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Media Production Risk Assessment &ro"ect +itle/ 0ritish Heart Foundation &hoto )hoot )hooting Date/ 1/2/34 !

ocation/ 5n College in &A36

&roducer/ 7akir 8alik 33< .thers in ol ed/ ; Girls = ; 0oys Course Appro ed by +utor/ %otes/Conditions/ %/A

Contact %umber/ 91:;9 341


Date/ 4/2/34

Tick all potential causes of hazard that apply at this location Access/egress Alcohol/drugs Animals/insects Audience/public Cables Children Communication failure Confined space Costume/make-up Derelict/dangerous buildings Diseases Electricity Fire/flammable material Food hygiene Glass Hazardous substances Heights Hostile/remote en ironment !ifting hea y ob"ects/e#uipment !ight !ighting e#uipment !one $orking %ight $ork %oise &erson $ith special needs &hysical e'ertion (oads )et construction )lipping* tripping* falling )moking )tunts +heft ,ehicles ,iolence -ater -eapons -eather .ther

For each of the hazards identified overleaf, fill in a box below &otential Hazard/ Cables -hat could cause harm> !oose Cables -hat is the likelihood of this happening> Electricity causing harm by electrocuting someone if $ire is loose and somebody tripping -ho or $hat $ould be harmed> )tudents and )taff Ho$ much harm> Depending on the harm Ho$ $ill the risk of this hazard be minimised>
By keeping the wires hidden

&otential Hazard !ightening E#uipment -hat could cause harm> 5t could get $arm -hat is the likelihood of this happening> +he e#uipment been left on for too long and o er heating -ho or $hat $ould be harmed> )tudents and )taff Ho$ much harm> Depending on ho$ $arm it is and the effect on the person Ho$ $ill the risk of this hazard be minimised>
By switching the lights of after using them

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