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This web-based scavenger hunt aims to help students gain a better understanding of the five
major world religions, and the conflicts that have evolved between them over time and now
effects our world today.

Each student will research and answer the following questions for one of the major world
religions. You will be given a religion to examine and will have specific questions to answer
about that religion. Use the links below to help you complete the assignment. You do not have
to use every website listed below. Once you find the information you need, move on to the next
question. Please write out complete answers.


1. How many members does this religion have?___________________________________
2. Is there more than one branch or division? If so, name at least two.
3. Where do most members of this religion live?
4. What specific country/city did this religion begin?_______________________________
5. What are some of the main holidays (holy days) and specific rituals and why are they
celebrated? You should find the top 3 holidays and top 3 important rituals

6. What are some of the holy places in this religion? Name the city/ country and specific
site. What is the name of the building where these people worship?

7. Does this religion have a pilgrimage site? Where is it? What is it called? Why is the
location important? _______________________________________________________
8. Who or what are you fighting with? Is it the government and/or another religion?
9. Is the homeland of the religion you are studying violent because of religious problems?
10. Has there been an attempt to discuss peace between the religion you are studying and the
group it is fighting with?
11. If so, did the discussion(s) end in peace? Why or why not?________________________

Websites to use for Islam: question 1, 2 (Question 5)
/nrms/islam.html (Questions 1 - 4) (Question 6)
.htm (Questions 1-4) (Questions 7 - 10)

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