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Instructor, tenure-track (probationary) P i!osop y, be"innin" #a!! $%%& 'escription( Basic teaching load, five courses (15 hrs) per semester for Fall and Spring semesters. Optional additional hourly rate classes may be available each semester and during inter and Summer sessions. !on"teaching duties such as office hours, participation in department and campus committees and activities, and professional development. )ini*u* +ua!i,ications( #.$. in philosophy, or Bachelor%s in philosophy and #aster%s in philosophy, humanities, religious studies, or the e&uivalent re&uired. 'esire- +ua!i,ications( '(perience teaching various lo)er division courses, including *ntroduction to +hilosophy, ,ritical, 'thics, Symbolic /ogic, 0ree. +hilosophy, #odern +hilosophy, $sian +hilosophy, etc. -eaching e(perience in variety of sub1ects and )ith diverse student population is highly desirable. -enure is by evaluation of performance, and promotion is by seniority. /os $ngeles 2alley ,ollege is part of the /os $ngeles ,ommunity ,ollege 3istrict, an e&ual opportunity employer. *nterested persons should submit a Faculty 'mployment $pplication ())).laccd.edu4district5resources4employment.htm), three letters of recommendation (including phone4email contacts), cover letter including a statement of teaching and research interests, documented teaching e(perience, a curriculum vitae, and (unofficial) transcripts to6 'r. San-y )ayo, Vice Presi-ent o, Aca-e*ic A,,airs Attn( P i!osop y /irin" Co**ittee Los An"e!es Va!!ey Co!!e"e, 01%% #u!ton A2e. Va!!ey G!en, CA &34%3-4%&5 7uestions about the department and program may be directed to 8elley /. 9oss, $pplications should be received by )arc 63, $%%&, no !ater t an 4(%% p.*. -he 3istrict does not provide e(pense reimbursement for those invited to intervie)s.

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