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Remove Chrome Preference File


The preference file needs to be deleted. With Chrome closed, open Explorer and navigate to the directory below and delete the preference file. Windows XP C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\A Data\ Windows 7/Vista #"S$RPR%F&L$#\A Data\Local\!oogle\Chrome\"ser Data lication Data\!oogle\Chrome\"ser

f this fails to solve the iss!e or yo! can"t delete the file, it will be necessary to !se the following steps# $. &. %ninstall Chrome. 'elete the preference file in the directory above. f yo! are !nable to delete the preference file# (o to the folder "ser Data above which contains the preference file. )ename "ser Data folder to something else, s!ch as delete'e or !se any other random name so it doesn"t affect next Chrome installation. *. +. nstall (oogle Chrome again. The new installation will create a fresh folder "ser Data with a new !ncorr!pted ,reference file -abo!t ./01.

2ote# f yo! attempt a Chrome !ninstall and reinstall witho!t first removing the corr!pt preference file, Chrome will attempt to re3!se it and yo!"ll contin!e to have the same problems. (etting rid of the preference file first is re4!ired to fix the problem permanently.

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