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Prepared by SATRC Working Grou on Po!i"# $n% R&gu!$'ion

Adopted by ()'* M&&'ing o+ '*& Sou'* A,i$n T&!&"o--uni"$'ion, R&gu!$'or, Coun"i! ! " #$ April #$ #% &at'(andu% Nepal


o* +,

Table of Contents
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Background Introduction Global Initiatives and Trends Global Trends Lesson Learnt from Global Initiatives Regulatory Issues Impacting Implementation of VoIP Current Brief Status of V IP and Initiatives of S!TRC Countries !nalysis " Recommendation Conclusion " #ay $or%ard

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Contents...................................................................................................................................... 4 1. Background............................................................................................................................. 6 The changing Telecommunication Environment......................................................................7 Billing and Tariffs for IP- ased !ervices................................................................................"# 6. $egulator% Issues Im&acting Im&lementation of 'oIP..........................................................."" 6.1 (e% Polic% Issues related )ith 'oIP................................................................................."" 6." Classification of 'oIP !ervices for $egulation Core*Edge*+ccess ..................................", 6., -niversal +ccess*!ervice Provisions and 'oIP..............................................................."4 6.4 .um ering and .um er Porta ilit% for 'oIP !ervices....................................................."/ 6./ 'oIP Interconnection )ith legac% net)orks e.g. P!T....................................................."/ 6.6 +ccess to Emergenc% Call !ervices for 'oIP..................................................................."6 6.7 0evel Pla%ing and Com&etition........................................................................................"6 6.1 !ecurit% and Privac% in 'oIP +&&lications * !ervices......................................................."1 6.2 Intero&era ilit% and !tandardi3ation................................................................................"2 6.1# 4ualit% of !ervice........................................................................................................... "2 +567+.I!T+...................................................................................................................... ,1 B+.60+8E!7...................................................................................................................... ," I.8I+..................................................................................................................................... ,/ 9+08I'E!............................................................................................................................ ,1 !$I 0+.(+............................................................................................................................ 41 Current !tatus of 'oIP $egulation in !+T$C 9em er Countries..........................................4, 1.1 Classification * 8efinition of 'oIP !ervices for $egulation ..............................................44 1." Categorisation of the 'oIP * -niversal !ervice : ligation...............................................47 1., 'oIP Interconnection )ith legac% .et)orks.....................................................................42 1.4 +ccess to Emergenc% Call !ervices from 'oIP................................................................/# 1./ !ecurit% and Privac% in 'oIP +&&lication and !ervices..................................................../# 1.6 Intero&era ilit% and !tandardisation................................................................................/1 1.7 International Call B%&ass ................................................................................................/" 1.1 4ualit% of !ervice............................................................................................................. /,

Pa)e / o* +, 0ist of Ta les and 5igures ......................................................................................................../7

1. Background
0or1in) )roup on Poli2y and Re)ulation 'a3 t'e ob4e2ti5e a3 6Liberali7ation o* 8oIP 3er5i2e3 (ay brin) in 2o(petition and bene*it t'e 2on3u(er% but t'ere are 5ariou3 poli2y and re)ulatory i33ue3 9'i2' re:uire 3tudy *or proli*eratin) 8oIP in SATRC re)ion; Introdu2tion o* 8oIP 3er5i2e3 'a3 rai3ed i33ue3 3u2' a3 le5el playin) *ield% Inter2onne2tion% tari**% nu(berin)% <oS% Se2urity (onitorin) et2; A detailed deliberation i3 re:uired on t'e3e i33ue3 to *a2ilitate poli2y de2i3ion3; T'ou)' (any 2ountrie3 'a5e already adopted 3o(e *or( o* 8oIP% a 9ell de*ined *uturi3ti2 *ra(e9or1 9ould be de3irable;= >urin) t'e *ir3t 0or1in) Group 0or13'op on Poli2y and Re)ulation 'eld in Ne9 >el'i% India *ro( !t' to $t' Au)u3t% #$ $% it 9a3 de2ided t'at Sri Lan1a 9ould lead t'e 3tudy on 68OIPI33ue3 in SATRC 2ountrie3=; 0or1in) )roup 'a3 (ade t'e deliberation3 on 5ariou3 i33ue3 to 2o5er t'e ob4e2ti5e; >urin) t'e re5ie9in) o* pre5iou3 report it i3 *ound t'at SATRC report SATRC- ?INP-$+ dated #.t' No5e(ber% #$$@ on 6IP AASE> NET0OR& SER8ICES INCLU>ING AILLING AN> TARIFFS% NET0OR& SECURITY 8OIP REGULATION% TERMINATION AN> INTERCONNECTION CBARGES% NUMAERING% ACCESS TO EMERGENCY SER8ICES= 'a3 2o5ered (any i33ue3 )i5en in t'e ob4e2ti5e; T'i3 report 9a3 prepared by a 9or1in) )roup under t'e leader3'ip Nepal Tele2o((uni2ation Aut'ority; T'ere*ore% t'i3 report i3 prepared by ta1in) t'e ba3e do2u(ent a3 abo5e re*erred report; Furt'er (o3t o* t'e re2o((endation3 in t'at report are 3till 5alid and 3uitable *or t'e SATRC Countrie3; In t'i3 9or1in) paper t'e pre5iou3 re2o((endation3 are *urt'er re5alidated 9it' t'e ne9 input3 about t'e 2urrent 3tatu3 o* 8oIP in t'e (e(ber 2ountrie3;

./ In'ro%u"'ion
T'e rapid te2'nolo)i2al ad5an2e(ent3 in t'e 'and'eld de5i2e3 a3 9ell a3 ot'er de5i2e3 are *a2ilitatin) 'i)'er pro2e33in) po9er o* 'and'eld and ot'er end u3er de5i2e3% (iniaturi7ation% redu2in) (e(ory 3tora)e 2o3t and 2apability to per*or( 5ariou3 appli2ation3 on 2o((on plat*or(; T'i3 trend i3 dri5in) 2on5er)en2e o* de5i2e3 and 3er5i2e3; A3 a re3ult tele2o((uni2ation re:uire(ent3 are *a3t 2'an)in) 9it' in2rea3in) de(and o* ne9 5alue added 3er5i2e3 and appli2ation3; Internet 3e2tor i3 9itne33in) t'e popularity o* 5ariou3 8oIP ba3ed 3er5i2e3 'a3 been i(pro5ed tre(endou3ly o5er t'e year3 in ter(3 o* proto2ol *or 8oIP 3er5i2e3% i(pro5ed <uality o* 3er5i2e C<oSD% 9it' e**e2ti5e band9idt' (ana)e(ent and better re3our2e Pa)e + o* +,

utili7ation 'a5e brou)'t 8oIP a3 a22eptable 3er5i2e in (any 2ountrie3 a3 e:ui5alent traditional le)a2y te2'nolo)ie3 9'i2' 'a3 deli5ered in o5erall ea3e o* u3e and 2o3t e**e2ti5e *or t'e 3ub32riber3; T'e tele2o((uni2ation3 32enario 'a3 been 2'an)in) *ro( di3tin2t net9or13 *or di3tin2t 3er5i2e3 to a 3in)le net9or1 C9'i2' i3 IP-ba3edD *or di**erent 1ind3 o* 3er5i2e3; Internet Proto2ol 'a3 been t'e enablin) te2'nolo)y *or 2on5er)en2e o* net9or1 in*ra3tru2ture% 3er5i2e plat*or( and u3er ter(inal3 or end de5i2e3; 8oi2e o5er Internet Proto2ol C8oIPD i3 one o* t'e pro(inent 3er5i2e3 or appli2ation3 in IP plat*or(; T'e introdu2tion o* IP ba3ed 3er5i2e3 'a3 al3o rai3ed a nu(ber o* i33ue3 o* ad4u3t(ent to t'e ne9 en5iron(ent by telep'one operator3 and 3er5i2e pro5ider3% by poli2y(a1er3 and re)ulator3% and by u3er3; 8oIP 'a3 rai3ed *ar )reater 2on2ern3 t'an data% pi2ture3% (u3i2 or 5ideo o5er IP be2au3e publi2 5oi2e 3er5i2e3% parti2ularly t'e lon) di3tan2e and international 3er5i2e3% 'a5e been t'e lar)e3t 3our2e o* re5enue o* e3tabli3'ed PSTN operator3; Internet% pri(arily de3i)ned *or data% i3 5ie9ed a3 a di3rupti5e te2'nolo)y% a3 it i3 2au3in) a paradi)( 3'i*t in o5er a 2entury old net9or1 te2'nolo)y and 3er5i2e 2reation; 8oIP pro5ided by ISP3 o5er t'e Internet 'a3 (ade di3tan2e dependent billin) irrele5ant *or 5oi2e 2all3 re3ultin) in t'e ero3ion o* t'e e3tabli3'ed re5enue ba3e *or (any traditional telep'one operator3% 9'o (u3t no9 3ee1 to e3tabli3' ne9 bu3ine33 (odel3 and ne9 pri2in) 3tru2ture3 *or t'eir 3er5i2e3; NGN?IMS al3o 'old3 a )reat pro(i3e *or pro5idin) a plet'ora o* IP-ba3ed 3er5i2e3 at redu2ed 2o3t to t'e end-u3er; T*& "*$nging T&!&"o--uni"$'ion En0iron-&n' T'e *ollo9in) *a2tor3 endor3e 9'y 8oIP 3till )ettin) (ore popular and a22eptable te2'nolo)y 9'i2' (ay e5entually repla2e t'e traditional 5oi2e telep'ony;

Inte)ration o* 5oi2e% data% and 5ideo in a 3in)le tran3port net9or1; Uni5er3al pre3en2e o* Internet and it3 )ro9t' alon) 9it' Lo9er 2apital e:uip(ent
2o3t and Lo9er operation 2o3t;

Potentially lo9er band9idt' re:uire(ent 2o(pared to traditional PSTN net9or1; 8oIP 2an brin) u3 a lot (ore 2on5enien2e3 9'i2' 2anEt be pro5ided by traditional
PSTN net9or1 in ter(3 o* portability and in2ludin) nu(ber portability; In t'e 2a3e o* 8oIP t'ere are t9o (ain 2o(petin) proto2ol3 )ettin) it3 o9n i(pro5e(ent 2ontinuou3ly; In t'i3 re)ard t'e *ollo9in) 2o(pari3on 2'art i3 re5ealin) it3 o9n (erit3 and de(erit3;

Pa)e , o* +,

SI &e%er 'eveloped Protocol Simple I(T$ +any vendors developing products (arlier Protocol Comple) IT*


T,e ma-ority of e)isting IP telep,ony products rely on ./010

Leave issues of r eliability to underlying !ssume t,e fallibility of net%ork net%ork SIP messages are formatted as te)t Binary format doesn2t sit %ell %it, t,e inter net

Table 1/34 Comparison bet%een ./010 and SIP

50e are 3till in t'e a)e o* uneFpre33ed potential; It i3 one o* t'o3e t'in)3 t'at i3 )oin) to 'appen% t'e :ue3tion i3 69'enG= >onHt *or)et t'at 8oIP i3 5oi2e% and t'at t'e 1iller appli2ation 9ill re(ain 5oi2e% *or a 5ery lon) ti(e; T'ere*ore% ot'er *eature3 9ill be built on top o* t'at; T'ere are di**eren2e3 a(on) (ar1et3% but old net9or13 9ill re(ain; And t'e indu3try i3 (a1in) 3ure t'at t'e ne9 3y3te(3 are ba219ard3-2o(patible;=

At a re2ent 3pee2' entitled% 6>i3rupti5e Te2'nolo)yI; >i3rupti5e Re)ulation=% t'e Co((i33ioner o* Federal Co((uni2ation3 Co((i33ion% Mi2'ael J Copp3 labelled 8oIP a3 a 6>i3rupti5e Te2'nolo)y=;

Fro( t'e te2'nolo)y 3tandpoint% 9e are in tran3ition *ro( a 3y3te( in 9'i2' (o3t re5enue3 9ere deri5ed *ro( lon)-ter( in5e3t(ent3 in 3lo9ly-e5ol5in) 5oi2e 3er5i2e3 ba3ed on *iFed net9or1 CPSTND% to a 3y3te( in 9'i2' *uture re5enue3 9ill be deri5ed (o3tly *ro( t'e e(er)in) ne9 and inno5ati5e 3er5i2e o**erin)3 and appli2ation3 u3in) (obile and IP-ba3ed te2'nolo)ie3 #; It i3 no9 po33ible to pro5ide all type3 o* 3er5i2e3 o5er IP net9or13; T'e u3e o* IP-ba3ed net9or1 to pro5idin) 2on5er)ed 3er5i2e3 al3o 2o(plete3 a te2'ni2al unbundlin) pro2e33 and pro5ide3 a

&e5in Findlay% >ire2tor% Menlo Par1 Europe CU&D% Pri2e0ater'ou3e Cooper3% inter5ie9 9it' t'e T'ou)'t Leader3'ip Foru(% #$$.; # A Bandboo1 on Internet Proto2ol CIPD-ba3ed net9or13 and related topi23 and i33ue3% #$$/% ITU Pa)e ! o* +,

2lear 3eparation o* *a2ility net9or1 Ctran3port net9or1D *ro( t'e 3er5i2e3 3upplied o5er t'o3e *a2ilitie3; 0it' t'e IP-ba3ed net9or1 and 3er5i2e3% t'e o5erall (ar1et *or 2o((uni2ation 3er5i2e3 'a3 been radi2ally 2'an)ed% and in t'i3 pro2e33 o* 2'an)e *ro( t'e *or(er 5erti2ally inte)rated 3tru2ture 9'ere (o3t 3er5i2e3 and *a2ilitie3 9ere li2en3ed and pro5ided to)et'er% to 'ori7ontally 3tru2tured (ar1et3 2on3i3tin) o* di3tin2t 3ub(ar1et3 *or net9or1 in*ra3tru2ture 2apa2ity% net9or1 (ana)e(ent% 2o((uni2ation 3er5i2e3 and in*or(ation 3er5i2e3;-

T'i3 redu2e3 t'e barrier to t'e entry and pro5ide3 ne9 opportunitie3 *or in2rea3ed parti2ipation by ne9 player3; T'e re)ulator3 and poli2y (a1er3 'a5e to addre33 t'e i33ue3 a22ordin)ly and 2reate a *a5ourable en5iron(ent *or *air 2o(petition;

Con5er)en2e% IP Telep'ony and Tele2o( Re)ulationK C'allen)e3 and Opportunitie3 *or net9or1 >e5elop(ent% 9it' parti2ular re*eren2e to India; Pa)e @ o* +,

)/ G!o1$! Ini'i$'i0&, $n% Tr&n%,

T*& Voi"& o0&r IP 2 In'&rn&' T&!& *on# International Tele2o((uni2ation Union - Tele2o((uni2ation Standardi7ation Se2tor CITU-TD Study Group # CSG#D 'a3 )i5en eFplanation o* t'e ter( LIP Telep'onyL a3 )i5en belo9K LIP i3 an abbre5iation *or Internet Proto2ol; It i3 a 2o((uni2ation3 proto2ol de5eloped to 3upport a pa21et-39it2'ed net9or1; T'e proto2ol 'a3 been de5eloped by t'e Internet En)ineerin) Ta31 For2e CIETFD; IP telep'ony i3 t'e eF2'an)e o* in*or(ation pri(arily in t'e *or( o* 3pee2' t'at utili7e3 a (e2'ani3( 1no9n a3 Internet Proto2ol;L T'ere are t9o (a4or 2ate)orie3 *or 5oi2e tran3(i33ion o5er IP net9or13 ba3ed on type o* IP net9or1 u3ed; 0'en 5oi2e i3 tran3(itted o5er publi2 Internet% it i3 ter(ed a3 Internet Telep'ony; Si(ilarly 9'en 5oi2e i3 tran3(itted o5er (ana)ed IP net9or13% it i3 ter(ed a3 8oi2e o5er IP C8oIPD; T'e pri(ary di**eren2e bet9een 5oi2e 3er5i2e3 on (ana)ed and un(ana)ed IP Net9or13 i3 :uality o* 3pee2'; Bo9e5er t'i3 di**eren2e i3 )ettin) di(ini3'ed 9it' te2'nolo)i2al ad5an2e(ent% ne9 2odin) te2'ni:ue3 and a5ailability o* 'i)'er band9idt' a3 pro5ided by broadband 2onne2tion3; T'e 2onne2tionle33 pa21et 39it2'ed nature o* t'e IP-ba3ed net9or13 po33e33e3 3o(e o* t'e i(portant 2'ara2teri3ti23 enu(erated a3 *ollo93K

IP te2'nolo)y i3 ba3ed on a di3tributed net9or1 ar2'ite2ture% 9'ere routin) and

intelli)en2e are di3tributed in t'e net9or1; T'e 3er5i2e pro5i3ion i3 di3inte)rated *ro( in*ra3tru2ture operation and t'e ter(inal3 atta2'ed at t'e ed)e3 o* t'e net9or1 2an 2reate and o**er 3er5i2e3; T'e 3er5i2e de5elop(ent plat*or(3 are (ainly open; T'e3e 2'ara2teri3ti23 o* t'e IP te2'nolo)y 2reate )ood 2ondition3 *or de5elop(ent o* ne9 and inno5ati5e 3er5i2e3 and *o3ter 2o(petition; PSTN Cpubli2-39it2'ed telep'one net9or1D i3 a 2ir2uit-39it2'ed net9or1 9'i2' i3 opti(i7ed *or 5oi2e 2o((uni2ation; Ae2au3e o* t'e deployed te2'nolo)y and t'e 9ay PSTN 'a5e 'i3tori2ally been e5ol5ed% a 2entrali7ed 3tru2ture 'a3 been i(ple(ented to o**er telep'one 3er5i2e3; T9o 3eparate net9or13 5i7; tran3port and 2ontrol?3i)nallin) net9or13 are deployed in parallel in order to e3tabli3' a net9or1 2onne2tion and to pro5ide 3er5i2e bet9een t'e t9o end point3; Con3e:uently% 3er5i2e 2reation and pro5i3ion re:uire3 a22e33 to bot' t'e 2ontrol?3i)nallin) and t'e tran3port net9or13; Any ne9 3er5i2e pro5i3ion ne2e33itate3 'u)e in5e3t(ent3; T'u3% t'e di**eren2e3 in 3er5i2e o**erin)3 and 2apabilitie3 bet9een t'e Publi2 S9it2'ed Telep'one Net9or1 CPSTND and IP-ba3ed net9or13 ari3e *ro( net9or1 ar2'ite2ture and t'e u3e o* 2ir2uit-39it2'ed )ate9ay3 or IP pa21et3 *or t'e 2arria)e o* 5oi2e 3er5i2e3; So(e o* t'e 1ey di**eren2e3 bet9een PSTN and IP-ba3ed net9or13 *or 2arria)e o* data and 5oi2e are 3u((ari7ed in Table-#;

Pa)e $ o* +,

Table 2& Co'(ar"son of ST# and I $based #et%ork art"culars Tr ansmission " Car riage Signalling ST# 'edicated Link SS6 I $Based #et%ork Backbone Packets4 Best (ffor t " +anaged Routing SIP7 .010 9$r ee: Peer ing Transit ;uality < Volume Volume " Capacity Var iable Content and Connectivity separately ;oS Classes ne &et%or k Level Less &umber

Inter 8Car rier Contr actual Transit and Ter mination Relations +ain Pricing Basis +ain Billing $actor Routing C,ar ging Principles ;uality &# Topology &umber of P Is 'istance Time 9+inutes of usage: $i)ed %ay Service 9including connectivity: $i)ed ;uality Sever al &et%ork levels Larger &umber

Table 0/34 Comparison of PST& and IP8based &et%ork T'e 2o((uni2ation u3ually ta1e3 pla2e in real ti(e; T'u3% t'e (ain di**eren2e bet9een Internet Telep'ony and nor(al telep'ony i3 t'at 9'erea3 in nor(al telep'ony% 2ir2uit-39it2'in) te2'nolo)y i3 u3ed% 9'erea3 Internet Telep'ony i3 ba3ed on pa21et 39it2'in) te2'nolo)y; A3 per pre3ent 3er5i2e (odel3 *ollo9in) (ain deploy(ent 32enario3 *or Internet telep'ony are po33ibleK

PC-to-PC Internet telep'ony PC-to-P'one Internet telep'ony Internet telep'ony u3in) adapter boFe3 Unre3tri2ted Internet telep'ony 'a5in) inter2onne2tion 9it' PSTN?PLMN P'one-to-P'one Internet telep'ony
Pr&,,ur&, on '*& T&!&"o-, 3u,in&,, Mo%&!4 Aut% a3 t'ey 3tru))le 9it' t'e 'ar3' realitie3 o* t'e 3ei3(i2 3'i*t *ro( bein) predo(inantly 5oi2e-2entri2 to data-2entri2 bu3ine33e3% tel2o3 no9 *ind t'e(3el5e3K

Pressures on t,e Telecoms Industry Summary Roadmap 'ec 1=3=7 ,ttp4""%%%/telco1researc,/com"articles"SR>Roadmap8to8ne%8telco18business8models>$ull 93? +arc, 1=31: 9C,art ,as been redesigned for clarity: Pa)e o* +,

Fa2in) rapidly 2'an)in) 2on3u(er be'a5iour3 and po9er*ul ne9 type3 o*

2o(petitor3M In5e3tin) 'ea5ily in in*ra3tru2ture% 9it'out a 2lear payba21M

Operatin) under le33 beni)n re)ulatory en5iron(ent3% 9'i2' 2on3train t'eir a2tion3M Aein) (il1ed *or di5idend3 by 3'are'older3% unable to in5e3t in inno5ation;

$igure 0/14 Pressures on t,e Telecoms Business +odel A3 a re3ult% *ar *ro( yet reali3in) t'e inno5ati5e )ro9t' potential 9e identi*ied% (any tel2o3 around t'e 9orld 3ee( 2'allen)ed to (a1e t'e bold (o5e3 needed to (a1e t'eir bu3ine33 (odel3 3u3tainable% lea5in) t'e( *a2in) retren2'(ent and potentially ulti(ately utility 3tatu3% 9'ile ot'er player3 in t'e di)ital e2ono(y pro3per;

Pa)e # o* +,

$igure 0/04 VoIP Subscribers #orld%ide/ E3ti(ate3 o* )lobal 8oIP 3ub32riber3'ip nu(ber3 are 3urpri3in)ly rare% )i5en t'e )ro9t' in t'e u3e o* 8oIP te2'nolo)ie3; T'ere are 3e5eral rea3on3 *or t'i3; T'e di**erent de*inition3 o* 8oIP in u3e a2ro33 t'e 9orld (ean t'at 2ountrie3 report di**erent nu(ber3 a22ordin) to t'e (et'odolo)y t'ey u3e; It i3 al3o di**i2ult to e3ti(ate t'e nu(ber o* PC-to-PC or 6pure= 8oIP u3er3% in2ludin) re)ular S1ype u3er3% 2on2urrent u3er3% o22a3ional u3er3% or t'o3e u3in) e(bedded 8oIP in online )a(e 3e33ion3; T'e3e di**i2ultie3 (ean t'at e3ti(ate3 o* t'e total nu(ber o* 8oIP 3ub32riber3 are al(o3t al9ay3 )i5en a3 a ran)e; For eFa(ple% one e3ti(ate o* t'e nu(ber o* re3idential 8oIP 2u3to(er3 in t'e United State3 pro4e2ted a ran)e o* bet9een # (illion and .. (illion 3ub32riber3 by #$ $;+ T'i3 ran)e (ay 3ee( 3urpri3in)ly broad% but it )i5e3 a *air idea o* t'e 'i)' de)ree o* un2ertainty in5ol5ed in e3ti(ate3 o* 8oIP 3ub32riber3 and 8oIP u3er3; Ne5ert'ele33% 3o(e 2on3ultan2ie3 3till produ2e e3ti(ate3 o* 8oIP 3ub32riber3; In*oneti23 Re3ear2' e3ti(ated t'at t'ere 9ere 3o(e !$ (illion 8oIP 3ub32riber3 9orld9ide by t'e end o* #$$!;, Point Topi2 produ2ed 3i(ilar e3ti(ate3 o* !,;! (illion 2o((er2ial 8oIP 3ub32riber3 by t'e *ourt' :uarter o* #$$!% and @#;# (illion by t'e *ir3t :uarter o* #$$@; More re2ent pro4e2tion3 o* 8oIP 3ub32riber3 u3ually eF2eed earlier predi2tion3 by lar)e (ar)in3; ! One re3ear2' 2on3ultan2y e3ti(ated t'at t'ere 9ould be #$$ (illion payin) 8oIP 3ub32riber3 9orld9ide by #$ # Cup *ro( ,$ (illion in (id-#$$!D; Anot'er analy3i3 predi2ted #+, (illion re3idential 8oIP 3ub32riber3 )lobally by #$ #;@ i>ATE pro4e2ted ,/ (illion 8oIP 3ub32riber3 by #$$@% 9'i2' 9ould be e:ui5alent to $ per 2ent o* t'e total nu(ber o* (ain-line 3ub32riber3 C3ee Fi)ure -D; A22ordin) to Point Topi2% 0e3tern Europe a22ounted *or t'e (a4ority C-! per 2entD o* all 8oIP 3ub32riber3 in t'e *ir3t :uarter o* #$$@% alt'ou)' t'i3 3'are 9a3 de2linin) a3 8oIP )ained popularity in ot'er re)ion3; Nort' A(eri2a and t'e A3ia-Pa2i*i2 re)ion are t'e neFt lar)e3t (ar1et3% a22ountin) *or 4u3t o5er a :uarter o* all 8oIP 3ub32riber3 ea2'; Sout'-Ea3t !sia7 Latin !merica and (astern (urope ,ave a relatively small market s,are7 but t,ese markets are gro%ing fast/

i>ate a5ailable *ro( Cin Fren2'D E3ti(ate3 o* 8oIP 3ub32riber3% total and a3 a proportion o* CC'art 'a3 been rede3i)ned *or 2larityD 8oIP by t'e Nu(ber3 - Sub32riber3% Re5enue3% Top Ser5i2e Pro5ider3% Alo)3 and (ore;;;

(ainline3 9orld9ide% #$$/-#$


'ttpK??999;(etri23#;2o(?blo)?#$$+?$@?#/?5oipNbyNt'eNnu(ber3N3ub32riber3Nre5enue3NtopN3e r5i;'t(l C . Mar2' #$ #D CC'art 'a3 been rede3i)ned *or 2larityD


In*oneti23 Re3ear2'% t'rou)' 8oIP Ne93%

(ar2' #$$!% atK 999;5oip-

ne93;2o;u1?#$$!?$-?$ ?!$-(illion-9orld9ide-5oip-3ub32riber3-in-#$$,?

For EFa(ple% In*oneti23 Re3ear2' e3ti(ated t'at t'ere 9ere 3o(e !$ (illion 8oIP 3ub32riber3

9orld9ide by #$$,% *ar (ore t'an earlier predi2tion3 *ore2a3tin) // (illion 3ub32riber3 by #$$@; In #$$+% In-Stat predi2ted t'at t'e )lobal (ar1et *or 2on3u(er 8oIP 3er5i2e3 'a3 arri5ed% 9it' total 8oIP 3ub32riber3 9orld9ide at + (illion in #$$/ pro4e2ted to )ro9 to o5er // (illion in #$$@ C999;in-3tat;2o(D; Point Topi2% #-? $?#$$!K 'ttpK??999;itu;int?ITU>?tre)?E5ent3?Se(inar3?GSR?GSR$@?do2?GSR$@N8oIP-Trend3NAi))3;pd*% p)-. C . Mar #$ #D Pa)e - o* +,

$igure 0/?4 Regional 'istribution of VoIP Subscribers ;37 1==@ $ In reality% t'e (o3t re(ar1able t'in) about 8oIP i3 not it3 )ro9t'% but t'e 9ay it i3 tran3*or(in) eFi3tin) bu3ine33 (odel3 and re9ritin) t'e e2ono(i23 o* pro5idin) tele2o((uni2ation 3er5i2e3; 8oIP i3 2'an)in) t'e indu3try irre5o2ably by openin) up ne9 (ar1et3 and brin)in) di**erent player3 into 2o(petition; Con5er)ed te2'nolo)ie3 are boo3tin) *a2ilitie3-ba3ed 2o(petition; 8oIP let3 broadband% 2able (ode( and 9irele33 3er5i2e pro5ider3 2o(pete dire2tly 9it' ea2' ot'er; It al3o pro(ote3 3er5i2e-ba3ed 2o(petition by enablin) ne9 3er5i2e pro5ider3 to 2o(pete 9it'out o9nin) t'eir o9n net9or1 in*ra3tru2ture; In (any (ar1et3% S1ype and 8ona)e are no9 2o(petin) dire2tly 9it' t'e in2u(bent operator3; T'e entry o* ne9 3er5i2e pro5ider3 2ould re3ult in ne9 and i(pro5ed 3er5i2e3 and )reater in2enti5e3 *or do(e3ti2 and *orei)n in5e3t(ent;

Point Topic7 T,e 'istribution of VoIP subscribers %orld%ide7 +arc, 1==@4 9C,art ,as been redesigned for clarity: Voice over Internet Protocol4 (nemy or !llyA GSR 'iscussion Paper 1==@7 P,illippa Biggs7 (conomist7 IT*"CS' 93? +ar 1=31: Pa)e . o* +,

4/ G!o1$! Tr&n%, Traditional telep'one 2o(panie3 5ie9ed 8oIP a3 a di3rupti5e te2'nolo)y; Bo9e5er% t'e3e tele2o((uni2ation3 2o(panie3 *elt t'at be2au3e o* it3 lo9 :uality% 8oIP 9ould ne5er )ain (a33(ar1et penetration; Bo9e5er% be2au3e o* i(pro5ed IP telep'ony te2'nolo)ie3 and t'e need *or 5oi2e% 5ideo and data net9or1in)% traditional telep'one 2o(panie3 'a5e 3tarted e5aluatin) t'e e**i2ien2y Cor ine**i2ien2ie3D o* t'eir traditional 2ir2uit 39it2'in) net9or13; Sin2e @@!% traditional telep'one 2o(panie3 'a5e in5e3ted in (ulti-billion dollar up)rade3 o* t'eir 2ir2uit39it2'ed net9or13 to be able to ta1e ad5anta)e pro5ided by IP net9or13; Bi3tori2ally% (any te2'nolo)ie3 9ere undere3ti(ated% but t'en t'e3e 9ent on to be2o(e 3i)ni*i2ant 3u22e33e3; #

$igure ?/34 Gro%t, vs/ Re%ard !nalysis of any ne% Tec,nology Te2'nolo)i2al inno5ation3 2an typi2ally 'a5e t'ree p'a3e3 in t'eir de5elop(ent and t'eir a22eptan2e; In t'e 2urrent 32enario% 8oIP i3 in a tran3ition p'a3e *ro( a >i3rupti5e te2'nolo)y to a Su3tainable te2'nolo)y; Co(panie3 tappin) di3rupti5e te2'nolo)ie3 Cin P'a3e I% 3ee Fi)ure .; D 'a5e t'e (aFi(u( potential o* )eneratin) 'i)' re5enue3; 8oIPE3 a22eptan2e 'a3 been in2rea3in) 9it' ti(e; Co(bined 9it' a 3'orter 9indo9 o* opportunity% 8oIP need3 to be 2aptured 3oon% to reap (aFi(u( bene*it3; T'e 8oIP indu3try 'a3 lo9 barrier3 to entry pri(arily due to t'e e2ono(i23 o* pro5idin) t'e 3er5i2e and a lar)ely unre)ulated en5iron(ent; Furt'er% t'e 9indo9 o* opportunity i3 3'rin1in) *or ne9 te2'nolo)ie3; It 'a3 ta1en about #$ year3 *or t'e telep'one to attain @. per2ent penetration% 9'ile Internet rea2'ed #/ per2ent penetration in approFi(ately $ year3; S1ype% a peer-to-peer 8oIP 2allin) 3o*t9are 'a3 already a2:uired al(o3t $ (illion u3er3 a(on) t'e +$$ (illion u3er3 o* Internet% 9it'in # (ont'3 o* it3 laun2' in Au)u3t #$$-; 8oi2e o5er IP - Finally >ri5in) C'an)eG 0'itepaper Ay Su3an &i3'% CEO% Fir3t Tue3day Ouri2'% 'ttpK??31i3';typepad;2o(?3u3anN1i3'?9'itepaper3?tl*N#$$.N9'itepaperN5oi2e-o5erip;pd* C - MARCB #$ #D; CC'art 'a3 been rede3i)ned *or 2larityD E5alue3er5e Analy3i3 CC'art 'a3 been rede3i)ned *or 2larityD Pa)e / o* +,

T'e pri(ary rea3on3 *or t'e )ro9t' o* 8oIP are t'e in'erent ad5anta)e3 o**ered by t'i3 te2'nolo)y in2ludin)K

S*or'-'o--&%iu- '&r- ri"& $r1i'r$g& " by u3in) IP telep'ony% an operator a5oid3

payin) inter2onne2t 2'ar)e3% t'at are u3ually appli2able on a 2all pla2ed u3in) 2ir2uit 39it2'ed 2allin) *a2ility;

E"ono-i", o+ '*& '&"*no!og#5 a 2ir2uit 39it2'ed 2all ta1e3 up approFi(ately +. &bp3 o*

data% 9'ile a 3i(ilar 2all (ade on IP telep'ony 9ould ta1e +-! &bp3 o* data;

V$!u& $%%&% ,&r0i"&, " IP telep'ony 'a3 t'e potential to enable (any 5alue added
3er5i2e3 3u2' a3 IP (ulti2a3t 2on*eren2in)% telep'ony di3tan2e learnin) appli2ation3 and 5oi2e 9eb bro93in);

Co,' R&%u"'ion/ Flat rate lon) di3tan2e pri2in) i3 a5ailable 9it' t'e Internet and 2an
re3ult in 2on3iderable 3a5in)3 *or bot' 5oi2e and *a23i(ile Cat lea3t 2urrentlyD; T'e 3'arin) o* e:uip(ent and operation3 2o3t3 a2ro33 bot' data and 5oi2e u3er3 2an al3o i(pro5e net9or1 e**i2ien2y% 3in2e eF2e33 band9idt' on one net9or1 2an be u3ed by t'e ot'er% t'ereby 2reatin) e2ono(ie3 o* 32ale *or 5oi2e 3er5i2e3 Ce3pe2ially )i5en t'e rapid )ro9t' in data tra**i2D;

Si- !i+i"$'ion o+ &6i,'ing n&'7ork,5 An inte)rated in*ra3tru2ture t'at 3upport3 all *or(3
o* 2o((uni2ation allo93 (ore 3tandardi7ation and redu2e3 t'e total e:uip(ent 2o(ple(ent; T'i3 2o(bined in*ra3tru2ture 2an 3upport band9idt' opti(i7ation and a *ault tolerant de3i)n; T'e di**eren2e3 bet9een t'e tra**i2 pattern3 o* 5oi2e and data o**er *urt'er opportunitie3 *or 3i)ni*i2ant e**i2ien2y i(pro5e(ent3;

Con,o!i%$'ion o+ r&,our"&,5 Sin2e end-node3 are one o* t'e (o3t 3i)ni*i2ant 2o3t
ele(ent3 in a net9or1% any opportunity to 2o(bine operation3% to eli(inate point3 o* *ailure% and to 2on3olidate a22ountin) 3y3te(3 i3 bene*i2ial; In t'e enterpri3e% SNMPba3ed (ana)e(ent 2an be pro5ided *or bot' 5oi2e and data 3er5i2e3 u3in) 8oIP; Uni5er3al u3e o* t'e IP proto2ol3 *or all appli2ation3 'old3 out t'e pro(i3e o* bot' redu2ed 2o(pleFity and (ore *leFibility; Related *a2ilitie3 3u2' a3 dire2tory 3er5i2e3 and 3e2urity 3er5i2e3 (ay be (ore ea3ily 3'ared; Furt'er% an in2rea3e in broadband penetration and 0i-Fi u3a)e i3 li1ely to pro5ide a t'ru3t to t'e )ro9t' o* 8oIP% a3 di32u33ed belo9K

Wi-8i T&"*no!og#5 T'e 2o(bination o* 8oIP and 0i-Fi i3 5ery bene*i2ial *or 2orporate%
a3 t'i3 2o(bination pro5ide3 a 2o((on in*ra3tru2ture *or 2orporate 2o((uni2ation; 0iFi net9or13 (a1e u3e o* IP te2'nolo)y% 9'i2' (a1e3 t'e3e net9or13 an ideal *it *or 8oIP telep'ony appli2ation3; T'e 3yner)y bet9een 8oIP and 0i-Fi te2'nolo)ie3 (a1e3 9irele33 5oi2e appli2ation3 le33 eFpen3i5e% and ea3ier to in3tall and (aintain; T'e in2rea3in) penetration o* 0i-Fi% and t'e e(er)en2e o* ne9 SIP 2apable 0i-Fi de5i2e3% 'a3 brou)'t t'e ne2e33ary (obility re:uired *or 8oIP u3a)e;

In"r&$,& in 1ro$%1$n% $%o 'ion5 Bi)' 3peed Internet a22e33 i3 a prere:ui3ite *or
e**e2ti5ely u3in) t'e 8oIP 3er5i2e3; An in2rea3e in broadband penetration enable3 an Pa)e + o* +,

in2rea3e in t'e penetration o* 8oIP 3er5i2e3; O5er la3t *e9 year3% 9ide3pread broadband adoption and ot'er reliable 'i)'-data-rate te2'nolo)ie3 'a5e i(pro5ed t'e 3ound :uality o* 8oIP% 9'i2' 'a3 2ontributed to t'e 3u22e33 o* 8oIP; A3 a re3ult o* t'e abo5e-(entioned dri5er3% 5ariou3 tele2o((uni2ation 2o(panie3 are in2rea3in)ly o**erin) 8oIP; For eFa(ple% in t'e US alone% t'ere are (any 2o(panie3 t'at are o**erin) 8oIP 3er5i2e3 and t'e3e in2lude 2o(panie3 t'at are 'a5e been operator3 o* t'e 2on5entional 2ir2uit 39it2'in)% 3u2' a3 ATPT% Aell Sout'% MCI% Sprint% T-Mobile; T)e *oI Bus"ness Ser+"ce ,arket

$igure ?/14 Total Business VoIP Revenues . Juniper Re3ear2' belie5e3 re5enue3 *ro( bu3ine33 8oIP 3er5i2e3 9ill rea2' USQ ! billion by #$ $K T'i3 )ro9in) (ar1et 9ill be dri5en byK

EFpiration o* eFi3tin) bu3ine33 2ir2uit 39it2'ed e:uip(ent% and it3 repla2e(ent 9it'
8oIP e:uip(ent; Lo9er 2o3t3 o* 8oIP 2all3;

Ma33i5e )ro9t' o* t'e C'ine3e tele2o(3 (ar1et; Au3ine33e3 reapin) t'e e**i2ien2ie3 o* 2arryin) 5oi2e and data tra**i2 o5er one 'i)'
:uality net9or1; Reali3ation t'at inte)ratin) 5oi2e *un2tionality into bu3ine33 2riti2al IT appli2ation3 9ill i(pro5e bu3ine33 produ2ti5ity; >i**erent bu3ine33 u3er3 9ill obtain t'eir 8oIP 2onne2ti5ity in di**erent 9ay3K 8ery 3(all bu3ine33e3 9ill utili3e eit'er bu3ine33 broadband 3er5i2e3 or *ully 'o3ted 8oIP 3er5i2e3; So(e 3(all and (ediu( bu3ine33e3 9ill repla2e t'eir 1ey 3y3te(3 9it' 3(all IP-PAR 3er5er3; Global VoIP4 .osted B &on .osted Services7 Business B (nterprise +arkets 1==C81=3= By Barry Butler7 !ssociate Senior !nalyst7 Duniper researc,4 VoIP E 'eep Impact7 +arc, 1==C/ 9C,art ,as been redesigned for clarity: Pa)e , o* +,

Lar)er enterpri3e3 9ill eit'er adopt *ully (ana)ed 'o3ted 8oIP 3olution3 *ro( 3er5i2e
pro5ider3% or repla2e t'eir eFi3tin) 2ir2uit 39it2'ed internal net9or13 9it' IP-PAR te2'nolo)ie3 runnin) o5er 'i)' :uality 2on5er)ed 5oi2e and data net9or13; Many u3er3 9ill eFplore and adopt peer-to-peer 8oIP 3er5i2e3% eit'er a3 a pri(ary or 3e2ondary 9ay o* 2onne2tin) to partner3% 2ollea)ue3 and 2u3to(er3 at little 2o3t; Au3ine33 u3er3 9ill in2rea3in)ly 2onne2t t'eir 8oIP in*ra3tru2ture3 t'rou)' lo9 2o3t 8oIP peerin) and inter2onne2t 3er5i2e3% bypa33in) e3tabli3'ed tel2o PSTN in*ra3tru2ture3 entirely; Su2' 2onne2ti5ity i3 only 4u3t be2o(in) e3tabli3'ed but i3 li1ely to pro5e 5ery popular; Bo9e5er% t'ere 9ill re(ain *or 3o(e ti(e% a le)a2y bu3ine33 2u3to(er ba3e 9'i2' 9ill not 9ant to repla2e t'eir 2ir2uit 39it2'ed 3er5i2e3 9it' 8oIP 3er5i2e3% and t'e3e bu3ine33e3 9ill 2ontinue to be 3er5i2ed by eFi3tin) 3er5i2e pro5ider3% e5en i* 3u2' pro5ider3 'a5e (i)rated t'eir o9n 2ore net9or13 to 8oIP; T'ere i3 a )reat 9a5e o* 2'an)e and inno5ation in 5oi2e and (e33a)in)% alt'ou)' (any tel2o3 are (i33in) out; Inno5ati5e ne9 player3 are 3teppin) in and t'ere i3 opportunity *or tel2o3 i3 to 9or1 9it' t'e( rat'er t'an 2o(pete - t'ere are )enuine opportunitie3 a3 9ell a3 t'reat3; T'e indu3try *or3ee3 a radi2al 2'an)e in t'e 5oi2e (ar1et; CFi)ure .;-D

$igure ?/04 Percentage of Total +obile Voice +inutes7 (urope / It 9a3nEt too lon) a)o t'at (any o* u3 9ould 'a5e 3aid 8oIP *ailed; In reality it 9a3 pa33in) t'rou)' t'e Gartner Bype Cur5e; 0e are no9 in t'e Slope o* Enli)'ten(entK

!T0 Partners; Telco ".# :nline !urve%; 8ecem er "##7; n<1/, htt&=**stl&*research>voicemessaging.&h& ?14 9arch "#1"@ 9C,art ,as been redesigned for clarity: Pa)e ! o* +,

-"gure 4.4& .artner !/(e C/cle T'e proo* i3 in t'e indu3try nu(ber3; 8oIP 3er5i2e (ar1et rea2'ed Q.@;! billion in #$ $% a .per2ent in2rea3e *ro( Q-.;! billion in #$$!% and *ore2a3t t'e 2o(bined bu3ine33 and re3idential?SOBO 8oIP 3er5i2e3 (ar1et to )ro9 to Q,.;/ billion in #$ / CIn*oneti23D; T'e nu(ber3 are bi); More i(portantly% t'e nu(ber3 are only re*le2ti5e o* ba3i2 8oIP 3er5i2e3 or 3i(ple repla2e(ent 3er5i2e3 and do not 2on3ider t'e de5i2e 3'i*t or 2onteFt ba3ed 2o((uni2ation3; + 6S1ype= i3 no9 a2:uired by Mi2ro3o*t; Aut t'i3 i3 4u3t a 2'apter in t'e 3a)a o* S1ype; S1ypeE3 i(pa2t i3 not t'e 2o(pany it3el*; ItE3 about 9'at it did to e5er 2'an)e t'e tele2o((uni2ation3 3e2tor; No9 repre3entin) o5er #$S o* ALL international tra**i2% it3 i(pa2t i3 undeniable; E5en (ore i(portant% S1ype did not only arbitra)e re5enue *ro( t'e tele2o((uni2ation3 3e2tor% it de3troyed it; In t'e tune o* billion3 o* dollar3; Ju3t ta1e a loo1 at t'e3e )rap'i23 *ro( Tele)eo)rap'yK

T,e &e% $rontier In Softp,onesFIt2s !bout t,e (ndpoints not t,e Softp,one/ ctober 3C7 1=33 Todd Carot,ers7 Senior Vice President of +arketing and Products 93? +arc, 1=31: Pa)e @ o* +,

-"gure 4.5& *oI Traff"c (9 3i!!ing $n% T$ri++, +or IP-1$,&% S&r0i"&, Any (a4or te2'nolo)i2al brea1t'rou)' t'at 3i)ni*i2antly redu2e3 unit 2o3t3 and eFpand3 3er5i2e 2apabilitie3 o**er3 t'e potential o* enor(ou3 bene*it3 in ter(3 o* net9or1 de5elop(ent% ne9 3er5i2e3% and (ar1et eFpan3ion% and 2o3t and pri2e redu2tion3; Aut it al3o po3e3 t'e t'reat o* 3i)ni*i2ant lo33e3 to t'o3e 9'o 'a5e been bene*itin) *ro( traditional 9ay3 o* doin) t'in)3; IP ba3ed net9or1 3y3te(3 and 3er5i2e3 re:uire a re5ie9 o* t'e le)a2y poli2y and re)ulatory re)i(e3 t'at 9ill need to be 2'an)ed appropriately to (eet t'e ne9 2'allen)e3 and opportunitie3 un*oldin); T'e ba3i2 re:uire(ent3 o* a ne9 )eneration IP Net9or1 billin) 3y3te( (ay be 3tated a3 *ollo93K

Real-ti(e and on lineM Sy3te( (onitorin) and aut'enti2ation (e2'ani3( inte)ratedM On-line 3er5i2e pro5i3ionin)M Support inter-2arrier and 2ontent pro5ider3 a)ree(ent3 and enable roa(in)M Online 2u3to(er pro*ile and 2redit in*or(ationM Speed o* i(ple(entationM FleFibility to e5ol5e to a22o((odate ne9 )eneration de(and3

T'e3e po3e bi) 2'allen)e3% partly be2au3e (o3t tele2o((uni2ation3 operator3E le)a2y billin) 3y3te(3 do not 'a5e t'e *un2tionality re:uired to 3upport broadband IP-ba3ed (ulti-3er5i2e o**erin)3; T'e IP 9orld pre3ent3 a 5ariety o* 2o(pleFitie3 9'en it 2o(e3 to billin) *un2tionalityK *oI Traff"c 0Taken fro' Tele.eogra()/1 ,ttp4""blog/counterpat,/com"60C"t,e8ne%8 frontier8in8softp,ones8its8about8t,e8endpoints8not8t,e8softp,one 9 C,art above ,as been redesigned for clarity: Pa)e #$ o* +,

For eFa(ple% 2o(panie3 9ill need to o**er real-ti(e ratin) and balan2e (ana)e(ent a3 part o* intera2tion aut'ori7ation; Ot'er 2apabilitie3 re:uired in2lude billin) *or 2ontent% 2u3to(eridentity-ba3ed billin)% 2ro33 produ2t bundlin)% 2u3to(er 'ierar2'ie3% 2ontra2t (ana)e(ent and 2o(plian2e; In addition% 3upportin) a 2u3to(er?u3er identity re:uire3 a 3in)le 3y3te( 9it' a 2on3olidated 5ie9 o* t'e 2u3to(er3E or u3er3E data; T'i3 3in)le 3y3te( (u3t al3o be able to 2al2ulate rele5ant pri2e3 and di32ount3 and (aintain real-ti(e balan2e3; A *leFible% IP-ba3ed% real-ti(e billin) and ratin) plat*or( 9ould enable an operator toK

Add ne9 3er5i2e produ2t3 9it'out eFperien2in) delay3 2au3ed by t'e de*inition and
i(ple(entation o* ne9 inter*a2e3M Redu2e t'e 2o(pleFity o* pri2e (aintenan2e and pro5ide all 3er5i2e3 9it' ba3i2 (e2'ani3(3 *or pri2in) (odel3M Laun2' ne9 5alue-added 3er5i2e3 *or pre-paid 2u3to(er3 9it' a 2o((on plat*or( *or ratin) and billin)M Pro5ide a 3in)le in5oi2e to t'e 2u3to(er 9it' 2o(pre'en3i5e in*or(ation on 3er5i2e3 u3edM Enable 2u3to(er 2are 2'annel3 to (aintain all 2u3to(er in*or(ation in one pla2e;

Aillin) (i)ration and de5elop(ent 3trate)ie3 adopted by 3er5i2e pro5ider3 o5er t'e neFt *e9 year3 2an a**e2t t'eir ability to 2o(pete in t'e (ulti-3er5i2e o**erin)3 en5iron(ent t'at 9ill be enabled by broadband IP net9or1 2apabilitie3 and de5i2e3; Alt'ou)' IP ba3ed 3er5i2e3 are )ro9in)% operator3 3'ould be)in no9 to de5elop and i(ple(ent billin) and re5enue (ana)e(ent 3olution3 t'at 9ill allo9 *leFibility and 3peed to (ar1et t'e IP ba3ed 3er5i2e3% 9it'out t'e ri31 o* ne)ati5ely a**e2tin) 2urrent re5enue 3trea(3; In t'e lon)er ter(% t'ey (u3t al3o de5elop 2ontent 3ettle(ent and partner relation3'ip (ana)e(ent *un2tionalitie3;

Pa)e # o* +,

:/ L&,,on L&$rn' +ro- G!o1$! Ini'i$'i0&,

Point3 *ro( t'e )lobal initiati5e3 and )lobal trend3 t'e *ollo9in) 1ey le33on3 3'all be ta1en into 2on3ideration in t'eir re)ulatory role;

; 8oIP 'a3 already ta1en it3 3tron) po3ition in t'e tele2o( indu3try irre3pe2ti5e o* 9'et'er
t'e re)ulation i3 in pla2e or not;

#; Lar)e nu(ber o* e(bra2e(ent and t'e )ro9in) de(and *ro( end u3er *or t'i3
te2'nolo)y 'a3 already ta1en eFponential )ro9t';

-; Un*ore3een 2o(petitor3 beyond t'e li(it o* t'e parti2ular 2ountrie3 border3 3tarted
t'reatenin) in ter(3 o* (ar1et 2o(petition a3 an international 2o(petition parti2ularly in National and International Telep'one u3a)e; CEFa(ple S1ype% Goo)le Tal1% et2;D

.; Liberali3ation o* 8oIP 'a3 ta1en pla2e in (any de5eloped nation3 brou)'t real bene*it3
to it3 end u3er and in lar)e *or t'e 2ountryE3 e2ono(y a3 9ell;

/; Furt'er it endor3e t'at tel2o3 in SATRC (e(ber 2ountrie3 3'ould a2t at lar)e to 2o(pete
9it' international 2o(petitor3 3u2' a3 S1ype% Goo)le et2; in order to en3ure t'eir 3ta1e in t'e international arena; T'ere*ore% t'e re)ulator in t'e SATRC Countrie3 3'ould a2t a3 *a2ilitator *or 8oIP deploy(ent 9'ere5er po33ible 9'ile en3urin) t'e national prioritie3 and in t'e national intere3t;

+; One type o* 8oIP% PC to PC i3 2on3idered a3 a appli2ation 3er5i2e in (any 2ountrie3

9'ere no re)ulation3 in pla2e;

;/ R&gu!$'or# I,,u&, I- $"'ing I- !&-&n'$'ion o+ VoIP

;/( K&# Po!i"# I,,u&, r&!$'&% 7i'* VoIP T'e rapid te2'nolo)i2al de5elop(ent3 and better :uality o* 5oi2e 2o((uni2ation3 are 3'apin) t'e *uture o* tele2o(; T'e enor(ou3 in2rea3e in data tra**i2 in international 32enario% in2rea3in) a22eptability o* IP net9or13% adoptability o* NGN by (any 2ountrie3% and 5ery liberal re)ulatory re)i(e *or Internet telep'ony re:uire a *re3' re5ie9 o* eFi3tin) re)ulatory re)i(e; It pre3ent3 a dile((a; 0'ile t'e pre3ent re)ulatory *ra(e9or1 denie3 *ruit3 o* te2'nolo)i2al ad5an2e(ent3 to rea2' to 2o((on (a33e3% on t'e ot'er 'and per(ittin) t'e3e 3er5i2e3 under 5ariou3 li2en3e3 (ay rai3e t'e i33ue o* t'e le5el playin) *ield; Globally tele2o((uni2ation3 are bein) 3'aped by 3teep )ro9t' o* broadband and 9irele33 3ub32riber3; T'e re)ulatory en5iron(ent 3'ould be dyna(i2% enablin)% e**i2ient and en2oura)e 2o(petition; Ben2e re)ulatory *ra(e9or1 *or Internet telep'ony 'a3 to be 2on3idered in 5ie9 o* 2on5er)en2e and ot'er 3i(ilar de5elop(ent3 ta1in) pla2e a2ro33 t'e )lobe; Se5eral 2ountrie3 'a5e opened up t'eir (ar1et3 *urt'er *or ne9 and 2o3t e**e2ti5e 3er5i2e3 3u2' a3 Internet telep'ony by 2reatin) 2ondu2i5e 2ondition3; 0orld9ide% t'e re)ulatory trend3 and pra2ti2e3 are 3upportin) te2'nolo)i2al neutrality% 2o(petition and introdu2tion o* te2'nolo)i2al Pa)e ## o* +,

ad5an2e(ent3 in tele2o( 3e2tor; I(portantly% or)ani7ation3 3u2' a3 0orld Aan1% International Tele2o((uni2ation Union et2; 'a5e a2ti5ely *a5oured deploy(ent o* IP ba3ed net9or13 and 3er5i2e3 *or a2'ie5in) opti(u( tele2o( )ro9t' and 2o3t e**e2ti5e tele2o( 3er5i2e3 to 3ub32riber3; ;/. C!$,,i+i"$'ion o+ VoIP S&r0i"&, +or R&gu!$'ion Cor&2E%g&2A""&,, A3 9eE5e already indi2ated 2urrent re)ulatory treat(ent *or 8oIP ran)e3 *ro( 2o(plete pro'ibition to un2onditional per(i33ibility; >i**erent 2ountrie3 'a5e ta1en di**erin) approa2'e3% o*ten related to di**erent pre5ailin) (ar1et 2ondition3 and de)ree o* liberali7ation; 0'en any 2ountrie3 do not 3pe2i*i2ally pro'ibit 8oIP and?or do not 'a5e 3pe2i*i2 re)ulation *or it but (o3t li1ely t'ey do not allo9 8oIP a3 it 9ill ad5er3ely a**e2t on t'e re5enue o* in2u(bent 2arrier by di5ertin) international 2all3M t'i3 re3ult3 in t'e in2rea3e o* )rey (ar1et or PSTN 2all bypa33; 0e *ind t'e *ollo9in) t'ree di**erent 32enario3 or 2la33i*i2ation3 o* 8oIP 3er5i2e3K C$'&gor# I5 Pur& In'&rn&' 3$,&% VoIP S&r0i"&, ("o- u'&r 'o "o- u'&r) In t'i3 i(ple(entation 32enario% 8oIP o**erin)3 donEt really re:uire re)ulation and t'e entry barrier3 are 5ery lo9; T'e only re:uire(ent i3 to 'a5e 2o(patible 8oIP 3o*t9are on t9o 2o(puter3 to be able to tal1 to ea2' ot'er; T'e3e type3 o* 3er5i2e3 are t'e olde3t one3 and t'eir :uality 'a3 been i(pro5ed due to i(pro5e(ent3 in t'e 8oIP al)orit'(3 and due to t'e in2rea3e in 2apa2ity o* t'e Internet and i(pro5ed a22e33 te2'nolo)ie3 Cbroadband te2'nolo)ie3 3u2' a3 A>SL% 0iFi% 0iMAR et2D; 0e 2an *ind 3e5eral pro5ider3 o* t'e3e 3er5i2e3% 9'i2' are in 2o(petition 9it' ea2' ot'er and 9it' t'e traditional tele2o( operator3 in SATRC (e(ber 2ountrie3 li1e India% Nepal and Aan)lade3'; C$'&gor# II5 VoIP in Pri0$'& IP N&'7ork, T'i3 in2lude3 8oIP 3er5i2e3 or o**erin)3 9'i2' are out3ide t'e 32ope o* re)ulation and t'ere are nor(ally no publi2 obli)ation3 3u2' a3 t'e u3e o* 8oIP in t'e 2orporate net9or13 and lately in 2ity net9or13 and ot'er net9or13 e3tabli3'ed by 2lo3ed u3er )roup3 to pro5ide 2o((uni2ation in3ide t'e 2o(panie3; T'i3 re:uire3 t'e e3tabli3'(ent and (aintenan2e o* dedi2ated 3er5i2e3 9it' dedi2ated ter(inal3; T'e u3er3 in t'e3e net9or13 need% *urt'er(ore% to 2o((uni2ate 9it' t'e PSTN net9or13 and% t'ere*ore% at lea3t one PSTN )ate9ay i3 ne2e33ary; >ependin) on t'e eFtent o* t'e net9or13% t'e 8oIP 3er5i2e pro5ider3 2an be totally or partly in dire2t 2o(petition 9it' traditional tele2o( operator3; C$'&gor# III5 In'&rn&' 1$,&% 7i'* PSTN In'&r"onn&"'ion T'i3 2ate)ory 2an be u3ed to re*er publi2ly a5ailable 3er5i2e3 pro5ided to t'e end u3er u3in) 8oIP te2'nolo)y; In t'i3 2a3e% t'e 8oIP 3er5i2e o**erin)3 *all into a 2ate)ory o* le)iti(ate re)ulatory 2on2ern; Bo9e5er% t'ere are (any di**erent 1ind3 o* publi2ly a5ailable 8oIP 3er5i2e o**erin)3 and t'e re)ulatory treat(ent depend3 on t'e nature o* t'e 3er5i2e bein) o**ered and rele5ant national le)i3lation; Publi2ly a5ailable 8oIP 3er5i2e3 belon)in) in t'i3 2ate)ory 'a5e a22e33 to and?or *ro( t'e PSTN Ci;e; u3e o* a PSTN-Gate9ayD; T'i3 type o* 3er5i2e 2an *urt'er be di5ided into at lea3t t'ree type3K

Pa)e #- o* +,

8oIP Ser5i2e3% 9'ere t'ere i3 a22e33 to and *ro( PSTN Ci;e; u3e o* a PSTNGate9ayD 8oIP Ser5i2e3% 9'ere t'ere i3 a22e33 to t'e PSTN Ci;e; u3e o* a PSTN-Gate9ayD

8oIP Ser5i2e% 9'ere t'ere i3 a22e33 *ro( t'e PSTN Ci;e; u3e o* a PSTN-Gate9ayD
In t'i3 2a3e% t'e entry barrier3 di**er dependin) on t'e eFtent and 32ope o* t'e net9or13; One o* t'e (ain para(eter3 in t'i3 i(ple(entation 32enario i3 t'e 3tru2ture o* t'e net9or13 and t'e nu(ber and lo2ation o* PSTN )ate9ay3; To be able to 2o(pete 9it' traditional PSTN it i3 ne2e33ary to route t'e 5oi2e tra**i2 a3 *ar a3 po33ible 9it'in t'e Internet ba21bone and to put t'e PSTN )ate9ay3 a3 2lo3e to t'e end-u3er3 a3 po33ible% or to pla2e t'e )ate9ay3 in lo2ation3 9it' t'e be3t tari** 3tru2ture; 0e *ind t'at (o3t o* t'e SATRC (e(ber 2ountrie3 'a5e not re3tri2ted t'e u3e o* 2ate)ory I type o* 8oIP 3er5i2e3% 'o9e5er% any re)ulation?de2i3ion (i)'t yet be in t'e pro2e33; Si(ilarly% SATRC (e(ber 2ountrie3 donEt 'a5e re3tri2tion3 *or #nd 2ate)ory o* 8oIP o**erin)3 9'ere 8oIP 'a3 been opened in 3o(e *or( 3u2' a3 in India and Nepal; T'e t'ird 2ate)ory o* 8oIP o**erin)3 are yet to be i(ple(ented in SATRC (e(ber 2ountrie3; T'u3% 9e *ind 8oIP 3er5i2e3 ba3ed on PC-to-PC 2all3 are u3ually unre)ulated 9'erea3 2all3 *ro( a 8oIP p'one to t'e PSTN are re)ulated; T'e PC-to-PC 5oi2e 2o((uni2ation Cpeer-to-peer 8oIPD or IP-to-IP 5oi2e 2o((uni2ation i3 ta1en a3 t'e appli2ation 3er5i2e in (any e2ono(ie3 A3 (any o* t'e 2ountrie3 'a5e en5i3a)ed t'e te2'nolo)y neutral poli2y% 8oIP i3 o*ten 2on3idered a3 5oi2e 3er5i2e e:ui5alent to PSTN telep'ony 3er5i2e% deli5ered by (ean3 o* Internet or IP net9or13 and 'a3 treated t'e 3a(e 9ay a3 PSTNM u3ually 9'ile pro5idin) Cate)ory III 8oIP 3er5i2e3; T'ere*ore 3i(ilar approa2' 2an be ta1en *or 8oIP 2on3idered 9'ile 2la33i*yin) 8oIP 3er5i2e3; ;/) Uni0&r,$! A""&,,2S&r0i"& Pro0i,ion, $n% VoIP Uni5er3al a22e33?3er5i2e pro5i3ion3 re*er to (any (et'od3 u3ed to en3ure t'at tele2o((uni2ation u3er3 lo2ated in area3 9'ere i(ple(entation 2o3t3 are 'i)'er are o**ered tele2o((uni2ation 3er5i2e3 o* a :uality and pri2e 2o(parable to u3er3 lo2ated in area3 9'ere i(ple(entation 2o3t3 are lo9er; One 9ell-1no9n (et'od i3 to i(po3e% by re)ulation% lo9 pri2e3 *or 'i)'-2o3t area3% 9'i2' u3ually re3ult3 in 3o(e9'at 'i)'er pri2e3 in lo9-2o3t area3; Anot'er (et'od 2on3i3t3 o* a 2olle2tin) a 3pe2ial taF to be u3ed *or tele2o((uni2ation de5elop(ent in 'i)'-2o3t area3 C*or eFa(ple% i3olated or ruralD; T'e (et'od3 u3ed to i(ple(ent uni5er3al a22e33?3er5i2e pro5i3ion3 5ary *ro( 2ountry to 2ountryM eFa(ple3 in2lude 2ro33-3ub3idy by u3er3 in 'i)'-den3ity area3 to u3er3 in lo9-den3ity area3% )o5ern(ent 3ub3idie3% taFation% et2; T'e 2'oi2e o* a parti2ular re)i(e o* uni5er3al a22e33?3er5i2e pro5i3ion% i* any% i3 a 2o(pleF (atter t'at depend3 on t'e o5erall in*or(ation and 2o((uni2ation te2'nolo)y CICTD poli2y o* t'e 2ountryM t'e 3tate o* it3 2urrent tele2o((uni2ation3 en5iron(entM it3 )eneral 3tan2e 9it' re3pe2t to re)ulation% 3ub3idie3 and taFation; 0e *ind t'at India and Nepal bot' 'a5e t'e (andatory 2ondition3 *or any type o* 8oIP pro5ider3 to 2ontribute 2ertain per2enta)e o* t'eir re5enue to USO *und; It i3 t'e 9idely a22epted idea t'at e5en in EU 2ountrie3 and ot'er3 t'at 8oIP pro5ider3 'a5e to 2ontribute *or USO *und 3o a3 to eFpand IP in*ra3tru2ture3 in under3er5ed and rural area3; Pa)e #. o* +,

8oIP Pro5ider3 (ay be obli)ed to 2ontribute *or USO *und 3o a3 to eFpand in*ra3tru2ture3 in under3er5ed and rural area3; ;/4 Nu-1&ring $n% Nu-1&r Por'$1i!i'# +or VoIP S&r0i"&, It i3 belie5ed t'at 8oIP 3er5i2e3 9ill 2o-eFi3t 9it' t'e PSTN% at lea3t in t'e tran3ition 3ta)e; T'e 3u22e33 o* 8oIP 9ill depend on it3 a22e33 to t'e national E; +. nu(berin) re3our2e; Any re)ulatory ob3ta2le3 in a22e33in) nu(ber3 2an i(pede or 3lo9 8oIP de5elop(ent; One (odel *or 8oIP nu(berin) i3 to a33i)n a ne9 nu(ber 3erie3 *or 8oIP 3er5i2e3; Aut t'i3 (ay 2reate 2on*u3ion at t'e 2on3u(er 3ide on t'e 2'ara2ter o* t'e3e ne9 nu(ber3% e;);% on t'e 2o3t o* 2allin) to t'e3e ne9 nu(ber3; Anot'er ne)ati5e a3pe2t o* t'i3 (odel i3 t'at it )oe3 a)ain3t te2'nolo)y neutrality in t'e re)ulation o* 8oIP 3er5i2e3; T'ere*ore% t'e ideal (odel 2ould be to a33i)n )eo)rap'i2 nu(ber3 3i(ilar to t'e 2urrent PSTN nu(ber3 and to re:uire nu(ber portability% 3o people are not *or2ed to 2'an)e t'eir p'one nu(ber3 9'en t'ey 9ant to 2'an)e to a 2o(petiti5e o**erin) 8oIP 3er5i2e3; 0e *ind t'at India% in it3 re2o((endation to >oT 'a3 propo3ed t'e 3a(e and 3u))e3ted *or a detail 3tudy *or allo2ation o* nu(berin) re3our2e to 8oIP 3er5i2e3; All ot'er SATRC (e(ber 2ountrie3 2an bene*it *ro( t'i3 re2o((endation and a33i)n )eo)rap'i2 nu(ber li1e PSTN *or o**erin) 8oIP 3er5i2e3 Ce3pe2ially *or Cate)ory III type o* 8oIP 3er5i2e o**erin)3D; Geo)rap'i2 nu(ber li1e PSTN 2an be a33i)ned to FiFed 8oIP Pro5ider3 9'erea3 non)eo)rap'i2 nu(ber3 2an be a33i)ned to Mobile 8oIP Pro5ider3; ;/: VoIP In'&r"onn&"'ion 7i'* !&g$"# n&'7ork, &/g/ PSTN Inter2onne2tion to t'e le)a2y PSTN net9or13 i3 e33ential *or t'e 3u22e33*ul i(ple(entation o* 8oIP 3er5i2e3; T'i3 inter2onne2tion i3 i(ple(ented by u3in) )ate9ay3 and 2ontra2tual a)ree(ent3 bet9een 8oIP pro5ider3 and PSTN operator3; Fair and non-di32ri(inatory 2ondition3 *or inter2onne2tion are pre2ondition *or 3u22e33*ul de5elop(ent o* 8oIP; T'e inter2onne2tion )uideline3 3'ould addre33 t'e i33ue o* ter(inatin) IP tra**i2 a(on) operator3 and 2learly de*ine ba3i3 *or inter2onne2tion a)ree(ent; T'e 8oIP Operator3 need to 'a5e inter2onne2tion 9it' t'e le)a2y net9or1 9'i2' (ay be 5olu(e ba3ed or band9idt' ba3ed or SLA ba3ed and 3'ould be addre33ed in inter2onne2tion )uideline3; T'e Operator3 (ay ne)otiate *or t'e pri2e o* inter2onne2tion% 'o9e5erM t'ey need to 2o(ply 9it' t'e inter2onne2tion )uideline3; In t'i3 9or1% 9e ta1e t'e *ir3t 3tep in addre33in) t'e pra2ti2al i33ue3 related to deployin) 8oIP 3er5i2e3 o5er a (e3' net9or1; Our (ain 2ontribution i3 in propo3in) and e5aluatin) per*or(an2e opti(i7in) te2'ni:ue3 t'at are 2ru2ial *or 3upportin) 8oIP o5er (e3' net9or1; Aa3ed on in5e3ti)atin) 5ariou3 de3i)n 2'oi2e3 and eFperi(entally e5aluatin) t'e propo3ed opti(i7ation (et'od3 u3in) real te3t bed and n3-# 3i(ulation3% 9e (a1e t'e *ollo9in) i(portant 2on2lu3ion3; For in2rea3in) 2apa2ity in ter(3 o* nu(ber o* 2all3 3upported% 5oi2e pa21et a))re)ation and 'eader 2o(pre33ion to)et'er pro5ide a *a2tor o* - bene*it3; In order to (aintain t'e tar)et R-32ore :uality (ea3ure o* an on-)oin) 8oIP 2all% *a3t pat' 39it2'in) u3in) label ba3ed *or9ardin) 2an ea3ily adapt to t'e *lu2tuatin) 2'annel 2ondition3;

Pa)e #/ o* +,

Lo9 'ando** laten2y 2an 3i)ni*i2antly redu2e t'e :uality di3ruption o* an on-)oin) 8oIP 2all durin) 'ando**; T'e 2o(bined layer-# and layer-- 'ando** laten2y u3in) t'e propo3ed te2'ni:ue3 yield3 le33 t'an /$- $$(3 and t'ereby de(on3trate3 t'e *ea3ibility o* 3upportin) 3ea(le33 (obility in a 9irele33 (e3' net9or1 e5en in t'e pre3en2e o* *re:uent 'ando**3; ! ;/; A""&,, 'o E-&rg&n"# C$!! S&r0i"&, +or VoIP T'e po33ibility to per*or( e(er)en2y 2all3 and to route t'e 2all to t'e neare3t aut'ority% C*ire depart(ent% poli2e% 'o3pital3% et2;D 'a3 been de*ined a3 a 2ore ele(ent o* Publi2 A5ailable Telep'ony CPATSD in Europe @; Si(ilar re:uire(ent3 are part o* t'e re)ulation in ot'er 2ountrie3; Al3o lo2ation in*or(ation be2o(e3 (ore and (ore a re:uire(ent po3ed bot' *or *iFed and (obile telep'ony; In 8oIP it i3 po33ible to (aintain t'e po3itionin) and routin) in*or(ation *or e(er)en2y 2all3; Bo9e5er t'i3 re:uire3 u3e o* 8oIP 3er5i2e3 *ro( *iFed lo2ation3; Aut% one o* t'e pro(i3in) 2'ara2teri3ti23 o* 8oIP 3er5i2e3 i3 no(adi2 u3e; In no(adi2 u3e% at t'e 2urrent le5el o* te2'nolo)i2al de5elop(ent% t'e po3ition in*or(ation 2annot be 2onne2ted to t'e e(er)en2y 2all; T'i3 i3 a 2'allen)e bot' to t'e (ar1et player3 and to t'e re)ulatory *ra(e9or1; For proli*eration o* 8oIP 3er5i2e% t'e re)ulator3 (ay relaF t'i3 2ondition to t'e operator3M 'o9e5er% t'e 8oIP operator3 3'ould be (andated to in*or( 3u2' li(itation o* t'eir 3er5i2e3 to t'e 3ub32riber3; At t'i3 3ta)e o* de5elop(ent% t'e re)ulator3 (ay relaF t'e 2ondition o* e(er)en2y 2allin) 2apability *or t'e proli*eration o* 8oIP (ar1etM 'o9e5er% t'e operator3 3'ould be (andated to in*or( t'e 3a(e to 2on3u(er3; At a later 3ta)e% t'e re)ulator3 2an i(po3e t'i3 2ondition and operator3 9ill be obli)ed to do t'e 3a(e; ;/9 L&0&! P!$#ing $n% Co- &'i'ion Mi2ro3o*t 'a3 a2:uired 9'at i3 e33entially a )lobal telep'ony 2o(pany 9it' ++- (illion re)i3tered u3er3 and 5ery 3i)ni*i2ant )ro33 pro*itability; S1ype 2ontributed (ore net ne9 (inute3 o* international 5oi2e t'an t'e re3t o* t'e indu3try put to)et'er in #$ $% a22ordin) to Tele)eo)rap'y; S1ype 'a3 ne5er 3tru))led to a2'ie5e )ro9t'% but it3 pro*itability 'a3 o*ten been 2riti2i3ed% a3 'a3 it3 ability to )enerate )ro9t' in ARPU; T'e *ollo9in) 2'art C*i)ure ,D 3u((ari3e3 S1ypeE3 operational 1ey per*or(an2e indi2ator3 C&PI3D 3in2e #$$+;

Per*or(an2e Opti(i7ation3 *or >eployin) 8oIP Ser5i2e3 in Me3' Net9or13 C#$$+D Paper Ay S; Gan)uly% 8; Na5da% &; &i(% A; &a3'yap% >; Ni2ule32u% R; I7(ailo5% S; Bon)% and S; >a3; @ For (ore detail re*er TCo((uni2ation 3ta** do2u(ent on t'e treat(ent o* 8oi2e o5er Internet Proto2ol C8oIPD under t'e EU re)ulatory *ra(e9or1% Aru33el3% June% #$$. Pa)e #+ o* +,

$igure C/6a4 Skype +icrosoft *sers and !RP* Dune 1=33.< <ue3tion3 'a5e been rai3ed about S1ypeE3 per*or(an2e in 2on5ertin) re)i3tered or e5en a2ti5e u3er3 into payin) u3er3; T'i3 i3 2riti2al% a3 ARPU i3 relati5ely *lat; Bo9e5er% a (ont'ly ARPU *or payin) u3er3 o* Q! 9ould be 2on3idered 5ery rea3onable *or an e(er)in)-(ar1et GSM operator and 3u2' an operator 9ould tie up *ar (ore 2apital t'an S1ype doe3; A3 all S1ype u3er3 2ontribute to t'e 3y3te(E3 peer-to-peer CP#PD in*ra3tru2ture% t'e (ar)inal 2o3t o* 3er5in) nonpayin) u3er3 i3 e33entially not'in); Anot'er 9ay o* loo1in) at t'e &PI3 i3 to 2on3ider t'eir )ro9t' rate3% a3 9e 'a5e done in t'e *ollo9in) 2'art C*i)ure ,D; Alt'ou)' t'e )ro9t' o* payin) u3er3 i3 no9'ere near a3 *a3t a3 t'at o* *ree (inute3 o* u3e% .$S )ro9t' per annu( in re5enue-)eneratin) 3ub32riber3 i3 3till 5ery i(pre33i5e; S1ype doe3nHt (a1e (oney on *ree 2all3 Cnot e5en *ro( ad5erti3in) or 2u3to(er analyti23?in3i)'t3% yetD% and 'a3 to pay inter2onne2tion *ee3 and operate 3o(e in*ra3tru2ture in order to pro5ide S1ypeOut C2all3 to 2on5entional telep'one nu(ber3% rat'er t'an ot'er S1ype 2lient3D% and S1ypeIn C2all3 *ro( t'e PSTN to S1ype u3er3D; S1ype 32epti23 'a5e ar)ued t'at e5entually ter(ination 2'ar)e3 9ill 2at2' up 9it' t'e 2o(pany and de3troy it3 pro*itability; It i3 true t'at (o3t o* S1ypeE3 re5enue3 are )enerated Co5er !$SD by S1ypeOut 2all 2'ar)e3 and t'at S1ypeE3 2o3t o* net re5enue i3 do(inated Co5er +$SD by t'e 2o3t o* ter(inatin) t'e3e 2all3; Bo9e5er% ter(ination a3 a per2enta)e o* S1ypeE3 2o3t o* net re5enue i3 *allin) and S1ypeE3 )ro33 (ar)in i3 ri3in)% a3 it3 enor(ou3 5olu(e )ro9t' enable3 it to eFtra2t better bul1 pri2in) *ro( inter2onne2t operator3;

Source4 Skype2s S837 +ay 1=33 8 Skype2s GPIs4 users7 usage7 and !RP*7 ,ttp4""%%%/telco1researc,/com"articles"!&>Skype8+icrosoft8means8for8telcos>Summary 9C,art ,as been redesigned for clarity: Pa)e #, o* +,

-"gure 6.7b& 2nnual .ro%t) ,"nutes.( T'e 2'art abo5e 3'o93 t'e ri3e o* 8oIP and t'e relati5e *all o* T>M; It al3o 3'o93 t'e )ro9t' o* (inute3; At *ir3t )lan2e itE3 2on*u3in) a3 )ro9t' i3 de2rea3in) yet 8oIP U T>M to)et'er i3 )ro9in); Bo9 2an t'i3 beG In a 9ord S1ypeK S1ype i3 repre3entin) t'e )ap in total )ro9t' (inute3; Intere3tin) *or 3ure; Aut 9'at S1ype 3tarted i3% a)ain% t'e (o3t i(portant ta1ea9ay *ro( t'e 2o(panyE3 eFi3ten2e; It 3tarted a 2old 9ar 9it' t'e traditional operator3 9it'in t'e tele2o((uni2ation3 3e2tor t'at 'a3 turned 'ot o5er t'e pa3t *e9 year3 9it' S1ype 2o(petitor3 li1e Rebtel% 8iber and ot'er3; ItE3 only re2ently t'at t'e traditional operator3 'a5e or)ani7ed t'e(3el5e3 out3ide o* t'eir la))in) 3tandard3 bodie3 to atte(pt and an39er to t'e 6S1ype e**e2t=;##

;/= S&"uri'# $n% Pri0$"# in VoIP A

!i"$'ion, 2 S&r0i"&,

0it' our in2rea3in) dependen2e on 2o(puter net9or13% t'e i(portan2e o* net9or1 3e2urity% in2ludin) appropriate pro5i3ion3 *or la9 en*or2e(ent 2on2ern3 and pri5a2y% need3 to be addre33ed; T'e eFplo3i5e )ro9t' in t'e u3e o* 2o(puter3 'a3 in2rea3ed t'e dependen2e o* T,e &e% $rontier In Softp,onesFIt2s !bout t,e (ndpoints not t,e Softp,one/ ctober 3C7 1=33 Todd Carot,ers7 Senior Vice President of +arketing and Products 9C,art ,as been redesigned for clarity: 93? +arc, 1=31: ,ttp4""blog/counterpat,/com"60C"t,e8ne%8frontier8in8 softp,ones8its8about8t,e8endpoints8not8t,e8softp,one ## T,e &e% $rontier In Softp,onesFIt2s !bout t,e (ndpoints not t,e Softp,one/ ctober 3C7 1=33 Todd Carot,ers7 Senior Vice President of +arketing and Products 93? +arc, 1=31: ,ttp4""blog/counterpat,/com"60C"t,e8ne%8frontier8in8softp,ones8its8about8t,e8endpoints8not8t,e8 softp,one Pa)e #! o* +,

or)ani7ation3 and indi5idual3 on t'e in*or(ation 3tored and 2o((uni2ated u3in) t'e3e 3y3te(3; T'i3 'a3 led to a 'ei)'tened a9arene33 o* t'e need to prote2t data and re3our2e3% pro5ide la9 en*or2e(ent o**i2ial3 9it' e**e2ti5e tool3 to 2o(bat 2yber2ri(e% de5elop a )lobal 2ulture o* 2yber 3e2urity% and *ind e**e2ti5e (ean3 to 2o(bat 3pa(; So(e de5eloped 2ountrie3 'a5e pro5i3ion3 de3i)ned to *a2ilitate tra21in) and ea5e3droppin) by la9 en*or2e(ent aut'oritie3% le)al *ra(e9or13 to 2o(bat 3pa(% a3 9ell a3 pro5i3ion3 to prote2t t'e identitie3 o* u3er3 o* 2o((uni2ation 3er5i2e3 and t'e 2ontent o* t'o3e 2o((uni2ation3; In (any 3u2' 2ountrie3% pri5a2y and 3e2urity pro5i3ion3 are 5ery )eneral and apply to any (ediu(% not 4u3t to tele2o((uni2ation3; A (a4or poli2y :ue3tion i3 9'et'er% and i* 3o to 9'at eFtent and 'o9% pro5i3ion3 related to 3e2urity and pri5a2y 3'ould apply to IP-ba3ed net9or13 or IP-ba3ed appli2ation3 3u2' a3 8oIP% ta1in) into a22ount t'e traditional di**eren2e3 in t'e treat(ent o* publi2 and pri5ate net9or13; In parti2ular% to 9'at eFtent% i* any% 3'ould t'ere be pro5i3ion3 *or IP-ba3ed net9or13 to en3ure t'e identi*i2ation and tra2eability o* pa21et-ori)inator3 and?or re2ipient3G ;/> In'&ro &r$1i!i'# $n% S'$n%$r%i?$'ion >i**erent 3tandard3 are u3ed to e3tabli3' 8oIP 3er5i2e3 3u2' a3 SIP% B-#- and (ay be any ot'er in near *uture; It i3 i(portant to e3tabli3' interoperability bet9een t'e3e 3tandard3; T'e interoperability (ay be i(ple(ented at t'e te2'nolo)y or (ar1et le5el3; Al3o ne9 nu(berin) 32'e(e3 li1e )lobal >iallin) Sy3te( and ENUM (ay re:uire 3tandardi7ation and interoperability; I* t'e (ar1et player3 2annot *ind 3olution3 *or interoperability% re)ulatory (ea3ure3 (ay be ne2e33ary; ;/(< @u$!i'# o+ S&r0i"& Re2ent te2'nolo)i2al de5elop(ent3 'a5e redu2ed delay3 to le5el3 2on3i3tent 9it' 3er5i2e3 o**ered by 2ir2uit-39it2'ed 5oi2e operator3% (a1in) di3tin2tion3 bet9een real-ti(e and non-realti(e 5oi2e 3er5i2e le33 3i)ni*i2ant; 0e *ind IndiaE3 re)ulation3 relatin) to t'e :uality o* 8oIP 3er5i2e3 9ere a(ended in January #$$. to aboli3' t'e belo9-toll :uality di3tin2tion and to apply only to toll-:uality <oS#-% a3 all 8oIP 3er5i2e pro5ider3 pro5ided toll-:uality 3er5i2e3 by t'e end o* #$$-; So(e 2ountrie3 3till 3tipulate (ini(u( 2riteria *or <oS Ce;); Japan% SpainD; T'e (odern parallel to <oS i3 *un2tionality% 9it' Bon) &on) di3tin)ui3'in) bet9een Cla33 and Cla33 # li2en3e3 on t'e ba3i3 o* 9'et'er t'ey o**er t'e 3a(e *un2tionality a3 PSTN #. Cin2ludin) e(er)en2y 2all 3er5i2e3% nu(ber portability% et2;D; T'i3 o**er3 *leFibility 9it' t'e option o* (ore li(ited re)ulatory re:uire(ent3; T'e <oS para(eter3 *or 8oIP are u3ually deter(ined by t'e re)ulator; T'e <oS o**ered by operator3 and 8oIP 3er5i2e pro5ider3 ta1e3 into a22ount 2o3t and 3e2urity 2on3ideration3; For (any operator3% 8oIP i3 t'e *ir3t in2arnation o* a NeFt Generation Net9or1 CNGND; Bo9e5er% NGN i3 a (u2' broader 2on2ept% )uaranteein) a 2ertain (ini(u( <oS and )enerali7ed (obility t'at are not o**ered by 8oIP; 5TR!I amends regulation on ;oS for VoIP IL' Service in t,e interest of consumers of remote areaH7 16 Dan 1==? at4 ,ttp4""%%%/trai/gov/in"trai"upload"PressReleases"1=="PressI1=Release I1=16I1=DanI1==?/pdf/ #. 5Gno% more about IP Telep,ony ServiceH7 $T! at4 ,ttp4""%%%/ofta/gov/,k"en"publications"leaflets/,tml/ Pa)e #@ o* +,

T'ere are prin2ipal di3tin2tion3 o* 8oIP in u3e by di**erent 2ountrie3; T'e de*inition u3ed o*ten depend3 on purpo3e% and i3 o*ten deter(ined 9it' an eye to t'e re)ulatory 2on3e:uen2e3; T'e OEC> 'a3 a broad de*inition o* 8oIP% but u3e3 a narro9 de*inition *or poli2y purpo3e3 in order to *o2u3 on t'o3e 8oIP 3er5i2e3 t'at *un2tion (o3t li1e PSTN; So(e re)ulator3 'a5e rea2'ed t'eir de*inition3 o* 8oIP 3er5i2e3% 9it' an eye to t'e re)ulatory re:uire(ent3 t'at be2o(e ne2e33ary dependin) on t'e de*inition; For eFa(ple% lo2ation and e(er)en2y 2all 3er5i2e3 (ay be di**i2ult *or ne9 entrant3 to (eet% 3o 9it'in t'e United &in)do(% 2la33i*i2ation o* 8oIP a3 a PATS 'a3 been p'a3ed in% 9it' a 6poli2y o* interi( *orbearan2e poli2y= by t'e U& re)ulator OFCOM to )i5e ne9 entrant3 ti(e to (eet t'e obli)ation3 re:uired o* PATS pro5ider3 C9'i2' in2lude lo2ation and e(er)en2y 2all 3er5i2e3D; In (any 2ountrie3% 8oIP 3er5i2e pro5ider3 are re:uired to in*or( 2u3to(er3 o* t'e 2apabilitie3 and li(itation3 o* t'eir 3er5i2e Ce;); in Bon) &on)% Ireland% U&D; In 2a3e o* SATRC 2ountrie3% 9e *ind di**erent 2ountrie3 at di**erin) 3ta)e3 o* 8oIP i(ple(entation and al3o t'ey 'a5e di**erent re)ulatory de*inition3 *or 8oIP; AppendiF# 3'o93 t'e 3ta)e3 o* i(ple(entation o* 8oIP 3er5i2e3 in SATRC 2ountrie3;

Pa)e -$ o* +,

9/ Curr&n' 3ri&+ S'$'u, o+ VOIP $n% Ini'i$'i0&, o+ SATRC Coun'ri&,.:


3uest"ons 'efined VoIP/ VoIP Policy in place/ Status of VoIP/

4es(onse & & & T !LL #('

T$1!& 9/(5 @u&,'ionn$ir& A SATRC VoIP I,,u&, A A+g*$ni,'$n R&, on,& ( 8OIP 'a3 'ad no de*ined de*inition in A*)'ani3tan yet; A3 per t'e ter(3 and 2ondition3 o* ISP li2en3e3% ISP li2en3ee3 a3 9ell a3 3olution pro5ider3 and tele2o( e:uip(ent i(port and 3ale li2en3ee3 'a5e no any ri)'t 9'et'er to pro5ide 8OIP 3er5i2e3 or i(port and 3ell e:uip(ent *or 3u2' a purpo3e; Al3o no 8oIP 3er5i2e i3 allo9ed in t'e 2ountry; C2T6.745 PC to PC VoIP !llo%ed VoIP allo%ed for &ational or Inter national Services VoIP allo%ed for &ational Pr oviders for VoIP allo%ed for International Providers for Types of licenses allo% VoIP PC to P,one P,one to P,one &ational Inter national Core &et%ork !ccess &et%ork Core &et%ork !ccess &et%ork &ational Inter national PST& Types of perator s pr oviding VoIP PL+& ISP Inter national Gate%ay perator s 56S #7 J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J

VoIP Issues in S!TRC7 Survey8;uestionnaire7 1=33 9Sri Lanka7 India7 !fg,anistan7 Banglades,7 B,utan7&epal and +aldives:/ Pa)e - o* +,

T$1!& 9/.5 @u&,'ionn$ir& A SATRC VoIP I,,u&, A A+g*$ni,'$n R&, on,& . 8OIP i3 not allo9ed *or National or International 3er5i2e3; Al3o 8oIP i3 not allo9ed *or anyone a3 part o* net9or1 3u2' a3 Core and A22e33 Net9or1; In 2a3e 8oIP allo9ed in international t'en i3 allo9ed *or EGO operator3 in 2ore net9or1; No any type o* li2en3e i3 allo9ed *or t'i3 8oIP or to pro5ide 3u2' 3er5i2e3; Nu(ber o* operator3 pro5idin) t'e 8oIP 3er5i2e3 in A*)'ani3tanK T/(es of 7(erators PST& PL+& ISP International Gate%ay per ators #u'bers ? K L 00

T$1!& 9/)5 @u&,'ionn$ir& A SATRC VoIP I,,u&, A A+g*$ni,'$n R&, on,& ) No ot'er operator i3 allo9ed and 'a3 t'e ri)'t to pro5ide 8OIP 3er5i2e3; Aa3ed on t'e ATRA poli2y and 2ondition3 pre32ribed in t'e ISP li2en3e3% no any 2o(pany 'a3 t'e ri)'t or aut'ority to pro5ide 8OIP 3er5i2e3; B2#.8296S! ;uestions 'efined VoIP/ VoIP Policy in place/ Status of VoIP/ Response M(S M(S !LL #('

Table 7.4& 3uest"onna"re : S2T4C *oI Issues : Banglades) 4es(onse 1 Aan)lade3' 'a3 de*ined 8oIP in t'eir IL>TS Poli2y #$$, 9'i2' al3o deal 9it' t'e i33ue3 pertainin) to 8oIP; T'i3 poli2y addre33ed t'e 8oIP i33ue3 li)'tly and i3 bein) u3ed a3 t'e li2en3in) and 2onne2ti5ity *ra(e9or1; T'i3 poli2y al3o outlined t'e le)iti(ate net9or1 2onne2ti5ity and aut'ori7ed t'e li2en3ed Gate9ay3 to 2arry do(e3ti2 and international 2all3; T'i3 poli2y al3o (ention3 t'at all t'e tra**i2 in2ludin) 8oIP 'a3 to pa33 t'rou)' t'e Gate9ay3 Cdo(e3ti2 and internationalD; 8oIP i3 allo9ed *or li2en3ed IP Telep'ony 3er5i2e pro5ider3;

T'e3e operator3 'a5e *reedo( *or 2allin) 3er5i2e3 9it'in t'eir net9or1 CIP-IP >o(e3ti2D but 'a5e to be 2onne2ted 9it' t'e do(e3ti2 and international 5oi2e )ate9ay3 to 2arry t'e 2all to? *ro( t'e do(e3ti2 PSTN?(obile net9or1 or international de3tination3; Pa)e -# o* +,

C2T6.745 PC to PC VoIP !llo%ed VoIP allo%ed for &ational or Inter national Services VoIP allo%ed for &ational pr oviders for VoIP allo%ed for International Providers for Types of licenses allo% VoIP PC to P,one P,one to P,one &ational Inter national Core &et%ork !ccess &et%ork Core &et%ork !ccess &et%ork &ational Inter national PST& Types of perators providing VoIP PL+& ISP Inter national Gate%ay perator s

56S ; ; ; ; ; ; ; J J ; ;


; ; ; ;

T$1!& 9/:5 @u&,'ionn$ir& A SATRC VoIP I,,u&, A 3$ng!$%&,* R&, on,& . 8oIP i3 allo9ed *or bot' do(e3ti2 and international 3er5i2e3; In 2a3e o* do(e3ti2 3er5i2e3% t'e IP Telep'ony 3er5i2e pro5ider3 CIPTSPD 2an be 2onne2ted to ot'er IPTSP3 t'rou)' National Internet EF2'an)e and 2an o**er 2all 3er5i2e3 at any tari** 9'i2' i3 not re)ulated; 0'en IPTSP 9ant3 to be 2onne2ted 9it' t'e PSTN ? Mobile Net9or13% IPTSP (u3t 'a5e to be 2onne2ted t'rou)' t'e do(e3ti2 5oi2e )ate9ay 9'i2' i3 an ad5anta)e; Al3o% i* IPTSP 9ant to o**er international 5oi2e 3er5i2e3% IPTSP 'a5e to be 2onne2ted 9it' t'e international 5oi2e )ate9ay3 t'rou)' t'e do(e3ti2 )ate9ay; And *or t'i3 international 2all 3er5i2e% t'e IPTSP3 'a5e to *ollo9 t'e 3a(e tari** 3tru2ture a3 ot'er Mobile ? PSTN Operator3; IPTSPE3 re:ue3t *or 3eparate tari** 3tru2ture *or International Ser5i2e i3 2urrently under re5ie9 9it' ATRC; 8oIP allo9ed in national and international in bot' 2ore and a22e33 net9or1; T'e type3 o* li2en3e )i5en i3 *or National to IP Telep'ony Ser5i2e Pro5ider3 and *or International t'e li2en3e *or 8oIP Ter(ination 3er5i2e *or 8oIP Ser5i2e Pro5ider i3 under t'e pro2e33 o* a9ardin); T/(es of 7(erators PST& PL+& ISP International Gate%ay per ators #u'bers = = ?= =

T$1!& 9/;5 @u&,'ionn$ir& A SATRC VoIP I,,u&, A 3$ng!$%&,* R&, on,& ) Pa)e -- o* +,

;uestions 'efined VoIP/ VoIP Policy in place/ Status of VoIP/ Response M(S & !LL #('

Table 7.7& 3uest"onna"re : S2T4C *oI Issues : B)utan 4es(onse 1

In A'utan% any 5oi2e tari** 2arried o5er t'e IP net9or1 i3 de*ined a3 8oIP; T'ere i3 no 3pe2i*i2 poli2y related to 8oIP; Bo9e5er% 8oIP i3 2la33i*ied under t'e ICT 3er5i2e3; A'utan 2o((uni2ation3 poli2y i3 ba3ed on 2on5er)ed A2t 9'i2' 3pell3 out 2learly t'e prin2iple o* te2'nolo)y-neutrality and 3er5i2e-3e2tor neutrality; CATEGORY PC to PC 8oIP Allo9ed PC to P'one P'one to P'one National 8oIP allo9ed *or National or International Ser5i2e3 International Core Net9or1 8oIP allo9ed *or National Pro5ider3 *or A22e33 Net9or1 Core Net9or1 8oIP allo9ed *or International Pro5ider3 *or A22e33 Net9or1 National Type3 o* li2en3e3 allo9 8oIP International PSTN PLMN Type3 o* Operator3 pro5idin) 8oIP ISP International Gate9ay Operator3 YES B NO B B B B


T$1!& 9/=5 @u&,'ionn$ir& A SATRC VoIP I,,u&, A 3*u'$n R&, on,& .

T'ere*ore% all li2en3ed 3er5i2e pro5ider3 are allo9ed to pro5ide any 3er5i2e3 ba3ed on any te2'nolo)y; Currently% 8oIP i3 only allo9ed *or International 2all3; All li2en3ed Internet 3er5i2e pro5ider3 are allo9ed to pro5ide International 8oIP; Li2en3ed ISP3 are allo9ed to pro5ide PC to PC 8oIP 3er5i2e; P2 to P'one 3er5i2e i3 not pro5ided and *or P'one to P'one only International 8oIP 2all3 are per(itted; Till date% no one 'a3 applied *or li2en3e to pro5ide do(e3ti2 8oIP 3er5i2e3;

Pa)e -. o* +,

8oIP are only u3ed o* International 3er5i2e3; National 8oIP i3 not a5ailable% at pre3ent; In 2a3e International 8oIP it i3 allo9ed in Core and A22e33 Net9or1; Currently% only International 8oIP 'a3 been li2en3ed; All *our ISP3 pro5ide International 8oIP 3er5i2e3 pre3ently in A'utan;
T/(es of 7(erators PST& PL+& ISP Inter national Gate%ay per ator s #u'bers = = ? =

Table 7.9& 3uest"onna"re : S2T4C *oI Issues : B)utan 4es(onse 3 INCIA

3uest"ons 'efined VoIP/ VoIP Policy in place/ Status of VoIP/

4es(onse M(S & !LL #('

T$1!& 9/(<5 @u&,'ionn$ir& A SATRC VoIP I,,u&, A In%i$ R&, on,& ( T'ere i3 no 2ountry 3pe2i*i2 de*inition o* 8oIP in India; In TRe)ulation on <uality o* Ser5i2e *or 8oIP ba3ed International Lon) >i3tan2e Ser5i2e% #$$#E 8oIP i3 de*ined a3 T8oi2e o5er Internet Proto2ol C8oIPD (ean3 a te2'nolo)y t'at enable3 t'e 2arria)e o* real ti(e 5oi2e tra**i2 o5er a pa21et net9or1 by u3in) Internet Proto2ol CIPDE; Internet Ser5i2e Pro5ider CISPD Li2en2e de*ine3 Internet Telep'ony a3K TInternet Telep'ony (ean a 3er5i2e to pro2e33 and 2arry 5oi2e 3i)nal3 o**ered t'rou)' Publi2 Internet by t'e u3e o* Per3onal Co(puter3 CPCD or IP ba3ed Cu3to(er Pre(i3e3 E:uip(ent CCPED 2onne2tin) t'e *ollo9in) K aD PC to PCM 9it'in or out3ide India bD PC ? a de5i2e ? Adapter 2on*or(in) to 3tandard o* any international a)en2ie3 li1e- ITU or IETF et2; in India to PSTN?PLMN abroad; 2D Any de5i2e ? Adapter 2on*or(in) to 3tandard3 o* International a)en2ie3 li1e ITU% IETF et2; 2onne2ted to ISP node 9it' 3tati2 IP addre33 to 3i(ilar de5i2e ? AdapterM 9it'in or out3ide India; T'ere i3 no 3pe2i*i2 poli2y *or 8oIP; Re3pe2ti5e li2en2e3 )o5ern ter(3 and 2ondition3 *or pro5i3ion o* 8oIP 3er5i2e3 by t'e li2en2ee3; 8oIP i3 allo9ed pre3ently a3 belo9K Uni*ied A22e33 Ser5i2e Li2en3ee3 CUASL3D % Cellular Mobile 3er5i2e Pro5ider3 CCMSP3D% Aa3i2 Ser5i2e Operator3 CASO3D and Internet Ser5i2e Pro5ider3 CISP3D are per(itted to pro5ide 8oIP or Internet telep'ony 3er5i2e to tele2o( 2u3to(er3 in India; Pa)e -/ o* +,

In addition% National Lon) >i3tan2e Operator3 CNL>O3D and International Lon) >i3tan2e Operator3 CIL>O3D are per(itted to u3e 8oIP in t'eir 2ore net9or13; C2T6.745 PC to PC 56S ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; #7

VoIP !llo%ed VoIP allo%ed for &ational or Inter national Services VoIP allo%ed for &ational pr oviders for VoIP allo%ed for International Providers for Types of licenses allo% VoIP

PC to P,one P,one to P,one &ational Inter national Core &et%ork !ccess &et%ork Core &et%ork !ccess &et%ork &ational Inter national PST& PL+& ISP Inter national Gate%ay perators

Types of perator s pr oviding VoIP

T$1!& 9/((5 @u&,'ionn$ir& A SATRC VoIP I,,u&, A In%i$ R&, on,& . UASL3% CMSP3 and ASO3 2an pro5ide all t'e t'ree 2ate)orie3 o* 3er5i2e (entioned abo5e 9it'out any re3tri2tion *or bot' national and international telep'ony; ISP3 are per(itted to pro5ide Internet telep'ony 9it' *ollo9in) re3tri2tion3K a; PC to PCM 9it'in or out3ide India b; PC ? a de5i2e ? Adapter 2on*or(in) to 3tandard o* any international a)en2ie3 li1eITU or IETF et2; in India to PSTN?PLMN abroad; 2; Any de5i2e ? Adapter 2on*or(in) to 3tandard3 o* International a)en2ie3 li1e ITU% IETF et2; 2onne2ted to ISP node 9it' 3tati2 IP addre33 to 3i(ilar de5i2e ? AdapterM 9it'in or out3ide India; d; ISP3 are not per(itted to 'a5e PSTN?PLMN 2onne2ti5ity in India% 3o t'ey are not per(itted to pro5ide p'one to p'one 3er5i2e neit'er national nor international; e; For ISP3% 5oi2e 2o((uni2ation to and *ro( a telep'one 2onne2ted to PSTN?PLMN and *ollo9in) E; +. nu(berin) i3 pro'ibited in India; National Lon) >i3tan2e Operator3 CNL>O3D are per(itted to u3e 8oIP in t'eir 2ore net9or1% but t'ey 2annot pro5ide 3er5i2e dire2tly to 2u3to(er3; T'ey 'a5e to 'and o5er t'e tra**i2 to A22e33 pro5ider3% 9'o in turn pro5ide 3er5i2e to end u3er3; Pa)e -+ o* +,

A22e33 pro5ider3 CUASL3% CMSP3 and ASO3D are per(itted to u3e 8oIP in 2ore a3 9ell a3 in a22e33 net9or1; ISP3 2an pro5ide 8oIP 3er5i2e 9it'in India 9it' re3tri2tion3 a3 (entioned in re3pon3e abo5e; International Lon) >i3tan2e Operator3 CIL>O3D are per(itted to u3e 8oIP in t'eir 2ore net9or1% but t'ey 2annot pro5ide 3er5i2e dire2tly to 2u3to(er3; T'ey 'a5e to 'and o5er t'e tra**i2 to A22e33 pro5ider3% 9'o in turn pro5ide 3er5i2e to end u3er3; UASL3% CMSP3 and ASO3 2an pro5ide 8oIP 3er5i2e to t'eir 2u3to(er3 9it'out any re3tri2tion3 a3 (entioned abo5e; ISP3 2an pro5ide 8oIP 3er5i2e3 to t'eir 2u3to(er3 9it' re3tri2tion3 a3 (entioned in re3pon3e a3 )i5en abo5e;

a; National li2en3e3 allo9 8oIP a; Uni*ied A22e33 Ser5i2e Li2en3ee3 CUASL3D% b; Cellular Mobile Ser5i2e Pro5ider3 CCMSP3D% 2; Aa3i2 Ser5i2e Operator3 CASO3D% d; Internet Ser5i2e Pro5ider3 CISP3D C9it' re3tri2tion3 a3 (entioned abo5eD e; National Lon) >i3tan2e Operator3 CNL>O3D Ca3 (entioned abo5eD b; International li2en3e3 allo9 8oIP a; Uni*ied A22e33 Ser5i2e Li2en3ee3 CUASL3D% b; Cellular Mobile 3er5i2e Pro5ider3 CCMSP3D% 2; Aa3i2 Ser5i2e Operator3 CASO3D% d; Internet Ser5i2e Pro5ider3 CISP3D C9it' re3tri2tion3 a3 (entioned abo5eD e; International Lon) >i3tan2e Operator3 CIL>O3D Ca3 (entioned abo5eD Nu-1&r o+ o &r$'or, ro0i%ing '*& VoIP ,&r0i"&
T# &, o+ O &r$'or, PSTN PLMN ISP International Gate9ay Operator3 $ -# $ Nu-1&r,

T$1!& 9/(.5 @u&,'ionn$ir& A SATRC VoIP I,,u&, A In%i$ R&, on,& ) T'e *i)ure ,; - 3'o93 t'e 2lear )ro9t' o* out)oin) internet telep'ony (inute3 *ro( t'e in2eption o* allo9in) t'e internet telep'ony in India;

Pa)e -, o* +,

-"gure 7.13& #u'ber of 7utgo"ng Internet Tele()on/ ,"nutes "n Ind"a MALCIVES

3uest"ons 'efined VoIP/ VoIP Policy in place/ Status of VoIP/

4es(onse & & & T !LL #('

T$1!& 9/(45 @u&,'ionn$ir& A SATRC VoIP I,,u&, A M$!%i0&, R&, on,& ( 8oIP 'a3 not been de*ined and i3 2on3idered a3 8oi2e Ser5i2e3 u3in) t'e Internet; Al3o t'ere i3 no any poli2y in pla2e *or t'e 8oIP; Bo9e5er 8oIP i3 allo9ed *or per3onal and indi5idual u3e% but not open to be pro5ide a3 a tele2o( 3er5i2e by operator3;

Pa)e -! o* +,

C2T6.745 PC to PC VoIP !llo%ed VoIP allo%ed for &ational or Inter national Services VoIP allo%ed for &ational Pr oviders for VoIP allo%ed for International Providers for Types of licenses allo% VoIP PC to P,one P,one to P,one &ational Inter national Core &et%ork !ccess &et%ork Core &et%ork !ccess &et%ork &ational Inter national PST& Types of perator s pr oviding VoIP PL+& ISP Inter national Gate%ay perator s

56S J

#7 J J J J J J J J J


T$1!& 9/(:5 @u&,'ionn$ir& A SATRC VoIP I,,u&, A M$!%i0&, R&, on,& . T'ou)' t'e Li2en3ed international )ate9ay operator3 2an u3e 8oIP a3 te2'nolo)y *or routin) 3tandard 5oi2e 2all3 it i3 not (ar1eted a3 8oIP Ser5i2e; T'e (ain rea3on3 *or not allo9in) 8oIP in Maldi5e3 to (ini(i3e t'e ne)ati5e i(pa2t on bu3ine33 o* li2en3ed operator3; Maldi5e3 i3 no9 2on3iderin) t'e openin) up 8oIP Ser5i2e in a 2ontrolled 9ay durin) #$ #?#$ T/(es of 7(erators PST& PL+& ISP International Gate%ay per ators #u'bers = = = =

T$1!& 9/(;5 @u&,'ionn$ir& A SATRC VoIP I,,u&, A M$!%i0&, R&, on,& )

Pa)e -@ o* +,

3uest"ons 'efined VoIP/ VoIP Policy in place/ Status of VoIP/ 4es(onse M(S & !LL #('

T$1!& 9/(95 @u&,'ionn$ir& A SATRC VoIP I,,u&, A N& $! R&, on,& ( Nepal 'a3 de*ined 8oIP a3 LIP Telep'ony i3 t'e tran3(i33ion o* 5oi2e 3i)nal o5er pa21et39it2'ed IP-ba3ed net9or13L; IP telep'ony i3 a 2o((on ter(inolo)y *or telep'ony u3in) Internet proto2ol; Furt'er t'e IP Telep'ony in Nepal 'a3 been di5ided into t9o 2ate)orie3 C D 8oIP C#D Internet Telep'ony; Bo9e5er% in Nepal t'e IP Telep'ony i3 ta1en a3 )eneral ter( in Tele2o( Poli2y #$$$ 9'i2' adopt3 te2'nolo)y neutral poli2y;8oIP and Internet telep'ony i3 allo9ed and only t'e ter(ination o* IP 8oi2e Call3 *ro( ISP3 to PSTN?PLMN i3 re3tri2ted; C2T6.745 PC to PC VoIP !llo%ed VoIP allo%ed for &ational or Inter national Services VoIP allo%ed for &ational pr oviders for VoIP allo%ed for International Providers for Types of licenses allo% VoIP PC to P,one P,one to P,one &ational Inter national Core &et%ork !ccess &et%ork Core &et%ork !ccess &et%ork &ational Inter national PST& Types of perators providing VoIP PL+& ISP Inter national Gate%ay perator s 56S ; ; ; ; ; ; ; J J ; ; ; ; ; ; #7

T$1!& 9/(=5 @u&,'ionn$ir& A SATRC VoIP I,,u&, A N& $! R&, on,& .

Pa)e .$ o* +,

PC to PC itE3 allo9ed but 9'en it 2o(e3 to PC to P'one International it i3 allo9ed; PC to P'one 9it'in t'e 2ountry it i3 not allo9ed; Al3o P'one to P'one itE3 allo9ed *or PSTN?PLMN operator3 or 5oi2e-ba3ed tel2o3; National and International Ser5i2e3 are allo9ed% dependin) on t'e 32ope o* 8oIP and Internet Telep'ony; In 2a3e o* 8oIP allo9ed in National 2onteFt due to te2'nolo)y neutral poli2y% t'ere i3 not 3pe2i*i2 li(itation; Bo9e5er% operator3 are u3in) in t'e 2ore net9or1; In 2a3e o* 8oIP it i3 allo9ed *or international in bot' Core and A22e33 Net9or13; Internet Telep'ony i3 allo9ed to ISP3; 8oIP CP'one to P'oneD i3 allo9ed to IL> Li2en3ee3; T/(es of 7(erators PST& PL+& ISP International Gate%ay per ators #u'bers 1 1 11 K

Table 7.19& 3uest"onna"re : S2T4C *oI Issues : #e(al 4es(onse 3 SRI LANKA

;uestions 'efined VoIP/ VoIP Policy in place/ Status of VoIP/

Response & M(S !LL #('

T$1!& 9/.<5 @u&,'ionn$ir& A SATRC VoIP I,,u&, A Sri L$nk$ R&, on,& ( T'ou)' 8oIP poli2y and de*inition not in pla2e in Sri Lan1a% t'e2'nolo)y neutral li2en3e 9ere i33ued to t'e operator3; Furt'er to addre33 t'e 8oIP re:uire(ent3 *or t'e belo9 2ate)orie3 are allo9ed to apply *or t'e unblo21in) o* 8OIP in t'eir international and national 2onne2ti5ity; a; Li2en3ed PSTN Operator3; b; An EGO operator 9'o 'a3 obtained an inter2onne2tion *ro( t'e PSTN operator3 and t'e inter2onne2tion i3 in operation 3ub4e2t to 5eri*i2ation *ro( t'e TRCSL; 2; Li2en3ed ISP3 3ub4e2t to 5eri*i2ation *ro( t'e TRCSL; d; Aut'ori7ed 2all 2enter3 or APO3 appro5ed by t'e TRCSL; e; Any 2u3to(er 9'o 2o((uni2ate 9it' 'i3 o9n o**i2er3 9it'in t'e 2ountry;

Pa)e . o* +,

*; Any 2u3to(er 9'o i3 'andlin) international lo)i3ti23% International ban1in) and IT?So*t9are de5elop(ent and 3upport 3er5i2e et2; CTUnblo21in) o* 8oIPT;#+D C2T6.745 PC to PC VoIP !llo%ed VoIP allo%ed for &ational or International Ser vices VoIP allo%ed for &ational pr ovider s for VoIP allo%ed for Inter national Provider s for Types of licenses allo% VoIP PC to P,one P,one to P,one &ational Inter national Cor e &et%or k !ccess &et%or k Cor e &et%or k !ccess &et%or k &ational Inter national PST& Types of per ator s pr oviding VoIP PL+& ISP " $acility Based perator Inter national Gate%ay per ator s ; ; ; ; ; ; 56S ; ; ; ; ; ; ; J J #7

T$1!& 9/.(5 @u&,'ionn$ir& A SATRC VoIP I,,u&, A Sri L$nk$ R&, on,& . In Sri Lan1a% t'e 8oIP i3 allo9ed *or P2 to P2 but *or P2 to P'one and P'one to P'one itE3 only allo9ed *or Li2en3ed Operator3; 8OIP i3 allo9ed *or bot' National and International 3er5i2e3; For National Ser5i2e t'e li2en3ed operator3 are allo9ed to u3e bot' Core and A22e33 Net9or1 9'erea3 in 2a3e o* International Ser5i2e3 8oIP i3 allo9ed in Core Net9or1 only *or EGO operator3 but no one i3 allo9ed in A22e33 Net9or1; T'e type3 o* Operator3 9'i2' allo9 8oIP in National ConteFt are PSTN and PLMN and *or International only EGO CEFternal Gate9ay Operator3D; Nu(ber o* operator3 pro5idin) t'e 8oIP 3er5i2e " T/(es of 7(erators PST& PL+& ISP " 'ata perator s International Gate%ay per ators #u'bers ? K ? 00

Table ,;##K <ue3tionnaire " SATRC 8oIP I33ue3 " Sri Lan1a Re3pon3e -


*nblocking of V IP7 ,ttp4""%%%/trc/gov/lk"services"voip8unblocking/,tml/ Pa)e .# o* +,

Current Status of *oI 4egulat"on "n S2T4C ,e'ber Countr"es

C!T(G RM PC to PC VoIP !llo%ed PC to P,one P,one to P,one &ational VoIP allo%ed for &ational or Inter national Ser vices Inter national VoIP allo%ed for &ational Pr ovider s for Cor e &et%or k !ccess &et%or k Cor e &et%or k !ccess &et%or k &ational Inter national PST& PL+& Types of per ator s pr oviding VoIP ISP Inter national Gate%ay per ator s !fg,anistan Banglades, M (S & J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J M (S J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J & B,utan M (S & J J J India M (S & +aldives M (S J J J J J J J J J J & &epal M (S J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J & Sr i Lanka M (S J J J J J J J J J &

VoIP allo%ed for Inter national Pr ovider s for

Types of licenses allo% VoIP

Table 7.23& Su''ar/ In(uts of S2T4C Countr"es : *oI Issues "n S2T4C Countr"es< 3uest"onna"re
Pa)e .- o* +,

;*(STI &S 4 !$G.!&IST! & B!&GL!'(S . B.*T!& I&'I! +!L'IV(S &(P!L SRI L!&G!

'($I&(' V IP & M(S M(S M(S & M(S &

V IP P LICM I& PL!C( & M(S & & & & &

ST!T*S f V IP & T !LL #(' !LL #(' !LL #(' !LL #(' & T !LL #(' !LL #(' !LL #('

Table 1?4 Summary 8 Current Status of V IP in S!TRC Countries27

=/ An$!#,i, 2 R&"o--&n%$'ion
A*ter detailed 3tudy and analy3i3 o* t'e pre3ent 32enario o* SATRC (e(ber 2ountrie3 and analy3i3 8oIP i(ple(entation3 in de5eloped 2ountrie3% t'e 9or1in) )roup C0GD re2o((end3 t'e *ollo9in)3 *or t'e pro(otin) t'e 8oIP 3er5i2e3 and it3 i(ple(entationK =/( C!$,,i+i"$'ion 2 C&+ini'ion o+ VoIP S&r0i"&, +or R&gu!$'ion In pra2ti2e% 9e *ind a 5ariety o* di**erent de*inition3 in u3e CTable !; a belo9 3u((ari7e3 3o(e o* t'e 1ey 2ate)orie3 o* de*inition3D 9orld9ide; T'i3 di**eren2e i3 be2au3e o* t'e 3pe2i*i2 (ar1et 2ondition3 and e2ono(i2 3tatu3 o* ea2' 2ountry; To e3tabli3' a rele5ant de*inition o* 8oIP 'a3 been a 1ey part o* poli2y-(a1er3E and re)ulator3E 9or1 a3 it applie3 to t'eir 3pe2i*i2 (ar1et; Re)ulatory de*inition3 o* 8oIP and 8oIP pro5ider3 'a5e i(portant i(pli2ation3% not only *or re)ulation% but al3o *or t'e de5elop(ent o* t'e 9ider (ar1et% inno5ation and 2o(petition;

Current !tatus of ':IP in !+T$C Countries; 9Sri Lanka7 India7 !fg,anistan7 Banglades,7 B,utan7 &epal and +aldives: Pa)e .. o* +,

Table $ ,a"n Categor"es of *oI 9f"n"t"ons 9ef"n"t"on ;uality of Ser vice 9 superceded : (Nuipment and Terminals used7 and / or &et%or k !r c,itectur e7 and hence $unctionality &umbering System Dapan7 India India7 Dapan7 Dor dan7 +alaysia7 Spain/ Isr ael7 Saudi !r abia/ .ong Gong Dapan7 Tai%an 9C,ina:/ 6=a'(les

#,ole or par t8provision of service Isr ael7 Dor dan7 IT*/ over IP " PST& Some countries distinguis, bet%een VoIP ser vices in %,et,er4 O VoIP is vie%ed as a data or infor mation ser vice7 as opposed to a voice or telecommunication ser vice 9e/g/ (gypt7 Dordan7 t,e *nited States7 Barbados:P O VoIP as nomadic and non8nomadic services 9Italy:Pand O Publicly !vailable Telep,one Ser vices 9P!TS: and Publicly !ccessible (lectr onic Communications Service 9P!(CS: 9(*:/ Some countries make fur t,er distinctions according to users4 *sers " *sage O Public or closed group of end8users 9e/g/ C,ile:P B O Corpor ate or residential use 9e/g/ !ustralia7 Tunisia:/

By Service

T$1!& =/($5 M$in C$'&gori&, o+ VoIP C&+ini'ion,.= Early de*inition3 o* 8oIP Cand t'e re)ulatory 3tatu3 o* 8oIP te2'nolo)ie3D 9ere o*ten ba3ed on te2'nolo)i2al di3tin2tion3 in :uality o* 3er5i2e C<oSD% laten2y and delay; EFa(ple3 in2lude India% Japan and Bun)ary; Furt'er% in India t'ere are t9o (a4or 2ate)orie3 *or 5oi2e tran3(i33ion o5er IP net9or13 ba3ed on type o* IP net9or1 u3ed; 0'en 5oi2e i3 tran3(itted o5er publi2 Internet% it i3 ter(ed a3 Internet Telep'ony; Si(ilarly 9'en 5oi2e i3 tran3(itted o5er (ana)ed IP net9or13% it i3 ter(ed a3 8oi2e o5er IP C8oIPD; T'e pri(ary di**eren2e bet9een 5oi2e 3er5i2e3 on (ana)ed and T,e status of voice over Internet Protocol 9VoIP: #orld%ide7 1==C7 IT*7 T,e $uture of Voice7 3K83C Dan 1==6 9C,art ,as been redesigned for clarity: Pa)e ./ o* +,

un(ana)ed IP Net9or13 i3 :uality o* 3pee2'; Bo9e5er t'i3 di**eren2e i3 )ettin) di(ini3'ed 9it' te2'nolo)i2al ad5an2e(ent% ne9 2odin) te2'ni:ue3 and a5ailability o* 'i)'er band9idt' a3 pro5ided by broadband 2onne2tion3; T'e de*inition3 ba3ed on <oS 'a5e t'u3 be2o(e le33 rele5ant% a3 inno5ation3 9ould en3ure t'at t'e <oS o* 8oIP in2rea3in)ly (at2'e3 PSTN :uality; 0'en 9e analy3e t'e SATRC (e(ber 2ountrie3 3o(e 'a3 de*ined 8oIP a3 internet telep'ony% 3o(e 'a3 de*ined a3 IP telep'ony 9'erea3 ot'er 'a5e de*ined a3 8oIP;
C 7>#T45 2-. !2#IST2# B2#. 8296S! B!>T2# I#9I2 ,289I*6S #6 28 S4I 82#?2 96-I#69 *7I #7 56S 56S 56S #7 56S #7

Table !; bK SATRC Countrie3 - >e*ined 8oIP T'ere i3 3o(e *or( o* de*inition i3 in pla2e in t'e *ollo9in) 2ountrie3 9'erea3 ot'er 2ountrie3 'a5e not yet de*ined;
Countr/ Class"f"cat"on of *oI Ser+"ces for 4egulat"on

!$G.!&IST!& &ot applicable at present " &o specific issues PC8P,one7 P,one8PC and P,one8P,one voice calls t,r oug, VoIP are B!&GL!'(S. under r egulation/ T,is is applicable for bot, domestic and international net%ork/ B.*T!& I&'I! +!L'IV(S &(P!L SRI L!&G! Curr ently7 only Inter national VoIP is being allo%ed &ot applicable at present " &o specific issues &ot applicable at present " &o specific issues 93: VoIP and 91: Inter net Telep,ony &ot applicable at present " &o specific issues

Pa)e .+ o* +,

T$1!& =/("5 SATRC Coun'ri&, - C!$,,i+i"$'ion o+ VoIP S&r0i"&, +or R&gu!$'ion PC-P'one% P'one-PC and P'one-P'one 5oi2e 2all3 t'rou)' 8oIP are under re)ulation; T'i3 i3 appli2able *or bot' do(e3ti2 and international net9or1; So(e o* t'e SATRC Countrie3 'a5e 2la33i*ied t'e 8oIP Ser5i2e3 (ore or le33 3a(e a3 t'e international 2la33i*i2ation *urt'er t'e 3tudy i3 not re5ealed any 3i)ni*i2ant 2ontra3t in ter(3 o* de*inition a3 9ell a3 in t'e 2la33i*i2ation o* t'e 8oIP Ser5i2e3; T'ere*ore a3 a re2o((endation in t'i3 re)ard 2an be a3 *ollo93K

The policy pertaining to VoIP in their National interest and the scope of VoIP services
shall be defined by considering the international trends and practices in place.

Light touch regulation can be adopted for PC-to-PC or IP-to-IP Voice Communication
whereas Phone-to-Phone or Phone-to-IP evice VoIP may be treated at par! in terms of interconnection! with P"TN#PL$N services. %hile ensuring the benefits of VoIP "ervices including the reduction in cost passed to the consumer. =/. C$'&gori,$'ion o+ '*& VoIP 2 Uni0&r,$! S&r0i"& O1!ig$'ion Poli2y (a1er3 are 2'allen)ed 9it' t'e proble(3 o* t'e de2linin) 2o3t o* ba3i2 telep'ony% le33 taF *or t'e )o5ern(ent% in2rea3in) ran)e and ri2'ne33 o* 3er5i2e3 and t'e blurrin) o* traditional di3tin2tion3; 6T'e3e 2'an)e3 under(ine t'e re)ulatory re)i(e% e3tabli3'ed operator3% t'o3e 9it' *iFed opinion3 and (e2'ani3(3 to *und uni5er3al 3er5i2e;= To 2ounter t'e ob5iou3 2'allen)e o* 2'eaper 2all3% in2u(bent3 in de5eloped 2ountrie3 'a5e o**ered bundlin) o* 3er5i2e3% in2ludin) 6all you 2an eat= national 2all3% >SL plu3 6telep'ony= Cplu3 5ideo% et2;D% but t'e3e o**er3 eF2lude *iFed-to-(obile;#@


(%an Sut,erland7 I&T*G 9International Telecommunications *sers Group:7 Voice over Internet

Protocol 9VoIP: Tuesday =3 +arc, 1==K7 $irst Tuesday 9$T: ,eld Voice over IP 9VoIP: T,oug,t Leaders,ip $orum on +arc, 3 1==K/ Pa)e ., o* +,


>n"+ersal Ser+"ce obl"gat"on a((l"cable to *oI ser+"ce (ro+"ders

!$G.!&IST!& &ot applicable at pr esent " &o specific issues B!&GL!'(S. *S is not applicable for VoIP ser vice providers so far B.*T!& I&'I! +!L'IV(S &(P!L SRI L!&G! &o suc, obligation &ot applicable at pr esent " &o specific issues &ot applicable at pr esent " &o specific issues &o specific *S conditions r elated to VoIP or Inter net telep,ony Telecommunication 'evelopment $und 9T'$: is in place for ()ternal Gate%ay per ator s/

T$1!& =/.$5 SATRC Coun'ri&, A USO $

!i"$1!& 'o VoIP S&r0i"& Pro0i%&r,

PC-P'one% P'one-PC and P'one-P'one 8oIP are 3ub4e2t to re)ulation in (o3t SATRC Countrie3 9'ere t'e 8oIP i3 allo9ed; Al3o in *e9 SATRC 2ountrie3 Uni5er3al Ser5i2e obli)ation i3 not appli2able *or 8oIP 3er5i2e pro5ider3 9'ile ot'er3 'a5e introdu2ed 3o(e *or( o* USO Contribution; In t'e 2a3e o* Aan)lade3' a3 per national nu(berin) plan% t'e IP Telep'ony 3er5i2e pro5ider3 are pro5ided 9it' t'e 3eparate nu(berin) 3erie3 to o**er 5oi2e 3er5i2e3; A'utan i3 2on3iderin) allo2atin) non-)eo)rap'i2 nu(berin) *or 8OIP 3er5i2e3 9'en re:uired; In Sri Lan1a 3eparate nu(ber blo21 'a3 been identi*ied and re3er5ed *or 8OIP 3er5i2e3 in t'e *uture; Ay 2on3iderin) t'e 2o(pleFity o* t'e 8oIP 2ate)ori3ation and a33o2iated USO Fund re:uire(ent 2an be addre33ed in t'e SATRC Me(ber Countrie3 a3 re2o((ended belo9K

VoIP usage in PC # IP evice to PC # IP evice can be considered as application service in

the Internet and may not be sub&ect to regulations li'e other applications available in the internet. (urther )"* (unding re+uirement cannot be applied.

IP device ,PC--to-Phone or Phone-to-IP

evice ,PC- VoIP could be treated as telecommunication service similar to P"TN#PL$N and should be left to the member countries to ta'e a specific regulatory decision based on their mar'et to address te.t or )"* re+uirement.

In the case of IP evice to Phone or Phone to IP evice! operators may be provided

geographic or non-geographic numbering resource. The numbering scheme for VoIP may Pa)e .! o* +,

be same as being used for P"TN#PL$N. National body or regulator may review the allocation of numbering resources to VoIP operators depending on country specific issues li'e availability of numbering resource! growth of VoIP subscribers etc. 8.3 *oI Interconnect"on %"t) legac/ #et%orks T'e 8oIP inter2onne2tion 9it' t'e le)a2y net9or1 i3 )enerally allo9ed but *e9 2ountrie3 'a3 ta1en a po3ition to not allo9 t'e inter2onne2tion *or 8oIP; 0'en t'e 8oIP i3 2on3idered a3 a te2'nolo)y 9'i2' 2an repla2e t'e le)a2y net9or13 9it' (ore ne9 3er5i2e3 at a lo9er 2o3t% t'e re)ulator 2an 2on3ider t'e 8oIP a3 re5olutionary and repla2in) te2'nolo)ie3 *or t'e le)a2y net9or1; T'ere*ore% until t'e entire net9or1 e(er)ed to *ully IP Net9or1 t'ere i3 a need *or a inter2onne2tion 9it' t'e le)a2y net9or1 durin) t'e tran3ition period; Countr/ *oI Interconnect"on %"t) legac/ net%orks e.g. ST#

!$G.!&IST!& &ot !llo%ed B!&GL!'(S. B.*T!& I&'I! +!L'IV(S &(P!L SRI L!&G! T,e inter connection is mandator y t,roug, t,e domestic voice gate%ay Cur rently7 t,ere is no VoIP inter connection &ot applicable at present " &o specific issues &ot applicable at present " &o specific issues &ot allo%ed !llo%ed for ()ternal Gate%ay per ators

Table 8.3c& S2T4C Countr"es : *oI Interconnect"on %"t) 8egac/ #et%orks Ay 2on3iderin) t'e i(portan2e o* inter2onne2tion bet9een t'e 8oIP and le)a2y net9or1 9'i2' 2an e5entually pro5ide 3ea(le33 2o((uni2ation *or t'e end u3er t'e *ollo9in) re2o((endation 2an be ta1en into 2on3ideration; 8oIP Inter2onne2tion 9it' le)a2y net9or13 e;); PSTN% i3 (ade (andatory in *e9 SATRC Countrie3 t'rou)' t'e do(e3ti2 5oi2e )ate9ay;

The VoIP operators shall be allowed to have interconnection with the P"TN#PL$N
operators and interconnection guidelines may include provisions for volume based! bandwidth based and "L/ based I)C mechanisms for local! national and international calls. In the short-term! e.isting billing mechanisms as in P"TN#PL$N may continue for inter-operator#inter-carrier reconciliation and subscriber billing! which re+uires Pa)e .@ o* +,

generation of C 0#IP 0 records. In the long term! interconnect billing may be based on various other parameters such as bandwidth used! re+uiring alternative record 'eeping mechanisms which would depend on the methodology adopted for Inter Carrier settlement. =/4 A""&,, 'o E-&rg&n"# C$!! S&r0i"&, +ro- VoIP Countr/ 2ccess to 6'ergenc/ Call Ser+"ces fro' *oI

!$G.!&IST!& &ot applicable at present " &o specific issues B!&GL!'(S. B.*T!& I&'I! +!L'IV(S &(P!L SRI L!&G! !ll emergency services can be accessed fr om t,e legaliQed VoIP net%or k &ot applicable at present " &o specific issues &ot applicable at present " &o specific issues &ot applicable at present " &o specific issues &ot +andatory +ade Possible in fe% net%or ks

T$1!& =/4$5 SATRC Coun'ri&, A A""&,, 'o E-&rg&n"# C$!! S&r0i"&, +ro- VoIP

/s per the 1lobal Trend access to emergency service is generally not provided in the VoIP
service! the service provider is ma'ing the customers aware about this particular shortcoming in the service provision. "/T0C member countries also of the opinion this should not be mandatory.

2owever service providers may be encouraged to facilitate access to emergency number

calls3 also they may not be mandated to provide such services at present. It must be mandatory for service providers to inform to the consumers accordingly. 4mergency number dialling from IP telephony subscribers may be mandated at appropriate time3 however! methodologies of such implementation are left to the service providers. =/: S&"uri'# $n% Pri0$"# in VoIP A !i"$'ion $n% S&r0i"&,

Pa)e /$ o* +,

T'e 3e2urity% pri5a2y% la9*ul inter2eption3 are )enerally loo1ed a*ter by 9ay o* li2en3in) 2ondition3; In t'e 2a3e o* 8oIP 3e2urity% pri5a2y% la9*ul inter2eption 2an be i(ple(ented and (onitored t'ou)' *e9 2on2ern pertainin) to t'e abo5e are 3till )ettin) (atured and 3tandardi3e t'rou)' t'e 5ariou3 3tudie3 and re3ear2'; Countr/ Secur"t/ and r"+ac/ "n *oI a((l"cat"ons@ ser+"ces

!$G.!&IST!& &ot applicable at pr esent " &o specific issues Security and pr ivacy conditions for IPTSP oper ator s ar e mentioned B!&GL!'(S. in t,e licensing guidelines/ T,e operator s ar e responsible to arr ange sufficient pr ovisions for t,ese in t,eir net%or k and systems B.*T!& I&'I! +!L'IV(S &(P!L SRI L!&G! &ot applicable at pr esent " &o specific issues &ot applicable at pr esent " &o specific issues &ot applicable at pr esent " &o specific issues To be ensur ed by t,e operator s (nsur ed by t,e operator s !i"$'ion,2S&r0i"&,

T$1!& =/:$5 SATRC Coun'ri&, A S&"uri'# $n% Pri0$"# in VoIP A

These aspects can be ensured through the technology advancement and proper regulatory
guidelines applicable to each country. The VoIP operators must also maintain privacy and must provide sufficient lawful interception and traceability features for security concerns. =/; In'&ro &r$1i!i'# $n% S'$n%$r%i,$'ion

Pa)e / o* +,


Intero(erab"l"t/ and Standard"Aat"on on C 6

!$G.!&IST!& &ot applicable at pr esent " &o specific issues StandardiQation of CP( is addr essed by t,e r egulator %,ile issuing no ob-ection cer tificate to t,e oper ator / .o%ever7 interoper ability ,as not B!&GL!'(S. been consider ed as a big issue and ,ence7 ,as not been addr essed %it, separ ately B.*T!& I&'I! +!L'IV(S &(P!L SRI L!&G! &ot applicable at pr esent " &o specific issues &ot applicable at pr esent " &o specific issues &ot applicable at pr esent " &o specific issues To be complied %it, IT*" (TSI standar ds !s per t,e inter national standard

T$1!& =/;$5 SATRC Coun'ri&, A In'&ro &r$1i!i'# $n% S'$n%$r%i,$'ion on CPE

The 0egulators must also closely watch the development of standardi5ation and
interoperability issues and ta'e necessary measures to ensure the full interoperability of the systems in coordination with international standard organi5ations. =/9 In'&rn$'ion$! C$!! 3# $,, T'e international 2all bypa33 ta1e3 pla2e pri(arily to a5oid 3tipulated appli2able ter(ination 2'ar)e3 or taF; Furt'er t'e international 2all bypa33 9a3 at lar)e e3pe2ially in t'e SATRC Country at a ti(e 9'en t'e lo2al ter(ination 2'ar)e *or international 2all i3 'i)'er t'an t'e nor(al inter2onne2tion 2'ar)e3 appli2able; ItE3 al3o noted 9'en t'ere i3 a in3i)ni*i2ant di**eren2e bet9een t'e ter(ination 2'ar)e and t'e inter2onne2tion 2'ar)e% t'e international 2all bypa33 at a 5ery (ini(u( le5el;

Pa)e /# o* +,


Internat"onal Call b/(ass@ ,easures taken to Control

!$G.!&IST!& &ot applicable at pr esent " &o specific issues +or e fle)ible ter mination rate ,as been adopted/ !nd also7 t,e inter national gate%ay license ,as been fully liber aliQed/ SI+ Bo) detection system ,as been B!&GL!'(S. establis,ed in t,e mobile B PST& net%or k and 'PI system is %or king in t,e Inter net net%or k/ T,ese systems ,ave cr eated significant impact in addressing t,e illegal bypass of international tr affic/ B.*T!& I&'I! +!L'IV(S &(P!L SRI L!&G! &ot applicable at pr esent " &o specific issues &ot applicable at pr esent " &o specific issues &ot applicable at pr esent " &o specific issues Regular +onitoring and ()pert advice to t,e Dudiciary Control by per ators " La% (nforcement !gency

T$1!& =/9$5 SATRC Coun'ri&, A In'&rn$'ion$! C$!! 3# $,,2 M&$,ur&, '$k&n 'o Con'ro! FleFible ter(ination rate% *ully liberali7ation o* international )ate9ay li2en3e% Mobile SIM AoF dete2tion 3y3te(% 8oIP Unblo21in) Sy3te(% Intelli)ent Analy3i3 on C>R% >PI 3y3te(3 are u3ed to 2ontrol t'e )rey operation or international 2all bypa33 9'i2' 'a5e 2reated 3i)ni*i2ant i(pa2t in addre33in) t'e ille)al bypa33 o* international tra**i2; Bo9e5er eradi2atin) t'e international 2all bypa33 i3 *ar to rea2' a3 t'e te2'nolo)ie3 2ontinuou3ly )ettin) e5ol5ed e5en in t'e International Call Aypa33 Operation3;

Though the technological solution is available in "/T0C Countries to combat with

international call bypass the effectiveness is always not healthy. /s a result while we are trying to deal with the international call bypass we shall address the problem by technological! economical and regulatory framewor' along with very effective law enforcement mechanism. =/= @u$!i'# o+ S&r0i"& T'e <uality o* Ser5i2e i3 t'e 1ey to t'e 3u22e33 o* t'e te2'nolo)ie3; Early day3 o* 8oIP 3er5i2e3 3u**ered 5ery poor :uality o* 3er5i2e 2o(pared 9it' le)a2y 2arrier )rade 5oi2e 2all; 0it' t'e te2'nolo)i2al i(pro5e(ent3% de5i2e 2apabilitie3 and net9or1 en'an2e(ent no9 a day3 t'e :uality o* 3er5i2e i(pro5ed )reatly; T'ere are *unda(ental di**eren2e3 in t'e 2a3e o* <oS Para(eter3 o* 8oIP and le)a2y Net9or13; So(e o* t'e 2'allen)e3 *a2ed by 8oIP no9 'a5e *ound a 3olution a3 in t'e table belo9; P$"k&'i?ing Voi"& Pa)e /- o* +,

*oI Issues PacketiQing delay Ser ial delay 5.ig,H bit8r ate voice 9C?kb" s: Constant8bit8rate voice 9P+C: Resend due to er r ors

Solut"ons Small packets for VoIP Priorities and -itter buffer s Voice compression Silence suppression and comfor t noise Real8time Transpor t Protocol 9RTP:

T$1!& =/=$5 P$"k&'i?ing Voi"&D VoIP I,,u&, $n% So!u'ion,)< T*& +o!!o7ing @oS P$r$-&'&r, "$1 1& "on,i%&r&% $, $ 1$,& in %&+ining '*& @oS +or VoIP/ Aand9idt'

>elay Jitter C>elay 8ariationD In*or(ation Lo33 Reliability

3ual"t/ of Ser+"ce for *oI

!$G.!&IST!& &ot applicable at pr esent " &o specific issues ! number of t,e ;oS par ameter s %,ic, seems pr actical and r easonable ,ave B!&GL!'(S. been set for VoIP net%or k/ T,oug, t,e enfor cement is not str ict7 t,e r egulator r egular ly monitor s t,e GPIs of t,e system/ B.*T!& I&'I! +!L'IV(S &(P!L SRI L!&G! &ot applicable &ot applicable at pr esent " &o specific issues &ot applicable at pr esent " &o specific issues $or VoIP7 it is to be of t,e same Nuality as PST& 9toll Nuality: or could be belo% toll Nuality but is ,ad to be infor med publiclyP $or Inter net Telep,ony7 t,e Nuality is left to t,e market/ In pr ogr ess %it, t,e consultation committee


IP Telep,ony #alter D/ Goralski and +att,e% C/ Golon +cGra%8.ill7 $inal Report for t,e Pa)e /. o* +,

(uropean CommissionRIP Voice and !ssociated Convergent Services

Table 8.8b& S2T4C Countr"es : 3ual"t/ of Ser+"ce for *oI In &epal t,e ;oS7 for VoIP7 ,as to be of t,e same Nuality as PST& 9toll Nuality: or could be belo% toll Nuality but is s,ould be informed to t,e consumer7 %,ile for t,e Internet Telep,ony7 t,e ;oS is left to t,e market competition/ ! number of t,e ;oS parameters %,ic, seems practical and reasonable ,ave been set for VoIP net%ork %,ere t,e enforcement is not made strict7 furt,er it is al%ays recommended to make t,e consumer be a%are of t,e ;uality of Service delivered against cost for it/ T,e regulator can play role of monitoring t,e ;uality of Service t,roug, a regulatory frame%ork/ T,us t,e follo%ing recommendation can be considered in dealing %it, t,e ;uality of Service issues pertaining to VoIP/

The Quality of Service (QoS) can be considered as a value for money concept as there is
broader range of uality varying from low uality to premium uality! therefore each Quality should accompany with its price and left to the end user to choose. The regulator can have regulation on publishing the minimum parameter of the QoS and facilitate the operators to follow the standard practice to comply with the regulation.

>/ W$# 8or7$r% 2 Con"!u,ion

T'e 8oIP related poli2y% related i33ue3 9ere in t'e di32u33ion *or (any year3% (any 2ountrie3 'a5e initially de5eloped li)'t re)ulation3 9it' re)ard to 8oIP 9'erea3 3o(e ot'er 2ountrie3 'ad a 2on2ern o5er it and t'en liberali3ed at t'e later 3ta)e but 3till *e9 2ountrie3 not liberali3ed yet; T'ou)' t'e 2ountrie3 are not liberali3ed ba3ed on 5alid national intere3t no9 3tarted reali3in) t'e real bene*it o* 8oIP proli*eration and ta1in) ne2e33ary 3tep3 to9ard3 it; T'e 2urrent e(er)in) trend in t'e i(ple(entation o* t'e NeFt Generation Net9or1 CNGND 9'i2' i3 pri(arily dri5en by t'e IP te2'nolo)ie3 already 2on3u(ed 8oIP a3 one o* t'e 3er5i2e o* t'e NGN; T'ere*ore t'e :ue3tion o* 8oIP liberali3ation (ay not be2o(e ne2e33ary a3 8oIP part o* t'e NGN; Sooner or later re)ulator3 in t'e SATRC Me(ber Countrie3 9ould 'a5e to a22ept 3o(e *or( o* 8oIP and pro(ote t'e 8oIP 3er5i2e3 in t'eir re3pe2ti5e 2ountrie3; 8oIP i3 t'e (a4or and (o3t re5enue )eneratin) appli2ation in IP-ba3ed net9or1; 8oIP al3o pro5ide3 a 2'eaper option to t'e 2on3u(er3 *or (a1in) lon) di3tan2e and international 2all3; Bo9e5er% due to 2ertain re3tri2tion3 *or 8oIP% t'ere 'a5e been t'e i33ue3 *or IL> 2all bypa33 and re3ulted in a lo33 o* billion3 o* US dollar3 per year bot' to t'e tele2o( operator a3 9ell a3 to t'e )o5ern(ent; T'ere*ore% t'e SATRC (e(ber 2ountrie3 (u3t (a1e ne2e33ary pro5i3ion3 in t'eir re)ulatory *ra(e9or1 to i(ple(ent 8oIP; 0'ile i(ple(entin) 8oIP% t'e i33ue3 o* 8oIP 2la33i*i2ation% inter2onne2tion% nu(berin)% e(er)en2y 2all 3er5i2e% pri5a2y and 3e2urity% interoperability and 3tandardi7ation 'a5e to be 9ell addre33ed; T'e approa2' o* li)'t tou2' re)ulation 2an be adopted *or PC-to-PC 5oi2e 2o((uni2ation3 9'erea3 PC Cor IP p'oneD-to-P'one or P'one-to-P'one 8oIP 2an be treated 3i(ilar a3 5oi2e telep'ony; P'one-to-P'one 8oIP (ay re:uire lo9 entry barrier3 and 3'all be pro(oted to deli5er 5ery 2o3t e**e2ti5e 3er5i2e3 to t'e end u3er; Pa)e // o* +,

T'e re)ulator3 in SATRC (e(ber 2ountrie3 (u3t% t'ere*ore% 2on3ider t'e option3 a3 3u))e3ted in t'i3 3tudy and re5ie9 t'eir re)ulatory *ra(e9or1 to i(ple(ent 8oIP 3er5i2e3 a3 3oon a3 po33ible; 8oIP bein) an e3pe2ial 3er5i2e in IP-ba3ed net9or1 9ill lead to proli*eration o* broadband 3er5i2e3 and t'e 2on3e:uent i(ple(entation o* NGN?IMS;


Pa)e /+ o* +,

Li,' o+ T$1!&, $n% 8igur&,

Pa)e /, o* +,

T$1!& ./(5 Co- $ri,on 1&'7&&n H/).) $n% SIP T$1!& )/(5 Co- $ri,on o+ PSTN $n% IP-1$,&% N&'7ork 8igur& )/.5 Pr&,,ur&, on '*& T&!&"o-, 3u,in&,, Mo%&! 8igur& )/)5 VoIP Su1,"ri1&r, Wor!%7i%& 8igur& )/45 R&gion$! Ci,'ri1u'ion o+ VoIP Su1,"ri1&r, @(D .<<> 8igur& 4/(5 Gro7'* 0,/ R&7$r% An$!#,i, o+ $n# n&7 T&"*no!og# 8igur& 4/.5 To'$! 3u,in&,, VoIP R&0&nu&, 8igur& 4/)5 P&r"&n'$g& o+ To'$! Mo1i!& Voi"& Minu'&,D Euro & 8igur& 4/45 G$r'n&r H# & C#"!& 8igur& 4/:5 VoIP Tr$++i" 8igur& ;/9$5 Sk# & Mi"ro,o+' U,&r, $n% ARPU Eun& .<(( 8igur& ;/915 Annu$! Gro7'* Minu'&,
T$1!& 9/(5 @u&,'ionn$ir& A SATRC VoIP I,,u&, A A+g*$ni,'$n R&, on,& ( T$1!& 9/.5 @u&,'ionn$ir& A SATRC VoIP I,,u&, A A+g*$ni,'$n R&, on,& . T$1!& 9/)5 @u&,'ionn$ir& A SATRC VoIP I,,u&, A A+g*$ni,'$n R&, on,& ) T$1!& 9/45 @u&,'ionn$ir& A SATRC VoIP I,,u&, A 3$ng!$%&,* R&, on,& ( T$1!& 9/:5 @u&,'ionn$ir& A SATRC VoIP I,,u&, A 3$ng!$%&,* R&, on,& . T$1!& 9/;5 @u&,'ionn$ir& A SATRC VoIP I,,u&, A 3$ng!$%&,* R&, on,& ) T$1!& 9/95 @u&,'ionn$ir& A SATRC VoIP I,,u&, A 3*u'$n R&, on,& ( T$1!& 9/=5 @u&,'ionn$ir& A SATRC VoIP I,,u&, A 3*u'$n R&, on,& . T$1!& 9/>5 @u&,'ionn$ir& A SATRC VoIP I,,u&, A 3*u'$n R&, on,& ) T$1!& 9/(<5 @u&,'ionn$ir& A SATRC VoIP I,,u&, A In%i$ R&, on,& ( T$1!& 9/((5 @u&,'ionn$ir& A SATRC VoIP I,,u&, A In%i$ R&, on,& . T$1!& 9/(.5 @u&,'ionn$ir& A SATRC VoIP I,,u&, A In%i$ R&, on,& ) 8igur& 9/()5 Nu-1&r o+ Ou'going In'&rn&' T&!& *on# Minu'&, in In%i$ T$1!& 9/(45 @u&,'ionn$ir& A SATRC VoIP I,,u&, A M$!%i0&, R&, on,& ( T$1!& 9/(:5 @u&,'ionn$ir& A SATRC VoIP I,,u&, A M$!%i0&, R&, on,& . T$1!& 9/(;5 @u&,'ionn$ir& A SATRC VoIP I,,u&, A M$!%i0&, R&, on,& )

Pa)e /! o* +,

T$1!& 9/(95 @u&,'ionn$ir& A SATRC VoIP I,,u&, A N& $! R&, on,& ( T$1!& 9/(=5 @u&,'ionn$ir& A SATRC VoIP I,,u&, A N& $! R&, on,& . T$1!& 9/(>5 @u&,'ionn$ir& A SATRC VoIP I,,u&, A N& $! R&, on,& ) T$1!& 9/.<5 @u&,'ionn$ir& A SATRC VoIP I,,u&, A Sri L$nk$ R&, on,& ( T$1!& 9/.(5 @u&,'ionn$ir& A SATRC VoIP I,,u&, A Sri L$nk$ R&, on,& . T$1!& 9/..5 @u&,'ionn$ir& A SATRC VoIP I,,u&, A Sri L$nk$ R&, on,& ) T$1!& 9/.)5 Su--$r# In u', o+ SATRC Coun'ri&, A VoIP I,,u&, in SATRC Coun'ri&,D @u&,'ionn$ir& T$1!& .45 Su--$r# - Curr&n' S'$'u, o+ VOIP in SATRC Coun'ri&, T$1!& =/($5 M$in C$'&gori&, o+ VoIP C&+ini'ion, T$1!& =/(15 SATRC Coun'ri&, - C&+in&% VoIP T$1!& =/("5 SATRC Coun'ri&, - C!$,,i+i"$'ion o+ VoIP S&r0i"&, +or R&gu!$'ion T$1!& =/.$5 SATRC Coun'ri&, A USO $ !i"$1!& 'o VoIP S&r0i"& Pro0i%&r,

T$1!& =/)"5 SATRC Coun'ri&, A VoIP In'&r"onn&"'ion 7i'* L&g$"# N&'7ork, T$1!& =/4$5 SATRC Coun'ri&, A A""&,, 'o E-&rg&n"# C$!! S&r0i"&, +ro- VoIP T$1!& =/:$5 SATRC Coun'ri&, A S&"uri'# $n% Pri0$"# in VoIP A !i"$'ion,2S&r0i"&,

T$1!& =/;$5 SATRC Coun'ri&, A In'&ro &r$1i!i'# $n% S'$n%$r%i,$'ion on CPE T$1!& =/9$5 SATRC Coun'ri&, A In'&rn$'ion$! C$!! 3# $,,2 M&$,ur&, '$k&n 'o Con'ro! T$1!& =/=$5 P$"k&'i?ing Voi"&D VoIP I,,u&, $n% So!u'ion, T$1!& =/=15 SATRC Coun'ri&, A @u$!i'# o+ S&r0i"& +or VoIP

Pa)e /@ o* +,

Li,' o+ R&+&r&n"&, ; &e5in Findlay% >ire2tor% Menlo Par1 Europe CU&D% Pri2e0ater'ou3e Cooper3% inter5ie9 9it' t'e T'ou)'t Leader3'ip Foru(% #$$.; #; A Bandboo1 on Internet Proto2ol CIPD-ba3ed net9or13 and related topi23 and i33ue3% #$$/% ITU -; Con5er)en2e% IP Telep'ony and Tele2o( Re)ulationK C'allen)e3 and Opportunitie3 *or net9or1 >e5elop(ent% 9it' parti2ular re*eren2e to India; .; Pre33ure3 on t'e Tele2o(3 Indu3try Su((ary Road(ap >e2 #$ $% 'ttpK??999;tel2o#re3ear2';2o(?arti2le3?SRNRoad(ap-to-ne9-tel2o#-bu3ine33-(odel3NFull C . Mar2' #$ #D CC'art 'a3 been rede3i)ned *or 2larityD /; i>ate a5ailable *ro( Cin Fren2'D E3ti(ate3 o* 8oIP 3ub32riber3% total and a3 a proportion o* (ainline3 9orld9ide% #$$/-#$ CC'art 'a3 been rede3i)ned *or 2larityD +; 8oIP by t'e Nu(ber3 - Sub32riber3% Re5enue3% Top Ser5i2e Pro5ider3% Alo)3 and (ore;;; 'ttpK??999;(etri23#;2o(?blo)?#$$+?$@?#/?5oipNbyNt'eNnu(ber3N3ub32riber3Nre5enue3NtopN3er5i;'t(l C . Mar2' #$ #D CC'art 'a3 been rede3i)ned *or 2larityD ,; In*oneti23 Re3ear2'% t'rou)' 8oIP Ne93% (ar2' #$$!% atK 999;5oip-ne93;2o;u1?#$$!?$-?$ ?!$(illion-9orld9ide-5oip-3ub32riber3-in-#$$,? !; For EFa(ple% In*oneti23 Re3ear2' e3ti(ated t'at t'ere 9ere 3o(e !$ (illion 8oIP 3ub32riber3 9orld9ide by #$$,% *ar (ore t'an earlier predi2tion3 *ore2a3tin) // (illion 3ub32riber3 by #$$@; In #$$+% In-Stat predi2ted t'at t'e )lobal (ar1et *or 2on3u(er 8oIP 3er5i2e3 'a3 arri5ed% 9it' total 8oIP 3ub32riber3 9orld9ide at + (illion in #$$/ pro4e2ted to )ro9 to o5er // (illion in #$$@ C999;in3tat;2o(D; @; Point Topi2% #-? $?#$$!K 'ttpK??999;itu;int?ITU>?tre)?E5ent3?Se(inar3?GSR?GSR$@?do2?GSR$@N8oIP-Trend3NAi))3;pd*% p)-. C . Mar #$ #D $; Point Topi2% T'e >i3tribution o* 8oIP 3ub32riber3 9orld9ide% Mar2' #$$@K CC'art 'a3 been rede3i)ned *or 2larityD ; 8oi2e o5er Internet Proto2olK Ene(y or AllyG GSR >i32u33ion Paper #$$@% P'illippa Ai))3% E2ono(i3t% ITU?CS> C . Mar #$ #D #; 8oi2e o5er IP - Finally >ri5in) C'an)eG 0'itepaper Ay Su3an &i3'% CEO% Fir3t Tue3day Ouri2'% 'ttpK??31i3';typepad;2o(?3u3anN1i3'?9'itepaper3?tl*N#$$.N9'itepaperN5oi2e-o5er-ip;pd* C - MARCB #$ #D; CC'art 'a3 been rede3i)ned *or 2larityD -; E5alue3er5e Analy3i3 CC'art 'a3 been rede3i)ned *or 2larityD .; Global 8oIPK Bo3ted P Non Bo3ted Ser5i2e3% Au3ine33 P Enterpri3e Mar1et3 #$$+-#$ $ Ay Aarry Autler% A33o2iate Senior Analy3t% Juniper re3ear2'K 8oIP I >eep I(pa2t% Mar2' #$$+; CC'art 'a3 been rede3i)ned *or 2larityD /; STL Partner3% Tel2o #;$ Online Sur5ey% >e2e(ber #$$,% nV!/- 'ttpK??3tlpartner3;2o(?re3ear2'N5oi2e(e33a)in);p'p C . Mar2' #$ #D CC'art 'a3 been rede3i)ned *or 2larityD +; T'e Ne9 Frontier In So*tp'one3"ItE3 About t'e Endpoint3 not t'e So*tp'one; O2tober +% #$ Todd Carot'er3% Senior 8i2e Pre3ident o* Mar1etin) and Produ2t3 C . Mar2' #$ #D ,; 8oIP Tra**i2 CTa1en *ro( TeleGeo)rap'yD 'ttpK??blo);2ounterpat';2o(?,-+?t'e-ne9-*rontier-in3o*tp'one3-it3-about-t'e-endpoint3-not-t'e-3o*tp'one C C'art abo5e 'a3 been rede3i)ned *or 2larityD !; Per*or(an2e Opti(i7ation3 *or >eployin) 8oIP Ser5i2e3 in Me3' Net9or13 C#$$+D Paper Ay S; Gan)uly% 8; Na5da% &; &i(% A; &a3'yap% >; Ni2ule32u% R; I7(ailo5% S; Bon)% and S; >a3; @; For (ore detail re*er TCo((uni2ation 3ta** do2u(ent on t'e treat(ent o* 8oi2e o5er Internet Proto2ol C8oIPD under t'e EU re)ulatory *ra(e9or1% Aru33el3% June% #$$. #$; Sour2eK S1ypeE3 S- % May #$ - S1ypeE3 &PI3K u3er3% u3a)e% and ARPU% 'ttpK??999;tel2o#re3ear2';2o(?arti2le3?ANNS1ype-Mi2ro3o*t-(ean3-*or-tel2o3NSu((ary CC'art 'a3 been rede3i)ned *or 2larityD # ; T'e Ne9 Frontier In So*tp'one3"ItE3 About t'e Endpoint3 not t'e So*tp'one; O2tober +% #$ Todd Carot'er3% Senior 8i2e Pre3ident o* Mar1etin) and Produ2t3 CC'art 'a3 been rede3i)ned *or 2larityD C .

Pa)e +$ o* +,


#-; #.; #/; #+; #,; #!; #@; -$; - ; -#; --;

Mar2' #$ #D 'ttpK??blo);2ounterpat';2o(?,-+?t'e-ne9-*rontier-in-3o*tp'one3-it3-about-t'e-endpoint3not-t'e-3o*tp'one T'e Ne9 Frontier In So*tp'one3"ItE3 About t'e Endpoint3 not t'e So*tp'one; O2tober +% #$ Todd Carot'er3% Senior 8i2e Pre3ident o* Mar1etin) and Produ2t3 C . Mar2' #$ #D 'ttpK??blo);2ounterpat';2o(?,-+?t'e-ne9-*rontier-in-3o*tp'one3-it3-about-t'e-endpoint3-not-t'e3o*tp'one 6TRAI a(end3 re)ulation on <oS *or 8oIP IL> Ser5i2e in t'e intere3t o* 2on3u(er3 o* re(ote area=% #, Jan #$$. atK 'ttpK??999;trai;)o5;in?trai?upload?Pre33Relea3e3?#$$?Pre33S#$Relea3eS#$#,S#$Jan S#$$.;pd*; 6&no9 (ore about IP Telep'ony Ser5i2e=% OFTA atK 'ttpK??999;o*ta;)o5;'1?en?publi2ation3?lea*let3;'t(l; 8oIP I33ue3 in SATRC% Sur5ey-<ue3tionnaire% #$ CSri Lan1a% India% A*)'ani3tan% Aan)lade3'% A'utan%Nepal and Maldi5e3D; Unblo21in) o* 8OIP% 'ttpK??999;tr2;)o5;l1?3er5i2e3?5oip-unblo21in);'t(l; Current Statu3 o* 8OIP in SATRC Countrie3%CSri Lan1a% India% A*)'ani3tan% Aan)lade3'% A'utan% Nepal and Maldi5e3D T'e 3tatu3 o* 5oi2e o5er Internet Proto2ol C8oIPD 0orld9ide% #$$+% ITU% T'e Future o* 8oi2e% /- + Jan #$$, CC'art 'a3 been rede3i)ned *or 2larityD E9an Sut'erland% INTUG CInternational Tele2o((uni2ation3 U3er3 GroupD% 8oi2e o5er Internet Proto2ol C8oIPD Tue3day $ Mar2' #$$/% Fir3t Tue3day CFTD 'eld 8oi2e o5er IP C8oIPD T'ou)'t Leader3'ip Foru( on Mar2' #$$/; IP Telep'ony 0alter J; Goral31i and Matt'e9 C; &olon M2Gra9-Bill% Final Report *or t'e European Co((i33ionWIP 8oi2e and A33o2iated Con5er)ent Ser5i2e3 Pa)e /% TEFa(ination o* Poli2y and Re)ulation relatin) to 8oi2e o5er Internet Proto2ol C8oIPD 3er5i2e3E% >ept; o* Co((uni2ation3% In*or(ation Te2'nolo)y P t'e Art3% Au3tralian Go5ern(ent% 'ttpK??999;d2ita;)o5;au?NNdata?a33et3?pd*N*ile?-. @.?8OIPNReportNNo5e(berN#$$/;pd*; MCMC 9eb3ite at 'ttpK??999;2(2;)o5;(y?(2(2?*a2t3N*i)ure3?2ode3N)l?)uideline3?5oip?)l5oip;a3p; A5ailable *ro( 'ttpK??999;*22;)o5?tele2o(;'t(l;

Ann&6ur& A (
S"o & o+ '*& Work I'&- FVoIP I,,u&,G in SATRC WG Po!i"# $n% R&gu!$'ion Pa)e + o* +,

O1H&"'i0&5 Liberali7ation o* 8oIP 3er5i2e3 (ay brin) in 2o(petition and bene*it t'e 2on3u(er% but t'ere are 5ariou3 poli2y and re)ulatory i33ue3 9'i2' re:uire 3tudy *or proli*eratin) 8oIP in SATRC re)ion; Introdu2tion o* 8oIP 3er5i2e3 'a3 rai3ed i33ue3 3u2' a3 le5el playin) *ield% Inter2onne2tion% tari**% nu(berin)% <oS% Se2urity (onitorin) et2; A detailed deliberation i3 re:uired on t'e3e i33ue3 to *a2ilitate poli2y de2i3ion3; T'ou)' (any 2ountrie3 'a5e already adopted 3o(e *or( o* 8oIP% a 9ell-de*ined *uturi3ti2 *ra(e9or1 9ould be de3irable; T'e 9or1in) )roup (ay *o2u3 on *ollo9in) i33ue3 to *a2ilitate *urt'er di32u33ion; S"o & o+ Work

Re5ie9 o* pre5iou3 3tudy report3 EFi3tin) poli2y and re)ulation3 in SATRC 2ountrie3 re)ardin) pro5i3ionin) o* 8oIP
3er5i2e3; Identi*y need *or 2'an)e in eFi3tin) Re)ulatory and Poli2y i33ue3;

Study o* International Pra2ti2e3; EFplore 5ariou3 option3 to addre33 t'e identi*ied i33ue3; Futuri3ti2 *ra(e9or1 *or 8oIP 3er5i2e3 Preparation o* report?re2o((endation

C&!i0&r$1!&,/ Country 3pe2i*i2 in*or(ation and eFi3tin) re)ulatory *ra(e9or1 Preparation o* Interi( Report3 Futuri3ti2 Fra(e9or1 *or 8oIP >ate to re2ei5e 2ounter 2o((ent3 Preparation o* >ra*t Report Pr& $r$'ion o+ 8in$! R& or'2R&"o--&n%$'ion INTERIM REPORT; Interi( report 9ill pro5ide 2ountry 3pe2i*i2 3tatu3 o* 8oIP and pre3ent 8oIP re)ulatory and li2en3in) en5iron(ent; A *or(at a3 per AnneFure-# 2an be 2on3idered to 2olle2t in*or(ation; 8INAL REPORT - Guideline3 *or Pro(otin) 8oIP Ser5i2e3

K K K K K 5

/t' Septe(ber% #$ $ /3t O2tober% #$ $ /t' >e2e(ber% #$ $ - 3t Mar2'% #$ $ -$t' June% #$ )<'* S& '&-1&rD .<((

Ann&6ur& A . @u&,'ionn$ir& ( A VoIP I,,u&, in SATRC Coun'ri&,

Pa)e +# o* +,

N$-& o+ '*& Coun'r# ; Statu3 o* 8oIP Nu(ber o* Operator3 pro5idin) t'e 8oIP Ser5i2e



8oIP allo9ed National?International


Type3 o* Li2en3e3 allo9 8oIP


>e*inition *or 8oIP


Re)ulatory I33ue3 i(pa2tin) i(ple(entation o* 8oIP


Rea3on3 *or not allo9in) 8oIP


Mar1et Trend on 8oIP Utili3ation


Any Ot'er Co((ent3

Pa)e +- o* +,

Ann&6ur& A ) @u&,'ionn$ir& . A VoIP I,,u&, in SATRC Coun'ri&,

; >oe3 your 2ountry 'a5e de*ined t'e 8oIPG #; Any Poli2y on 8OIP in pla2eG I* 3o pro5ide detail3; -; Statu3 o* 8oIP Allo9ed? Not Allo9ed .; I* it i3 allo9ed% doe3 it allo9 *orG

P2 to P2 P2 to P'one P'one to P'one

/; 8OIP allo9ed *or National or International Ser5i2e3 +; In 2a3e 8oIP allo9ed in national pro5ide t'e detail3 in 9'i2' part o* net9or1 3u2' a3

Core Net9or1 A22e33 Net9or1

,; In 2a3e 8oIP allo9ed in international pro5ide t'e detail3 in 9'i2' part o* net9or1 3u2' a3

Core Net9or1 A22e33 Net9or1

!; Type3 o* Li2en3e3 allo9 8oIP

National International
@; Nu(ber o* Operator3 pro5idin) t'e 8oIP 3er5i2e


Pa)e +. o* +,

International )ate9ay operator3

$; Re)ulatory i33ue3 i(pa2tin) i(ple(entation o* 8oIP

Cla33i*i2ation o* 8oIP Ser5i2e3 *or Re)ulation Uni5er3al Ser5i2e Obli)ation appli2able to 8oIP Ser5i2e

Nu(berin) in2ludin) ENUM and Nu(ber Portability *or

8oIP Ser5i2e3

8oIP Inter2onne2tion 9it' Le)a2y Net9or13 e;); PSTN A22e33 to E(er)en2y Call Ser5i2e3 *ro( 8oIP Se2urity and Pri5a2y in 8oIP Appli2ation3?Ser5i2e3 Interoperability and Standardi7ation on CPE International Call bypa33? Mea3ure3 ta1en to Control <uality o* Ser5i2e
; Any Ot'er Related Re(ar13

Pa)e +/ o* +,

Ann&6ur& A 4 Coun'r#

M$in R&gu!$'or# C&+ini'ion, o+ VoIP in U,& C&+ini'ion

T'e Au3tralian Go5ern(ent note3 3er5i2e3 9it' di**erent le5el3 o* inte)ration - K Peer-to-peer VoIP services *or on-net 2all3 Cnot 2onne2ted to t'e PSTND pro5ided online% re:uirin) t'e u3er to 'a5e a 3eparately-3our2ed broadband 2onne2tionM VoIP over broadband services pro5ide inter2onne2tion 9it' ot'er type3 o* 5oi2e 3er5i2e3 Ctypi2ally pro5ided by online pro5ider3 9it' t'e u3er 'a5in) a 3eparately3our2ed broadband 2onne2tionDM Vertically-integrated VoIP services o**erin) inter2onne2tion 9it' ot'er 5oi2e 3er5i2e3% bundled 9it' bot' a broadband 2onne2tion and ISP 3er5i2eM Corporate or enterprise VoIP services pro5idin) t'e 'i)'e3t <oS o* all t'e 8oIP 3er5i2e type3% 9it' inter2onne2tion to ot'er type3 o* 5oi2e 3er5i2e3; >i3tin)ui3'e3 bet9eenK Class 6 services " pro5idin) t'e 3a(e *un2tionality a3 traditional p'one 3er5i2eM and Class 7 IP telephony service " 9'i2' doe3 not pro5ide *ull traditional p'one *un2tionality Cnotably% eF2lude3 nu(ber portabilityD;

Hong KongD C*in$

E$ $n

8oIP 3er5i2e3 are 2la33i*ied a3K Co((uni2ation bet9een t9o telep'one ter(inal3; Co((uni2ation bet9een t9o data ter(inal3 CPC to PCD; Co((uni2ation bet9een t9o type3 o* ter(inal3 " telep'one and data ter(inal3; A 3tudy )roup report CFebruary #$$#D al3o 2la33i*ied 3er5i2e3 a22ordin) to :ualityK Cla33 AK :uality *or *iFed telep'ony CR indeFK X !$M delay Cend-to-endDK Y $$(3DM Cla33 AK :uality *or (obile telep'ony CR indeFK X ,$M delayCend-to-endDK Y /$(3DM Cla33 CK :uality enable3 3pee2' CR indeFK X /$M delay Cend-to-endDK Y.$$(3D; C0'ere LR indeFL i3 de*ined by ITU-T G; $, and LdelayL *ro( ITU T G; .D;


T'e Malay3ian re)ulator% t'e Malay3ia Co((uni2ation3 and Multi(edia Co((i33ion% di3tin)ui3'e3 bet9een t9o 3ort3 o* 8oIP 3er5i2e pro5i3ion-#K 6PC-to-PC= 8oIPK ba3ed on 9'at i3 1no9n a3 Internet telep'onyM 6P'one-to-p'one= 8oIPK ba3ed t'rou)' PSTN% 9'i2' in5ol5e3 (ulti-3ta)e a22e33 dialin)% 1no9n a3 8oIP;

Page 15, Examination of Policy and Regulation relating to Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) services , Dept. of Communications, Information Technology & the Arts, Australian Go ernment, http!""###.$cita.go .au"%%$ata"assets"p$f%file"&'1('")*IP%+eport%,o em-er%.//5.p$f.

0C0C #e-site at http!""###.cmc.go .my"mcmc"facts%figures"co$es%gl"gui$elines" oip"gl oip.asp.

Pa)e ++ o* +,


T'ere are t9o (a4or 2ate)orie3 *or 5oi2e tran3(i33ion o5er IP net9or13 ba3ed on type o* IP net9or1 u3ed; 0'en 5oi2e i3 tran3(itted o5er publi2 Internet% it i3 ter(ed a3 Internet Telep'onyM and 9'en 5oi2e i3 tran3(itted o5er (ana)ed IP net9or13% it i3 ter(ed a3 8oi2e o5er IP C8oIPD; T'e pri(ary di**eren2e bet9een 5oi2e 3er5i2e3 on (ana)ed and un(ana)ed IP Net9or13 i3 :uality o* 3pee2'; Bo9e5er t'i3 di**eren2e i3 )ettin) di(ini3'ed 9it' te2'nolo)i2al ad5an2e(ent% ne9 2odin) te2'ni:ue3 and a5ailability o* 'i)'er band9idt' a3 pro5ided by broadband 2onne2tion3;

N& $!

>e*ined IP Telep'ony a3 a 2o((on ter(inolo)y and 2atre)ori7ed it into C D 8oIP and C#D Internet Telep'ony C D 8oIPK 5oi2e 2o((uni2ation u3in) (ana)ed IP ba3ed pa21et 39it2'ed net9or1M allo9ed to t'e operator3 9'o o9n IL> li2en3eM C#D Internet Telep'onyK 5oi2e 2o((uni2ation u3in) publi2 internet and allo9ed to ISP3 and it3 32ope in2lude3 PC to PC 5oi2e 2o((uni2ation% 9it'in t'e 2ountry and abroad PC to p'one abroad IP-ter(inal3 or SIP p'one3 to IP-ter(inal3 or SIP p'one3 9it'in t'e 2ountry and abroad Ter(ination o* IP ba3ed 5oi2e tra**i2 to PSTN or PLMN net9or1 i3 re3tri2ted;


Uni'&% King%o-

A broad de*initionK 62on5eyan2e o* 5oi2e% *aF and related 3er5i2e3 partially or 9'olly o5er pa21et-39it2'ed IP-ba3ed net9or13% in2ludin) P#P 8oIP 3er5i2e3 and 8oIP 3er5i2e3 2onne2ted to PSTN=M A narro9 de*initionK 65oi2e appli2ation o5er IP-ba3ed net9or13 t'at enable3 a 8oIP 3ub32riber to 2all and to be 2alled by a party 3ub32ribed to a traditional PSTN 3er5i2e= Ct'ere*ore eF2lude3 Peer-to-Peer 8oIPD; 8oIP 3er5i2e3 in2lude t'e Ne9 8oi2e Ser5i2e3 re*erred to in t'e #$$. 2on3ultation% a3 9ell a3 3er5i2e3 pro5ided o5er IP% 9'i2' in2lude 5oi2e 3er5i2e3 pro5ided o5er t'e publi2 Internet% 5oi2e o5er broadband C(ana)ed and un(ana)ed 3er5i2e3D% 5oi2e o5er Unli2en3ed Mobile C0irele33D A22e33% 5oi2e o5er li2en3ed 9irele33% in2ludin) -G data and CpreD 0iMaF-ba3ed 3er5i2e3; T'e re)ulator OFCOM al3o di3tin)ui3'e3 bet9eenK PC-ba3ed 3er5i2e3 Ce;); S1ype PC-to-PC 3er5i2eDM Se2ondary-line 3er5i2e3M Repla2e(ent3 *or traditional PSTN-ba3ed 2all 3er5i2e3M Ser5i2e3 tar)eted *or (obile and no(adi2 u3e% in2ludin) T8oi2e o5er 9irele33E 3er5i2e3; T'e United State3 doe3 not treat 8oIP a3 a traditional telep'one 3er5i2e% but a3 a 2o(puterba3ed Tin*or(ation 3er5i2eE Ca3 de*ined by t'e @@+ Tele2o((uni2ation A2t -- t'at di3tin)ui3'e3 telep'one 3er5i2e3 *ro( in*or(ation 3er5i2e3D;

Uni'&% S'$'&,


A aila-le from http!""###.fcc.go "telecom.html.

Pa)e +, o* +,

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