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Study the links below and answer the questions briefly.

A) Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott
Resource 1
1. Why was Rosa Park arrested on December 1st 1955?

2. Why did the Montgomery Bus Boycott happen?

3. Why did the Bus boycott succeed?

4. What was the significance of the Supreme Court ruling in 1956?

B) The Jim Crow laws
Resource 2
Resource 3
1. What were the Jim Crow laws?

2. Who was Jim Crow?

3. Refer to a Jim law and write your feelings about it.


C) The sit in movement

Resource 4
1. What was the sit in movement in 1960?

2. Who was involved in the sit in in Greenshboro ?

3. What can you find in the place of Woolworth shop nowadays?

D) March on Washington
Resource 5
1. What was the purpose of the March on Washington?

2. When did it take place?

3. Which famous speech did Martin Luther King make?

Why is this speech a symbol of the civil rights era?


Follow up activities
Use one of the following tools to create a project on Civil Rights movement.
1) Prezi-a presentation on major events or a person who played a role in the
2) Xtranormal-create a dialogue between you and Rosa Parks
3) Use LearningApps and create a quiz on the topic of Civil Rights Movement

Created by Eleni Tsagari

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