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2nd Grade February Newsletter Room: #214- Mrs.

Reading/Writing:____________ In Reading this month, we will continue working on our class no el: !ittle "ouse in the #ig Woods by !aura Ingalls Wilder$ We are on %ha&ter '( and the students are really en)oying reading about the Ingalls Family and the di**erent time &eriod the story was set in$ We will also be working in our +torytown #ooks on the story: George Washington %ar er$ ,ath:____________________ In ,ath, the students will continue to work on their ,ulti&lication skills and how to sol e story &roblems$ +tudents will continue to show their work when sol ing ,ulti&lication &roblems$ +oon we will be taking timed tests on their ,ulti&lication Facts$ In addition, we will re iew regrou&ing, time, and money$ +cience:___________________ In +cience, we are e-&loring the Water %ycle into de&th$ We are also learning about cro& rotation and how it can a**ect &lants$ We will also learn about some ery im&ortant +cientists *rom the &ast. +ocial +tudies:____________ /his month the students will celebrate #lack "istory ,onth. +tudents will learn about the *ollowing &eo&le: "arriet /ubman, George Washington %ar er, Rosa 0arks, and more$ /hey will learn about the arious contributions all o* these di**erent &eo&le ha e had in our world$ We will also learn more about our 2 im&ortant &ast 0residents: 1braham !incoln and George Washington$ February #IR/"213+. 1riadna 4a56ue5 February 72 ,ahad 1ri* February 28 I,09R/1N/ 21/:+. Wednesday February 78th ; No +chool in honor o* !incoln<s #irthday /hursday February 7(th; Field /ri& to the ,useum o* %ontem&orary 1rt Wednesday February 2=th; 2istribution o* 0rogress Re&orts Im&ortant Notes: >ee& checking Grade #ook so you can be aware o* how your child is doing academically in school.

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