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I. Character Matching Write the letter of the description that best fits the character next to the number.


Character 1. _______ Celie 2. _______ Nettie 3. _______ Olivia 4. _______ Tashi 5. _______ Albert 6. _______ Shug 7. _______ Grady 8. _______ Sofia 9. _______ Miss Beasley 10. _______ Corinne 11. _______ Harpo 12. _______ Darlene 13. _______ Mary Agnes

Description A. Shugs husband B. Young African girl whose parents keep her out of school C. The prison wardens niece D. Tries to teach Celie how to talk proper E. Tries to convince Pa to send Celie to school; leaves when she sees that Celie is pregnant F. Known as Mr._________ throughout the novel G. Says, Im poor, Im black, I may be ugly and cant cook. But Im here. H. Goes to Africa to take care of Celies children I. Says, I think it pisses God off if you walk by the color purple in a field somewhere and don't notice it. J. Celies daughter K. Eats a lot to try to be as big as his wife L. Gets in trouble for sassing the mayors wife M. First meets Celie in a fabric store in town

II. Short answer 1. Why does Celie return to Georgia at the end of the novel?

2. Why didnt Mr.__________ marry Shug in the first place?

3. Why does Celie stop writing to God partway through the novel?

4. How does Shug Avery think of God?

5. Why is the first line of the novel important?

6. Why does Mr._____s sister say that Celie is a better wife than Mr._____s first wife?

7. What does Celie do in the business she starts?


Essay Questions Please choose two of the three following essay questions to answer in depth on a separate piece of paper. These answers must be in paragraph form. Be sure to explain your answer fully, using examples from the text to support your claim. 1. Why is the novel called The Color Purple? Use examples from the text, and be sure to explain fully why you think Alice Walker picked this title to describe the novel. 2. What are language prejudice and privilege? How can you apply your understanding of these terms to The Color Purple? Use specific examples from the text to support your answer. 3. What do you think is the moral or takeaway of The Color Purple? Give specific examples from the text to support your answer.

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