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Command & Conquer(tm) Generals IMPORTANT UPDATE FROM THE BATTLEFIELD 2003 Electronic Arts Inc.

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- - Incoming transmission - General, We have further tactical enhancements to improve your effectiveness on the battl efield. Please take the time to review the following brief. Generals Intelligence Agency - - End transmission - -

Version 1.8 - December, 2005 Issues addressed: 1. Compatibility patch to support multiplayer with C&C The First Decade.

Version 1.7 - October, 2003 Issues addressed: 1. FORCE FIRE - CHINA's Gattling Tanks can no longer force fire through buildin gs. 2. RALLY POINTS - Added rally points to the GLA Tunnel Networks. 3. IMPROVED ONLINE STATS - Made improvements to the code that tracks statistics and disconnects in online games. 4. CRASH FIX - Fixed a crash bug related to the Particle Cannon. 5. DESYNCH FIX - Fixed a mismatch that occurred when ordering a unit to attack right after they exited a building. 6. REGION ACCURACY - User tooltip in the Custom Match lobby now correctly displ ays the user's region. 7. HERO RADAR ICON - Jarmen Kell, Black Lotus and Colonel Burton now have a spe

cial icon on the radar map. 8. CHAT SOUND EFFECT - Added an audio cue to the communicator to alert users to an incoming message. 9. TEXT FIXES - Fixed text errors in the tooltips for USA Drone Armor and CHINA Nuclear Tank upgrades. 10. FIREWALL PORT OVERRIDE OPTIONS ITEM - Firewall Port Override values can now be set on the Options menu from the Main Menu. The game will need to talk to external servers that use the following port numbe rs. These ports need to be open in your firewall in order to play on Generals O nline: TCP ports: 80, 6667, 28910, 29900, 29920 UDP ports: 4321, 27900 If your firewall does not allow outgoing packets to open ports to incoming traff ic, or you experience problems connecting to other players, you will have to spe cify which port you want Command & Conquer Generals Zero Hour to use for communi cating with other players. To do this, go to the Main Menu and then select Opti ons. There is a box labeled Firewall Port Override . Assign the port you want to us e to the port override entry. After you enter a port number, be sure to hit Acc ept. You will need to open the chosen port in your firewall for communication with pl ayers external to your firewall or NAT device. If you use the port override fea ture, the port you have chosen can not be masqueraded by a NAT device. Direct Connect does not support firewalls.

Version 1.6 - July, 2003 Issues addressed: 1. FIREWALLPORTOVERRIDE INI ENTRY - repaired this entry so it functions correct ly. See section 2.1 of the Readme for more information on using this INI entry. 2. ALT-F4 MULTIPLAYER EXPLOIT - Quitting the game during a multiplayer match us ing Alt-F4, as well as Ctrl-Alt-Delete or the Alt-Tab menu, will now correctly g ive the user a disconnect stat. 3. CHINESE AND KOREAN IME WINDOW ORDER - Re-prioritized the Korean and Chinese IME windows on the Save/Load screen so they now sort on top of all other windows . 4. SCUD STORM ANTHRAX BETA BUG - GLA s Scud Storm now has the correct damage radi us when upgraded with Anthrax Beta. 5. CHINA GATTLING TANK BUG - China s Gattling Tank now correctly moves slower whe n it is damaged.

6. MULTIPLAYER LOBBIES The lobbies have been renamed to allow people to congreg ate based on the type of game they want to play, not their region. These lobbies are: 1 vs 1 2 vs 2 3 vs 3 4 vs 4 Free4All ClanWars Asia Europe N America No Supers Mod Maps Newbies 7. GENERAL BALANCING ISSUES: China s Gattling weapons now require Line of Sight to fire. China s MiG cost increased from 1000 to 1200. China s MiG Armor cost increased from 500 to 1000. US s Cold Fusion Reactor Control Rod upgrade cost decreased from 800 to 500. 8. QUICKMATCH RESOLUTION ed to 800x600. The resolution for QuickMatch games is no longer limit

9. BEHIND BUILDINGS GRAPHIC - Addressed a problem where unit occlusion was caus ing people with old video cards to see invisible units. 10. ALTERNATE MOUSE INTERFACE - Added feature to allow players to play with right click action interface. Movement and actions are handled via right click on the mouse. Also changed arrow keys to support map scrolling. 11. GEFORCE FX GLITCH - Fixed a glitch that caused some graphics corruption to a ppear for owners of NVIDIA's GeForce FX video cards. 12. CRASH FIX Fixed a crash that occurred when you disable the behind buildings fe ature in the advanced options, exit the game, re-enable the feature in the advan ced options, and then load a map. 13. CHEAT HACKS Fixed the ability for players to cheat by giving themselves auto matic build, upgrade, and Generals powers buttons. Also fixed the ability for pl ayers to hack their Generals points in multiplayer games.

Version 1.5 Issues addressed: 1. STAT RECORDING INACCURACY: Made sure the online stats are tracked correctly. Initial disconnecting players will be tracked and wins/losses will be correctl y tabulated. One note to remember: At the Disconnect Voting screen players MUST wait for the count d

own to finish. A player that exits this screen before the count down is done wi ll receive a disconnect. Also, the voting button has been removed from any 2 player game Disconnect S creen. 2. US BARRACKS EXPLOIT: Lowered the number of Rangers that appear after a US Ba rracks is destroyed. 3. BUGGY MISSILE TRACKING AFTER UPGRADE: Made sure the missiles continue tracki ng targets after the player upgrades the Rocket Buggy. 4. RELOADING COMANCHES, ROCKET BUGGIES: Made sure the Rocket Buggy and the Com anches can reload reliably. 5. GLA FAST BUILD BUG: Fixed exploit that allowed multiple Workers to speed structure build times. 6. DOUBLE PLANE WEAPONS CAUSE INCORRECT DAMAGE (All planes): Made sure that tar gets take damage correctly when multiple ordinances hit a target simultaneously. 7. SOME USERS ARE SEEN IN THE WRONG GAME LOBBIES: Fixed this so that rs wouldn t be seen in misc. lobbies. phantom use

8. GENERAL BALANCING ISSUES: Bug fixed in MiG damage code where upgraded napalm did too much damage to targets. GLA Bomb truck health up from 220 to 250. Worker health up from 100 to 140. Tunnel Network gun damage increased from 10 per shot to 15 per shot. Overlord build time increased from 20 to 25 seconds. Scorpion Tank now builds in 10 seconds instead of 14. GLA Arms Dealer build up time decreased from 50 to 40 seconds (ini seconds, not game seconds.) Tunnel Network Build Time improved from 20 seconds to 15 seconds (ini se conds, not game seconds.)

Version 1.4 - 3/10/03 Issues addressed: 1. Changed the rules for disconnections. Now, only the players who disconnect f rom the game or physically lose their connection to the Internet are charged wit h a disconnect. 2. Added a new 25 second on Generals online. Now, online matches need to be pla yed for over 25 seconds in order to record a win, loss, or disconnect. This is t o discourage players from artificially bolstering their rank and stats through a dummy account. 3. Fixed occurrences of the same game appearing multiple times in the lobby. Ge nerals now actively removes duplicate games in order to make finding and joining matches easier. 4. All the chat rooms in the custom match lobby now have their own dedicated li st of active games.

5. Fixed improper disconnections from the game lobby. You should no longer see the "Lost connection to Generals online" error when your connection is still act ive. 6. Fixed language filter stability. 7. Added a new command line for mod developers that lets Generals run user-cre ated content. Simply add the "-mod" command line after the generals.exe target p ath, followed by the name of any user-created .big file or user-created directory. The cor rect path would like this: "C:\Program Files\EA Games\Command and Conquer Genera ls\generals.exe" -mod MyGeneralsMod.big. All user-created content must be placed in the "Comm and and Conquer Generals Data" folder within your "c:\Documents and Settings" di rectory. 8. Fixed the missing artwork for the "random private" rank in Generals online. 9. Fixed the rank hack where some players appear to have a higher rank than the y should. 10. Increased the allowed time for game to negotiate matching between players. 11. Fixed some instances of the "serious error" crash. 12. Added a new 4 player Multiplayer Map: Rogue Agent 13. Implemented the following balance changes: Tunnel Network build speed increased from 5 seconds to 20 seconds. Marauder hit points increased from 430 to 490. Stealth Fighter hit points increased from 120 to 140. Explosion damage done by Chinese Nuke Tanks when they are destroyed is reduc ed from 25 to 10. Nuke Cannon changed so it moves the same speed when damaged, not faster. Aurora speed increased from 90 to 120 after it drops its bomb. Damaged spee d increased from 60 to 120. Serious Error info: If you encounter this error frequently, you may also send an email to seriouserr to help us diagnose the problem. You will not receive a response as th is email is exclusively set up to help us collect data. Make sure to include EAsy System info which is located in your installed directory. You should also include you r ReleaseCrashInfo.txt file which can be found in your Command and Conquer Generals Data folder. Make sure to check the message boards at for user suggested workarounds.

Version 1.3 - 2/20/03 Issues addressed 1. QuickMatch stability and matching

2. General connection fixups behind routers (multiple players behind the same router, refreshing the player IP after a failed connection) 3. Refresh button added to Custom Lobby 4. Game List/Player List no longer pops to the top occasionally 5. Player List no longer jumps, etc. making it difficult to click on a name 6. Communicator requests addition of buddy to both players. Also, incoming messages get a sound effect 7. Spaces in front of games in Game List no longer allowed 8. Game Lists/Player Lists alphabetize in upper and lower case 9. Ping tolerance icon adjustment to make more useful 10. More accuracy in number of players per game in Game List


1. KNOWN FIREWALL ISSUES AND WORKAROUNDS 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. Known Issues Wireless SMC Routers Linksys Routers Other Routers


1. KNOWN FIREWALL ISSUES AND WORKAROUNDS 1.1. Known Issues: Playing Command & Conquer Generals on more than one PC behind a D-Link router mi ght lead to a disconnect error. 1.2. Wireless SMC Routers: Below, you will find instructions on how to open the ports of an SMC wireless ro uter. Special thanks to forum regular HautKarl for the following information. NOTE: This configuration is only for those experiencing connection problems sett ing up a game Online in Command & Conquer Generals behind a SMC Wireless Router/

Firewall, although other SMC firewalls might work with similar setups. These instructions show how to setup your SMC Wireless Router to open certain po rts in the firewall when Generals tries to create or connect to an Online game. 1. Go to the configuration program for your router. To do that, open MS Inter net Explorer and in the address box type (this is the defaul t IP address for the SMC Wireless router; if you changed this address, then you should type the address that you entered the first time that you configured your router). You ll be prompted for your login and password. If you have never changed your password, then use the default one. Look for it in the SMC instruction manual. 2. Now you should be at the main menu of the SMC setup program. Click in the menu named NAT, then click in the submenu named Special Applications. 3. Now you have to set up one rule per computer connected to the router that will be used to play Generals. a) Add a triggering port per computer. The Trigger Port specifies which port is used to initiate the connection. It is important not to use a standard port. As you can see below we setup rules for 2 computers and we used port 29900 for the first computer and 29 910 for the second computer. In the Trigger Type option select UDP as this is th e protocol used by Generals b) In Incoming Port Range we have to specify the ports that the router will e nable whenever the computer establishes a connection through the Trigger Port. H ere you will set up a range of ports. SMC routers seem to work correctly if you provide a range with 10 p orts, however other firewalls might need wider ranges. Once again, do not use an y standard ports or a range that might include a standard port. You have defined a range of 10 ports per co nnection between 27900 and 27921. In the Public Type option, select UDP, as this is the protocol used by Generals. c) Repeat this process adding a new rule per computer that will be used to pl ay Generals online. You have setup forwarding rules for just two computers. d) Once you are done, click the Apply button. 4. Now you have set up each of the computers so each one uses a specific port in your firewall to initiate the connections. a) Go to the first computer that you are going to use to play C&C Generals an d open the My Documents folder. Then go to the folder named Command and Conquer Generals Data and double click in the file named Options.ini b) Look in the file for the lines: FirewallBehavior = XX FirewallPortAllocationDelta = X c) You have to add a new line FirewallPortOverride that specifies the first o f the trigger ports that you already defined when setting up your firewall. In t he above example, the first Trigger port was 29900 so the line will be: FirewallPortOverride = 29900 d) The file should look now something similar to this: FirewallBehavior = 1 FirewallPortAllocationDelta = 0 FirewallPortOverride = 29900 GameSpyIPAddress = XXX.XXX.XX.XX Gamma = 48 IPAddress = XXX.XXX.XX.XX IdealStaticGameLOD = High

LanguageFilter = false MaxParticleCount = 3000 MoveScrollAnchor = e) Save the file and repeat this process in the other computers, changing the FirewallPortOverride value to the correspondent Triggering Port that you define d while setting up the router (Point 3 of this document). 5. Now start the game in each computer and go to the Options menu, then click in the Refresh NAT option. 6. You are ready to play Command & Conquer Generals Online.

1.3. Linksys Routers: Below, you will find instructions on how open the ports of a Linksys router in o rder to play Command & Conquer Generals online. Special thanks to forum regular HautKarl for the following information. NOTE: This configuration is only for those experiencing connection problems sett ing up a game Online in Generals behind a Linksys Router/Firewall. These instructions will show you how to set up your Linksys Router to open certa in ports in the firewall when Generals tries to create or connect to an Online g ame. 1. Go to the configuration program for your router. To do that open MS Intern et Explorer, and in the address box, type (This is the defau lt IP address for Linksys routers. If you changed this address at any time, you should type in the address th at you entered the first time that you configured your router). You ll be prompte d for your login and password. If you have never changed your password, then use the default one. This ca n be found in your Linksys instruction manual. 2. Now you should be at the Main Menu of the Linksys setup program. Click on the tab labeled Advanced settings, then click in the tab named Forwarding. At th e bottom of that screen will be a button named Port Triggering. Click on this button. 3. Now you have to setup one rule per computer connected to the router that w ill be used to play Generals. a) In Application Name enter the name of the first connection. It can be anyt hing; this is just so you can differentiate them. We suggest you to use Generals 1, Generals2, etc, or the Computer name for that connection. b) Trigger Port Range specifies which ports are used to initiate the connecti on. In your case, you will only need one per computer; therefore you will enter the same port number in both boxes. It is important not to use a standard port. In the picture below you can s ee we used ports 27901 to 27904. c) In Incoming Port Range you have to specify the ports that the router will enable whenever the computer establishes a connection through the Trigger Port. Here you will setup a range of ports. Linksys routers seem to work correctly if you provide a range with 10 ports, however other firewalls might need wider ranges. Once again, do not us e any standard ports or a range that might include a standard port. As you can see in the example below, y ou will define a range of 10 ports per connection between 29901 and 29940.

d) Repeat this process for each computer connected to your router that will b e used to play Generals online. e) Once you are done, click the Apply button. 4. Now you have setup each of the computers so each one uses a specific port in your firewall to initiate the connections. a) Go to the first computer that you are going to use to play C&C Generals an d open the My Documents folder. Then go to the folder named Command and Conquer Generals Data and double click \ in the file named Options.ini b) Look in the file for the lines: FirewallBehavior = XX FirewallPortAllocationDelta = X c) You have to add a new line FirewallPortOverride that specifies the first o f the trigger ports that you already defined when setting up your firewall. In o ur example the first Trigger port was 27901 so the line will be: FirewallPortOverride = 27901 d) The file should look now something similar to this: FirewallBehavior = 1 FirewallPortAllocationDelta = 0 FirewallPortOverride = 27901 GameSpyIPAddress = XXX.XXX.XX.XX Gamma = 48 IPAddress = XXX.XXX.XX.XX IdealStaticGameLOD = High LanguageFilter = false MaxParticleCount = 3000 MoveScrollAnchor = e) Save the file and repeat this process in the other computers, changing the FirewallPortOverride value to the correspondent Triggering Port that you define d while setting up the router (Point 3 of this section). 5. Now start the game in each computer and go to the Options menu, then click the "Refresh NAT" option. 6. You are ready to play Command & Conquer Generals Online. 1.4. Other Routers: If you own a different brand of router, try applying similar settings to the rou ters listed above in order to connect to others players online. Check your manuf acturer's documentation before applying any changes. 2. STABILITY ISSUES AND HEAT Command & Conquer Generals taxes computer hardware, particularly CPU and system memory, very heavily. This will cause the hardware to dissipate a lot of heat. I f your system cooling is inadequate, it will cause the system to become unstable, and possibly crash. Thi s issue will manifest itself in the form of a "Serious Error" message, and/or a blue screen crash. Here are some diagnostics that you should run in order to find out if your syste m is stable: Prime95 When using Prime95, run the Torture Test until your PC passes the self-diagnosti c. Memtest86 Use Memtest86 to test your system memory's stability. Be sure to let it complete a full pass at least once. Sandra Various diagnostics included in this program. This software will also tell you y our motherboard and CPU's temperature. Sandra also has a BurnIt test to examine the stability of your system by running a series of tests continuously. However, Prime95's Torture Test is a more reliable way to test your system's stability. 3. VIA CHIPSET USERS We found that users with VIA motherboard chipsets for AMD and Intel CPUs will en counter crash problems with Command & Conquer Generals. If you own such a mother board, please go to and download the latest 4-in-1 drivers. If you continue to experience problems with the game after installing the 4-in-1 drivers, downlo ad VIA's version 4.38 of the 4-in-1 drivers. Not having the correct VIA drivers could manifest itself in the form of a "Serious Error" message, and/or a blue screen crash.

4. UNSUPPORTED VIDEO CARDS Command & Conquer Generals will work properly with ATI Radeon 7500 or newer chip sets, and Nvidia GeForce 2 or newer chipsets. The game will not run properly if your computer has an ATI or Nvidia video card with an older chipset than the ones listed on the box, or a chipset from a completely different manufacturer. These include the following c hipsets: 3dfx chipsets Nvidia TNT2 ATI Radeon Mobility ATI Radeon 7200 S3 ProSavage Kyro and Kyro II chipsets Intel 810e integrated chipsets If you attempt to run C&C Generals with any of the chipsets listed above, you mi ght encounter a blue screen crash, or a "Serious Error" message. Always make sur e that you have installed your manufacturer's latest drivers before running the game. 5. ACCURATE 1.2 PATCH ISSUES Some users have patched C&C Generals using incorrect and incorrect 1.2 Patch. I

f you have done so you will need to reinstall C&C Generals to allow the game to work properly. If you downloaded 1.2 from any server other than or the normal Generals Onli ne autoupdate then you likely have the

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