Script and Camera:: - ( During Dialogue, Cuts To View Outside Again, and Back To Conversation)

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-Opens with music, camera from outside restaurant/caf. -Couple in restaurant arguing, cant hear dialogue, just see from facial expressions what is happening. -Slightly shaky, representing point of view from person watching them. Camera changes to inside restaurant GIRL: Look I just cant be with you anymore, Ive explained this more than enough and if you dont want to change for me still then Im leaving. -(^^during dialogue, cuts to view outside again, and back to conversation) BOY: (sarcastically) alright, safe journey home. -(View from outside again, moving to the side to show guy moving out of the way) -(girl walks out to leave) -(change to inside restaurant, shows girl walking out, with dark figure in corner/no one there?) -(girl walking outside, close up of P.O.V on phone, rings friend) GIRL: (on phone) Ive ended it. Come to mine now? FRIEND: Yeah sure Ill be there in 5 -(cuts to other scene) Months you were with him! If it was me I would have ended it straight away. GIRL: Ah please dont go on. -(camera from outside, watching from window) -(back to inside) FRIEND: Come on dont be sad! Ill cheer you up. Lets hit the town and forget about it. Yeh? GIRL: But FRIEND: Well order a pizza and eat your miserys away, yes? GIRL: (hesitant) Yes FRIEND: So cheer up you mug! -(cuts to later in the night, after pizza) GIRL: (happier) Yeh, not bad. FRIEND: Cant say no to pizza, and youve obviously still got it, that pizza man was so checking you out! GIRL: He was? Naaah he was strange, his face was all covered by his hood, couldnt see his face. -(door rings) FRIEND: Ooooh, maybe thats him now! (runs to door) Hey you- oh, ermm hello? Is anyone there? (looking around outside, leaves door wide open) Stupid kids. (slams door) -(camera inbetween cupboard/door gap in house watching girls) FRIEND: No one Im afraid. Ah well chin up Hmm just gunna quickly run to the toilet! GIRL: (calling after) Haaa not surprised from how much you ate!

(voices in girls head faded, I love you baby, always will, hell break your heart one day I can assure you that, he only likes you because he thinks youre hot, alright. Safe journey home) -(Cut out by smash noise) GIRL: Ermm Casey, you alright..? (turns off music) (silence) GIRL: Casey! (runs to bathroom door) -(pushes open, (sees body on floor?)) -(Sees figure in mirror) -(Title jumps up)

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