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EMC Business Partner Program

Distributor Change Request Form

Revised 10/10/08

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EMC Authorized Reseller Distribution Change Request Form

General Reseller Information My om!any is urrently an Authorized Reseller o" EMC #rodu ts through Distribution$ and is interested in hanging Distributors% & understand the in"ormation !rovided in this do ument 'ill be revie'ed by only authorized EMC or Distributor !ersonnel and maintained in stri t on"iden e% Full (egal )usiness *ame+ Com!ute ni a Com!utadores e &n"ormati a (tda D)A ,&" a!!li able-+ )usiness Address+ City+ Canoas Domingos Martins ./0/00. Country+ )razil FA9 *umber+677 71 .8400888 1tate+ R1

#ostal Code+ 200103140 5ele!hone+677 71 .8400888 Cor! :R(+ '''% om!ute;ni a% om%br Current Status <hi h EMC Distributor are you urrently authorized to !ro ure !rodu t "rom= A>?o &n"ormati a <hi h EMC Distributor are you !lanning to !ro ure !rodu t "rom going "or'ard= Avnet EMC Authorized VARs are only eligi le to !hange "istri ution Partners if all finan!ial o ligations are in good standing #ith their !urrent "istri utor % EMC Produ!t $ Mar%et &o!us <hi h EMC #rodu ts does your sales organization !rimarily "o us on= @*9 1eries Change 'ustifi!ation #lease s!e i"y the reason you 'ish to !ro ure EMC #rodu ts "rom an alternate Distributor+ (a ; o" attention and delay in a tions requested &m!ortant *ote to 1ubmitter+ 5he !ro!er om!letion o" this do ument 'ill "a ilitate the !ro essing o" your request by EMC% #lease om!lete and email to+

EMC Channel 1ales

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