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(n )arch *%$+ Cardi celebrates $% years as the worlds &rst Fairtrade capital city.

Fair Trade Cardi are making the most of this opportunity to promote fair trade in the city.

"hat are you planning to do to help celebrate#

"e are encouraging all schools, businesses, organisa ons, individuals and communi es to hold events and ac vi es promo ng fair trade and to celebrate Cardis $%th anniversary as a Fairtrade capital city. Tea par es, talks, coee mornings, &lm shows, fashion shows, sports, cookery, public events or 'ust for sta, pupils, friends etc. "hatever your fair trade event during *%$+ wed like to hear about it. (f you would like some help with ideas or resources please get in touch.

Fair Trade Cardi is the steering group for Cardis Fairtrade City status. Cardi Council is a member of Fair Trade Cardi, along with local businesses, organisa ons and individuals. Contact Fairtrade Cardi sustainabledevelopment!

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