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nong kong Soc|ety of kugby Iootba|| Un|on keferees Wh|st|er

Important Dates

1. nkSkIUk Genera| Meet|ng: Monday 17 Iebruary 2014 at 7 pm at the CC.

2. Season tra|n|ng: Lvery Wednesday n|ght at k|ngs ark from 7:30 pm.

1ab|e of Contents
1. resldenL's ush
2. CA8 8eporL
3. 8eferee Manager 8eporL
4. 1ournamenLs
3. klL
6. Pong kong Sevens 8ook

res|dent's ush
Warren Needham. res|dent, nong kong Soc|ety of kugby Iootba|| Un|on keferees.

Pope everyone had a good Lunar new ?ear break. 1he weaLher was wonderful. l canL ever remember a
Ln? havlng nlce weaLher. l acLually goL sunburned paddllng my surf skl on Lhe Sal kung 8ay.

now LhaL Lhe break ls over we're on Lhe downhlll run Lo Lhe flnals wlLh only Lhree more rounds Lo go ln
Lhe regular season (8/2, 13/2 & 22/2). llnals appolnLmenLs are aL sLake and CA8 wlll be looklng closely
aL games over Lhe nexL few weeks. l know Lhey have been sLraLeglslng over appolnLmenLs Lo ensure
Lhey geL Lhe besL look posslble Lo glve Lhem Lhe laLesL and greaLesL lnformaLlon on referees Lo help
Lhem make Lhelr declslons. So puL your besL fooL forward. Clear, obvlous and relevanL declslons ln Lhe
conLexL of Lhe game are cruclal along wlLh a cool head. 1ake your Llme.

Lxcom ls meeLlng Lhls comlng Monday evenlng (10/2). ln Lhe conLlnulng veln of open and LransparenL
communlcaLlons, vern 8eld and ual 8ees wlll be speaklng wlLh us Lo furLher clarlfy Lhe way forward.
AppllcaLlons for Lhe naLlonal 8eferee uevelopmenL Manager closed on !anuary 31 and we are looklng
forward Lo seelng who ls on Lhe shorLllsL. We'll keep you posLed.

1here are a loL of LournamenLs comlng up nexL monLh, none blgger Lhan Lhe Pk7s. lease make sure you
have your appllcaLlons ln Lo SLan Parman.

1he nexL Ceneral MeeLlng ls Monday leb 17. 1o keep yourself up Lo daLe wlLh all Lhlngs refflng ln Pk,
make sure you're Lhere. An LducaLlon sesslon wlll follow Lhe meeLlng and of course Lhe curry wlll follow

lf you're runnlng around a plLch Lhls week, LooL well and have fun.


CA8 keport
Les M|||ard. Cha|rman, Coach|ng Adv|sory 8oard (CA8), nkSkIUk.

CA8 ls ouL and abouL as much as we can Lo see as many of you ref as we can. lf for any reason you feel
you wanL more leL me know and we wlll see whaL we can do.

We are currenLly looklng aL Lhose nomlnaLlng for Lhe varlous LournamenLs comlng up and we are
gaLherlng as much daLa from Lhe CMCs as we can Lo make our declslons.

keep your sLandards up over Lhe nexL few weeks. We don'L have long before Lhe flnals Lhen Lhe 7s week
and as you know Lhere ls a loL of rugby durlng LhaL week sLarLlng wlLh Lhe 8each compeLlLlon Lhe Sunday
before Lhe 7s week. CeL lnvolved Lhere and en[oy Lhe beach runaround.

See you around Lhe parks ln Lhe comlng weeks.



keferee Manager keport
Mathew kodden. nong kong Iootba|| Un|on - Mob||e - +8S2 6737 4142

Pl all

AnoLher busy SaLurday and Lhank you for your help refereelng, A8lng and coachlng. As some of you wlll
have seen, games are belng cancelled, posLponed and changed durlng Lhe week. l know Lhls can be
frusLraLlng, lL cerLalnly ls for us! 1he lmporLanL Lhlng for us ls LhaL you accepL your game/s as soon as
you can and lf noL, Lo leL me know when you wlll be able Lo. We have Lhe luxury aL Lhe momenL of
havlng spare referees so lf we do need Lo change appolnLmenLs, Lo be falr Lo everyone, we need Llme Lo
make Lhese happen. Asslgnr wlll noL leL you decllne an appolnLmenL wlLhln 48 hours of klck off and by
Lhls Llme, you should have accepLed, decllned or conLacLed me wlLh a valld reason why noL. lease keep
Lhe Llme of day you are avallable updaLed as well.

1he non-league paymenL process ls nearlng compleLlon. l wlll be emalllng ouL dlrecL credlL forms
Lomorrow Lo Lhose who have conflrmed Lhelr paymenL amounL. 1hls form needs Lo be fllled ln and
reLurned Lo me. l appreclaLe your paLlence and undersLandlng ln geLLlng Lhls up Lo speed.

lease make sure you flll ln a reporL for any yellow and red cards you lssue durlng a game. 1he forms can
be downloaded from Lhe PkS8lu8 webslLe. Send Lhls reporL Lo Andy Ll, whose emall address ls on Lhe
form, wlLhln 48 hours of Lhe maLch endlng. lf you lssue a red card or are sub[ecL Lo referee abuse, please
conLacL me sLralghL afLer Lhe game.

Well done Lo Lhe 10 or so who were aL Lralnlng lasL nlghL. Sam organlsed someLhlng dlfferenL whlch
wenL down well. We are worklng Lowards a serles of flLness LesLs sLarLlng ln a couple of weeks. 1hese
LesLs wlll shape appolnLmenLs for Crand Champlonshlp flxLures, LournamenL selecLlons and A8lng aL Lhe
7s. Sam ls dolng a greaL [ob Lo prepare us so when posslble, please geL along Lo Lralnlng.

Schools and ColLs rugby resumes nexL week. lease updaLe Asslgnr for 1uesday, 1hursday and Sunday.

Cood luck over Lhe weekend and hope Lo see some of you ln acLlon.


Stan narman

nomlnaLlons for all evenLs golng well , 8angkok and Manllla now closed.

A|exander 8|o|s-8rooke

Wh|st|es, e||ow]ked Cards, I|ags
Any members needlng any of Lhe above lLems please, drop me a llne and l wlll arrange for Lhem Lo be
swapped over.

Soc|a| k|t
1here ls a greaL selecLlon of soclal klL seL up on Lhe ZCC SporL webslLe. Any members wlshlng Lo order
Lhe klL please do so by nexL Monday for a re xmas dellvery. 8ange of hoodles, [ackeLs, Lrack panLs
perfecL for Lhe cooler monLhs.

nong kong Sevens 8ook
Ionny kees. Sponsorsh|p Manager, Car|nat Sports Market|ng.|

l [usL wanLed Lo drop a qulck noLe Lo updaLe you on 1he 8ook whlch you (1obl) klndly conLrlbuLed Lo -
we successfully launched lL ln november, lL looks greaL and Lhe feedback we've recelved slnce has been
awesome! Should you wanL Lo buy some coples, Lhe easlesL way ls Lo order onllne aL and collecL from Lhe kukrl Shop ln Causeway 8ay. AlLernaLlvely, 1he
8ook can be purchased from Lhe followlng booksLores or :
1. uymocks - llC, Popewell CenLre, Parbour CenLre, 8onham 8oad, ulscovery 8ay, Sal kung,
8epulse 8ay
2. age Cne - 1lmes Square, Parbour ClLy, lesLlval Walk, 2 AlrporL SLores
3. 8ookazlne - rlnces 8ulldlng, Lxchange Square, CanLon Pouse, LyndhursL 1errace
4. Commerclal ress - Causeway 8ay, Sha 1ln, 1S1
3. !olnL ubllshlng - CenLral, Wan Chal
6. LllLe (Pysan lace)
7. AC: 1he hoLo 8ook CenLer
8. Llng kee 8ook SLore
9. 8eachslde 8ooksLore
10. PklC
11. kukrl


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