul think Angle an Jarrett .oul be enemies base on Jarrett marr3ing the 2ormer Aaren Angle4 an there .as ver3 real heat about it some 3ears back4 the3 are actuall3 on ver3 goo terms. The B.A. tour .as sai to be the most grueling ever4 but the best ever in terms o2 locker room morale. 9ver3one .as ha--3 to be .orking be2ore larger cro. s than the3 are use to4 an cro. s .hich 2or the most -art .ere su-er rece-tive4 at a 2ar greater level than B.<. cro. s. )t=s the same thing .ith $$94 as the3 love the B.A. tours because o2 the hotter cro. s. Another as-ect is the3 i the tour .ithout +ogan4 <ting4 +ar 34 :V;4 etc. The onl3 one .ith the $$9 big star -e igree a vertise .as Angle. <amoa Joe gave a -rett3 emotional s-eech on the bus back to the hotel about ho. this .as his toughest tour4 but the tour ha no -rima onnas4 no com-lainers an no .hiners an ho. -rou he .as o2 ever3one. The .restlers .ere chanting CJoe4 Joe4 JoeD .hen the s-eech .as over. The Birmingham PPV ta-ing 2or the Jokers $il sho. .as sai to be the most 2un 2or the .restlers because it i n=t have the -ressure o2 a TV ta-ing an .as more like ta-ing a house sho.4 an the most 2un. A lot o2 B.A. celebrities atten e the T"A Lon on -art3 a2ter the !51 sho.. The talent .as re@uire to make an a--earance am most sta3e until 4 a.m. A bunch o2 -hotos .ere shot o2 Angle .ith Anthon3 (gogo4 .ho .on a bron/e me al in bo>ing 2or the B.A. as a mi le.eight at the Lon on (l3m-ics. Magnus .as also shot likel3 2or TV going to B.A. Parliament as a guest 2or being the 2irst British&born .orl heav3.eight -ro .restling cham-ion. ) kno. he=s not the 2irst4 but it=s -ro .restling an the titles Bill3 :obinson an #hris A ams .on are no longer in e>istence. Al <no. is no longer the booker at (V$ .ith the T"A involvement com-letel3 one. A grou- o2 the local .orkers are booking no..

Jess3 <orensen i another intervie. on the Monster ?actor3 ra io sho.. +e sai ho. a ebt collector calle him one a3 sa3ing that he o.e L7%4%%% in me ical bills .hen he .as un er the assum-tion that T"A .as covering them since that=s .hat ;i>ie #arter tol him an his mother. +e sai he tol the .oman he calle that T"A .as -a3ing the bills an she ha no i ea .hat he .as talking about. +e sai that both #arter an Bruce Prichar tol him to sen the bills to the o22ice an the3= take care o2 them4 .hich he i 4 but the3 never took care o2 them. +e sai that his mother4 .ho ha to eclare bankru-tc34 lost her restaurant in the bankru-tc3. +e sai the job that T"A talke about .hen he .as let go about ho. highl3 -ai he .as4 actuall3 -ai him about L*%4%%% a 3ear .hich coul n=t even cover his me ical bills an that his checks .ere al.a3s arriving late. +e sai to cover bills4 he ha t.o other jobs4 .aiting tables at a #lear.ater beach restaurant an managing at a g3m. +e sai the restaurant .as ne>t oor to +ogan=s merchan ise sho- on the beach so .restling 2ans .ere o2ten coming into the restaurant4 seeing him4 an asking him .h3 he .as .aiting tables. +e sai a lot o2 the T"A talent ha secon jobs an .ere making more 2rom their other jobs. +e sai ;i>ie #arter .oul tell -eo-le that the3 are starting out. +e sai he i n=t un erstan .h3 -eo-le .orking 2or the "o. ! .restling com-an3 ha to have a secon job to make it. +e sai he=s no. making at his other jobs about ouble .hat he ma e in T"A. +e sai .hen the 2irings starte ha--ening4 he .as in catering .ith Brian , 9arl +ebner an .orrie he .oul be the ne>t to go. The3 tol him there=s no .a3 T"A .oul 2ire him because o2 all the ba -ublicit3 it .oul bring. +e also sai Nema )on i n=t call him 2or months a2ter the acci ent an )on later tol him it .as because he lost his number. T"A alrea 3 announce three ates 2or ne>t 3ear=s B.A. tour. The3 are going to run 15!G in 'lasgo.4 15*% in Manchester an 15*1 in Lon on at $emble3 Arena. Lon on .ill be a TV ta-ing an .ill inclu e an Bltimate K match. The 2irst sho. an onl3 regular house sho. o2 the B.A. tour .as 15!G in ;ublin4 )relan 4 be2ore 14%%% 2ans. Be2ore the sho. starte 4 ;i>ie #arter s-ent an hour -lus signing autogra-hs an taking -ictures .ith almost ever3 gu3 in the cro. . Then she later came out an -la3e heel. )t o-ene .ith Jose-h Park , 9ric 0oung , )van the Ma La 6a minor local celebrit38 beating 9than #arter ))) , :ockstar <-u . The t.o have matching ring gear so the3 are going to be a tag team no.. )van hit <-u .ith a stunner an 0oung -inne him a2ter an elbo. o22 the to-. Ma ison :a3ne , (;B beat 'ail Aim , Le=; Ta-a in a match .ith Velvet <k3 as re2. Aim starte bull3ing <k3 an shove her. <k3 sla--e Aim in the 2ace an :a3ne rolle u- Aim. The3 i a eal .here Jerem3 Borash talke about ho. lovel3 #hrist3 +emme looke . <amuel <ha. came out an threatene him 2or talking about +emme. +emme .as laughing as this .as going on. 'unner -inne Bobb3 :oo e .ith a roll&u- .hen :oo e .as arguing .ith the re2. The 2inish .as ver3 close to that o2 the -revious match. :oo e beat o.n 'unner a2ter the match an Aurt Angle ma e the save. Angle coul barel3 move an 3ou coul see his le2t knee .as hurting. That moonsault o22 the cage t.o .eeks earlier -robabl3 i n=t o him an3 goo . Angle lai out :oo e .ith the (l3m-ic slam. Angle tol the 2ans that he love them 2or su--orting T"A. Austin Aries retaine the K title in a three&.a3 over <amoa Joe 63es4 he must have ma e the !!7 -oun .eight limit8 an #hris <abin .hen Aries -inne <abin a2ter a brainbuster. A2ter the match4 Joe choke out <abin. 'oo action. The Bro Mans retaine the tag titles over #hristo-her ;aniels , ?rankie Aa/arian. The Bro Mans sai the3 ha beaten ever3 team in T"A4 so the3 i n=t .ant to .restle4 but .ante a -ose o.n. ;aniels , Aa/arian interru-te . This .as the best match on the sho.. ;aniels , Aa/arian -la3e bab32ace. The Bro Mans .on clean .ith the Bro ;o.n 6+art Attack8 on ;aniels. Magnus came out 2or an intervie. an i an anti&)relan -ro&9nglan -romo. +e -inne <torm to retain the T"A title. <torm hit Magnus .ith the su-erkick but <-u an 9than came out. <-u -ut Magnus= 2oot on the ro-es. $hile 9arl +ebner got ma at <-u 4 Magnus grabbe the title belt an hit <torm .ith it 2or the -in. A2ter the match4 <-u .as making 2un o2 <torm an rinking his beer. <torm su-erkicke him an the beer .ent 2l3ing. Main event sa. Aen An erson beat Bull3 :a3 in a tables match 6bille as a ;ublin tables match8 .ith the 2ireman=s carr3 -utting Bull3 through the table.

Notes fro$ t+e 1=<0 s+ow in ;lasgow. ?irst4 the sho. that aire on a 2e. hour ta-e ela3. "o Ta/ at the sho. as he i n=t have to 2l3 to <cotlan . Mike Tena3 .as onl3 at the 'lasgo. sho. so most o2 the B.A. sho.s .ill be voice over in "ashville. That isn=t unusual because Tena3 an Ta/ .eren=t at most o2 the (rlan o ta-ings either 6the3 .ere at some8 an .hen 3ou .atch the sho. 3ou= never kno. the i22erence. ) .ill sa3 that=s im-ressive both 2rom an announcing stan -oint an a -ro uction stan -oint4 because most o2 the time it=s reall3 eas3 to tell .hen gu3s are oing it in stu io. The enthusiasm oesn=t come o22 as .ell an the soun mi>ing is usuall3 a mess. T"A=s other strength .as evi ent here in its abilit3 to take a cro. o2 about 747%% an making it look like 1%4%%% -lus on television. As 2ar as a real major league look4 the sho. ha it here. Jerem3 Borash re-lace Ta/. +e i a goo job o2 e>-laining that even though <cotlan is in the B.A.4 the3 actuall3 .ant out an the3 on=t like Magnus. The sur-rise to me .as that Magnus .asn=t cheere in Lon on or Manchester either. The sho. o-ene an Angle. .ith a backstage argument .ith Magnus4 9#* an <-u .ith Joe

Magnus4 9#* an <-u came out. ?ans booe Magnus like cra/3 actuall3. +e sai that this .as not sho. 2rien s4 but sho. business4 an that the -resi ent o2 the com-an3 is tr3ing to restructure to get ri o2 the ea .oo like <ting4 +ar 3 an <t3les. +e sai ;i>ie .as thinning the her 4 tr3ing to get ri o2 the ol inosaurs lumbering aroun 4 an .as creating ne. stars like the Bro Mans4 Nema )on4 <-u an himsel2. 'iven 9# * .as in the ring4 it .as a irect slight at him. Magnus sai that he single& han e l3 ha gotten ri o2 +ar 34 <ting an <t3les. 9# * got ma .hen he use the term Csingle&han e l3.D Magnus then ma e 2un o2 9# *4 but be2ore the3 coul go at it4 Joe an Angle came out. The3 both talke about <ting being gone. Angle note that i2 he ha beaten <ting it .oul be one thing4 but the3 scre.e <ting over .hen the stakes .ere high. Angle sai Magnus .as a -a-er cham-ion. The 2ans .ere chanting CPa-er #ham-ionD at Magnus an 9#* acte like he like it. Angle sai that the3 no. regret the3 let Magnus into the ma2ia an ma e him a somebo 3. Magnus sai he alrea 3 .as a somebo 3 an no. as cham-ion4 he=s the main somebo 3. The cro. .as chanting C9than4D .anting him to turn on Magnus. Magnus suggeste he an 9# * vs. Joe , Angle. )2 Magnus , 9# * .in4 Joe , Angle both have to leave T"A 2or goo . Joe agree 4 but sai i2 he an Angle .on4 .hoever scores the -in gets a title match. Joe calle him C-a-er cham-ion.D Magnus agree to the match. ;i>ie came out an sai that the match .oul not be ha--ening. <he also .as 2rantic because she hear the ne. investor .as on his .a3. <he sai .ith the ne. investor tr3ing to change things4 she can=t risk Magnus losing the title to either Joe or Angle. But Magnus sai that there=s alrea 3 a eal in -lace. Ma ison :a3ne , Velvet <k3 beat 'ail Aim , Le=; Ta-a in 1I7* .hen <k3 -inne Aim a2ter the -e igree. The3 -ushe this as the reuniting o2 The Beauti2ul Peo-le4 ol cli-s o2 :a3ne , <k3 as a heel team. A2ter the match4 #hris <abin came out an .as anno3e . +e calle :a3ne a tram- an sai that he nee e to talk .ith his girl2rien . +e sai that he ha calle 4 te>te an t.eete her all .eek an never hear an3thing back. +e .orks in .restling an he=s sur-rise that .hen there=s a -roblem bet.een TV sho.s that nobo 3 returns calls4 te>ts4 t.eets or e&mailsH <abin aske her i2 it .as her time o2 the month4 an sai a girl2rien shoul su--ort her bo32rien . <abin sai he .as .illing to give her a chance to sa3 she .as sorr34 an then the3 can go to the back4 she can give him a massage an li2e .ill go on. )nstea 4 <k3 um-e him an le2t. Backstage4 Angle , Joe con2ronte Bobb3 :oo e. Joe .as choking him out an tol him he= en him i2 he inter2eres in the main event. :oo e laughe the .hole inci ent o22. James <torm came out an calle out 'unner. +e note that the t.o o2 them .ere 2rien s be2ore the3 .ere even in T"A4 then the3 became -artners4 an then the3

became tag team cham-ions. +e sai then things 2ell a-art. 'unner sai that he .as just tr3ing to be .orl cham-ion an that=s .h3 he attacke <torm to .in the brie2case. 'unner brought u- it .as ever3 man 2or himsel24 an <torm .oul have one the same thing 2or his son an aughter. 'unner i a long intervie. about serving in the Marines4 an sai he .asn=t 2ighting 2or the government4 he .as 2ighting 2or the gu3s besi e him. +e sai <torm kno.s the stories on .h3 he=s calle 'unner4 an talke about ho. some o2 his 2rien s ie overseas. <torm tol 'unner that he .as a hell o2 a .restler an reali/e that he ha n=t ha his back. <torm sai he .as -rou o2 him an .oul have his back. +e sai he .ill be the bigger man an sa3 he .as sorr3 2or oubting 'unner an the3 shook han s. ?rankie Aa/arian came out an calle <torm a monke3 2art an sai 'unner .as all bear an no brains. +e aske them to -ut the title match brie2case on the line in a that match. <torm , 'unner then beat ;aniels , Aa/arian in JI%! .hen <torm su-erkicke ;aniels o22 the a-ron an 'unner use a iving hea &butt on Aa/arian 2or the -in. ;i>ie .as backstage .anting to kno. .ho the secret investor is. Bobb3 :oo e aske ;i>ie 2or a title shot in the main event at Lock o.n. :oo e sai ;i>ie -romise that to him t.ice4 .hen he took out <ting an <t3les. ;i>ie sai she coul n=t talk to him right no. because she=s got too much on her -late. :oo e sai she=s got one .eek to give him a title match an until she 2igures this out4 there=s no more 2avors 2rom him. (;B .arne 9ric 0oung about ealing .ith Ab3ss. <-u sai he .as going to 2in out ans.ers. <-u came out again. +e sai <cotlan .as like the 9nglan B team. +e then calle out 9 ie 9 .ar s , ;ave3 :ichar s. The3=re calle just The $olves instea o2 The American $olves. The3 sai the ne. investor .as the one .ho brought them into T"A. <o Lagana is the ne. investorH <-u starte to interrogate them .ith a 2lashlight. +e sai he kno.s ho. to o it because he .atche Magnum T.A. on television. That .as 2unn3. Probabl3 over a lot o2 the au iences= hea . <-u claime that he ha -ushe +ar 3 o22 a la er an ha beaten Joe .ithin an inch o2 his li2e. $ell4 that i n=t ha--en. +e sai 4 C)=m 2ierce. )=m a lion. )=m a tiger.D +e then sla--e :ichar s in the 2ace. :ichar s , 9 .ar s then estro3e him an le2t him la3ing. 9 .ar s sai that the investor has ecree in the Joe , Angle vs. 9# * , Magnus tag team main event4 that i2 an3one inter2eres4 the3 .ill be 2ire . The Bro Mans .ent to a no contest .ith 0oung , Ab3ss in 7I%!. Ab3ss hot tagge in. +e -ut the re2 on his shoul ers an lai him out .ith shock treatment. 0oung ha trie to talk Ab3ss into letting the re2 go. Ab3ss then choke slamme 0oung. The cro. .as booing Ab3ss. 0oung challenge Ab3ss to a Monster=s Ball match ne>t .eek. Ab3ss smile about oing that match. Bull3 :a3 came out4 rolling a casket. The3 sho.e #hrist3 +emme an <amuel <ha.. The3 .ere at his -lace. <he 2reake out because he -ut his han on a can le. <he love the vie.. +e grabbe some o2 her hair. Then the3 sho.e him going o.nstairs. <he .ante to tour the a-artment but he .oul n=t let her o.nstairs. +e -ut the hair on a manne@uin resse u- like +emme. The3 sho.e the -lace as a shrine 2or +emme .ith -hotos o2 her The 2unn3 -art o2 all this is in 'lasgo.4 she .as out there .atching as this thing -la3e on TV. The announcers ma e no comments at all about it. Bull3 :a3 came out. +e sai that Aen An erson took a.a3 his colors an en e his club. +e .ante one last match .ith An erson4 a casket match. An erson came out. :a3 threatene to -ile river An erson=s .i2e an ki s. +e ma e it clear he= love to -ile rive An erson=s .i2e. An erson .as ma an o-ene the casket li an slamme

it in Bull3=s 2ace. +e lai grabbe a chair.

out Bull3 .ith a

2ireman=s carr3 slam. +e then

Magnus an 9# * .ere backstage. Magnus .as -utting 9# * o.n again. +e sai that C0ou=re a hothea . 0ou react. ) think. 0ou=re just mouth an muscles. )=m all brains.D +e sai that he kno.s 9#* oesn=t like him4 but the3 have something in common. +e sai that he=s not ha--3 to have a green rookie teaming .ith him in a match .ith title match im-lications. +e calle 9than a s-oile rich ki .ith .ashboar abs an the right last name. The3 .ere about to go at it .hen ;i>ie .alke in. Magnus then starte kissing her ass an -raising 9than to her4 telling ;i>ie that she=s got a star on her han s in 9# *. ) reall3 like the 3namic the3=re buil ing bet.een the t.o. Magnus oesn=t come o22 to me in a match like a .orl cham-ion at all4 but as 2ar as a toheel on television carr3ing the sho.4 he=s carr3ing the ball better than 3ou can e>-ect 2or someone thrust reall3 into center stage 2or the 2irst time. Joe , Angle beat 9# * , Magnus in 11I%* .hen Angle gave 9# * a bell3&to&bell3 on the 2loor an Joe -ut out Magnus .ith a choke. Angle i ecentl3 .ell consi ering ho. bange u- he is. ;i>ie then 2reake out at Magnus because no. Joe is getting a title shot. Joe tol Magnus that the o s caught u- .ith him an tol Magnus that he can=t blame it on 9# * since he .as the one .ho ta--e out. ?ans .ere chanting C0ou ta--e out.D Angle then sai he .ante to be in ucte into the +all o2 ?ame no. an ;i>ie 2reake out not .anting it. $ait a minute4 .asn=t ;i>ie the one .ho chose him to go inH <he eman e to kno. .ho the ne. investor .as an MVP sho.e u- on the stage just as the sho. .ent o22 the air. Notes fro$ t+e 4=% "# s+ow taped in ;lasgow. The sho. o-ene .ith an Austin Aries -romo. Nema )on came out an sai he .ante his K ivision title shot 2rom his .inning the brie2case right no.. Aries then -inne )on a2ter a brainbuster. #urr3 Man 6;aniels8 came out ancing. Bull3 :a3 came out4 beat him u-4 gave him a -ile river an stu22e him in the casket. "e>t .as the Monster=s Ball match .ith 9ric 0oung vs. Ab3ss. "obo 3 care until Ab3ss .ent into thumb tacks. Then the -lace .ent cra/3. Ab3ss use the black hole slam 2or the -in. But a2ter the match4 0oung unmaske Ab3ss4 revealing Jose-h Park. Then 0oung brought out a mirror an ma e Ab3ss look at his 2ace an see Park. +e acte all con2use . MVP came out an i a -romo. +e sai that 2ans are tire o2 seeing sel2&absorbe egotistical o.ners on a .restling sho.. +e sai that he=s investe his mone3 into T"A because he can=t stan b3 an .atch .restling get taken o.n. MVP sai that T"A management has hel the talent back. +e then announce Magnus vs. Angle 2or TV. <-u came out an .ante him to meet .ith ;i>ie. Angle beat Magnus via ;O in a non&title match .hen 9# * hit Angle in the knee several times .ith a chair. Angle .ent out on a stretcher. The3 announce that even though Joe earne a title shot last .eek4 that he .oul .restle :oo e an the .inner got Magnus at Lock o.n. Joe .on clean in the mi le .ith a choke. The sho. en e .ith ;i>ie out. <he calle out MVP. <he .as all 2rien l3 to him an sai the3 coul .ork together. <he tol MVP to just 2ollo. her lea an he=ll be success2ul. MVP sai he .ante things to change an sai ;i>ie has almost estro3e the com-an3. The -ro uction is going to have -roblems here because the cro. .as s.earing in chants an then starte a ;aniel Br3an chant. The sho. en e .ith MVP la3ing out <-u .ith the balling elbo..

"+e 4=1< and 4=40 s+ows were taped on 1=<1 in Man +ester. The3 onl3 re. !47%% 2ans in the big arena. That=s the lo.est T"A has ever one in Manchester. Those .ho .ere there .ere hot 2or ever3thing. )t starte .ith an K-losion match .here Aries -inne Aa/arian in 1%I%% .ith a brainbuster in a goo match. )n the o-ening segment 2or !51*4 Magnus4 <-u 4 9# * an ;i>ie came out. The 2ans booe Magnus an <-u heav3 even though the3 .ere in the B.A. ?ans .ere chanting CPa-er cham-ionD an C0ou sol outD at Magnus. Magnus starte talking an got CboringD chants. MVP an Joe came out. MVP announce Magnus vs. Joe 2or the title at Lock o.n. 'unner sai he .ante to cash in his title match contract ne>t .eek. ;i>ie then announce 9# * vs. 'unner on this sho.. MVP announce it .oul be a la er match .ith 'unner=s T"A title brie2case an 9# *Ts tag team title shot brie2case hung above the ring. MVP calle 9# * #&*P(. 'unner vs. 9#* en e .ithout a .inner as Magnus an <torm both inter2ere . MVP announce a tag match .ith <torm , 'unner vs. 9# * , Magnus .ith both brie2cases at stake. 'unner .on4 so he gets both title shots. Borash announce B.A. realit3 star Vickie 2rom the 'eor ie <hore .as at the sho.. Peo-le booe that. Joe , :ichar s , 9 .ar s beat 'o er/ , 9 , )on. The cro. .as reall3 into :ichar s , 9 .ar s in their 2irst T"A match. Ver3 goo match. Joe beat )on .ith the choke. Jose-h Park came out an calle out 9ric 0oung. +e sai that he can=t be Ab3ss an3more. 9ric 0oung sai he= hel- him but Park sai he i n=t .ant his hel- an sai he sai he .as leaving an .oul return .hen he 2oun the one -erson .ho kne. him the best. ) .on er i2 that means the3 are bringing back Jim Mitchell. +e then -ut his Ab3ss mask on the mat an le2t. MVP -inne <-u in !I%%. #ro. heavil3 into MVP. <abin beat Velvet <k3. <abin sai he= give <k3 a 2ree shot. <he kicke him in the groin but he starte laughing. +e tol her she .as stu-i an sho.e that he .as .earing a cu-. Then she kicke him in the groin a secon time an he sol it big. <he .as beating on him. This brought out B.A. .restler The Al-ha ?emale4 .ho is about 1& 2eet tall an 1G% -oun s4 looking like the late Luna Vachon. <he beat u- <k3 an <abin got the -in. <he then carrie <abin on her shoul ers to the back. <he .restles B.A. in ies an Ja-an. Aen An erson beat Bull3 :a3 in the casket match. :a3 .ore a Liver-ool soccer jerse3 to get eas3 heat in Manchester. An erson tore the jerse3 o22 an stom-e on it. :a3 -ut An erson through a table. An erson came back an use a mic check on :a34 -utting him into the casket. +e then -ut the Liver-ool jerse3 on to- an close the li . #ro. .as chanting CThis is a.esome.D Aim -inne :a3ne in a non&title har core match a2ter hitting her .ith a ken o stick. ?ans .ere chanting CTina TurnerD at Ta-a. There is sort o2 a 2ace an hair resemblance there. ?or the o-en o2 the !5!% sho.4 Magnus , ;i>ie came out. The3 calle out MVP. Magnus note ho. MVP s-ent nine 3ears in jail. The3 challenge him to a 2our&on&2our cage match at Lock o.n .ith control o2 the com-an3 at stake. Magnus sai Team ;i>ie .as going to .in an MVP .oul be his bitch. MVP attacke Magnus. 9#* save an out came 'unner. Magnus an 9# * le2t4 but :ichar s , 9 .ar s came out an blocke the aisle an attacke them. This le to :ichar s4 9 .ar s4 'unner an MVP together.

The3 sho.e an intervie. o2 :oo e an <torm backstage together. The3 .ere sitting there like 2rien s. :oo e talke about ho. he .as going to retire an a-ologi/e 2or ever3thing he ha one to <torm. The3 hugge . The cro. -o--e 2or this4 thinking :oo e ha turne 2ace as o--ose to <torm turning heel. :oo e sai he ha a major announcement to make. Joe beat 9 , 'o er/ , )on in a 1 on * han ica- match. "othing like co-3ing :a. a 2e. .eeks later. Joe use the muscle buster an choke on )on to .in. :oo e came out 2or an intervie.. The cro. cheere him as a 2ace an he acte like he .as a 2ace. +e sai he ha been .restling 2or 17 3ears an it .as a -leasure to .restle in 2ront o2 great 2ans like the ones there. The cro. starte chanting his name. +e sai he .asn=t -rou o2 all his actions but is changing. +e sai that he .as retiring. This le to chants o2 C"o.D ;i>ie came out an tol him that he ha a contract an he coul n=t @uit. 0es4 the3 .ere s-oo2ing #.M. Punk. :oo e sai he i n=t .ant to be there because he .as let o.n because he .as -romise a lot o2 things that .ere never elivere . $ell4 that clinches it. ;i>ie sai that she .ante <t3les4 +ar 3 an <ting gone because the3 .ere all hea aches but she .ante :oo e to sta3 an be the ca-tain o2 her team. <he sai she nee e him to make sure her si e .on at Lethal Lock o.n. ?inall34 she o22ere him 1% -ercent o2 the com-an3 i2 he came back4 .as ca-tain o2 the team4 an the team .ins. This shoul -la3 into something long&term. :oo e acce-te 4 but then tol ;i>ie that i2 she scre.s him again4 he .ill make it his business to estro3 her. :ichar s , 9 .ar s beat ;aniels , Aa/arian in 7I%%. Best match o2 the t.o sho.s. :ichar s -inne ;aniels a2ter a ouble 2oot stom- o22 the to- ro-e. Then 'unner cashe in the brie2case. Magus -inne 'unner to kee- the T"A title. 9 .ar s4 :ichar s an <torm came out to kee- an3one 2rom inter2ering. 9# *4 9 an 'o er/ came out an there .as a big bra.l at ringsi e. <-u then came out. 'unner ha Magnus -inne but <-u -ut Magnus= 2oot on the ro-es an tol the re2. <torm came o.n to attack <-u . 'unner then came o22 the to- ro-e into a su-erkick b3 <torm4 .ho turne heel4 an Magnus -inne him. Mark CThe BeastD Labatt 2rom the )TV TV sho. CThe #haseD .as intro uce cro. cheere him. an the

9# * -inne 0oung in a match 2or K-losion. 9# * announce that he .as an American +ero because he took out Angle4 the American hero. A2ter the match4 Angle came out lim-ing. Angle sai he .as hurt an coul n=t o it but somebo 3 .oul be giving 9# * an (l3m-ic slam. 0oung then i it an -ut 9# * in the ankle lock an he starte ta--ing. Notes fro$ t+e 4=4/ and <=% tapings in 'ondon at We$ble! 7rena . Also a smaller cro. than in -revious 3ears4 at about 44%%%. )n a ark match4 B.A. .oman .restler <hanna -inne The Al-ha ?emale .ith a la magistral. The !5!7 sho. o-ene .ith a contract signing 2or the Magnus vs. Joe match at Lock o.n. MVP .as there. +e announce it .oul be un er Joe=s rules4 meaning it .oul be a cage match that coul onl3 en b3 knockout or submission. Joe an Magnus i a -ull&a-art. )n a three&.a34 'o er/ , 9 retaine the tag titles in a three&.a3 over ;aniels , Aa/arian an 9 .ar s , :ichar s. Match .as too short. :ichar s i a ouble 2oot stom- onto Aa/arian but :obbie 9 stole the -in. 9# * took the mic an sai that his ne>t o--onent .oul be Cone o2 3ours.D ;oug $illiams came out. 9# * .on .ith the hea lock ;;T in onl3 !I%%.

<torm an 'unner i a 2ace&o22. #ro. .as 7%57% here even though <torm ha turne . 'unner talke about his time in the arm3 an <torm ma e 2un o2 it. Magnus intro uce John CBa BonesD Alinger 2rom 'erman3 to take out Joe. Magnus sai he coul n=t 2in a tough .restler in the B.A. so he ha to go to 'erman3 to 2in one. Joe .on @uickl3 .ith a choke. Al-ha ?emale , Le=; Ta-a beat :a3ne , <k3. Ta-a -inne :a3ne ue to inter2erence 2rom Aim. The heels .ere beating o.n the 2aces until (;B ma e the save. "e>t .as the Angle +all o2 ?ame in uction ceremon3. Borash came out. A--arentl3 the vi eo -ackage .as great that the3 -ut together. Angle came out lim-ing ba l34 selling the attack 2rom the 'lasgo. sho.. The3 gave Angle a :ole> .atch. Angle thanke his 2amil34 2rien s an all the .restling 2ans. 9# * came out an i a -romo attem-ting to make 2un o2 .restling .eb sites. ?ans starte chanting CPlease on=t go4D 2iguring he .as going to sa3 that Angle .as going to $$94 .hich stemme 2rom a bunch o2 intervie.s Angle i to -romote the B.A. tour an this sho. in s-eci2ic .here he talke about .anting to .restle Punk an Br3an4 an ma e other hints about being intereste in going to $$9. 9# * sai that Angle ha torn his A#L an M#L an has to retire. Angle laughe an sai neither his A#L nor M#L are torn an then attacke 9# * an sai that MVP ha given him a +all o2 ?ame -resent4 a cage match .ith 9# * at Lock o.n. :oo e -inne MVP .ith Aries as re2eree. )t shoul be note that to get through the ta-ings as 2ast as -ossible4 the3 just o match a2ter match an on=t sho. the live cro. the backstage stu22 so -eo-le i n=t un erstan .h3 Aries .as re2. "othing much to the match itsel24 as it .as all about the 2inish4 .here Aries turne heel on MVP4 hit him .ith the rolling elbo. an :oo e got the -in a2ter the :oo e bomb 6the name 2or his ;eath Valle3 bomb 2inisher8. <amuel <ha. came out .ith #hrist3 +emme. This coul be the !5!7 or the *51 sho. as it .asn=t ma e clear. Aen An erson came out an calle <ha. a Ccree-3 bastar .D This line .orke as the -lace starte chanting it. <ha. thre. +emme into An erson an -ut on a stan ing arm triangle on An erson4 choking him out. A--arentl3 the segment .asn=t goo but the chants .ere lou . )n a match 2or K-losion4 ;aniels beat Ba Bones. ;aniels , Aa/arian came out resse as the 1GJ%s British Bull ogs tag team4 calle themselves ;aniels Bo3 <mith an ;3namite Aa/. That remin e me o2 Jack :e3nol s4 a gol en&throat but not ver3 in tune announcer that Vince hire .ho calle <mith C;ann3 Bo3 <mithD in s3n ication .hen he 2irst arrive in $$?. The3 .ante to be announce as the $est #oast Bull ogs. ;aniels .on .ith the best moonsault ever. ?or .hat looks to be the o-en o2 the *51 sho.4 Team ;i>ie4 .hich .as :oo e , Aries , Bro Mans4 came to the ring. Aries aske :oo e 2or 2ive -ercent o2 the com-an3 since he ha hel-e :oo e beat MVP last .eek4 i2 the3 shoul .in at Lethal Lock o.n. The Bro Mans sai the3 .ante -oints as .ell. Ma3be the3 can o an angle like 'eorgia #ham-ionshi- $restling an the Bro Mans can be the Briscos4 an Vince can .in u- on <-ike TV in the 2all. +o-e2ull3 he oesn=t hurt ratings like the last time this .ent o.n. MVP , The $olves came out. MVP announce that the 2ourth member o2 the team .oul be Je22 +ar 3. ;i>ie ble. u- at +ar 3 being back. Then the3 announce an elimination match to etermine .ho .oul get the man a vantage at Lock o.n. )t .as :oo e , Aries , 9 vs. MVP , 9 .ar s , :ichar s. The cro. .as con2use as it .as never announce as an elimination match. The3 .ere also tire a2ter a long sho.. MVP -inne 9 an then the3 ke-t .restling an nobo 3 un erstoo .hat .as going on until the match -la3e out an the3 coul see the3 .ere oing an elimination

match. Aries -inne 9 .ar s a2ter a brainbuster. :oo e -inne MVP .ith his 2oot on the ro-es4 meaning :oo e=s no. beat him :ichar s .as le2t alone .ith Aries , :oo e. #ro. got into :ichar s big at this -oint. :ichar s ha :oo e in a hal2 crab .hen Aries hit :ichar s .ith a chair an .as is@uali2ie . :ichar s seeme unable to continue an the match .as sto--e . There .as a big 2ight in the cro. at this -oint so most sto--e .atching the match an .ere reacting to the 2ight instea . The3 .ere getting so much reaction that all the -er2ormers en e u- looking at the 2ight. <o this shoul all en u- e ite . "othing .as announce as to .ho .on. This all -la3e out later in the sho.. 9# * came out 2or an intervie.. Angle came out an the3 bra.le . 9# * .ent a2ter Angle=s injure knee 6.ait4 .asn=t the .hole i ea it .asn=t injure an that the .eb sites ha it .rong4 this is getting to +ulk +ogan5:an 3 <avage $orl $ar ))) $restlecra- i2 it .ent o.n like that8. +e thre. Angle into the -ost an -ut a leglock on him. Ver3 little heat 2or this. The cro. .as tire . <ha. .as in the ring. An erson came out to intro uce <ha.=s o--onent as 0oung. An erson intro uce <ha. as the Ccree-3 bastar .D <o ever3one chante Ccree-3 bastar .D The en o2 the segment sa. no 2inish4 but <ha. thre. 0oung into An erson an use the stan ing arm triangle to choke out An erson a secon time. <k3 , :a3ne , (;B beat Aim , Ta-a , Al-ha ?emale. <abin came out an starte -oking <k3 in the chest. <he sla--e him in the 2ace. +e .ent a2ter her an she ucke an -ulle o.n the to- ro-e an <abin took a bum- to the 2loor. <k3 then -inne Al-ha ?emale .ith the -e igree. "ot sure i2 Al-ha ?emale .ill be -art o2 T"A .hen the3 start back ta-ing in the B.<. or .as just use since she lives in the B.A. 'unner .as out 2or an intervie.. ?ans .ere chanting CBoringD at him4 .hich is just .hat 3ou .ant 2or a bab32ace intervie.. <torm came out. <torm gave 'unner a lo. blo.4 an then a su-erkick. The cro. cheere <torm uring all this. Borash came out to announce :oo e vs. :ichar s continuing their match 2rom earlier .ith the man a vantage at stake. :ichar s came out4 selling his right arm. <hort match4 but cro. .as into it an goo action. :oo e .on .ith the cross2ace to give the team the a vantage. ) think the i ea is -utting :oo e over su-er strong in all the buil u- as the star on ;i>ie=s team4 onl3 2or him to be the 2all gu3 at the en 4 but .e=ll see. The 2inal segment .as the go&home 2or Magnus vs. Joe. <egment sai to be reall3 goo . Magnus talke about ho. the3=ve been -artners an enemies4 tag team cham-ions4 in the Ma2ia4 through the last 2e. 3ears. Joe sai he .as going to beat the hol3 hell out o2 Magnus. Magnus gave Joe a short hea &butt but Joe ma e a comeback an choke Magnus out. Magnus ta--e out as the 2inal sho. en e . :a3 came out 6an this is -robabl3 just 2or the live cro. since it makes no sense given the stor3lines8. +e gave Joe a lo. blo. an set u- a table. But Joe -ut :a3 through the table to en the sho.. Notes fro$ t+e 4=4 s+ow in 6ir$ing+a$, 7', w+i + was a taping for t+e 9okers Wild PP#. ) believe this sho. .ill be airing in Jul34 but it .asn=t ma e clear. )n a ark match4 'ail Aim -inne <hanna4 a .restler 2rom Portugal. The Jokers $il is the ol $#$ Battle Bo.l 2ormat .ith the i ea there .as a blin ra. in tag team matches4 an then all the .inners com-ete in a Battle :o3al 2or 1%%4%%% -oun s 6L11*4%%%8. <ince $$9 oesn=t o it4 .e haven=t ha the big mono-ol3 mone3 Battle :o3als in a long time. Borash an +emme .ere together names out o2 a bin 2or the teams.

;oug $illiams , Magnus beat <abin , 'unner. Magnus .as booe $illiams.

even teaming .ith

<amoa Joe , Ba Bones beat ;aniels , :obbie 9 to a vance. Joe got the biggest reaction o2 an3one on the sho.. Bull3 :a3 , <-u beat An erson , Aries. A--arentl3 <-u .as on 2ire here. The cro. .as 2ille .ith banners 2or him. Bnlike Magnus4 <-u .as a com-lete bab32ace here .ith banners 2or him. +e still -la3e the same role. At one -oint 9arl +ebner bo 3slamme <-u .hich got a big reaction. $hen the match .as over4 Borash sai that it .as the greatest match he= ever seen an the cro. reacte to that statement. A lot o2 great inter-la3 bet.een Bull3 an <-u . Aa/arian , 9# * beat #urr3 Man , 0oung. 9 .ar s , :ichar s beat :oo e , <torm. <ai to be a great match as .ell. <ha. , Ab3ss beat )on , 'o er/ to a vance.

Then in an elimination match4 Velvet <k3 , Ma ison :a3ne , (;B beat Aim , Ta-a , Al-ha ?emale. 9# * then .on the Battle :o3al. There .ere chants 2or C#.M. PunkD uring the match. UFC ;ana $hite s-oke to Julianna Pena right a2ter her knee injur3 on 15!7 an sai she .as h3sterical an cr3ing. Pena su22ere a torn A#L4 M#L4 meniscus4 L#L an hamstring an .ill un ergo surger3. :ight no.4 i2 she can return4 she=s looking at being out o2 action 1J to !4 months. +e note to us that the escri-tion o2 it .as the most isgusting thing he= ever hear . Later4 at a me ia con2erence be2ore the PPV4 he sai 4 C<he .as training in her g3m an one o2 her training -artners4 a gu34 .as sa3ing to her4 E(h4 3ou=re .earing 3our Bltimate ?ighter shirt4 .e=re real scare . +e .as talking smack to her an then basicall3 attacke her.D $hite sai the gu3 jum-e on her back an starte cranking her neck an her leg gave out un er the -ressure. :ick Little4 .ho runs the <ikjitsu '3m in <-okane4 tol Ariel +el.ani that he .asn=t there4 but Pena trains ver3 aggressivel3 an i n=t .arm u- -ro-ert3 an .as injure uring an unsu-ervise training session. Michael #hiesa an <am <icilia4 .ho also train at the g3m4 .ho also .eren=t there4 also backe u- the g3m stor3. )n this case4 the stories are so totall3 ivergent that somebo 3=s stor3 is B.<. ) can=t make a value ju gment but $hite hear irectl3 2rom Pena. $hen there are ba things that ha--en in a g3m4 usuall3 those in the g3m go into e2ense mo e. At the same time4 an ) hate to ju ge -ersonalities 2rom a realit3 sho.4 on TV nor kick somebo 3 .hen their knee .as torn u-4 Pena came across as someone ) .oul n=t necessaril3 trust. ?rom those .ho .ere on the set4 in real li2e on the sho.4 she came across more e>treme in that .a3 then it came o22 on television. #hiesa tol Ariel +el.ani4 CPena .as never attacke b3 some gu3. <he .as training .ith a 1*7er that she trains .ith on a regular basis. +e .asn=t talking shit to her 2or .earing a TB? shirt4 an i2 he .as4 it .as light& hearte g3m humor. The3 .ere rolling an he .ent 2or a move that he=s hit on her a thousan times be2ore an it just ha--ene . "obo 3 is to blame. )t .as a training acci ent. Just like ;ominick #ru/. 9ver3one kno.s ho. har she is to train .ith because she=s so amn tough. <he onl3 has one 2emale -artner that can some.hat challenge her. 9ven on the sho.4 she .as training .ith gu3s on her team4 an 4 correct me i2 )=m .rong4 the3 ma e a -oint to sa3 ho. tough she is. <he=s #3borg& es@ue. ) guess 3ou coul sa34 minus the P9;s. $e are a ver3 close knit team here in <-okane. <he .as training .ith someone that she=s gone all the .a3 to #ana a to corner. <he=s hel this gu3=s chil . The3 are ver3 close. This gu3 .asn=t some attacker or .hatever the hell she sai . This .hole thing is tearing our team a-art.D +e also

sai she i car io an legs. All ) kno. is i2 3ou train legs har 4 3ou can bike a2ter or o u--er bo 3 stu224 but the i ea o2 s-rinting4 gra--ling or s-arring a2ter oing legs har is something 3ou coul n=t o ver3 e22ectivel3. The .eb site s-oke .ith Josh 'o.4 the training -artner in @uestion 6a regular training -artner4 .ho 2ights at 1*7 -oun s4 the same .eight she 2ights at84 an he sai 4 CJulianna te>te me an aske me i2 ) .as at the g3m an ) tol her4 E0eah.= Then she came in4 got rea 3 to go an ) aske her i2 she .as rea 3. $e just starte rolling an it .as our 2irst roun . $e .ere about t.o minutes into it4 it .as just submission .restling4 gra--ling4 rolling4 or .hatever 3ou .ant to call it an ) took back -osition o22 the .all. As .e .ere 2alling a.a3 2rom the .all4 .ith m3 hooks in4 she .as su--orting m3 .eight as ) .as going 2or a :"# 6rear nake choke84 her knee t.iste in a .eir .a3 an .e are .here .e are to a3. )t .as all reall3 terrible.D $hat=s notable here is this stor3 is also4 i22erent4 as it in icate she came to the g3m an the3 starte rolling4 not that she ha been .orking car io an then .orke legs. The actual injur3 list .as a 2ull tear o2 the A#L4 a -artial tear o2 the L#L4 a tear o2 the M#L4 a ru-ture hamstring ten on4 an a torn P#L. The estimates .ere that she .oul be out o2 action 1J to !4 months. $hite tol her to get out o2 the g3m. +e .as so ma he sai that he .ante to 2l3 the gu3 .ho i it to "e. Jerse3 an have him .ork out .ith #hris $ei man. )2 :on a :ouse3 retaine her title against <ara McMann an #at Ningano this 3ear4 Pena coul have been built4 ha she continue to .in4 to be a title conten er at the en o2 the 3ear but that=s .a3 out the .in o.. Pena .as sche ule to 2ace Jessica An ra e on *517 in ;allas. :a@uel Pennington4 .ho Pena beat on TB?4 .ill be the re-lacement. The com-an3 announce the3 .ill run 2ive sho.s in #ana a this 3ear. The sche ule starts on 4511 .ith the ebut in Ouebec #it3 at the #olisee Pe-si .hich .ill be the 2inals o2 the current season o2 Bltimate ?ighter that nobo 3 is .atching. The3 .ill have a PPV sho. on 1514 in Vancouver. The3 .ill have another PPV sho. on G517 in Toronto. There .ill be a ?ight "ight sho. on 1%54 in +ali2a>4 in the ebut in that market. ) e>-ect i2 the3 get an3 kin o2 a sho. that +ali2a> .ill sell out instantl3 because at least as o2 a 2e. months ago4 +ali2a> PPV numbers .ere consistentl3 great. The ne>t to last PPV o2 the 3ear .ill be on 1!51 in Montreal. +ere are the u-coming a vances. The !517 sho. in Jaragua o <ul4 Bra/il4 .hich is hea line b3 L3oto Machi a vs. 'egar Mousasi4 has sol 447%% tickets in a buil ing set u- 2or 74%%%4 so it is just about sol out. The !5!! sho. in Las Vegas4 .hich is the :on a :ouse3 vs. Li/ #armouche sho.4 has sol 74*%% tickets 2or L1 million at ticket outlets at Man ala3 Ba3. $ith casino bu3s it=ll be close to 2ull. )t=s belo. a big sho. a vance but along the lines o2 a normal sho. a vance 2or tickets4 ahea o2 man3 at this -oint4 but .ith ticket -rices than usual 2or a Vegas PPV. :ouse3 i ver3 .ell 2or late bu3s .ith Miesha Tate the 2irst time an Li/ #armouche4 in 2act4 Tate in #olumbus4 (+4 .as one o2 the best .alk&u-s in 3ears 6a vance .as nothing s-ecial8 an #armouche in Anaheim .as the best late sales since #outure vs. Tim <3lvia in !%%7. $e have nothing on the *51 sho. in Macau. *5J in Lon on at the (! Arena is .a3 ahea o2 the last sho. in the market4 alrea 3 having sol 114%%% tickets 2or L1.7 million 2or Ale>an er 'usta2sson vs. Jimi Manu.a. That=s .ell ahea o2 e>-ectations. *517 in ;allas also sur-rise me4 as that=s the John3 +en ricks vs. :obbie La.ler 2ight4 .hich has sol 144%%% tickets 2or L!.! million alrea 3. +en ricks being 2rom ;allas looks to have meant more than ) ha 2igure . The $an erlei <ilva5#hael <onnen 2ight that took -lace on the set o2 TB? on 15!7 .as 2ilme . $hether it .ill air or not hasn=t been eci e 4 but )= bet that it .ill4 an .ill be -ushe har ahea o2 time to get subscribers 2or ?ight Pass.

;ana $hite sai it .as o22icial that Travis vs. ?abricio $er um .oul be the main event o2 the ne>t ?(K sho.4 .hich is 451G in (rlan o. A e to that sho. as one o2 the ?(K 2ights is 9 son Barbo/a getting his highest -ro2ile shot against ;onal #errone4 an :a2ael ;os Anjos vs. Ahabib "urmagome ov in a light.eight 2ight .ith title im-lications. ;os Anjos .as to 2ace :ustam Ahabilov on !5!!4 but that match 2ell through .hen Ahabilov .as injure 4 an there .as no suitable re-lacement 2or ;os Anjos on such short notice. )t .orke out4 because B?# has ha a hell o2 a time getting someone that the3 .ante high in the light.eight rankings to 2ace "urmagome ov. The sho. also has Li/ #armouche vs. Miesha Tate an there .ill be one more TV bout a e . Those .ill likel3 be the 2our television 2ights. T.o 2ights that .ill likel3 .in u- on ?< 1 that night at Pat +eal3 vs. Jorge Masvi al an 0oel :omero vs. Bra Tavares. A2ter getting his release 2rom B?#4 Pat Barr3 has signe 2ighting on <-ike soon. .ith 'lor3 an shoul be

Anthon3 Johnson vs. Phil ;avis4 Luke :ockhol vs. Tim Boetsch an Jose-h Benavi e/ vs. Tim 9lliott4 An re ?ili vs. Ma> +ollo.a3 an Jessam3n ;uke vs. Bethe #orreia have all been a e as ke3 2ights on the 45!1 PPV sho. 2rom Baltimore. Johnson .as cut b3 B?#4 not base on -er2ormance4 but on continuall3 missing .eight4 2irst at 17% 6he .as !1%&!!7 naturall384 an then he sho.e u- at 1G7 2or a mi le.eight 2ight .ith Vitor Bel2ort4 .hich he lost. +e misse .eight at mi le.eight in his 2irst 2ight on the outsi e4 but since became a regular light heav3.eight 6an even 2ought once at heav3.eight beating An rei Arlovski8. +e=s 1&% since being cut b3 B?# t.o 3ears ago an his $orl <eries o2 ?ighting contract e>-ire .ith his 151J .in over Mike A3le via knockout in !I%*. That sa3s something 2or $<(?4 losing -erha-s its to- hea liner. :ockhol .as looking 2or Michael Bis-ing or Vitor Bel2ort. ) coul see he an Bis-ing since the3 are 2ighting close together4 i2 both .in. 9lliott lost his last 2ight to Ali Bagautinov .hile Benavi e/ .as knocke out b3 cham-ion ;emetrious Johnson last time out. ;uke is a training -artner o2 :on a :ouse3 coming o22 the 2all season o2 Bltimate ?ighter4 an the Barr3 $in ham o2 the ?our +orse.omen. Both are o22iciall3 un e2eate although ;uke lost to :a@uel Pennington in TB? in the best 2ight o2 that season. Antonio :o rigo "ogueira returns on 4511 to hea line a sho. in Abu ;habi that .ill air on ?ight Pass against :o3 "elson. $ith that sho. announce 4 B?# no. has three sho.s in an nine a3 -erio an 2our in a 11 a3 -erio in A-ril. ?lash 9ntertainment4 .hich o.ns 1% -ercent o2 B?#4 reache a eal .ith the com-an3 .here the3 get 2ive live events over the ne>t t.o 3ears4 -lus .ill get at least one season o2 TB? Abu ;habi. Michael Bis-ing .as cleare to 2ight a2ter his most recent e3e e>am4 so his match .ith Tim Aenne 3 is on 2or the 4511 sho. in Ouebec #it3. (ther 2ights announce 2or that sho. are the TB? coach=s match .ith Patrick #ote vs. A3le "oke4 Mark Bocek vs. 9van ;unham4 A.J. "oons vs. <am <tout an Mitch 'agnon vs. Tim 'orman. This is a .eir stor3. Last .eek4 the Te>as ;e-artment o2 Licensing an :egulations4 .hich governs MMA in the state 6an is consi ere the role mo el 2or embarrassing commissions84 contacte <her og4 .hich has a ata base o2 2ighter recor s4 to in2orm them that the 1%51G B?# 2ight .here Jessica 93e .on a s-lit ecision over <arah Aau2man .as being overturne an calle a no contest. "o reason .as given. The ecision .as hotl3 ebate 4 not that the 2ight .asn=t close 6essentiall3 93e .on roun one4 Aau2man .on roun t.o close but 3ou coul ebate it an Aau2man .on roun three ecisivel384 but 93e got the ecision base on one ju ge giving her the thir roun 4 .hich .as outrageous. A 2e. a3s later it came out that 93e 2aile rug test. +o.ever4 the rug .as not liste . <o the ecision .as overturne 4 ho.ever 93e .as not sus-en e . )nstea 4 she .as 2ine L14J77 an she .as -ut on one&3ear -robation. $h3 this .oul come out in ?ebruar3 is consistent .ith .hat ever3one

thinks o2 the Te>as commission. At -ress time4 the rug she 2aile the test 2or has 3et to be isclose . <he is e>-ecte to make a statement later this .eek. 93e is still 2acing Ale>is ;avis on !5!! in Las Vegas at the ne>t PPV in a -re&PPV 2ight on ?< 1. B?# last .eek starte its latest roun o2 lobb3ing in Alban34 "0. A bill to legali/e MMA in the state -asse unanimousl3 in the state senate tourism committee4 but it -asses that committee an the senate ever3 3ear. )t=s the state assembl3 .here it al.a3s en s u- being blocke . B?# sent #armouche4 Travis an Briah +all to s-eak to me ia an legislators an all i a goo job4 s-eaking .ith no notes4 #armouche in -articular. "am Phan vs. Vaughn Lee .as announce 2or the *51 sho. in Macau. $ith t.o losses in a ro.4 Phan ma3 nee a .in to save his job. Also on the car 4 .hich airs on ?ight Pass4 is ;ong +3un Aim vs. John +atha.a34 <ha.n Jor an vs. Matt Mitrione4 +atsu +ioki vs. )van Menjivar an 0ui #hul "am vs. Aa/uki Toku ome. )t also 2eatures the 2inals o2 the t.o TB? #hina .eight classes4 .ith Nhang Li-eng vs. $ang <ai in the .elter.eight 2inal an 0ang Jian-ing vs. "ing 'uang3ou in the 2eather.eight 2inal. <tanislav "e kov is out o2 action a2ter surger3 2or a torn A#L an knee. P#L in his right

Br3an #ara.a34 best kno.n as the bo32rien an coach o2 Miesha Tate4 su22ere an un isclose injur3 that takes him o22 the !5!! sho. in Las Vegas. Lucas Martins o2 Bra/il4 #ara.a3=s sche ule o--onent4 .ill 2ace Aliamain <terling4 .ho is J&% an the #age ?ur3 ?ighting #ham-ionshi- bantam.eight cham-ion4 .ho comes out o2 the <erra&Longo cam-. The 2ight is sche ule on the ?< 1 -ortion o2 the sho.. The Bltimate ?ighter season that .ill 2eature a 11&.oman <tra..eight title tournament4 .ill 2ilm in Ma3 an June4 an air starting <e-tember. The tournament uring the season .ill come o.n to t.o 2inalists4 .ho .ill 2ight on the season 2inale sho. on ?< 1 in late "ovember or earl3 ;ecember. Thiago Tavares ha to -ull out o2 the !517 sho. in Jaragua o <ul .here he .as to 2ace the ebuting Nubair Tuhugov. Tavares .as moving o.n to 2eather.eight. 'iven ho. close it is to 2ight time4 it .on=t be eas3 to get a sub4 -lus4 .ith visa issues4 the sub .oul almost have to come out o2 Bra/il. A ton o2 2ights .ere announce 2or the *5!* sho. in "atal4 Bra/il4 hea line b3 a 2ive& roun 2ight .ith ;an +en erson vs. Mauricio <hogun :ua. (ther matches inclu e #e/ar Mutante ?erreira vs. #.B. ;olla.a34 Leonar o <antos vs. "orman Parke4 ?abio Mal ona o vs. 'ian Villante4 :on3 Jason vs. <teven <iler4 'leison Tibau vs. Mairbek Taisumov4 :onn3 Markes vs. Thiago <antos4 Jussier ?ormiga ;a <ilva vs. <cott Jorgensen4 Thiago Per-etuo vs. Aenn3 :obertson an 2ormer TB? .inner ;iego Bran ao vs. $ill #ho-e. WW) The 2irst o2 the com-an3=s three major television contracts that .as e>-ecte to be rene.e .ith a major increase .as signe this -ast .eek. The timing .as almost too -er2ect 2or the B.A. contract. "e.comer BT <-orts4 .hich alrea 3 got a ke3 soccer contract 2rom <k3 an is also the home o2 B?#4 .as bi ing 2or <k3 content. <k3 locke u- a ne. 2ive&3ear& eal .ith $$94 .hich goes through late !%1G4 re-orte l3 tri-ling the -revious contract. <k3 .ill be airing roughl3 1! hours o2 $$9 -rogramming -er .eek4 inclu ing :a.4 <mack o.n4 "KT4 <u-erstars an Main 9vent4 as .ell as several reca- sho.s an .ill have multi-le re-la3s. The3=ve also change their PPV eal. Be2ore4 in the B.A.4 there .ere several PPVs that aire as 2ree TV s-ecials but the major PPVs aire as PPV sho.s. "o.4 all 1! .ill air as PPVs4 at a cost o2 L!4.17 B.<.4 or about hal2 the -rice in the B.<. $restleMania .ill be more

e>-ensive. The contract inclu e agreements an clauses relate to the net.ork. $$9 has not -ublicl3 sai an3thing about the net.ork .hen it comes to the B.A. an .hat i22erences it .ill have. ?or B?#4 in ever3 countr34 there .ill be i22erences in ?ight Pass base on the television eals in those countries4 because 3ou on=t .ant to un ercut 3our television -artners .ho are -a3ing 2or the rights. (ne i22erence ) .oul think .oul be re-la3s o2 :a. an <mack o.n. <k3 <-orts airs :a. live an <mack o.n be2ore it airs in "orth America4 but also airs multi-le re-la3s o2 both sho.s. ) .oul think the3 .oul n=t .ant the net.ork to air the re-la3s be2ore the3 are one .ith their o.n re-la3s. <k3 <-orts is a subscri-tion service in the B.A. .hich costs the e@uivalent o2 L71 -er month4 an that oesn=t inclu e the -rice o2 the PPVs. ?or a .restling 2an .ho isn=t a soccer 2an or a 2an o2 other channels4 the3 coul in theor3 get the net.ork an um- <k3 <-orts4 besi es not bu3 the PPVs unless <k3 got e>clusivit3 on the TV sho.s 2or a 2e. a3s at least. $$9 is tr3ing to sell its broa cast -artners on the i ea that the net.ork .ill raise the -o-ularit3 o2 $$9 so that4 .hether it=s B<A or <k34 ratings .ill be increasing this 3ear. )t=s uncharte .aters4 so .e=ll have to see ho. that -la3s out. ) on=t antici-ate it hurting ratings in the sense the ke3 2irst&run television sho. an main .eekl3 2ocus is going to be :a.4 -erha-s more than ever4 an that=s not on the net.ork. )2 :a. is less o2 a 2ocus4 then ratings .ill ro-4 but ) on=t see that. (ne o2 the things that bene2itte $$9 in this eal is that in the B.<.4 2or eca es4 Vince McMahon ran a.a3 2rom the label o2 s-orts4 .hile internationall3 the com-an3 hasn=t one that. 'erritt Meier4 the 9>ecutive VP o2 )nternational 2or $$94 tol the +oll3.oo :e-orter 4 C)nternationall34 .e have our anchor .ithin broa cast much more on the s-ort si e than omesticall3.D The value o2 s-orts content on television is rising tremen ousl3 as com-are to entertainment content4 so $$9 has been -ushing that it is just like s-orts. The B.A. is $$9=s secon biggest market outsi e o2 the B.<.4 even ahea o2 #ana a. #ena .as injure at the !51 sho. in (rlan o. +e .as in a match .ith (rton an he got -oke in the e3e. The octor imme iatel3 sto--e the match to check on him4 but #ena o-te to continue an it seeme like there .as no -roblem. +e 2inishe the match4 i the same match the3 al.a3s o 6basicall3 the :umble match but .ith a lo. blo. ;O 2inish4 .hich but the :umble has gotten over .ell8. But the e3e s.elle shut later that night. +e .as -ulle 2rom the house sho. on !5! in Aansas #it3. +e .as at :a. in (maha4 but .as never sho.n on TV4 )=m guessing because the3 i n=t .ant him sho.n .ith his e3e in the sha-e it .as. #ena is sche ule 2or the .eeken house sho.s in #ali2ornia. $e i n=t mention it last .eek but $$9 ha another )nternet PPV mis2ire at the :o3al :umble. This oesn=t re2lect -otential -roblems .ith the $restleMania stream because Major League Baseball A vance Me ia4 .ho are re-ute to be the best in the .orl at this4 are not involve until the net.ork launches. But ) oubt there .ere more than a 2e. thousan or ers .orl .i e 2or the :umble4 )= estimate at most 74%%% to 14%%% base on .hat $restleMania i last 3ear4 an it .as a isaster. B?# 11G4 .hich also likel3 onl3 ha a 2e. thousan )nternet PPV or ers4 also ha -roblems .ith the stream going o.n. The -re&game4 .hich ) actuall3 .as .atching on the )nternet4 ha anno3ances .ith jum-s reminiscent4 but not as ba 4 as some o2 the ba :(+ sho.s. ) hear the )nternet PPV .as un.atchable 2or the 2irst t.o hours 2or a lot o2 -eo-le4 -lus there .ere issues .ith attem-ting to or er. But the i ea the3 coul n=t service that man3 -eo-le an no. 3ou=re jum-ing 2rom 74%%% to a -otential o2 1 million all tuning in together uring Mania 6let alone -erha-s hun re s o2 thousan s or ering the service all in the hours lea ing to the sho.84 .ell4 ho-e2ull3 there are no -roblems. ) sto--e .atching the -re&game on the )nternet an .ent to .atch on TV an there .ere no -roblems at all. TV .as about *% secon s or a minute ahea o2 the )nternet as .ell.

The -lan is 2or a one hour -re&game sho. 2or $restleMania4 meaning it=ll be 2ive hours in total. The3 .ere tr3ing out the -re&game sho. .hich .ill ebut on the net.ork in March4 at :a. in (maha. Booker T4 Ale> :ile3 an Tensai .ere the gu3s on the -anel. <ting ha not signe a $$9 contract as o2 the .eeken . ?rom the $$9 si e4 the3 are sa3ing the eal is su-er close. The3 are .orking on a merchan ising eal. :ight no. the i ea is not to use him at $restleMania 6.hich can all change84 but ma3be have him a--ear ne>t 3ear in <anta #lara. :egar ing the +all o2 ?ame4 Paul Bearer is sche ule 2or this 3ear. There is sai to be a thir star o2 the caliber o2 $arrior an Jake :oberts. The3 are reall3 -ushing 2or Mr. T4 .ho has turne them o.n several times in the -ast. T .as the reason Mania .as a success. $ithout him4 the 2irst sho. .oul have bombe an i2 that .as the case4 there ma3 not be a $$9 to a3. The association .ith T an the buil to Mania reall3 took +ogan 2rom being a .restling ra. to a mainstream name4 an it .as Pi-er=s mic .ork that ma e it all click the .a3 it i . Another name the3 are looking at is Lita. )=ve hear nothing on ;ann3 +o ge -ast the i ea that it=s -rett3 much 2igure i2 it oesn=t ha--en this 3ear4 it never .ill4 since +o ge .as the biggest star in "e. (rleans .restling o2 the 1%s. $ith the en o2 Januar34 $$9 #lassics on ;eman cease to e>ist. ?or the $$9 "et.ork4 the com-an3 release a list o2 all the PPVs that .ill be available .hen the net.ork goes live on !5!4. )t=s ever3 $$9 .restling PPV 6no $B? or joint -romote sho.s4 nor the +ogan match at the "o +ol s Barre movie PPV84 ever3 $#$ sho. 6ho.ever none o2 the joint -romote sho.s either such as the AAA $hen $orl =s #olli e .hich .as one o2 the best PPVs hel in the B.<. o2 all&time4 "e. Ja-an joint -romote sho.s 2rom the Tok3o ;ome4 A&1 joint -romote sho.s or the "e. Ja-an #ollision in Aorea8 an ever3 9#$ PPV. The $$9 9#$ sho.s are available. The (ver the 9 ge sho. in 1GGG that .as never release be2ore ue to the eath o2 (.en +art is on the list. ) on=t kno. i2 the3 .ill e it out the announcement o2 (.en +art=s eath or the ten minutes in the ring the3 .ere .orking on him. All #hris Benoit matches on those sho.s .ill remain intact. <ome o2 the music ma3 have to be change 4 but since the3 aren=t charging 2or a se-arate ;V;4 -eo-le like 'ar3 Michael #a--etta4 Michael Bu22er an Jesse Ventura4 .ho ha been e ite o22 ;V;=s4 are e>-ecte to a--ear as the3 .ere. That=s about 4%% PPVs in total. The :o3al :umble .ill be on .hen it launches but 9limination #hamber .on=t be. As o2 right no.4 .hen -eo-le have aske ;irecTV about $$9 PPVs4 the3 sa3 the3 have not ma e a ecision. )t a--ears that cable com-anies .ill be $restleMania4 .hich o-ens them u- 2or some interesting -otential negotiations .hen it comes to bo>ing an B?#. Lin a McMahon .ill be receiving the Prescott Bush 2rom the #onnecticut :e-ublican -art3 at a inner in <tam2or 4 #T at the +ilton on 451%. <he has become a -la3er behin the scenes in the -art3. )n -olitics4 time heals all .oun s4 inclu ing her es-eration tactic in !%1! o2 -romoting in inner cities 2or a s-lit ticket o2 voting (bama an McMahon4 .hich the :e-ublicans sa. as a back stabbing move. There are rumors that +ulk +ogan is in the cast o2 the ne. season o2 #elebrit3 A--rentice. That has not been ma e o22icial at this -oint. The com-an3 has o-ene an o22ice in Me>ico #it3. :o rigo ?ernan e/ .ill run the o22ice .ith the title o2 'eneral Manager o2 $$9 Me>ico.

The $hite +ouse=s .eb site4 .hich is a site that allo.s -eo-le to contact the (bama A ministration to take action on im-ortant issues that -eo-le sign -etitions 2or4 sa. nearl3 1%%4%%% -eo-le sign a -etition that .oul eman Br3an be -ut in the $$9 title match at $restleMania. The -etition .as taken o.n as this .as su--ose to be limite to im-ortant national issues an a--arentl3 the3 i n=t 2eel it @uali2ie . Then .restling 2ans trie to get a -etition going involving Punk4 but the .eb site um-e that one instantl3. Austin .as on Arsenio +all on 15*% an talke about Punk leaving the com-an3. Austin an Brock Lesnar are -robabl3 the t.o gu3s .ho can most un erstan the situation4 since both i the same thing4 although Lesnar i give notice an .ork through $restleMania. Austin .alke out in !%%! over creative reasons. +e ha been critical o2 creative in an intervie.4 an then sho.e u- on TV the ne>t .eek an .as aske to -ut over Lesnar on :a.. Base on logic as things .ere at the time4 that ma e no sense4 as Lesnar .as on the .a3 u- an Austin .as the to- gu3 in the com-an34 so their 2irst meeting shoul have been a title match o.n the line on PPV. Lesnar ha n=t even .on the title 3et. Austin has since sai that he ma e a mistake in ho. he han le the situation. The com-an3 burie Austin like nobo 3=s business the ne>t .eek on TV4 .hich .as even more o2 a mistake4 an claime he= never be allo.e back. An3one .ho 2ollo.e .restling one iota kne. it .as inevitable he= be back an that the3 .oul regret the -ortra3al o2 their kickass bab32ace as the gu3 .ho ran a.a3 2rom a 2ight4 .hich is ho. it .as -ortra3e . 9ventuall34 Jim :oss contacte Austin an u-t he an McMahon back together4 an the3 ma e a eal 2or Austin to return4 although it .as relativel3 short&live because neck -roblems let to Austin retiring a2ter his match .ith :ock at $restleMania 1G in <eattle in !%%*. +e .as still a huge star4 but he .as not the same as 2ar as being able to ra. on his return as all those s-eeches bur3ing him in !%%! took the e ge o22 him. A&1 i the same thing to Bob <a--4 .ho ha a business is-ute over mone3 an the3 -ortra3e him as a .ho .as a2rai to 2ight .hen he .alke out4 an the same thing ha--ene . (2 course4 the3 ma e u-4 but <a--=s .asn=t the same a2ter all he -ro-agan a o2 being a 4 .hich is the most negative thing a com-an3 can sa3 about talent. Austin sai his ecision cost him a lot o2 mone3 an that Punk oing so uring $restleMania season is missing out on a goo -a3 a3. +e 2igure either Vince McMahon .oul .ork Je i min tricks to get him back4 or Punk .ill eci e to return. Austin sai Punk .as un er a lot o2 stress but believes it .ill all .ork out at the en . +istor3 tells us that same thing. $hen it .as brought u- that ;ana $hite calle Vince McMahon a CmaniacD 6he i so on the 15!7 +all sho.84 Austin agree that McMahon .as cra/3 as hell4 but sai it .as in a goo .a3. <te-hanie McMahon met .ith <tac3 Aeibler on 15*% .hen Aeibler .as in "e. 0ork because she .as .orking 2or V+&1 on some <u-er Bo.l activit3. <he reall3 .ants Aeibler back .ith the i ea Aeibler .oul give the com-an3 Creal .orl D cre ibilit3 since she=s kin o2 a celebrit3 o2 sorts outsi e o2 .restling 6;ancing $ith the <tars4 'eorge #loone3=s e>8. ?rom a $$9 stan -oint4 she .oul be a goo bran ambassa or4 the s-ot o-en .hen the3 chose not to sign Mick ?ole3 to a ne. eal. Aeibler has been ver3 care2ul to avoi an3 connection .ith .restling ever since ;ancing $ith the <tars4 an the other stars on that sho. .ere ama/e at the stories o2 ho. the .restlers ha to rive themselves to the i22erent cities an -a3 2or their o.n roa e>-enses. $$9 stock close at -ress time at L!!.GG -er share a2ter major sell&o22s on 15*1 an !5*. )t=s still the highest in more than a eca e but -robabl3 -eake o22 the B.A. contract announcement. The big movement is likel34 either goo or ba 4 base in March .hen the net.ork launches an A-ril4 .hen it is -resume the B.<. television eal .ill be 2inali/e . The current market ca-itali/ation 6.orth8 o2 the com-an3 is no. L1.7* billion. "aomi 6Trinit3 ?atu4 !184 su22ere a bruise orbital bone an 5or bruise e3e socket4 as .ell as a scratche cornea .hen Aksana in a mi>&u-4 ro--e a knee right on her le2t

e3e on the !5* :a. sho. in (maha. <he continue the match4 .orking right to the 2inish an oing the -lanne -ost&match4 but 3ou coul see she .as in -ain imme iatel3. The ne>t a34 she t.eete a -hoto o2 her le2t e3e4 .hich .as all black an ba l3 s.ollen4 an sai that she coul have lost the e3e. <he i n=t .ork the ta-ings the ne>t night in ;es Moines4 an at -ress time .e on=t have an estimate 2or ho. long she=ll be ke-t out o2 action. As a -ublicit3 stunt4 ?ole3 smashe a television set 6a small set in his house84 on 0ouTube to -rotest Br3an not .inning the :umble. +is .i2e tol him i2 he .as going to o it4 it ha to be outsi e. +e took a baseball bat an hit a small TV. ?ole3 is oing a come 3 sho. on !5!! in Minnea-olis4 an #hamber PPV. .ill be at the 9limination

;.a3ne Johnson began shooting a ne. realit3 series C$ake B- #all4D on !5*4 .hich .ill ebut in a 2e. months on T"T. )t=s a sho. .here he motivates -eo-le to turn their lives aroun an go a2ter their reams. A2ter being back no. 2or more than t.o .eeks4 asi e 2rom the :umble4 Batista hasn=t .restle 3et. +is 2irst sche ule house sho. a--earance .ill be !517 in Phoeni>. +e is booke on all :a.s but not <mack o.ns. Merchan ise -eo-le .ere tol a long time ago not to -ro uce an3 singular merchan ise involving The :ock 6he can be in grou- shots but nothing in ivi ual8 an .ere tol he .oul not be in $$9 until !%17 at the earliest. :ock ha in2orme the com-an3 in August that he .oul not o $restleMania this 3ear. But i not rule out oing it in !%174 .hich is essentiall3 the same thing he=s sai -ublicl3. )n commentar3 .here John La32iel mentione the long ga- bet.een the last t.o tag title reigns o2 the "e. Age (utla.s4 .e liste them losing the titles on "ovember J4 1GGG. Actuall34 their 2i2th tag title reign starte on that ate4 beating Al <no. , Mankin in <tate #ollege4 PA. The3 lost the titles on ?ebruar3 !74 !%%%4 in +art2or 4 to the ;u le3s4 so it .as just un er 14 3ears bet.een title reigns. ?rom a s-eci2ic title in $$9 stan -oint4 the longest time -reviousl3 bet.een reigns .oul have been ?abulous Moolah4 .ho lost the title on Jul3 !44 1GJ74 to <herri Martel4 an .as given a gimmick title .in over )vor3 on (ctober 1G4 1GGG4 at the age o2 714 so 1! 3ears an three months. The longest time bet.een an3 kin o2 title reign looks to be :o 3 Pi-er4 .ho lost the )# title on A-ril 74 1GG!4 an i n=t .in another title in the $$9 until he an :ic ?lair .on the tag titles 2rom The <-irit <@ua on "ovember 74 !%%14 in #incinnati on the #3ber <un a3 PPV4 .hich is 14 3ears an seven months. Another long one is Pat Patterson4 .ho lost the )# title to Aen Patera on A-ril !14 1GJ% in Ma ison <@uare 'ar en4 an .on the meaningless har core title 2rom 'eral Brisco on June 1G4 !%%%4 in "ashville4 or !% 3ears an t.o months. The 2irst net.ork s-ecial calle C"KT Arrival4D .ill be !5!7 at ?ull <ail Bniversit3 in $inter Park4 ?L. The to- three matches are Bo ;allas vs. A rian "eville in a la er match 2or the "KT title4 Antonio #esaro vs. <ami Na3n !5* 2alls an Paige vs. 9mma 2or the .omen=s title. "otabl3 it=s calle the .omen=s title4 not the ;ivas title4 .hich is an interesting change. Also announce as a--earing are #ena4 Michaels4 Bret +art4 +e3man4 "e. Age (utla.s an <heamus. Bett3 $hite .ill be a celebrit3 guest on :a. on !51% 2rom Los Angeles. <he actuall3 shoul make a i22erence in the ratings. <he=s oing it to -romote her television series4 C(22 their :ockers4D .hich ebuts on Li2etime on !5!J. The sho.4 about senior citi/ens -la3ing -ranks on 3ounger -eo-le sort o2 like the ol C#an i #ameraD sho.4 .as on "B# 2or t.o seasons be2ore it .as cancele ue to ratings an lo. ;V: vie.ershi-.

$hen Bob Barker .as on 3ears ago4 the3 on that sho..

a *.J rating 2or him. +enr3 also returns

Tickets 2or the !51% :a. at the <ta-les #enter in Los Angeles ha a nice -ick u- in the last .eek. The3 aren=t sol out 3et but shoul sell out4 .hich .oul be about 144%%% -eo-le. The !511 <mack o.n sho. in (ntario4 #A4 .hich .oul hol about J4%%% 2or a <mack o.n ta-ing4 also ma3 sell out4 an <mack o.n ta-ings rarel3 o. As o2 a 2e. a3s ago4 the ticket sales .ere 1*4%%% an 147%% res-ectivel3. ?or Los Angeles4 the a vertise main event is #ena , Batista 6.hich means he is vie.e as a bab32ace as o2 this .eek8 , <heamus 6notable that he .as -ut in the main event instea o2 Br3an8 vs. $3att , Aane , ;el :io. +o.ever4 .ith the ne. stor3line change4 .ith (rton 2acing all #hamber o--onents in singles matches on TV bet.een no. an the !5!* PPV4 (rton vs. #ena in a non&title singles match takes -lace on the :a. television sho.. The si>&man is the -lanne main event 2or the ne>t several .eeks o2 :a. ta-ings. The <mack o.n ta-ings main .ill be $3att , Aane , ;el :io vs. Br3an , <heamus , <ho.. Notes fro$ t+e 4=< tapings in O$a+a. The cro. .asn=t as hot an col as the -ast 2e. .eeks. )t .asn=t as ea as it got long as usual4 but it i n=t get u- as much either. The sho. .as lacking in star .ithout #ena an Punk. There .ere chants o2 C#.M. PunkD an C$e $ant PunkD intermittentl3 uring the sho.4 but the3 never sustaine 2or too long. )t i a--ear that the cro. soun .as lo.ere b3 $$94 .hich ma e it a--ear that the cro. .as ea 4 2or 2ear the cro. .oul be oing chants the3 i n=t .ant on television. The3 .ere con2iscating all signs the3 coul 2in 2or Punk at the oor. There .ere re-orts o2 -eo-le kicke out 2or chanting 2or Punk4 but that isn=t true. There .ere 2ans kicke out 2or runk an isor erl3 con uct .hen the3 ha been .arne about making .isecracks at .restlers like sa3ing to Justin :oberts that he sucks4 3elling 'reenback at :3back4 asking him i2 he= given an3 concussions latel3 an 2inall3 s.earing at re2 Mike #hio a4 .hich le to an argument .ith #hio a about 2ree om o2 s-eech an the3 .ere tosse . But that ha nothing to o .ith chanting 2or Punk4 even though there .ere re-orts o2 that a2ter the sho.. There .ere no chants 2or Br3an e>ce-t uring his long main event match4 .hen the3 chante 2or him or chante C0es4D -articularl3 .hen he .as on o22ense. "ot 2ull4 but a soli cro. o2 G47%% in .hat is a tra itionall3 great .restling market ating back to the beginning o2 time. <u-erstars o-ene .ith <nuka -inning "atal3a clean. Bsos , Los Mata ores beat <later , Mahal , Mc)nt3re , #urt +a.kins in a come 3 match. The sho. o-ene .ith (rton out. ?ans .ere chanting 2or Punk an (rton .as oing his lines much @uicker than usual4 not -la3ing to the cro. at all4 an not -ausing to give them time to garner momentum so the chant ie o.n. +e mentione #ena an Br3an as o--onents. Both got the same reaction4 so this .as going to be a i22erent cro. than last .eek. +e calle Batista a jacke u- muscleboun genetic 2reak. +e sai .hen the3 .ere in 9volution4 the3 .ere e@uals4 but that .as a long time ago an he=s better than Batista. )n 2act4 he sai he=s the greatest su-erstar o2 this generation or an3 other generation an the main attraction on :a.. +++ came out. ?ans .ere chanting Punk -rett3 lou l3 here but +++ totall3 ignore it. +++ gave a s-eech that to me seeme to be aime at Punk4 talking about (rton4 about gu3s .ho overthink4 overanal3/e an then got -aranoi 4 an talke about C;on=t bite the han that 2ee s 3ou.D +++ sai that (rton=s behavior is making them re&think their -osition an think there=s something to all this an ma3be the3 shoul be -utting their 2aith in someone else. ?ans starte chanting C0esD at that -oint. +++ announce that (rton over the ne>t 2e. .eeks .oul 2ace all 2ive o--onents in the 9limination #hamber on TV in singles matches 6Br3an4 #hristian4 #ena4 #esaro an <heamus84 starting .ith Br3an. +e sai that i2 Br3an .ins4 .e ma3 consi er him as the ne. 2ace o2 $$9. +++ then le the cro. in chanting4 C0es.D 'iven the last si> months o2 television4 that .as .eir .

The <hiel beat M3sterio , Aingston , Langston in 11I!7. 'oo match. :eigns i his running ro-kick on the 2loor4 lan ing on the a-ron4 to M3sterio. There .as a collision s-ot .ith Langston an :eigns .ere Langston basicall3 ran over him. :eigns .as blee ing 2rom the e3e an nee e si> or seven stitches a2ter the match legit. :eigns is no. oing a eal .here he oes a mannerism to -ara e aroun be2ore oing the su-erman -unch4 .hich ) think the3=ve reali/e is going to be a bigger move than -reviousl3 -ositione as. :eigns set u- the s-ear .hen Ambrose sla--e his back4 tagging in4 an gave Langston the hea lock ;;T 2or the -in. :eigns .as ma about Ambrose stealing the -in4 an :ollins -la3e -eacemaker. The 2inish .as e>actl3 .hat it shoul have been4 an one -er2ectl3. $3att then i an intervie.. +ar-er got to talk as .ell. The3 .ere buil ing u- the si>&man at the #hamber. Barrett .as behin the giant -o ium. +e talke about the <u-er Bo.l being .atche b3 111.7 million -eo-le 6biggest TV au ience in the histor3 o2 B.<. television8 an ho. -eo-le .ere s-en ing the a3 eating junk 2oo an clogging their arteries4 so his ba ne.s is ho. most o2 us .on=t even survive until ne>t 3ear=s game. La.ler then got u- an sai he ha some ba ne.s4 .hich is that ho-e2ull34 ne>t .eek4 Barrett .on=t be aroun . )t looks like the3=ve alrea 3 ro--e the Barrett vs. Mi/ -rogram. "ot that an3one .ill miss it. This segment .as botche in some 2orm4 as La.ler ma e no sense. A--arentl3 this .as because ?ebruar3 is American +ealth3 +eart Month4 an Barrett .as to make 2un o2 -eo-le .ith heart -roblems an La.ler .as su--ose to stan u- 2or them but someho. it i n=t come out even close to that4 so .hen it .as over4 3ou just .oul think4 C$hat .as thatHD #hristian -inne <.agger in 7I77 .ith a sunset 2li- o22 the to- ro-e. La32iel .as making 2un o2 #hristian=s 2ace. At booking meetings 3ears back .hen -eo-le .oul suggest oing main stu22 .ith #hristian4 Vince .oul al.a3s remark about .hat he looke like in an J>1%. The "e. Age (utla.s beat :ho es Brothers in 11I%G in a cage match to retain the $$9 tag titles. The3 sai it .as onl3 -in2alls or submission rules4 no esca-ing the cage to .in. Lots o2 Punk chants here as .ell. Match .as 2ine. The big s-ot .as #o 3 oing a moonsault o22 the to- o2 the cage onto :oa ;ogg. :oa ;ogg .as su--ose to catch him but he .as slightl3 out o2 -osition an :oa ;ogg .as able to slightl3 break #o 3=s 2all4 but he lan e right on his shoul er. +e .as reall3 luck3 he .asn=t seriousl3 hurt on that one. Bill3 'unn gave #o 3 the 2amouser 2or the -in. (="eil -inne :3 er in !I41 .ith the #lash o2 the Titus. The3 sho.e the 2ootage 2rom <mack o.n o2 (="eil turning on 0oung. 0oung .asn=t on the sho. nor .as the i ea 0oung .as looking 2or revenge brought u-4 although the3 i 2ollo.&u- .ith 0oung against (="eil on <mack o.n. )nstea 4 Mi/ came out an com-laine about ho. these t.o gu3s .ere booke on :a. an he .asn=t booke on :a.. 'iven that 3ou=ve got (rton an Br3an com-laining about creative4 .h3 ilute it b3 having gu3s 3ou=ve got no -lans .ith o the same thingH The3 talke about ?ebruar3 being Black +istor3 month an i a ver3 goo vi eo 2eature on 9rnie La . )t=s interesting because La ealt 2rom some an .as not eas3 2or -romoters to eal .ith. +e= .ant to o his o.n thing4 .oul never job 6in his -rime8 unless the match .asn=t 2ilme 4 an ha no -roblem i2 he thought he .asn=t being -ai 2airl34 .ith going out into the cro. at a sho.4 an then leave the buil ing4 so the 2ans .oul kno. that he .as there an be a lot ma er .hen he i n=t a--ear 2or his main event. )2 the mi &7%s4 .hen La 4 <u-erstar Bill3 'raham an )van Aolo22 .ere the big three heels in $$$?4 the3 .ent to Vince McMahon <r. as a grou- an eman e more mone3 or all three .oul leave the territor3. Their argument .as that all three o2 them .oul be main event talent the3 .ent4 but Vince=s booking .oul 2ocus on revolving challengers to Bruno <ammartino. That meant one o2 them .oul get -ai as a main eventer an the others .oul -robabl3 be .inning a match or .orking a tag match on the un ercar 4 an get -ai like un ercar gu3s. The3 sai the3= leave unless all three got main event mone3

regar less o2 .hat s-ot on the sho. the3 .ere booke in. Vince agree to it because it .oul have been hell on business to have all three4 .ith all the TV investe in them4 an all the 2uture main events booke out4 leave at the same time. La is the onl3 -erson in a -ro 2ootball +all o2 ?ame 6actuall3 it=s the some.hat 2ictitious A?L +all o2 ?ame4 as he .as never electe to the "?L +all o2 ?ame4 though the A?L +all o2 ?ame in realit3 is less 2ictitious than the $$9 +all o2 ?ame8 an the $$9 +all. +e .as also in ucte in 1GJ1 into the <an ;iego #hargers +all o2 ?ame. ?an ango .as out .hen Marella4 back 2rom recent neck surger34 .alke o.n the ram-4 botche -ronouncing the names o2 C?an ingoD an C<ummer ;a3.D +e challenge <ummer :ae to a ance contest against someone 2rom the cro. . +e chose 9mma. 9mma i her "KT ance an these -eo-le i n=t kno. it4 an that segment ie . There .as a reason it .orke in "KT because it .as built u- over time. 0ou can=t ski- over all that an ebut it an e>-ect it to .ork. Marella .orke har 4 an aske 2or the cro. to cheer .ho the3 thought .on. Marella .orke at it an the cro. cheere 2or 9mma an <ummer :ae .alke o22 ma . The3 i the mi>e tag .ith Marella , 9mma vs. ?an ango , <ummer some months back in "KT. <heamus -inne A>el in 7I%* .ith the Brogue kick. :3back .as at ringsi e4 .hich le to 'ol berg chants. :3back 3elle at <heamus a2ter the match4 an <heamus invite him in the ring4 but he .alke o22. Batista came out. ;uring the commercial break4 Batista i a -romo on the screen talking about ho. he likes the #ollege Baseball $orl <eries 6.hich4 b3 tra ition4 takes -lace annuall3 in (maha8. )t came across like he i n=t mean it4 an .as oing it to make sure he got cheere .hen the sho. starte since the -lan is to kee- him as a 2ace. )t i n=t .ork. +e came out. <ome cheere 4 some booe 4 some i n=t react. )t .as a isa--ointing reaction. ;el :io came out an sai that the t.o o2 them ha un2inishe business. Batista sai he ha no issue .ith ;el :io. ;el :io sai that .hen Batista s-ent the last 2our 3ears sitting on his couch .aiting 2or his movie agent to call4 he .as .inning all the titles. +e sai Batista .asn=t an animal4 he .as a little #hihuahua .ho .as a2rai o2 ;el :io. ;el :io sucker -unche him an .as beating him o.n. Batista got u- an ;el :io ran o22 be2ore Batista coul get his han s on him. The3 i n=t announce the -lanne match 2or the 9limination #hamber PPV. The3 i announce +enr3 returning ne>t .eek in Los Angeles. $3att , +ar-er , beat :&Truth , Niggler , $oo s in 7I%%. The 2ans .ere chanting C$e $ant NigglerD here .hile he .as on the a-ron. <o he tagge in4 an +ar-er ver3 @uickl3 gave him the s-inning clothesline an $3att use <ister Abigail on him 2or the -in. 0ou kno. things are ba .hen the3 choose 3ou to take the 2all over :&Truth , $oo s. The <hiel .ere on the screen a2ter the match. :ollins sai that $3att .as a 2igment o2 his o.n imagination an 2ooling himsel2 .ith his o.n elusions. The3 came back to $3att4 .ho .as laughing at The <hiel . ) thought this .as .ell one. )t got me intereste in the match4 .hich the3 tease a 2e. months back an are 2inall3 elivering. The3 ha a vignette .ith :usev , Lana. "aomi -inne Aksana in 4I4J .ith a s-lit legge moonsault. The big stor3 o2 this match is Aksana ro--e a knee right on "aomi=s le2t e3e. The e3e .as reall3 s.ollen a2ter the match an 3ou coul see imme iatel3 she .as in -ain. <he .ent right to the 2inish an got the -in4 an .hile in -ain4 she i the -lanne s-ot .here ?o> attacke her4 #ameron ro-kicke ?o>4 an "aomi hit ?o> .ith the jum-ing hi- attack. Then she .ent right back to checking on her e3e. Tamina an A.J. .ere also at ringsi e. A.J. .as oing commentar3. The match .ent too long. "aomi is the most talente 4 b3 2ar4 in the ring o2 an3 o2 the $$9 .omen4 but she=s not the best .orker. +er thing is she likes to o her athletic s-ots4 .hich is great .hen she=s in .ith a real .orker. But

.ith someone like Aksana or an3one .hose green4 the match 2alls com-letel3 a-art because she=s .orking at a level the3 aren=t rea 3 2or4 .hich is .hat ha--ene here just -rior to the knee ro-. )n that sense4 somebo 3 like Brie Bella or Alicia ?o> o a lot better. A.J. in commentar3 insulte <nuka. $hen the3 brought u- that "aomi ha beaten her in a 2e. non&title matches4 she note that the3 .ere in tag team matches an sai that she .asn=t the one to blame .hen she lost those matches. <nuka stoo there an looke stone 2ace . <he also calle #ameron a glori2ie cheerlea er. Main event sa. Br3an beat (rton in the non&title match in !1I714 .hich .as one o2 the longest :a. main events ever. FFFF match. <ome chants 2or Punk. (rton .as encouraging the chants 2or Br3an b3 telling the cro. to be @uiet .hen the3 i that. Br3an .orke over the knee 2or several minutes inclu ing using a hal2 crab. (rton came back .ith a backbreaker on the barrica e. Br3an .as kicks to (rton until (rton caught him an gave him a ca-ture su-le>. Br3an starte selling the shoul er as (rton thre. it into the -ost t.ice4 an then the stairs. Br3an continue to sell the shoul er but came back an got the 0es lock on4 but (rton=s legs ma e the ro-es. Br3an i t.o running ro-kicks into the corner. +e .ent 2or a thir one an (rton hit the ro-kick. (rton hit the ra-ing ;;T an set u- the :A(4 but Br3an hit a su-erkick. Br3an i a iving hea &butt. Aane then came out. Br3an ro-kicke Aane o22 the a-ron4 then ucke an -ulle o.n the ro-es as (rton charge . (rton 2le. over the to- an Br3an hit both (rton an Aane .ith a to-e. +e gave Aane a ro- toe hol 4 sen ing Aane into the ste-s. (rton .ent 2or the :A(4 but Br3an ucke an hit the Busaiku knee an got the -in. A2ter the match4 Aane lai out Br3an .ith a choke slam. +e i the han motion. The -3ro gu3 .as a secon late on the bu//er .hich looke .eak. <o much 2or the i ea that Aane isn=t allo.e to have -h3sical contact .ith .restlers since he=s got an o22ice -osition. Then again4 given those -arameters a 2e. .eeks ago4 ho. oes his being in the :umble make senseH A2ter the sho. en e 4 Aane an (rton continue to beat o.n Br3an until #ena4 in his onl3 a--earance4 ma e the save. #ena got a huge 2ace reaction an then e2erre to Br3an an the cro. starte chanting C0es.D Because o2 #ena=s injur34 there .as no ark match. Notes fro$ t+e 4=3 *$a kdown tapings in :es Moines. $ith a sno.storm in to.n4 there .ere 447%% at the sho. an that inclu es com-s an seat 2illers4 .ho .ere running aroun like cra/3 because there .ere t.o ro.s right in 2ront o2 the har camera that nobo 3 .as sitting in. The cro. .asn=t that much into an3one or an3thing. Langston got a big reaction because he -la3e college 2ootball at )o.a. Br3an .as the most -o-ular4 but the C0esD chants .eren=t lou although it ma e 2or a goo visual o2 -eo-le stan ing u- an oing it. There .ere Punk chants ma3be t.ice4 that .ere starte an never caught on. :usev beat Ai .ith the camel clutch in the ark match. ?or Main 9vent4 Mi/ -inne ?an ango. Both Marella , 9mma .ere on commentar3 so the3 are continuing the ?an ango , <ummer vs. Marella , 9mma -rogram. ;el :io -inne :3 er a2ter a su-erkick. Langston -inne A>el a2ter a Big 9n ing. Langston .as .earing a Bniversit3 o2 )o.a +a.ke3es .restling singlet. As 9ttore 9.en4 he .as a lineman at the Bniversit3 o2 )o.a4 -la3ing on the varsit3 team !%%1 to !%%J. <mack o.n o-ene .ith Br3an out. +e talke about ho. +++ sai that i2 he beat (rton he coul be the 2ace o2 the com-an3. +e sai he i n=t .ant to be the 2ace o2 the com-an3. +e calle out Aane 2or attacking him on :a.. Aane ha to give the a-olog3 to him like he i 2or Punk4 the insincere a-olog3 2or -utting his han s on a .restler. Aane sai that .as un-ro2essional 2or someone in management. Br3an tol Aane to take o22 the chea- suit an -ut the mask back on. Aane tol Br3an that he tra e the mask 2or a corner o22ice. +e tol Br3an that the3 aren=t 2rien s an3more4 an never reall3 .ere 2rien s. Br3an .ante a match .ith Aane but Aane re2use an instea tol Br3an he .oul be 2acing #esaro. ?ans .ere chanting C0ou sol outD at Aane.

:eigns , Ambrose beat Aingston , Niggler. :ollins .as at ringsi e on commentar3. :ollins is originall3 2rom the area an a lot o2 the 2ans kne. it4 so the3 i a tag instea o2 a trios match to kee- the 2ans 2rom cheering The <hiel . Ambrose an :eigns i n=t get along. +o.ever4 .hen :eigns hit the su-erman -unch an s-ear on Niggler4 he tagge in Ambrose an let Ambrose get the -in. The $3atts again cut a -romo on the tron a2ter the match. <heamus -inne :3back .ith the Brogue kick. Match sai to be better than e>-ecte . :enee 0oung intervie.e ;el :io about his -rogram .ith Batista. +e sai he .as going to tame the animal. Batista .asn=t at the ta-ing since he=s not back into the 2ull&time sche ule 3et. #olter came out 2or an intervie.. +e note that <.agger .on the 9limination #hamber last 3ear an #esaro .ill .in it this 3ear. Br3an beat #esaro .ith the 0es lock in a great match. ?ans .ere chanting a lot 2or Punk in this match. Aane came out a2ter the match. This istracte Br3an. #esaro attacke Br3an an le2t him la3ing .ith the "eutrali/er. Aane then choke slamme Br3an. (rton i a -romo an tol :enee 0oung not to .orr3 about his relationshi- .ith The Authorit3. +e talke about his match .ith #ena on :a. Mon a34 his match .ith #hristian later in the sho. as .ell as the PPV match. The3 aire the La vi eo once again. Then the3 aire another :usev vignette.

A.J. beat "ikki Bella via submission .ith the black .i o. in a non&title match. "ikki acci entall3 thre. A.J. into Brie4 knocking Brie o22 the a-ron4 so the3 are going back to the angle .here the3 .ere teasing -roblems .ith the t.o. 0ou kno.4 because 3ou can never be breaking u- enough tag teams at the same time. (="eil .as oing a -romo .ith :enee 0oung4 to .in a cham-ionshi-4 .hen ;arren 0oung attacke him an the agents -ulle ;arren o22 him. $3att -inne 'ol ust .ith <ister Abigail. The <hiel .ere on the tron cutting a -romo on him a2ter. (rton -inne #hristian .ith the :A(4 catching #hristian as he came o22 the to- ro-e4 in a non&title match. The ark match sa. Br3an beat $3att via ;O .hen an +ar-er inter2ere . That .as a ste- u-4 since $3att ha been -inning Br3an even at house sho.s. A2ter the match4 there .as a three&on&one beat o.n until the Bsos ma e the save an the 2aces cleane house an celebrate to en the sho.. Notes fro$ t+e 1=<0 NB" tapings in Winter Park, F'. )t o-ene match as Jason Jor an -inne Baron #orbin. .ith a ark

?or the sho. that airs on *57 6that=s ho. 2ar in a vance the3 are these a3s4 so all o2 this airs a2ter the !5!7 sho.84 The Ascension beat t.o local .restlers. 9mma -inne <ummer :ae. $ith no Paige on the sho. 6she=s still not back 2rom the -ersonal issues that cause her sabbatical84 it .oul make sense 2or her to ro- the title since she .oul n=t be at TV 2or .eeks a2ter. Also no <ami Na3n on TV 2or the month o2 March ue to his knee injur3. All the regular .omen .ere at ringsi e uring this match4 .hich .as Ba3le3 on the 2ace si e an #harlotte an <asha Banks on the heel si e. TV main sa. A rian "eville -in T3ler Bree/e.

?or *51!4 Ba3le3 -inne Banks. #.J. Parker -inne #olin #assa 3. )=m not sure .hat the3 see in Parker. #assa 3 can at least be an An re. Martin level un ercar gu3 but .ith more -ersonalit3. Mason :3an beat ;allas via ;O .hen :usev inter2ere . "eville ma e the save. John La32iel 6acting commissioner8 announce a tag team match. "eville , :3an beat ;allas , :usev. "eville hel u- the title .hen it .as over. That coul be a sign that "eville .ins the title on the live s-ecial4 or i2 he oesn=t4 that the 2inish is there to buil to another title match. ?or the *51G sho.4 A am :ose4 2ormerl3 Leo Aruger4 is backstage having a -art3 .ith a number o2 .restlers .ho haven=t been intro uce as TV characters inclu ing Aalisto 6<amura3 el <ol8 an <olomon #ro.e 6<ami #allihan8. #esaro -inne 'abriel. :ose beat $esle3 Blake. :ose then calle out a bunch o2 .restlers 2or another -art3. #harlotte -inne Ba3le3. :usev beat $oo s. Ai en 9nglish beat #assa 3 in the TV main. ?or *5!14 <ummer :ae -inne Aksana. (liver 're3 returne to TV beating Marcus An the TV main event sa. 'ol ust , #o 3 :ho es over The Ascension via ;O. Notes fro$ t+e 1=4& NB" "# s+ow. The sho. o-ene .ith The Ascension coming out. The3 ha a s@uash match against enhancement talent calle Mike #ulari , John )carino .ith the high&lo. in !I!!. 0ou kno. .hen a chant means nothing .hen 7% secon s into this t3-ical s@uash match4 there .as a CThis is a.esomeD chant. That chant .oul get ilute even more later in the sho.. There .as a theme o2 <3lvester Le2ort gu3s to be in his stable to re-lace Ale>an er :usev 6.ho um-e him 2or Lana84 <cott ;a.son 6.ho hasn=t been seen the last 2e. .eeks8 an 'arrett ;3lan 6.ho .as cut but is no. back8. #al Bisho6#la3ton Jack4 2ormer (regon <tate .restler .ho -lace 4th at the !%1! "#AA tournament an a 2ormer training -artner o2 #hael <onnen8 came out. Le2ort ma e 2un o2 his :an 3 #outure ears an ni>e him sa3ing there=s no .a3 he=s going to allo. someone .ith those ears on television. +is costuming .as a.2ul. The gu3 is a su-er athlete. Be2ore going to college on a .restling scholarshi- he .ent to high school in "orthern #ali2ornia an .as great at ever3thing he trie . But right no. he oesn=t have the look the3 covet an that ears thing soun e like ribbing on the s@uare. Plus4 )=m not sure about ebuting him in a jabroni role. #ore3 'raves came out in su-er tight jeans. "o biggie4 e>ce-t he .ent an .restle in them. )2 3ou close 3our e3es .hen he cuts -romos4 3ou think it=s #.M. Punk an he sort o2 has the same t3-e o2 rebel character. +e beat #amacho in 1I1G .ith the ?uller leglock. Antonio #esaro i an intervie.. +e .as aske .h3 he turne o.n <ami Na3n=s re@uest 2or a match. +e sai that he=s alrea 3 beaten him an the onl3 reason -eo-le kee- talking about the match is because he .as in it. +e sai that Na3n coul n=t beat him .hen he .as health34 ho. is he going to beat him .ith a knee injur3H A nothing -romo. Le2ort ne>t intervie.e <a.3er ?ulton 6Jacob <outh.ick4 .ho -lace thir in the "#AA ;ivision )) tournament as a 1&2oot&J4 !J% -oun heav3.eight 2or Ashlan #ollege in !%1!8. +e looks like a taller version o2 Brian :ei 4 .ho is coming into evelo-mental in a 2e. .eeks. The3 look so i entical one .oul -robabl3 have to change their look. An3.a34 Le2ort sa. ho. big he .as an like him4 but ?ulton gave the im-ression he .as ga3 an hitting on Le2ort. Aee- that one 2rom 'LAA; gu3s. +e smile 4 gave his rubbing the han han shake to Le2ort an he acte all cree-e out. Ba3le3 -inne <asha Banks in !I4J .ith the Bell3&to&Ba3le3. Banks is no. calle CThe Boss4D although she has no resemblance at all to either Bruce <-ringsteen4 :a3

Tra3lor or Magnum T.A. #harlotte an <ummer :ae .ere in Banks= corner an "atal3a .as in Ba3le3=s corner. Ba3le3 -la3s her role great. T3ler Bree/e -inne #olin #assa 3 in !I!*. The entire match .as stalling because ho. can 3ou o much .ith a little heel against a giant 2ace .hen both are -rett3 greenH Bree/e is limite b3 si/e4 but he -la3s his Prince Prett3 gimmick tremen ousl3. 'oo music an entrance an the cro. treats him like a star. The si/e .ill limit him in $$94 -articularl3 because even though he=ll .in u- as a 2ace in time4 to make the gimmick .ork4 he=ll nee a heel run an it=ll be tough to get him out o2 -relims. The best -art o2 this .as the 2ans .ere chanting CThis is a.esomeD .hile the3 .ere stalling. Basicall3 no match at all. Ai en 9nglish .as on the screen an .ent into a room .here #assa 3=s bu 3 9n/o Amore .as in his .heelchair4 an acte like he .as going to beat him u-. #assa 3 .as istracte an Bree/e hit a s-in kick an -inne him. That move is so non&believable as a 2inisher4 -articularl3 against gu3s like #assa 3 an Mason :3an in recent .eeks. Just looke ba . #assa 3 .as looking backstage 2or Amore4 an 2oun him. +e .as 2ine. Amore sai that 9nglish threatene him an #assa 3 .as ma 4 sa3ing 9nglish cost him a C$D an he=s looking 2or retribution. A 2unn3 stor3 is that #assa 3 a--arentl3 3elle at TV announcer Ale> :ile3 2or on TV sa3ing he .as 1&2oot&74 telling him never to sa3 he=s less than 1&2oot&1%. "o. the3 sa3 he=s a 7&2ooter4 .hich the3=ve sai 2or some time. +e=s tall but he looks 1&2oot&7 to me. The Mi/ beat #.J. Parker in 4I*J .ith the 2igure 2our leglock. The match .as 2ine. :ile3 talke about ho. one o2 his goo 2rien s4 The Mi/4 .as .restling ne>t. ) .as tr3ing to think i2 :ile3 2orgot that Mi/ turne on him4 or ) 2orgot that the3 i a make& u- angle. :egal sai that The Mi/ remin s him o2 Aermit the ?rog4 e>ce-t .ith a lot less talent. Mi/ i a shockingl3 great looking ro-kick. Na3n i an intervie. sa3ing #esaro has the right to turn him o.n 2or a match4 but he=s not giving u- that easil3. +e challenge #esaro to meet him 2ace&to&2ace ne>t .eek. Le2ort .as still looking 2or talent .hen Mason :3an sho.e u-. +e got all ha--3 since he=s trie to recruit him in the -ast. :3an tol him that i2 Le2ort can beat him in a match ne>t .eek4 he=ll sign .ith his stable. "e>t .as a contract signing 2or Bo ;allas vs. A rian "eville 2or the !5!7 s-ecial. As note be2ore4 "eville is 2antastic at oing moves in the ring4 the e@ual o2 an3one on the main roster. But he=s reall3 short4 great -h3si@ue4 but he nee s a lot o2 .ork on the entertainment en an in a TV segment that re@uires back&an &2orth talking4 he=s lacking. )2 9van Bourne i n=t make it4 ) think "eville .ill have a har time even though a segment o2 the au ience .ill love him4 but management .ill see him on -romos an then lose interest in him unless he ste-s u- that -art o2 the game. Bo ;allas4 on the other han 4 .as a.2ul on intervie.s but he=s reall3 im-rove . +e carrie the segment as much as it .as carr3able. ;allas beat ;ann3 Burch .ith the ouble&arm ;;T in !I!1. The camera .as 2ocuse on the cro. .hen ;allas ma e the .inning cover. ;allas signe the contract4 an as "eville .as looking at the signature4 ;allas sucker -unche him. The sho. en e .ith "eville coming back an hitting ;allas .ith a to-e. The3 .ill be oing t.o a3s o2 ta-ing on !5!7 an !5!J. The 2irst night .ill be the live sho. on the $$9 "et.ork. The start time hasn=t been announce but the original i ea .as G -.m. to go hea &to&hea .ith T"A.

At the ta-ings the3 2lashe a C;i 0ou Ano.D eal .hich note that "KT .as vote as the Best Television sho. o2 !%1*. "o4 the3 i n=t sa3 .ho vote on it or that it .as 2rom the (bserver. )nteresting a2ter seeing some notes on $$9 in <eattle on 754 2or 9>treme :ules4 the arena release a statement on ?acebook stating that the3 o not have the $$9 booke on that ate4 so the -lans 2or that location 2ell through. The sho. .ill be taking -lace at the )/o #enter in 9ast :uther2or 4 "J. As 2ar as an3 -lans 2or Br3an4 that shoul n=t make a i22erence since it=s the "e. 0ork market an the3=ll be into him more than an3one on the sho. unless Punk returns b3 then. (n -age three last .eek in the :umble scorecar 4 .e mistakenl3 liste not :eigns as the one .ho thre. out #esaro. Ambrose an

The st3le being taught in evelo-mental right no. is 2or the bab32aces to get one comeback s-ot4 buil it aroun tra emark s-ots an 2inishes shoul be a s-eci2ic hol that the3 al.a3s use to .in. As 2ar as )nternet character interest 2or 15!7 :a. .ere4 in or er4 Batista4 #ena4 Br3an4 Lesnar4 :eigns an (rton. Batista .as .a3 o.n 2rom the .eek be2ore 6.hen Batista .as the "o. 1G o2 an3thing in the Bnite <tates the night o2 his return84 #ena .as the same as usual4 an Br3an .as slightl3 less than 151* but .ell u- 2rom 15!%. The ga- bet.een "o. 1 an "o. ! .asn=t much4 Br3an .as a soli "o. *4 2ar 2rom "o. !4 an Lesnar an :eigns .ere neck&an &neck at "o. 4. $eb activit3 on the a3 o2 the :o3al :umble4 in or er4 .ere Batista 6signi2icantl3 ahea o2 ever3one84 2ollo.e b3 #ena4 Br3an4 :eigns4 (rton4 Lesnar an Punk. B3 2ar the most interest o2 an3 .restler .as on !544 .hen Punk .as "o. ! o2 an3thing in the B.<. 2or much o2 the a34 but en e u- "o. 1. There .as more interest on the )nternet in him 2or an3 in ivi ual in .restling or MMA since the 2our hea liners on the 1!5!J B?# sho.. (n the merchan ise 2ront4 overall4 Br3an is "o. 4. #ena is 2ar an a.a3 "o. 14 an Punk is 2ar an a.a3 "o. ! overall. Punk is the "o. 1 seller on the .eb site. The t.o sur-rising names near the to- o2 merchan ise sales right no. are <in #ara 6ma3be not a sur-rise4 since it=s been the case 2or a long time8 an Bltimate $arrior4 .hose stu22 is selling .ell both at the arena an on the .eb site. ?re :osser 6;arren 0oung8 .as nominate a--earance on the 9llen ;e'eneres sho.. 2or a 'LAA; Me ia 2or his

The ne. season o2 Total ;ivas .ill ebut on *511 at G -.m. 9astern. The season .ill 2eature ten e-iso es. As note be2ore4 <ummer :ae4 using her stage name an not real name ;anielle Moinet4 6the 2ormer team ca-tain o2 the #hicago Bliss in the Lingerie ?ootball League84 re-laces Jo Jo (22erman in the cast. (22erman is still un er contract in evelo-mental but there are no -lans to use her on the main sho.s an3 longer since she=s not on Total ;ivas. Among the highlights o2 this ten e-iso e season .ill be t.o .e ings4 the Jonathan ?atu an Trinit3 Mc#ra3 6Jimm3 Bso an "aomi8 an the Br3an ;anielson an Brie Bella 6the3 use his real name4 not hers8 .hich .ill be the 2inal e-iso e o2 the season in Ma3. (ther stor3lines inclu e 9va Marie also getting marrie to her non&.restler bo32rien an kee-ing it a secret 2rom her 2amil34 "ikki Bella contem-lating breaking u- .ith John #ena 6consi ering the3 are still together4 ) guess that i n=t ha--en8 as .ell as the intro uction o2 Jonathan ?atu=s 2ather4 the 2ame :ikishi4 as the ma -arent .ho is against the marriage .anting his son to marr3 someone o2 <amoan ancestr3. 0es4 2olks4 that is just a stor3line the3 create . The3 .ill also tell stories o2 9va Marie .inning over the $$9 2ans an becoming a big 2avorite 6) misse that84 Brie Bella4 "atal3a an Trinit3 all chasing the ;ivas title4 but "atal3a en s u- out o2 the title -icture ue to a contrive 6though -ushe on the sho. as real8 -ersonalit3 clash .ith <ummer :ae. ?an ango also en s u- .ith more TV time on the sho.. The -lan is 2or the season to en .ith the clima>

o2 Brie getting marrie $restleMania.


one o2 the .omen ca-turing the ;ivas title at

The -lanne tour o2 <au i Arabia sche ule 2rom !51* to !517 has been move to 4517 to 451G ue to con2licts .ith some o2 the venues. #ena an (rton are sche ule to hea line that tour. Brian :ei 4 .ho .orke evelo-mental on !517. #ali2ornia in ies as Brian Tannen 6a -o.erli2ter8 starts in

A 2unn3 note on the tag team ivision. #la3 , Tensai broke u- a 2e. .eeks back an it a--ears to have one neither an3 goo . #la3 is barel3 visible an it looks like the3 are grooming Tensai 2or an announcing s-ot. The3 i n=t even 2ollo.&u- on a -rogram .ith them. The3 have tease a :ho es Brothers break&u- .hich long&term is -robabl3 not oing either o2 them an3 goo . The <hiel is breaking u-. The Prime Time Pla3ers broke u- out o2 The3 are also teasing issues .ithin the :eal Americans. )t=s like the3 are co-3ing T"A. +ogan .as a 2ocal -oint an <gt. <laughter .as in the backgroun in a :a io <hack commercial that ebute uring the <u-er Bo.l an .as consi ere b3 the $all <treet Journal as one o2 the best commercials uring the sho.. The commercial also aire uring :a.. The i ea .as a bunch o2 J%s icons .ere cleaning out the store so the3 coul bring in ne. inventor3. +ogan4 John :at/enberger o2 #heers an 9rik 9stra a in his #hi-s -olice o22icer attire .ere the 2ocal -oints. The main event 2or the *5J sho. in Ma ison <@uare 'ar en change .eek4 an it=s no. #ena , Batista vs. (rton , $3att. once again this

TMN re-orte that "ikki Bella has been taking classes at a <an ;iego real estate school to get -re-are 2or a licensing e>am. $eir 4 given her sche ule an the 2act she lives in #entral ?lori a to be atten ing a school in <an ;iego. :e2eree Justin Aing is no longer .ith the com-an3. Tomm3 ;reamer .as one o2 the -eo-le intervie.e 2or the ne. +e3man ;V;. 15*1 #ena tour sho. in Miami Lakelan re. *4%%%. re. 14%%%. !51 in (rlan o re. 147%%. !5! in

The secon tour o-ene on !51 in $ichita. $e i n=t get a cro. 2or that sho.. !5! in Aansas #it3 re. 44%%%4 .hich .as -rett3 em-t3 but it .as the a3 o2 the <u-er Bo.l. The #ena tour o-ene in Miami. :&Truth -inne ?an ango. The3 ha a 2an voting 2or ance contest or match. "aomi , #ameron beat Aksana , ?o> .hen "aomi -inne ?o>. (="eil -inne +a.kins. (="eil cut a -romo turning heel. +is turn aire on <mack o.n but since this sho. .as going on at the same time <mack o.n .as airing4 2ans .oul n=t have kno.n. +e basicall3 sai ho. ;arren 0oung .as a loser hol ing him back. )n .hat .as 2irst a vertise as a title match4 "eville -inne ;allas in a non&title match. :ho es , 'ol ust beat <.agger , #esaro .hen :ho es -inne <.agger a2ter crossroa s. Best match on the sho. all .eeken . Los Mata ores , <in #ara beat <later , Mc)nt3re , Mahal. Big <ho. -inne Aane .ith a knockout -unch. #ena beat (rton via ;O in the same match the3 al.a3s o. )t=s the same e>act match that ie at the :umble4 e>ce-t .ith a .eaker 2inish at the house sho.s4 .hich sho.s the i22erence bet.een cro. s that atten the tour sho.s an the PPV sho.s.

. The3 i the same sho. the ne>t night in (rlan o. Be2ore the "eville vs. ;allas match that "eville .on4 the3 -ushe that the t.o .oul be having a la er match in $inter Park 6the "KT net.ork s-ecial8 2or the title on !5!7. Justin :oberts announce it as an "KT title match an ;allas sai it .asn=t going to be a title match since he .as contractuall3 obligate to e2en on !5!7 an thus this .oul have to be a non& title match. #ena got -oke in the e3e legit uring the match .ith (rton. The trainer came out to check on him. +e recovere .ell enough to .ork the rest o2 the match4 but the e3e en e u- s.elling shut. Lakelan on !5! .as the same sho. minus #ena vs. (rton4 .ith both sche ule to be sent to Aansas #it3 because o2 the 2eeling the Punk , Br3an tour .oul n=t ra. .ell on its o.n there an Lakelan .as a small buil ing. <o the3 i <ho. over Aane in a cage match as the Lakelan main event. 'ol ust a--eare to have hurt his 2oot or ankle at the en o2 the match. )t shoul be note that #ena an :ho es .ere at one -oint a vertise on both this sho. an the sho. in Aansas #it3 an most o2 the tickets .ere -urchase .ith #ena as the main -erson -ushe . A 2e. .eeks ago4 the3 sto--e a vertising #ena. The 2ormer Punk an no. Br3an tour o-ene in $ichita. At the start o2 the sho.4 the3 announce 2ans coul vote 2or "atal3a vs. <nuka in either a ance contest or a match. The <hiel then came out an announce Punk .asn=t there an that 2ans coul get re2un s i2 3ou o so be2ore the start o2 the secon match. The3 challenge an3one in the back to re-lace Punk. <heamus , Bsos came out an the3 ha a con2rontation. (bviousl3 the3 shot the angle4 .hich is common -ractice in this situation4 to kee-eo-le 2rom eci ing to get re2un s. +enr34 in his 2irst match back since the Cinjur3D at the han s o2 Lesnar4 teame .ith Langston to beat :3back , A>el .hen +enr3 -inne A>el a2ter the .orl =s strongest slam. :usev beat :3 er .ith the camel clutch. "o Lana on tour. The ance contest .on so "atal3a starte ancing. <nuka i n=t .ant to an attacke "atal3a an the3 i a match. "atal3a .on .ith the shar-shooter. 9mma .as booke on the tour an .as at ringsi e in "atal3a=s corner. <heamus , Bsos beat The <hiel .hen <heamus -inne :ollins a2ter a Brogue kick. There .as a lou C:oman :eigns= chant uring the match. $hen it comes to tren s4 the numbers 2or :eigns have -icke u- signi2icantl3 an he=s belo. Batista an #ena 62ar an a.a3 the to- t.o84 but is no. in the ne>t tier .ith (rton4 Br3an an Lesnar. Mi/ beat <an o. .ith the 2igure 2our leglock. Barrett -inne Aingston .ith the bull hammer elbo.. $3att beat Br3an in a cage match. Br3an .as about to go through the oor to .in .hen +ar-er guar e the oor .ith a chair. Br3an got back in an $3att use <ister Abigail on him 2or the -in. <o .eir 4 because unless 3ou=ve got a heel cham-ion an it=s a title match 6an even then4 i2 it=s a to- 2ace4 3ou -ut the 2ace over on a ;O84 the $$9 rule o2 thumbs is the 2ace goes over most o2 the time on house sho.s an al.a3s in the main event slot. The $3atts beat o.n Br3an until <heamus , Bsos ma e the save an all the 2aces le 2ans in chanting C0esD a2ter the match. Aansas #it3 .ith an a2ternoon -re&<u-er Bo.l sho. .as mostl3 the same thing. ?ans vote match instea o2 ance contest. The3 ha move #ena an (rton over because the <-rint #enter in Aansas #it3 .as 2elt to be too big to run .ith the Punk , Br3an cre.. But .ith #ena injure the night be2ore4 the3 ha to rearrange ever3thing. The sho. o-ene .ith (rton out4 sa3ing #ena .as injure .hen he buste his e3e the -revious night. +e sai that he ho-e #ena .oul never see again an tol the cro. the3 .ere o22ering re2un s until the start o2 the secon match. (rton sai that .ith #ena not there4 he=s going to grab some ;ivas an some beer4 go to his hotel an .atch the <u-er Bo.l. Br3an came out an sai the 2ans ha -ai 2or a cham-ionshimatch an he .ante it in a cage. The3 .ent at it4 Br3an got the better o2 it4 an the3 announce the match as the ne. main event. +enr3 ha his elbo. all .ra--e u- to sell his injur3 2rom Lesnar an sol it to get heat. $ith Br3an move to 2acing (rton4 $3att 2ace an -inne Mi/ a2ter <ister Abigail. Aingston then i ouble ut3. ?irst he re-lace Mi/ an 2ace <an o.4 .inning that one. Barrett then attacke Aingston. Aingston ma e a comeback an -inne Barrett .ith the <(<. <heamus , Bsos beat

<hiel again .hen <heamus -inne Ambrose .ith the Brogue kick. (rton -inne Br3an in the cage match to retain the title .ith an :A( a2ter $3att slamme the oor in Br3an=s 2ace. A2ter the match4 the3 raise the cage an the $3att 2amil3 .as beating on Br3an. <heamus an The Bsos ma e the save. The 2aces cleane house to en the sho..

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