Acceptance Test Plan Template - Software Methodology

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Acceptance Test Plan Template Software Methodology

Your acceptance test plan document should have the following parts:

Title page Change log - note that once your acceptance test plan has been approved by the TA, any subsequent changes must also be approved by the TA. Table of contents Overview - a brief description of the purpose of the document (to validate that the project meets its requirements ! and a brief overview of the ordering and structure of the tests. Tests - a series of tests! with each step described in detail.

"ach test must include the following information:

#rief description of what capabilities are being tested ($this test will verif% that the save game functionalit% wor&s as described in requirements ''! YY! (($ . )hich requirements are being verified b% this test. Your test plan will not be approved without this traceability information . Test preconditions - addresses concerns surrounding the state of the software prior to e*ecuting this test! such as: o +oes this test assume that previous tests have alread% been run, o +oes this test need the software to be in a certain state (e.g.! to test game winning behavior! %ou need to win the game , o +oes the software need to be in a special test mode, o +oes the software need to be running! or do the test instructions involve starting the software, o +oes an% additional software also need to be running (such as a server! or speciali-ed test equipment , .ow can we determine that this additional software is up and running, Test steps. The specific instructions to follow while performing the test. "ach test step must: o #e individuall% numbered (i.e.! with a document section number o .ave an e*plicitl% labeled location where a chec& mar& can be made ($/001$ when the test step has been completed. o 2ive either a detailed instruction ($2o to the 3ile menu! and select Open$ or a detailed observation ($Observe that the 3ile... Open dialog bo* appears! and shows the contents of the user4s home director%$ . Test postconditions - what operations must be performed to leave the software in the state e*pected b% following tests.

5ote that if %our project involves significant amounts of randomness! %ou ma% wish to create an e*plicit testing mode! where random values are pre-assigned to ensure the behavior of the s%stem is predictable in advance.

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