Status Report From The Battlefield: February 11, 2003

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Command & Conquer(tm) Generals


2003 Electronic Arts Inc. All rights reserved.

February 11, 2003 For latest news and updates visit GE E!A"#.EA.$%&
- - Incoming transmission - General, 'ictory against our ene(ies is al(ost at hand, but constantly changing battle)ield conditions re*uire that we re(ain ever vigilant. %ur )orces have co(piled a list o) issues that you need to be aware o) i) we hope to achieve our ulti(ate goal o) global supre(acy. Good luc+.

- - End transmission - 1. ,I -%,# ./0./#E0&E02000012 1.1. &icroso)t -irect1 2. 3!%45"E #6%%3I G 2.1. 5e)ore 7ou #tart 2.2. 3he &ini(u( #yste( #pec 2.3. 8nown 'ideo $ard Issues 2.4. 8nown #ound $ard Issues 2.5. 'irtual &e(ory #ettings 2.6. Auto2lay 2.7. East Asian Font 2.8. Ga(e 4pdates and 2atches 2.9. Firewall Issues 2.10. Firewall0 A3 2ort u(ber In)o 2.11. 4ninstalling 2.12. ,indows 12 Issues 3. A-'A $E- -I#2"A7 %23I% # 3.1. %ptions E9plained 4. %36E! I F%

4.1. EA 3ech #upport 4.2. Ga(eplay $hanges


!"#$ % 98&98%'&('&2000&)* 1.1. (+,roso-t #+re,t).

$o((and : $on*uer;t(< Generals is a &icroso)t -irect1 application. 'ersion /.1 o) &icroso)t -irect1 is included on the $- and you have the option to install it when $o((and : $on*uer Generals is installed.

2. /0$123' %4$$/!"G 2.1. 2e-ore 5ou %tart.

5e)ore running $o((and : $on*uer Generals, be sure that you have the latest drivers )or your video and audio cards installed onto your 2$. 7ou can download the appropriate drivers )ro( your video and audio card (anu)acturer=s ,eb site. 5e sure that you have disabled anti>aliasing in your ,indows display properties be)ore running $o((and : $on*uer Generals. "eaving this )eature enabled (ight con)lict with so(e o) the ga(e=s e))ects. -o not run any other progra(s in the bac+ground, as this (ay con)lict with $o((and : $on*uer Generals. 3his includes any virus>protection progra( that you have running. I) you should e9perience proble(s running $o((and : $on*uer Generals a)ter changing so(ething in the ga(e=s %ptions, you can always revert bac+ to the de)ault settings by deleting the ?options.ini? )ile. I) you@re running ,indows 12, you can )ind this )ile by double>clic+ing ?&y $o(puter? icon, opening the ?&y -ocu(ents? )older, and then opening the ?$o((and and $on*uer -ata? directory. I) you=re running ,indows ./, ./#E, &E, or 2000, si(ply double>clic+ on the ?&y -ocu(ents? )older located on your ,indows des+top, and then open the )older na(ed ?$o((and and $on*uer Generals -ata.? 3he ?options.ini? )ile will be located in there.

2.2. /6e (+n+mum %7stem %8e,.

3he (ini(u( re*uired syste( speci)ications to run $o((and : $on*uer Generals is as )ollowsA


$%A ,indows 120&E020000./ ;,indows .C0 3 not supported< C*1A /00 &6D Intel 2entiu( III or A&- Athlon processor 09(A 12/ &5 C#&#:#-0om %8eedA /9

B 4ard #r+;e %8a,eA 1./ G5 )ree hard dis+ space plus space )or saved ga(es, ,indows swap> B B B
)ile, and -irect1 /.1 :+deoA 32 &5 AG2 video card using the vidia GeForce 2, A3I !adeon EC00, or (ore recent chipset with -irect1 /.1 co(patible driver %oundA -irect1 /.1 co(patible 2$I 1F>bit sound card !n8utA 8eyboard, &ouse

Additionally, the )ollowing speci)ications are re*uired )or (ultiplayerA

B 2CF &5 !A& )or 3>/ players B %ne set o) ga(e discs per player. -isc 1 and -isc 2 cannot be used si(ultaneously )or
(ultiplayer ga(es.

B !nternet (2-4 8la7ers). CF8bps or )aster direct Internet connection B !nternet (5-8 8la7ers). $able, -#", or a )aster direct Internet connection B "et<or= (2-8 8la7ers). 3$20I2 co(pliant networ+
!eco((ended syste( speci)icationsA

B C*1A 1./ G6D or )aster Intel 2entiu( I' or A&- Athlon processor B 09(A 2CF &5 or (ore B :+deoA vidia GeForce3 or better -irect3- capable video card
oteA #o(e 2$s e*uipped with the 'IA 83133a chipset (ight encounter proble(s with $o((and : $on*uer Generals.

2.3. >no<n :+deo Card !ssues.

For opti(u( video per)or(ance, we highly reco((end that you run $o((and : $on*uer Generals with an AG2 video card. 2$I video cards are generally (uch slower than AG2 cards, and you (ay e9perience abnor(ally slow per)or(ance and poor graphics with a 2$I>based graphics card. Additionally, the video cards listed below are below our (ini(u( supported specs.

B "eadte+ ,in)ast GeForce 2 G3# ;AG2, 32&5< B #i# 1abre ;AG2, FG&5< B Gainward 1abre G00 ;AG2, FG&5<
Additionally, #o(e vidia GeForce 2 &1 owners (ay e9perience so(e stuttering proble(s during (ovies. I) you atte(pt to run $o((and : $on*uer Generals at 1F0091200 with a 32&5 vidia GeForce 2 video card, the ga(e (ay crash to the des+top. I) this happens, try reducing the ga(e=s resolution. 4nder all resolutions, you (ay e9perience that so(e obHects li+e trees, walls, and pillars will )lic+er brie)ly. I) this happens, saving and reloading your ga(e will resolve the issue.

2.4. >no<n %ound Card !ssues.

5e)ore running $o((and : $on*uer Generals, be sure that you have your sound card=s latest drivers installed onto your 2$. 7ou can download the appropriate audio drivers )ro( your sound card (anu)acturer=s ,eb site. $o((and : $on*uer Generals does not support any I#A sound cards. I) you own an I#A sound card, you will e9perience stuttering or dropped sound e))ects as well as )re*uent pauses during ga(eplay.

2.5. :+rtual (emor7 %ett+n?s.

$o((and : $on*uer Generals (ay need to use (ore !A& than is present on your syste(. ,indows will auto(atically ta+e care o) this by using what is +nown as ?'irtual &e(ory,? which uses space on your hard dis+ to si(ulate the (e(ory it needs and swaps data bac+ and )orth )ro( your hard dis+ as re*uired. Ensure that the (a9i(u( setting is at least C12&5.

2.6. 9uto*la7.
I) the $o((and : $on*uer Generals $- does not Auto2lay when inserted in the drive, you (ay have this )eature disabled. 3o enable Auto2lay, please consult your ,indows user (anual. I) you are running ,indows 12, Auto2lay should be always enabled. 7ou can custo(iDe your Auto2lay options by opening ?&y $o(puter,? and right clic+ing on your $->!%& or -'- -rive icon and choosing ?2roperties,? and then selecting the ?Auto2lay? tab. I) Auto2lay doesn=t wor+ properly, please consult your ,indows 12 user (anual.

2.7. 'ast 9s+an @onts.

All players who use a ,estern version o) ,indows will see bo9es in place o) Asian te9t in the $o((and : $on*uer Generals online lobby. I) you are running ,indows 12, you can install the Asian language )ont pac+ by opening your $ontrol 2anel in ,indows, double>clic+ing on the ?!egional and "anguage %ptions? icon, selecting the ?"anguages? tab, and chec+ing the ?Install )iles )or East Asian "anguages? bo9. 7ou will be as+ed )or your ,indows 12 $-, and you will need to restart your 2$. %nce this process has been done, be sure that the ?Asian 3e9t? option has been selected under your ?2ersona? screen in $o((and : $on*uer Generals= ?%nline? (enu.

2.8. Game 18dates and *at,6es.

$o((and : $on*uer Generals contains an auto>update )eature that will auto(atically let you +now when new patches and updates are available to you. ,hen an update to the ga(e is available, you will be pro(pted to download and install it when you clic+ on ?&ultiplayer? )ro( the ga(e=s (ain (enu. I) you don=t intend to play Generals online, but still wish to download the latest updates, you can either log onto the o))icial Generals ,eb site at or choose the ?$hec+ )or 4pdates? option )ro( the $o((and : $on*uer Generals Auto!un )eature.

2.9. @+re<all !ssues.

I) you are running a )irewall ;particularly a E3GEA! solution< and are unable to connect to other players while in the $o((and : $on*uer Generals (ultiplayer lobby, chec+ the #end -elay bo9 under the etwor+ %ptions portion o) the ga(e=s %ptions (enu. I) you are still e9periencing connection proble(s, you (ay want to place your )irewall in -&I (ode. ;,A! I GA -oing so will open your )irewall ports to everyone, and this should only be done as a last resort<. I) you do not +now how to con)igure your )irewall settings, consult your )irewall docu(entation or contact your Internet service provider. I) you have (ade changes to your )irewall con)iguration since the last ti(e that you played $o((and : $on*uer Generals online and are e9periencing connection di))iculties, clic+ the !e)resh A3 bo9 under the etwor+ %ptions portions o) the ga(e=s %ption (enu. It is highly reco((ended that you clic+ this bo9 every ti(e you change your Internet or )irewall settings.

2.10. @+re<all&"9/ *ort "umAer !n-o.

3he ga(e will need to tal+ to e9ternal servers that use the )ollowing port nu(bers. 3hese ports need to be open in your )irewall in order to play on Generals %nlineA 3$2 portsA /0, FFFE, 2/.10, 2..00, 2..20 4-2 portsA G321, 2E.00 I) your )irewall does not allow outgoing pac+ets to open ports to inco(ing tra))ic, or you e9perience proble(s connecting to other players, you will have to speci)y which port you want $o((and : $on*uer Generals to use )or co((unicating with other players. 3o do this, per)or( the )ollowing steps. Go to your J&y -ocu(entsK directory, and go to the J$o((and and $on*uer Generals -ataK directory. !ight clic+ on the options.ini )ile and choose ?Edit.? "oo+ )or the ?Firewall2ort%verride? entry. I) you don@t see this entry, add it as a new line. 3hen assign the port you want to use to the port override entry. A)ter (a+ing this change, this entry should loo+ li+eA Firewall2ort%verride L 1111 ,here 1111 is the port nu(ber you have chosen. 7ou will need to open the chosen port in your )irewall )or co((unication with players e9ternal to your )irewall or A3 device. I) you use the port override )eature, the port you have chosen can not be (as*ueraded by a A3 device.

2.11. 1n+nstall+n?.
I) you encounter any proble(s reinstalling $o((and : $on*uer Generals a)ter the ga(e has been uninstalled, insert the )irst ga(e dis+ into your $->!%& drive, choose ?Install? )ro( the splash screen, and then select the ?!epair? option. %nce this process has been co(pleted, install the ga(e once again.


+ndo<s )* !ssues.

"i(ited user accounts are not supported by $o((and : $on*uer Generals. 7ou (ust have ad(inistrator access to install or uninstall the ga(e. I) you are playing under a "i(ited 4ser account, you (ust use the !un as Ad(inistrator option.

3. 9#:9"C'# #!%*395 $*/!$"% 3.1. 9d;an,ed $8t+ons 'B8la+ned

I) you are e9periencing slow )ra(erate during ga(eplay, you can try adHusting one or several o) the Advanced -isplay %ptions under the %ptions (enu in $o((and : $on*uer Generals. 3o access the Advanced -isplay %ptions, choose the $usto( option )ro( the -etail pulldown (enu. 3urning o)) the )ollowing options will i(prove ga(e per)or(ance. B 3# %6ado<sA 3his toggles showing the dyna(ic 3- shadows that units and buildings in the ga(e. B 2# %6ado<sA 3his toggles showing 2- shadows in the ga(e. B Cloud %6ado<sA 3his toggles the appearance o) (oving cloud shadows on the ground in the ga(e. B 'Btra Ground 3+?6t+n?A 3his toggles the appearance o) detailed lighting on the ground in the ga(e. B %moot6 ater 2ordersA 3his toggles s(ooth water borders along the shores in the ga(e. B 2e6+nd 2u+ld+n?A 3his toggles the silhouettes o) any units that are standing or (oving behind structures. B %6o< *ro8sA 3his toggles the appearance o) trees and shrubs that are scattered throughout the various levels in the ga(e. B 'Btra 9n+mat+ons. 3his toggles e9tra e))ects li+e tree>swaying (otions in the ga(e. B #+saAle #7nam+, 3$#. 3his toggles the auto(atic adHust(ent o) the ga(e=s detail level. "eave this unchec+ed )or opti(u( per)or(ance. B /eBture 0esolut+on %l+der. &oving the slider to the le)t will reduce the visual clarity o) the te9tures in the ga(e, but it will also i(prove per)or(ance. B *art+,le Ca8 %l+der. &oving the slider to the le)t will reduce the a(ount o) particle e))ects, li+e e9plosions and dust clouds, that appear in the ga(e, but it will also i(prove per)or(ance.

4. $/4'0 !"@$ 4.1. '9 /e,6 %u88ort.

I) you have *uestions about the progra( or trouble with $o((and : $on*uer Generals, please re)er to the user (anual. $o((and : $on*uer Generals also includes the EA 6elp )ile that provides solutions and answers to the (ost co((on di))iculties and *uestions about how to properly use this product. It also allows you to send a detailed report o) your proble( directly to EA 3echnical #upport via e>(ail.

/o a,,ess t6e '9 4el8 -+le. 1. #tart the ,indows operating syste(. 2. Insert the $o((and : $on*uer Generals disc into your $->!%&0-'->!%& drive. 3he Auto!un (enu appears. 3. I) the Auto!un (enu does not auto(atically appear, le)t>clic+ the ?#tart? button )ro( the ,indows 3as+bar and select !unM. 3ype ?-ANautorun.e9e? in the !un dialog bo9, then clic+ %8 ;substitute the correct letter o) your $->!%&0-'->!%& drive i) other than O-A@<. G. $lic+ the 6elp button on the Auto!un (enu. EA 6elp opens. I) you are still e9periencing di))iculty a)ter utiliDing the in)or(ation in the EA 6elp )ile, you can also use it to contact EA 3echnical #upport. EA 6elp contains a utility that detects your syste(@s hardware and organiDes this in)or(ation into a detailed report. 3his report helps EA 3echnical #upport solve your proble( in the *uic+est possible ti(e. 2lease note that you will need to have registered your copy o) $o((and : $on*uer Generals in order to ta+e advantage o) this utility. /o run t6e ut+l+t7. 1. "aunch the EA 6elp )ile. 2. Go to page 2 o) the ,elco(e screen by clic+ing the s(all arrow in the botto( corner. 3. $lic+ the $ontact 3echnical #upport button. 3he utility opens. G. $lic+ %8 to begin detecting your hardware. ,hen it )inishes, you can view the gathered in)or(ation by loo+ing through the various category tabs. 3o send this in)or(ation to EA 3echnical #upport, )ill out the blan+ sections under the 4ser tab including a detailed description o) the proble( you are e9periencing and clic+ #end ;i) you have an open Internet connection< or #ave In)o ;i) you wish to e>(ail the )ile (anually<. A copy o) the report is auto(atically saved to your ,indows des+top.

4.2. Game8la7 C6an?es.

3he user (anual incorrectly states that players will earn one point )or every (atch lost while playing $o((and : $on*uer Generals online. I) you lose a (atch while playing against opponents online, you will not earn any points. I) you win a (atch, you will earn three points.

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