Foundry Production System

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A foundry is a factory that produces metal castings.

Metals are cast into shapes by melting them into a liquid, pouring the metal in a mold, and removing the mold material or casting after the metal has solidified as it cools. The most common metals processed are aluminum and cast iron. The Foundry Production System Automation helps to manage the product categories, Sub contract, Client, endors, !mployees, ra" materials, items, gauge, #sers, $epartments, spare parts of machine. Through this soft"are you can handle all "or% at a place and can save both money and time.

Master !ntries Manage #nits Manage Categories Manage Sub Contractors Manage Clients Manage endors Manage !mployes Manage &a" Materials Manage 'tem Manage (auge Manage #sers Manage $epartments Manage Spares Manage Machines Schedule Management Add )e" Schedule *ist Schedule Purchase +rder Add )e" Purchase +rder *ist Purchase order *ist Purchase order,$raftsMa%e .ill Add .ill *ist .ills *ist .ills,$raftsMiscellaneous Manage &a" Material Stoc% Ad/ustments Manage 'tem Stoc% Ad/ustments endor Stoc% Ad/ustments Client Stoc% Ad/ustments &a" Material !0penses Spare !0penses (ive 1 Ta%e (auges endor .alance Ad/ustments Contractor .alance Ad/ustments Client .alance Ad/ustments &eports 'tem +ut"ard &eport 'tem 'n"ard &eport 'tem .alance &eport Production &eport Consumption &eport Spare !0pense &eport &. Material !0pense &eport &. Material Stoc% &eport 'tem Stoc% &eport Contractor .alance endor .alance Customer .alance #ser *ogin 2istory

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