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Theory of Motivation

RUNNING HEAD : Evaluation of Maslows theory of motivation Evaluation of Maslow's Theory of Motivation a or!in" to Islami #ers#e tives

Theory of Motivation

Hanani $t% A&! Moin Malihah $t% A&!ul Halim Moh! ,ai-ul $% Ghani

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Theory of Motivation Nur Hasni $t% /ahaya Nurul Aina $t% 2anal A&i!in 3hofia 3ha&rina '()0*1) '(''+00 ''))())

Theory of Motivation 3e tion ' International Islami University Malaysia

Theory of Motivation

Introduction In this mo!ern worl!4 there a lot of theories of #sy holo"y that reatin" es#e ially &y

Theory of Motivation western #sy holo"ist% 5ne of those theories is

omes from A&raham Maslow% Maslow

intro!u e! the &asi nee!s that involve in human &o!y an! it is im#ortant to 6now a&out in!ivi!ual as#e t% $ut as a western #sy holo"ist4 there are some wea6nesses that &elon" &y Maslow% Meanwhile4 in Islami #ers#e tives4 there are some a##roa hes that an &e fun tione! as a om#limentary a##roa h in other to un!erstan! human nee!s% The a##roa hes of Islami

Theory of

Motivation #ers#e tives is &ase! on the revelation of Go! 7 8uran an! 3unah 9% An! for sure4 the 8uran is a tools of #erfe t "ui!an e in un!erstan!in" a&out the worl! an! hereafter% Ma6in" a om#arison &etween &oth western theories an! Islami #ers#e tives will lea!s for seein" a fin!in" of #roven in the truth of #sy holo"i al 6nowle!"e an! the #owerful of Go!% ,rom Maslows theory4 there are many short omin"s that we an riti i-e from Islami #ers#e tives whi h are the hierar hy of

Theory of Motivation nee!s an! intrinsi an! e:trinsi motivation% Hierarchy of needs

There are five levels of nee!s ate"ori-e! &y Maslow an! arran"e! into a hierar hy% At the &ottom of hierar hy is the most #rimary #hysiolo"i al nee!s4 safety nee!s4 love nee!s4 self;

Theory of Motivation esteem an! self;a tuali-ation%

Islam ha! a 6nowle!"e! the essential to fulfill the #hysiolo"i al nee!s for human survival &ase! on a ha!ith narrate! &y Anas said, "Three people came to the houses of the
wives of the rophet ! "#$%, to as& a'out how the rophet worshiped( )hen the* were told, it was as if the* thou+ht it was little and said, ,)here are we in relation to the -essen+er of Allah

Theory of Motivation


! "#$%, who has 'een for+iven his past and future wron+ actions/," $e said, "0ne of them said, ,1 will pra* all of ever* ni+ht(, Another said, ,1 will fast all the time and not 'rea& the fast(, The other said, "1 will withdraw from women and never marr*(, The -essen+er of Allah came to them and said, ,Are *ou the ones who said such2and2such/ "* Allah, 1 am the one amon+ *ou with the most fear and awareness of Allah, 'ut 1 fast and 'rea& the fast, 1 pra* and 1 sleep, and 1 marr* women( )hoever disdains m* sunna is not with me"(

Theory of Motivation


4urthermore, accordin+ to -aslow, humans need to feel a sense of 'elon+in+ and acceptance amon+ their social +roups, re+ardless if these +roups are lar+e or small( -aslow considered love need for 'elon+in+ ma* overcome the ph*siolo+ical and securit* needs, dependin+ on the stren+th of the peer pressure( 5elationships such as friendships romantic attachments, and families help fulfill this need for companionship( 6ove and affection e7press in se7ualit* which a person8s attitude toward their masculine and feminine nature and also stress

Theory of Motivation
on the a'ilit* to +ive and receive love and affection( )e see this humanitarian principle ver* clearl* in the sa*in+ of the rophet


"#$ that

9the 'elievers are li&e the parts of the 'od* in relation to each other in matters of &indness, love and affection( )hen one part of the 'od* is afflicted, the entire 'od* feels it: there is loss of sleep and a fever develops;, and in his sa*in+ 9A 'eliever to another 'eliever is li&e a 'uildin+

Theory of Motivation


whose different parts enforce each other; and he intertwined his fin+ers to+ether so that his companions would understand the meanin+ he wanted( Therefore, humans need to love and 'e loved and 'oth se7uall* and non2se7uall* '* others( -an* people 'ecome suscepti'le to loneliness, social an7iet*, and clinical depression in the a'sence of this love or 'elon+in+ element(

Theory of


Motivation $esi!es4 another level of hierar hy that Maslow #ro#ose! in his theory is the nee! for self;esteem% A or!in" to him4 this nee! #resents the ty#i al human !esire to &e a e#te! an! value! &y others an! also want to &e su##orte! an! "ain res#e t in or!er to &uil! their self; esteem% Those who havin" low self;esteem will fa e inferiority om#le:% <ontra!i t to Islam4

Theory of


Motivation when #eo#le fa e low self;esteem4 they must refle t themselves &ase! on 8uran an! ha!ith% Then4 ta6e it as hallen"e% ,or instan e4 Allah sai! in 8uran4 =5 >ro#het4 tell your wives an! !au"hters an! the &elievin" women to !raw their outer "arments aroun! them 7when they "o out or are amon" men9, that is &etter in or!er that they may &e 6nown 7to &e Muslims9 an! not annoye!%%78ur'an **:?.9% @hen a "irl has low self;esteem to wearin" hiAa& or to over aurah4 she

Theory of


Motivation must loo6 &a 6 at this verse an! ma6e as hallen"e for herself% As a Muslim4 thin6in" the rewar! #rovi!e! &y Allah is enou"h to &uil! our self;esteem &e ause Allah will rewar! everyone who follow His omman!% Bastly4 the nee! of self a tuali-ation is the hi"hest level of nee!s in the hierar hy of human motivation% Maslow !es ri&e! self a tuali-ation as an in!ivi!uals !esire whi h motivates

Theory of


Motivation a #erson to &e ome what he is #otential to &e an! a#a&le of &e omin"% This nee! hel#s him to rea h his #otential an! a#a&ilities as human &ein"% 3elf a tuali-ation is very im#ortant &e ause it #ushes #eo#le to &e everythin" that they want an! to #ossess their #otential to e: el% If they !o not a tuali-e their #otentials4 they mi"ht &e in trou&le an! "o into !e#ression an! they will &e ome !reamers4 an! they will a hieve

Theory of


Motivation nothin" if they !o not #ut their #otentials into #ra ti e% Therefore4 it reCuires #eo#le to ta6e a tions to reali-e their am&itions% Also4 Maslow state! that only some #eo#le an a hieve self; a tuali-ation not all% ,rom our o#inion4 this statement is not a##li a&le to every #eo#le% ,or e:am#le4 there are many #eo#le who are la 6 of money an! not &elon" to any "rou# &ut still an su ess in life an! a hieve in what they are #otentially as lon" as they !e#en! on Go! ( Allah has

Theory of


Motivation mentione! a&out it in the Al-quran DIn!ee!E Allah will never han"e the on!ition of a fol6 until they 7first9 a t to han"e themselvesF 7Ar-Rad G'*H: ''9%

The maAor #ro&lem of Maslows hierar hy of human motivation is the nee! to fulfill the

Theory of


Motivation lower level &efore movin" on to the hi"her level% It means that #eo#le annot fulfill the nee! of self a tuali-ation &efore they satisfy the #revious nee!s% This is a"ainst the reality &e ause in fa t4 many #eo#le an fulfill their nee!s ran!omly without !e#en!in" on Maslows hierar hy% ,or instan e4 artist an! s ientist have &een 6nown to !eny their #hysi al nee!s &ut they have a tuali-e! themselves &y #ro!u in" "reat wor6s in their ertain fiel!s 7self a tuali-ation9% In

Theory of


Motivation Islam4 for e:am#le4 in the history of the #ro#het Muhamma!4 many of his om#anions ne"le te! their #hysiolo"i al nee!s 7life9 in or!er to "ain shahadah 7martyr!om9 in war 7whi h may a tually &e onsi!ere! as a hievin" self;a tuali-ation% ,urthermore4 in Islam there is a on e#t 6nown as MaCasi! 3yariah or 5&Ae tives of 3yariah whi h onsists of #rote tin" the intelle t4 reli"ion4 #ro#erty4 #ri!e an! life% In this

Theory of


Motivation on e#t there is no hierar hy stru ture we nee! to follow or fulfill4 so its a##li a&le to any !ifferent situations% Islam allowe! Muslim to #rote t their life rather than their reli"ion if they are in !an"er% ,or e:am#le4 the story of a 3aha&ah Ammar $in /asir where he was for e! to a!mit that he is not a Muslim &y the !is&elievers an! if he !i! not a!mit they will 6ill him% 3o4 in this situation >ro#het allowe! him to follow their or!er to #rote t his life%

Theory of Motivation Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation


Intrinsi motivation are a tivities that are their own rewar! an! the enAoyment of a tas6 or sense of a om#lishment that it &rin"s% ,or e:am#le4 if one !ay a &oy wear a &lue shirt an! he won a lu 6y !raw% An! fortunately the situation ha! re#eate! for several times4 so the &oy will

Theory of


Motivation #ro&a&ly &elieve that &lue is his lu 6y olor% @ell4 it is !ifferent from e:trinsi motivation% In e:trinsi 4 motivation reate! &y e:ternal fa tors li6e rewar!s an! #unishments% The #arti i#ation &ase! on #ossi&le "ains4 not on interest in the a tivity itself% As an e:am#le4 when a "irl stu!ent wearin" a #in6 s6irt4 an! many #eo#le #raise! her for wearin" the s6irt4 she will li6ely wear the s6irt often%

Theory of


Motivation $oth of this 6in! of motivation are "oo! for #eo#le% However4 in Islam we annot rely on somethin" for e:am#le on intrinsi motivation4 when the &oy starts to &elieve that &lue is his lu 6y olor% This a t an &e alle! as minor shir6% It is also similar to e:trinsi motivation% @hen #eo#le start #raisin" the "irl for wearin" the #in6 s6irt4 it mi"ht ause riya in the "irls heart% Riya also is one ty#e of minor shir6% As >ro#het s%a%w sai!4 The thing that I fear most for you

Theory of Motivation is the minor Shirk; Riyaa7Ahma! in his Musna!9


Allah 7swt9 will as6 the one who !oes riya on the Day of Iu!"ement to ta6e his rewar!s from those he showe! off for% >eo#le have to fi"ht riya% This is one thin" that sim#le 6nowle!"e annot ure% It is somethin" that affe ts the most i"norant worshi##er an! the "reatest Alim% It is a ontinuous stru""le% That is why intrinsi an! e:trinsi motivation an &e riti s in Islam%

Theory of Motivation Conclusion


As a on lusion4 even thou"h Maslow is not a Muslim s holar4 he ma!e resear h on human &o!y an! reali-e! what human nee!s &ase! on !ee# e:#erimental o&servation% 3ome

Theory of


Motivation #arts of his theory are "oo! an! a e#ta&le% However4 we annot a e#t it for hun!re! #er ent true% In fa t4 we must refer &a 6 what Islam "ui!e us sin e Islam is a holisti thin"4 that is not only a&out reli"ion &ut the way of life 7 !in 9 % The &est e:am#le whi h is The >ro#het 5f Muhamma! saw is a "ui!er an! lea!er in everythin" in lu!in" #sy holo"i al as#e ts as it is omes from the oneness of Go! throu"h DrevelationF%

Theory of Motivation



Theory of Motivation Jamal4 A% 7)((.9% 3elf A tuali-ation% Retrieve! A#ril'?4 )('* from htt#:KKe-inearti les% omKL3elf;A tuali-ationMi!N)*'.O** Maslow% A% H% 7'.0*9% A theory of motivation % In!ia : Nalan!a Di"ital Bi&rary <i arelli4 3aun!ra J% M @hite4 I% Nollan!% 7)(')9% Introduction to


sychology! U3A :

Theory of Motivation >renti e Hall%


>a#er of Dr% Ali-i Alias an! Dr% 2a6i 3amsu!in entitle! D>sy holo"y of Motivation from an Islami >ers#e tiveF%

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