Ap Bluest Eye Jeopardy

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Directions & Guidelines

You may not use your book or notes during the game. Each team must select a speakerthe only person who can tell me the answers. If a team gets their question wrong, the next team will have a chance to steal the points. Despite which team answers the question correctly, the next team in line to choose a question will go. The winning team will receive 5 points to be added to their unit test grade.




Literary Elements

Rhetorical Analysis

$10 $20 $50

$10 $20 $50

$10 $20 $50

$10 $20 $50

$10 $20 $50






The Bluest I.

Who is Pecola?

Two characters that could be described ashighyellow.

Who are Maureen Peal and Soaphead Church?

The first character scapegoated for Chollys shame and powerlessness.

Who is Darlene?

Chollys rescuer during his infancy.

Who is Aunt Jimmy?

The character who concludes the novel.

Who is Claudia?

The character that is described by the following: She held her head down against the cold. But she could not hold it low enough to avoid seeing the snowflakes falling and dying on the pavement.

Who is Pecola?

The character that is described by the following: slight as it was, this deformity explained for her many things that would have been otherwise incomprehensible: why she alone out of all of the children had no nickname...

Who is Pauline Breedlove ?

The character that is described by the following:

As a young boy he had been greatly disturbed by this revulsion which others did not seem to share, but having got a fine education, he learned among other things, the word misanthrope.

Who is Soaphead Church?

The character that is described by the following: used to long to play with the black boys. More than anything in the world he wanted to play King of the Mountain and have them push him and have them puch him down the mound of dirtand roll over him.

Who is Junior?

The character that is described by the following:

With a graceful movement of the wrist, a gesture so quickand small we never really saw it, only remembered it afterward, she tossed the bottle over the rail at us.

Who is Miss Marie/The Maginot Line?

The number of times Pecola is raped by Cholly.

What is two times?

Mr. MacTeers reactions Mr. Henrys inappropriate conduct toward Frieda.

What is he shot at him and chased him?

The occurrence in the movie theater that causes Pauline to become mean.

What is she loses her tooth from rot?

Chollys physical reaction to his fathers outright dismissal of him.

What is becomes incontinent and runs to the edge of a river?

Pecolas final documented act prior to the onset of her madness.

What is vistited Soaphead and unintentionally killed Bob inexcahnge for blue eyes?

The symbolism behind the baby doll given to Claudia.

What is societys standardized perception of beauty; the white standard of beauty?

The purpose of the Dick and Jane pastiche.

What is to contrast the lives of the Breedloves with the world of the family in the primer and to foreshadow the conflicts to come?

The symbolism behind the marigolds.

What is those living at the margin of society, victimized and shunned because of their less than desirable qualities?

Three narrators in the book.

Who are Claudia, Pauline, and an omniscent outside narrator?

Morrisons function in dividing her book into seasons.

What is to emphasize the unnaturalness of the events of the novel while drawing specific connections to the symbolism of each season? t

The rhetorical device exemplified by the following:

His light-green words restored color to the day.

What is snesthesia?

The rhetorical device exemplified by the following: Them pictures gave me a lot of pleasure, but it made coming home hard, and looking at Cholly hardone time I went to see Clark Gable and Jean Harlow. I fixed my hair up like Id seen hers on a magazine.

What is an allusion?

The rhetorical device exemplified by the following: Blood red, its planes dull and blunted with sweetness, its edges rigid with juice.

What is antithesis?

The rhetorical device exemplified by the following: All of the bruises they had collected from moving about the earth harvesting, and cleaning, and hoisting, and pitching, and stooping, and kneeling, and pickingalways with young ones underfoot.

The rhetorical device exemplified by the following: All of the bruises they had collected from moving about the earthharvesting, and cleaning, and hoisting, and pitching, and stooping, and kneeling, and pickingalways with young ones underfoot.

What is polysyndeton? Teachable moment: lists of items with the conjunction omitted is asyndeton, i.e:

All of the bruises they had collected from moving about the earthharvesting, cleaning, hoisting, pitching, stooping, kneeling, picking always with young ones underfoot.

The rhetorical device exemplified by the following: I learned much later to worship her, just how I learned to delight in cleanliness, knowing even as I learned, that the change was adjustment without improvement.

What is anaphora?

Final Jeopardy

Write the Number of Points you Wish to Risk and the Answer:

Final Jeopardy How does Pecola misinterpert the scorn of society in the final chapter?

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