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Adaptation of eyes in dark is due to: (a) Depletion of vision pigment in rod (b) Depletion of vision pigment in cones (c) Repletion of visior pigment in rods (d) Repletion of vision pigment in cones 2. Sea gulls excrete excess of NaC1 from: (a) Liver (b) Lungs (c) Nasal cavity (d) Kidney [wp_campaign_1] 3. Tree of life is: (a) Arbor vitae (b) Pons varolii (c) Organ of Corti (d) Diencephalons 4. Thousands of years old mummies are still in their condition as they were before due to the non destruction of: (a) Yellow elastic fibers (b) White elastic fibers (c) Collagen fibers (d) Veins 5. Which of the following is correctly matched? (a). Wallago attu Lachi (b) Tengra Carp (c) Catla-catla Cat fish (d) Paya.s Carp 6. Two animal cells are interconnected by: (a) Plasmodesmata (b) Cell wall (c) Desmosomes (d) Plasma membrane 7. Which of the following vitamins is water soluble as well as anti-oxidant? (a) Vitamin-B1 (b) Vitamin-A (c) Vitamin-D (d) Vitamin-C

8. Which of the following amino acids is not optically active? (a) Glycine (b) Valine (c) Leucine (d) Isoleucine 9. Human ear ossicles are: (a) Incus and stapes (b) Stapes (c) Incus, malleus and stapes (d) Incus and malleus 10. Transposons are: (a) House-keeping genes (b) Jumping genes (c) Transporting genes (d) Stationary genes 11. The biogenetic law of Haeckel is: (a) Omnis vivum-e-vivum (b) Omnis cellula-e-cellula (c) Ontogeny repeats phylogeny (d) Phylogeny repeats ontogeny 12. FSH is secreted by: (a) Anterior lobe of pituitary (b) Hypothalamus (c) Gonads (d) Posterior lobe of pituitary [wp_campaign_2] 13. Tube feet is the locomotory organ in: (a) Starfish (b) Jelly fish (c) Silver fish (d) Scoliodon 14. Flame cells are excretory organ of: (a) Planaria (b) Hydra (c) Hydrilla (d) Cockroach

15. Which of the following is not done in a wild life sanctuary? (a) Fauna is conserved (b) Flora is conserved (c) Soil and flora is utilised (d) Hunting is prohibited

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