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Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded

First Year Engineering Revised Syllabus For Group-I

(Revision 2008)
S. No. Subject Theory per Week 4 4 4 4 Tutorial / Practical Theory Test Term Work Total

Part I 1. Engineering Mathematics-I 2. 3. 4. Engineering Physics Engineering Drawing Elements of Electrical Engineering 5. 6. Total Part-II 1 Engineering Mathematics-II 2. 3. 4 5. 6. Total Engineering Chemistry Engineering Mechanics Elements of Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals of Computer Programming Basic Electronics Engineering Elements of Civil & Environmental Engineering Workshop

1 2 4 2

80 80 80 80

20 20 20 20

-25 50 25

100 125 150 125

4 -20 04 04 04 04 04 04 24

2 04 15 01 02 02 02 02 02 11

80 -400 80 80 80 80 80 80 480

20 -100 20 20 20 20 20 20 120

25 50 175 -25 25 25 25 25 125

125 50 675 100 125 125 125 125 125 725

Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded

First Year Engineering Revised Syllabus For Group-II

(Revision 2008)
S. No. Subject Theory per Week 4 4 4 4 Tutorial / Practical Theory Test Term Work Total

Part I 1. Engineering Mathematics-I 2. 3. 4. Engineering Chemistry Engineering Drawing Fundamentals of Computer Programming 5. 6. Total Part-II 1 Engineering Mathematics-II 2. 3. 4 5. 6. Engineering Physics Engineering Mechanics Elements of Mechanical Engineering Elements of Electrical Engineering Basic Electronics Engineering Total Elements of Civil & Environmental Engineering Workshop

1 2 4 2

80 80 80 80

20 20 20 20

-25 50 25

100 125 150 125

4 -20 04 04 04 04 04 04

2 04 15 01 02 02 02 02 02

80 -400 80 80 80 80 80 80

20 -100 20 20 20 20 20 20

25 50 175 -25 25 25 25 25

125 50 675 100 125 125 125 125 125







Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded Revised Syllabus 2008 For First Year Engineering ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-I F.E. SEMESTER I Theory paper . . . . . . . . 80 marks Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 marks _____________________________ Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 marks Theory - 4 hrs / week Tutorials - 1 hrs / week UNIT 1 ALGEBRA OF COMPLEX NUMBERS : 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5. 1.6 07 hrs.

Introduction to complex numbers De-Moivres Theorem and Applications Circular and hyperbolic functions, formulae of hyperbolic functions Inverse hyperbolic functions. Separations of real and imaginary parts of sin z ; cos z ; tan z and their inverses. Logarithmic functions of complex variables, general and principle values 06 hrs.

UNIT 2 MATRIX ALGEBRA 2.1 2.2. 2.3 2.4

Reduction of matrix to Echelon and normal forms, Rank of Matrix. Applications to test of consistency of simultaneous equations and its solution. Eigen Values and corresponding Eigen vectors. Caley Hamilton theorem. 07 hrs.

UNIT 3 SUCCESSIVE DIFFERENTIATION AND MEAN VALUE THEOREMS : 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Successive differentiation and nth. Order derivatives of some standard functions Leibnitzs theorem and applications Rolls theorem and Lagranges mean value theorem

UNIT 4 POWER SERIES EXPANSION 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Meclaurians theorem Taylors theorem Series expansion functions Indeterminate form of limits

07 hrs.

UNIT 5 FUNCTIONS OF SEVERAL VARIABLES AND PARTIAL DIFFERENTIATION : 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Introduction to Functions of two and more variables Partial differential coefficient of first and second orders Homogeneous function, Eulers theorem for homogeneous functions. Change of independent variables Maximum and Minimum values of functions of two or more variables.

08 hrs.

UNIT 6 JACOBIANS AND ITS APPLICATION 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Jacobians and its properties Jacobians of implicit function Partial derivatives of implicit function by use of Jacobeans Application of Jacobians for the test of function dependency.

05 hrs.

TEXT BOOKS : 1. 2. 3. Advanced Engineering Mathematics (Second Edition) Pub. Narosa Publication House : by R.K. Jain and S.R. K. Iyengar Advanced Engineering Mathematics (7th Edition ), by Eriwin Kreyszing Higher Engineering Mathematics by B.V. Ramana.

REFERENCE BOOKS : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Applied Mathematics (Vidyarthigrah Publication) Vol. 1 & 2, by J.N. Wartikar and P.N. Wartikar Calculus (Ninth Edition ), Pearson Publication by George B. Thomas and Ross L. Finney Higher Engineering Mathematics by Dr. B.S. Grewal Advanced Engg. Mathematics by H.K. Das Engg Mathematics Vol.1 & 2, by S.S. Shastri

MEMBERS OF BOARD STUDIES 1. 2. 3. 4. Shri D.R. Biradar (Chairman) Shri. R.M. Lokhande (Member) Shri M.R. Pawde (Member) Dr. P.T. Patil (Invited Member)

APPLIED PHYSICS F.E. SEMESTER I Theory paper . . . . . . . . 80 marks Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 marks Term Work 25 marks ____________________________ Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 marks Theory - 4 hrs / week Practical - 2 hrs / week Objective: By studying Applied Physics, students will able to know ; how the Physics concepts are applied in the different branches of engineering. The subject syllabus highlights all required basic terms used for all branches of engineering like electronics, telecom, civil and mechanical

UNIT -I 1.1 THE ELECTRON (4 Hrs) Motion of charged particles in electric and magnetic fields, Determination of charge to mass ratio of electron, Determination of charge of electron, Positive ray analysis, Determination of charge to mass ratio of positive rays by Thomsons parabola method. 1.2 ELECTRON OPTICS (3 Hrs) Applications of electron beam in CRO , Construction, Action and applications(study of wave forms, measurement of DC & AC voltage, measurement of frequency and phase difference on CRO), Electron microscope and its engineering applications. 1.3 ACOUSTICS (3 Hrs) Basic requirements for the acoustically good hall, reverberation and time of reverberation, Sabins formula for reverberation time, absorption coefficient and its measurement, factors affecting the architectural acoustics and their remedy, sound absorbing materials. UNIT - II 2.1 ATOMIC STRUCTURE (3 Hrs) Drawbacks of Bohrs theory, explanation of fine structure of H by Sommer field theory, Vector atom model, Zeeman effect. 2.2 NUCLEAR PHYSICS (3 Hrs) Binding energy curve, Q value of nuclear reaction, nuclear fission in natural uranium, chain reaction, nuclear fusion.

2.3 ULTRASONIC (2 Hrs) Ultrasonic waves, production of ultrasonic waves by piezo electric oscillators and magneto stiction method ( Echo signaling and flaw detection ), applications of ultrasonic waves. Unit - III 3.1 INTERFERENCE (5 Hrs) Interference in thin films, film with uniform thickness and varying thickness (wedge shaped thin films), Newtons ring theory and engineering applications (testing of optical flatness, testing of lens surface, refractive index of liquid, coefficient of expansion of crystal, measurement of mechanical gauge) 3.2 DIFFRACTION (4 Hrs) Fraunhoffers diffraction at a single slit, condition for maxima and minima, plane transmission gratting, resolving power of telescope, Braggs law and Braggs X-Ray spectrometer and determination of crystal structure. Unit- IV 4.1 WAVE NATURE OF MATTER (3 Hrs) Wave and particle duality of radiation, De-Broglies concept of matter waves, DeBroglies wave length, Davission and Germers experiment of electron diffraction, Heisenbergs uncertainty principle. Experimental illustration of uncertainty principle. Physical significance of wave function (). Unit- V 5.1 MAGNETISM AND SUPERCONDUCTIVITY (5 Hrs) introduction to magnetism B,H,I,X and , Ferrites and antiferrites, introduction to super conductors, properties ( 0 resistance, Messner effect, critical fields) type-1 and type-2 super conductors, critical currents, BCS theory, isotope effect, applications(superconducting magnets, transmission lines etc.) 5.2 POLARIZATION (4 Hrs) Plane polarized light, plane of vibration, plane of polarization, production of PPL i. by reflection, Brewsters law ii. Refraction by piles of glass plates and double refraction, Nicol prism, optic axis and principle plane, difference between ordinary and extra ordinary rays, positive and negative crystal, quarter and half wave plates. Unit-VI 6.1 LASER (3 Hrs) Ordinary light Vs laser light, spontaneous emission Vs Stimulated emission, population inversion, metastable state, active medium, pumping mechanism, ruby laser, He-Ne laser, semiconductor laser, applications of laser in industry and medicine.

6.2 FIBER OPTICS (3 Hrs) Total internal reflection, construction of optical fibers, acceptance angle and acceptance cone, fractional refractive index change, numerical aperture, material, applications in sensor and telecommunication, advantages of optical fiber over conducting wires. TERM-WORK: Any ten experiments 1. Effect of magnetic field on electron beam. 2. Determination of e/m by Thomsons method. 3. Newton ring experiment (Determination of radius of curvature and refractive index of liquid) 4. Study of Front panel of CRO. 5. Measurement of frequency and voltage using CRO. 6. Measurement of wavelength of light using plane transmission grating. 7. Specific rotation of sugar solution using polarimeter. 8. P-n junction diode characteristics. 9. Zener diode characteristics. 10. Transistor characteristics CE and CB mode. 11. Study of optical fibers. 12. Characteristics of photo cell/ photo diode. 13. Polarization by reflection. 14. Experiment based on laser. Text Books: 1. Applied Science Reference Books: 1. Modern physics 2. Optics 3. Optics 4. Engineering physics 5. Fiber optics -Sane and Sonkamble -Shelke and Dr. Sahuji -J.B. Rajam -Brijlal and Subramanyam -Mathur -Gaur and Gupta -Cherins

ENGINEERING DRAWING F.E. SEMESTER I Theory paper . . . . . . . . 80 marks Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 marks Term Work 50 marks ____________________________ Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 marks Theory - 4 hrs / week Practical - 2 hrs / week OBJECTIVES: 1 To know the fundamental principles of geometric and machine drawing. 2 To visualize the various machine components. UNIT I: (8 Hrs) Introduction: Concept of reference planes and quadrants, orthographic drawing and allied concepts, Scaling, Sheet Layout, Projection Systems, drawing instruments, types of lines) Projection of Points & Lines : Projections of points in four quadrants. Projection of lines inclined to both the planes, Traces of line, use of traces in obtaining projections. Finding true length and true inclination etc. UNIT II: (6 Hrs) Projections of Planes: Projection of planes inclined to both ref. planes, (regular & composite planes) UNIT III: (6 Hrs) Projections of Solids: Introduction of solids (Prisms, pyramids, cylinders, cone, cube, tetrahedron), Projection of right, regular solids with axis inclined to both the reference planes. UNIT IV: (8 Hrs) Orthographic Projections: Conversion of pictorial views in to orthographic views and drawing sectional views (full section, half section, offset section) UNIT V: (7 Hrs) Isometric Projections: Introduction to pictorial views, Conversion of orthographic views in to Isometric projections/ views. (Isometric and non isometric planes) UNIT VI: (5 Hrs) Missing Views: Orthographic reading, adding the missing view and missing lines in the given orthographic projections. Note: Only First angle method of projections to be used.

TERM WORK: a. At least one sheet containing minimum four problems on each unit. b. A sketch book containing solution of assignments on each unit. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Elementary Engineering Drawing, N. D. Bhatt, V. M. Panchal- Charotar Publication, Anand 2. Engineering Drawing, P. J. Shah C. Jamanadas Publication 3. Engineering Graphics, M. L. Dabhade- Scitech Publication, Pune Reference books: 1. Machine Drawing, N.D. Bhatt, V. M. Panchal- Charotar Publication, Anand 2. Fundamentals of Engineering Drawing, Warren Luzzader- Prentice Hall 3. Machine Drawing, S. Bogolyubov- Mir Publishers, Moscow.

ELEMENTS OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING APPLIED PHYSICS F.E. SEMESTER I Theory paper . . . . . . . . 80 marks Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 marks Term Work 25 marks ____________________________ Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 marks Theory - 4 hrs / week Practical - 2 hrs / week
OBJECTIVES: - Objective of this subject is to

To understand the importance of Electrical energy in day to day life. To understand importance of basic concepts of Electrical engineering, different theorems & different machines used in industries. To gain knowledge of solving numerical problems related to electrical circuits.

UNIT I. GENERAL (4 Hrs) Revision of concepts of EMF, P.D. & Current, Ohm's law, resistance. Insulation resistance & Effect of temperature on resistance, Resistance Temperature coefficient. Fundamental concept of work, power, energy. Capacitance & their series, Parallel combination. UNIT II. D.C.CIRCUIT ANALYSIS (9 Hrs) Simplification of network using series & parallel combination of resistances & Star-Delta conversions. Different types of sources, source conversion technique. KCL, KVL, Loop & Nodal analysis. Superposition Theorem, & Thevenins Theorem. UNIT III. MAGNETIC CIRCUITS (9 Hrs) Magnetic effect of Electric current, concepts of M.M.F., flux, flux density, reluctance, permeability, field strength & their relationship. Concepts of leakage & fringing. Computation of M.M.F. in simple series & parallel magnetic circuits. Comparison of electric & magnetic circuit. Concept of induced E.M.F., dynamically induced e.m.f. & statically induced e.m.f., self & mutually induced E.M.F., self inductance & mutual inductance, coefficient of coupling. Combination of Inductances in series & parallel. UNIT IV. A.C. FUNDAMENTALS (SINGLE PHASE) (11 Hrs) Sinusoidal voltage & currents, their mathematical & graphical representation, concepts of instantaneous, peak, average & R.M.S. values, frequency, cycle, period, peak factor, form factor, phase & Phase difference. Rectangular & polar representation of phasors. Study of A.C. through Pure Resistance, Pure Inductance, Pure Capacitance & corresponding voltage -current phasor diagram. Study of A.C. through series & parallel combination consists of R-L, R-C, R-L-C. Concept of impedance, admittance,

conductance & susceptance. Concepts of active power, rective power & apparent power. Resonance in series & parallel A.C. Circuits. UNIT V. THREE PHASE A.C.CIRCUITS (POLYPHASE) (3 Hrs) Concepts of 3-phase supply & phase sequence, Voltage, current relationship in 3-phase balanced STAR connected & DELTA connected load with phasor diagram. Different Power equations. UNIT VI. ELECTRICAL MACHINES (08Hrs) TRANSFORMER (SINGLE PHASE) Construction, Principle of working, E.M.F. equation, transformation ratio, concept of Ideal Transformer. Losses, definition of regulation & Efficiency, determination of these by direct loading. ROTATING MACHINES Construction & working principle of D.C. Machine as D.C.Generator & D.C.Motor & A.C. Machine (Induction motor). OUTCOMES: By the end of the course students will able To understand the interrelationship between Electrical parameter & their dependency. To convert complicated into a simpler one. To understand the concept of Active, Reactive & Apperent power in an electrical circuit. To gain knowledge about safety & electrical hazards. TERM WORK: The term work for the subject consists of report on the performance of any EIGHT experiments from the following 1. Determination of energy efficiency of water heating system. 2. Verification of Ohm's Law. 3. Verification of KCL & KVL. 4. Verification of Superposition theorem. 5. Verification of Thevenins Theorem. 6. Determination of Performance of R-L series circuit. 7. Determination of Performance of R-C series circuit. 8. Determination of Performance of R-L-C series circuit 9. Verification of Voltage & current relationship in balanced 3-phase STAR connected load. 10. Verification of Voltage & current relationship in balanced 3-phase DELTA connected load. 11. Determination of efficiency & regulation of a single phase Transformer by Direct Loading. 12. Study D.C. Machines (Generator & Motor). 13. Study of A.C. Machines (Induction Motor).

REFERENCE BOOKS: Electrical Technology, H.Cotton, CBS Publication Principles of Electrical Engineering, Vincent Del Toro, IInd edition, Prentice Hall of India, private Ltd. TEXT BOOKS: Basic Electrical Engineering, I.J.Nagrath & D.P.Kothari. Basic Electrical Engineering, V.N.Mittal Principles of Electrical Engineering, V.K.Mehta & Rohit Mehta. Electrical Technology, Vol-I, B.L.Theraja. Electrical Technology, Vol-II, B.L.Theraja. Electrical Machines, I.J.Nagrath & D.P.Kothari Electrical Engineering, Edward Huges & Longman, 7th edition. Principles of Electrical Machines, V.K.Mehta. Committee Members:1. Mrs. Tawani L.G. 2. Mr. Adkine G.U. 3. Mr. C.Pattanaik 4. Mr. Kotgire S.L 5. Mr. Suresh Hallali. 6. Dr.Mr. Joshi Y.V.

Elements of Civil & Environmental Engineering F.E. SEMESTER I Theory paper . . . . . . . . 80 marks Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 marks Term work. . . . . . . . . 25 marks _____________________________ Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 marks Theory - 4 hrs / week Practical - 2 hrs / week Aim: The aim of introducing the subject Elements Of Civil & Environmental Engineering is to make them understand the basic concepts of Civil Engg. And necessity of protecting environment and improvement of environment quality for the well being of man kind. Objective: At the end of the course the students should be able to understand the role of civil engineer in the field of civil engineering and other streams of Engineering and also how to provide a safe and maximum comfortable living for the human beings by using different type of construction techniques and materials. Study of surveying helps in preparing maps which is essential for the execution of any project. Leveling helps to find out relative height of ground and other distinct features like roads, railway lines, rivers, canals, etc. Study of Earth quake helps to understand precautions to be taken to minimize the loss of life and property. Study of Environmental Engineering helps in understanding adverse effects due to air, water, noise and land pollution caused by the human beings & measures to be adopted to conserve the Natural Resources which helps to improve the quality of environment for the well being of man kind. CONTETENTS UNIT - 01 1.1 a) Introduction to civil engineering Role of Civil Engineer in the field of , 1) Surveying 2) Construction 3) Transportation 4) Irrigation 5) Environmental Engineering. Role of Civil Engineer in other streams of engineering i.e. Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics, Computer Science, Information Technology etc. (6 Hrs)



Building Materials Types, Requirements, Properties and Uses of . Bricks, Sand, Stones, Cement, Timber, Steel, Mortar, Concrete (7Hrs)

UNIT 02 2.1 Building construction Types of Structure:Load bearing and framed structures, Composite structures 2.2 a) b)

c) d) e) f) g)

Study of Building components:Definition, types, suitability and requirements of :Foundation (Classification & spread footing only) Masonry Terms used in masonry, English bond, Flemish bond, Points to be observed while supervising the brick and stone work, Coursed and Un-coursed rubble masonry. Doors and Windows, Floors, Lintel, Stairs, Roofs (R.C.C. flat slab, lean to roof, King post and Queen post roof, Roofing materials)

Unit 03 (7 Hrs) 3.1 Surveying : Definition, Classification, Linear measurements (Metric Chain, Metallic taps, Chaining, Ranging, Off setting) Angular measurements (bearings, meridians, study of Prismatic Compass and Surveyors Compass, measurement of bearings) 3.2 Leveling : Definition, terminology, study of Dumpy levels, Process of simple and differential leveling and numericals based on it. Unit 04 (7 Hrs) 4.1 Earth quake : Definition, Technical terms (focus, epicenter, magnitude intensity etc.) Measurements, Causes, Effects, Precautions to minimize loss of lives, general design considerations for construction of building in seismic zone. 4.2 Water resource management : Hydrological cycle, water conservation (Rain water harvesting, Roof top harvesting, water shed development and management)

Unit 05 (8 Hrs) 5.1 Environmental Engineering: Definition: Environment, Ecology. 1) Air pollution: Sources, Causes, effects and remedial measures. 2) Water pollution: Definition, Sources, Causes, effects and remedial measures, water quality standards, water treatment process. 3) Noise Pollution: Definition, Sources, Causes, effects and remedial measures, Requirements of good acoustical conditions. 4) Land pollution: Definition, Sources, Causes, effects and remedial measures, waste land managements. Unit 06 (6 Hrs) 6.1 Protection of Environment :Environmental education and awareness, conservation of natural resources, legislations and acts :1) The Water (prevention and control of pollution) Act 1974. 2) The Air (prevention and control of pollution) Act 1981. 3) The Wild Life Protection Act 1972. 4) The Indian Forest (conservation) Act 1927. 5) The Environmental Protection Act 1986. 6) The Motor Vehicle Act 1988. (Note :- Knowledge of :- salient features, objectives and, powers for violating various acts are desirable.) List of experiments: 1) Chaining and Ranging. 2) Measurement of bearings using Prismatic Compass. 3) Measurements of R.LS of given points using Dumpy Level. 4) Visit to building construction site for the study of various building components. AND Drawing of sketches on quarter part of sheets: - (Any four from the followings) 5) Foundation - - - - - - - - - - 2 nos. 6) Masonry - - - - - - - - - - - -2 nos. 7) Doors and Windows - - - -2 nos. 8) Stairs - - - - --- -- - - - - - - 2 nos. 9) Lintel and Floor- - - - - - - 1 no. 10) Roof - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 no. 11) Flow diagrams of conventional Water and Waste Water treatments. References: 1) Building Design and Drawing .. 2) Introduction to Surveying .. 3) Elementary Seismology 4) Water Resource Engineering .. By Kale & Patki. (Tata-McGgaw Hill publication). By Anderson (McGgaw Hill international ) By Ritcher C. F. By Garg S. K.

5) Environmental Engineering and Management .

By Dhaneja. By Rangwala. By Punmia B. C. By Punmia B. C. By Garg S. K. By Birdie.

Text Books: 1) Building Materials .............. 2) Building Construction . 3) Surveying I & II. 4) Hydrology and Water Resource Engineering . 5) Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering 6) Acts Published By The Director, Government Printing Stationary & Publications, Maharashtra, Mumbai. 7) Environmental pollution Control Engineering .. 8) Environmental Engineering Vol. II

By Rao C. S. By Garg S. K.

WORKSHOP F.E. SEMESTER I Term Work 50 marks ____________________________ Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 marks Practical - 4 hrs / week Objective : Students should know the basic manufacturing processes, engineering materials, use of hand and power tools, common measurement tools. UNIT 1 CARPENTRY 1. 12 hrs.


Workshop Diary recording the following contents a) Study of timber, classification, defects, seasoning and preservation b) Study of carpentry tools, uses, care & maintenance c) Study of carpentry joints and operations d) Study of wood turning lathe Practical: Simplex exercise involving planning, sawing, chiseling, formation of a carpentry joint (one job) Demonstration : Wood turning operation

UNIT 2 TIN SMITHY 8 hrs. 1. Workshop diary : Sheet metal working tools and their use, Various joints in sheet metal working. 2. Practical : A job involving development of surface, marking, cutting, bending and formation of joints (any one type) UNIT 3 STUDY AND DEMONSTRATION OF SOLDERING / BRAZING OPERATION 4 hrs. UNIT 4 FITTING : 12 hrs. 1. Workshop diary : Study o fitting tools, operations and joints 2. Simple exercise involving marking, sawing, drilling and tapping operation (One Job with Male Female Joint) UNIT 5 PLUMBING 1. 2. 8 hrs.

Workshop diary : Plumbing tools and uses, Standard accessories used for plumbing Thread cutting on G.I. pipes and preparation of pipe joint

UNIT 6 WELDING : 6 hrs. 1. Study of electric arc welding tools and equipments, welding joints. 2. Demonstration of Arc welding (Minimum two joints from lap, butt, T joints) RECOMMENDED BOOKS : 1 Elements of workshop technology, Vol. 1, by Hajra Choudhary 2. Basic Production Processes, Prepared by T.T.T.I. , Madras

ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-II F.E. SEMESTER II Theory paper . . . . . . . . 80 marks Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 marks ____________________________ Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 marks Theory - 4 hrs / week Tutorial- 1 hrs / week UNIT 1 CURVE TRACING : 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Curve tracing in Cartesian form. 1.3 Curve tracing in Polar form 1.4 Special curves (Asteroid, Cycloid and Catenaries) UNIT 2 MEASUREMENT OF LENGTH OF ARC: 2.1 Measurements of Lengths of arc of Curves in Cartesian Coordinates 2.2 Measurement of Lengths of arc of Curves in Polar Coordinates 2.3 Intrinsic Equations of Curves (5 hrs.)

(5 hrs.)

UNIT 3 MULTIPLE INTEGRALS : (10 hrs.) 3.1 Gamma and Beta Functions 3.2 Double Integral in Cartesian and Polar Coordinates 3.3 Change of Order of Integration 3.4 Applications of Multiple Integrals to Volume and Surface area of Solid of Revolution UNIT 4 TRIPLE INTEGRALS AND APPLICATIONS : 4.1 Triple Integrals in Cartesian coordinates 4.2 Triple Integrals in Spherical polar coordinates (4 hrs.)

UNIT 5 DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS OF FIRST ORDER AND (08 hrs.) FIRST DEGREE : 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Exact differential equations and equations reducible to Exact forms 5.3 Linear differential Equations and equations reducible to Linear forms 5.4 Solution by Substitution Methods 5.5 Applications to Family of Orthogonal Trajectories, electrical circuits and Resisted Motions

UNIT 6 INFINITE SEQUENCES AND SERIES: 6.1 Limits of Sequences 6.2 Theorems on calculating limits of sequences 6.3 Infinite Series 6.4 Integral test for series of non negative terms 6.5 Comparison tests for series of non negative terms 6.6 The Ratio and Root tests for series of non negative terms 6.7 Alternating Series, Absolute and conditional convergence. TEXT BOOKS : 1. Calculus (Ninth Edition), Pub. Pearson Publication by George B.Thomas and Ross L. Finney 2. Advanced Engineering Mathematics (Second Edition) Pub. Narosa Publication House : by R.K. Jain and S.R. K. Iyengar 3. Advanced Engineering Mathematics (7th Edition ), by Eriwin Kreyszing REFERENCE BOOKS : 1. Higher Engineering Mathematics by Dr. B.S. Grewal 2. Applied Mathematics (Vidyarthigrah Publication) Vol. 1 & 2, by J.N. Wartikar and P.N. Wartikar 3. Higher Engineering Mathematics by B.V. Ramana 4. Advanced Engg. Mathematics by H.K. Das 5. Engg Mathematics Vol.1 & 2, by S.S. Shastri MEMBERS OF BOARD STUDIES 1. Shri D.R. Biradar (Chairman) 4. Dr. P.T. Patil (Invited Member) 2. Shri. R.M. Lokhande (Member) 3. Shri M.R. Pawde (Member)

(8 hrs.)

APPLIED CHEMISTRY F.E. SEMESTER II Theory paper . . . . . . . . 80 marks Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 marks Term Work 25 marks ____________________________ Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 marks Theory - 4 hrs / week Practical - 2 hrs / week Course Objectives 1. To develop analytical ability. 2. To integrate pure chemistry principles with Engg. applications 3. To understand the chemistry behind the development of engineering materials. Unit-I Fuel (10 Hrs) Introduction; Classification of chemical fuels; Characteristics of good fuels; Determination of calorific value of solid, liquid & gaseous fuels by (a) Bomb Calorimeter (b) Boys calorimeter. Solid fuels: analysis of Coal:- (a) Proximate Analysis (b) Ultimate Analysis, (c) Carbonization of Coal Liquid Fuels: (a) Cetane number of Diesel and Octane number of Petrol; (b) Green or Eco-friendly Fuels: Power Alcohol, Bio-diesel, Hydrogen gas as fuel. Gaseous Fuels: Composition, Properties & Uses of Natural gas, LPG, LNG, CNG & Rocket Propellants Combustion of fuels Theoretical oxygen and requirement, Numerical

Unit-II Analytical Chemistry (10 Hrs) Introduction; Types of analysis: quantitative and qualitative analysis; Chromatographic methods: Principle, working and applications of paper, thin layer and column chromatography, Introduction to GC and HPLC; Spectroscopic techniques: Electro magnetic radiations: its characteristics and interaction with matter. Principle, working and applications of UV- visible and IR spectroscopy. Unit-III Corrosion and Lubricants (05 Hrs) A) Corrosion: Introduction, Types of corrosion: Galvanic, Differential, Aeration Dry and wet corrosion: Mechanism, Factors affecting rate of corrosion: Nature of metal, Nature of environment, Method of prevention of corrosion anodic & cathodic protection. Unit IV Lubricants (05 Hrs) B) Lubricants: Introduction to Lubricants & Lubrication Function of Lubricant; Mechanisms of lubrication: Boundary, Thick film and Extreme pressure lubrication;

Classification of lubricants with examples; Criteria for selection of lubricant under given operating conditions. Unit V Specialty Polymers Materials Introduction and various examples; 1. Polymers Introduction, Classification with suitable examples, Techniques of polymerization, 2 3. (06 Hrs)

Plastics Thermoplastics and thermosetting, Rubber: Introduction, Advantages of vulcanized rubber over natural rubber, structure & properties Specialty Polymers Biodegradable, Thermally Stable, Liquid crystal & Conducting polymer.

Unit VI Smart Materials (04 Hrs) Smart Materials Definition, some examples of smart materials and its mechanism Piezoelectric materials: Introduction, Piezoelectricity, properties and applications. Text Books 1. Jain and Jain Engineering Chemistry. (Dhanpat Rai Piblishing Company), 14th edn., 2004 2. S.K.Singh, Fundamentals of Engineering Chemistry (Theory and Practice). (New Age International Publishers), 2nd edn, 2003 Reference Books 1. A.K. De, Environmental Chemistry; John Wiley & sons. Inc. 8th edn 1999. 2. Gray D.Christian, Analytical chemistry, John wiley & sons. Inc. 6th edn2003. List of Practicals (Any eighth of the following) 1. Estimation of moisture, volatile matter and ash content in a given sample of coal 2. Synthesis of bio-diesel and its characterization 3. Separation and identification of components of mixture by paper chromatography 4. Separation of mixture of ortho and para nitro aniline by column chromatography 5. Separation of mixture of organic compounds by TLC 6. Study of Beer-Lamberts law and its application to spectrophotometric analysis 7. Study of corrosion of metal in medium of different pH & current measurement 8. Determination of Aniline point of given oil. 9. Preparation of Phenol/ Urea Formaldehyde 10. To determine molecular weight of polymer

Outcome : By the end of the course students should be able to carryout proximate analysis of fuel, to obtain the chromatogram of certain compounds, e.g.O&o nitro aniline, and also be able to separate them from mixture, to synthesize Bio- diesel, effect of environment on corrosion of metal and selection of lubricant for a given system.

ENGINEERING MECHANICS F.E. SEMESTER II Theory paper . . . . . . . . 80 marks Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 marks Term Work 25 marks ____________________________ Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 marks Theory - 4 hrs / week Practical - 2 hrs / week AIM : Basic concepts of Mechanics for Static and Dynamics have to be implanted into the student. OBJECTIVE: At the end of this course the student should be able to understand, static equilibrium of particles and rigid bodies in two dimensions. Further, he should understand the principle of work and energy. He should be able to comprehend the effect of friction on equilibrium. He should be able to understand the laws of motion, the kinematics of motion and the interrelationship. He should also be able to write the dynamic equilibrium equation. All these should be achieved both conceptually and through solved examples.) UNIT 1 : System of Coplanar Forces: (8 Hrs) Resultant of concurrent forces, parallel forces and non parallel non concurrent system of forces, moment of force about any point, couples, Varignons theorem, distributed forces in plane. 1.1: Equilibrium of system of coplanar forces: Conditions of equilibrium for concurrent, parallel and non concurrent, non parallel system of forces and couples. types of supports, determination of reactions at supports for various types of structures. UNIT 2: Centroids and Moment of Inertia: (08Hrs) Center of gravity of wires bent into different shapes, moment of inertia of plane areas. 2.1: Analysis of pin jointed plane trusses: Perfect trusses ,method of joints, method of sections. (Members not more than 10) UNIT 3 : Friction : (6 Hrs) Laws of friction, cone of friction, equilibrium of bodies on an inclined plane, application to problems involving wedges, ladders. 3.1 : Graphic Statics : Bows notation, force polygon, funicular polygon, Maxwell diagram, problems involving beam reactions, determination of forces in trusses.

UNIT 4 : Kinematics of a particle: (6 Hrs) Velocity and acceleration in terms of rectangular co-ordinate system. Rectilinear motion, motion along plane curved path., tangential & normal components of acceleration, acceleration-time, velocity-time graphs and their uses, projectile motion 4.1: Kinematics of rigid bodies: (4 Hrs) Translation, pure rotation & plane motion of rigid bodies, instantaneous centre of rotation for the velocity & velocity diagrams for bodies in plane motion, acceleration in plane motion, relative velocities. UNIT 5 : Kinetics of particles and kinetics of rigid bodies: (5 Hrs) DAlemberts principle, equation of dynamic equilibrium, linear motion, curvilinear motion, mass moment of inertia about centroidal axis & about any other axis. DAlemberts principle for bodies under the motion of rotation about a fixed axis and plane motion. Application to motion of connected bodies. UNIT 6: Momentum and Energy principles: (04 Hrs) Linear momentum, principle of conservation of momentum, work done by a force. Work energy equation, principle of conservation of energy, potential and kinetic energy & power, impact of solid bodies, elastic impact, semi elastic and plastic impact. 6.1 : Belt Friction: ( 3 Hrs) Transmission of power by belts and ropes, centrifugal and initial tension in the belts or ropes. Condition for maximum power transmission. Flat belts on flat pulleys & ropes on grooved pulleys Term Work Term work shall consist of record of laboratory/ practical work as listed below A) Any one experiment from 1. Verification of law of polygon of forces 2. Moment of inertia of flywheel 3. Belt friction B) Graphical solutions 1. Non-concurrent four system- One problem with resultant as a force and one problem with resultant as a couple 2. Equilibrium of non-concurrent force system- one problem 3. Friction- wedge and block one problem 4. Analysis of plane trusses two problems C) Study of the following machines : 1. Single purchase crab or spur gear pulley block 2. Different axle and wheel of differential pulley block 3. Worm and worm wheel 4. Screw Jack

Assignments : Analytical solution of at least twelve problem based on above syllabus Text Books : 1. Engg. Mechanics by Timoshenko and Young 2. Engg. Mechanics by Bhavikatti 3. Engg. Mechanic by Beer and Jonhston 4. Engg. Mechanics by A.K. Tayal 5. Engg. Mechanics by S.M. Dumne Reference Books: 1. Engg. Mechanics by Nelson 2. Engg. Mechanics by Singer 3. Engg. Mechanics by Hibbler

ELEMENTS OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING F.E. SEMESTER II Theory paper . . . . . . . . 80 marks Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 marks Term Work 25 marks ____________________________ Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 marks Theory - 4 hrs / week Practical - 2 hrs / week Objective: The subject Elements of Mechanical Engineering deals with the basic mechanical devices and their applications. Being an engineering graduate of any discipline, he should know about the basic mechanical devices and how to operate them in day to day life efficiently. The subject covers the power consuming devices like air conditioners, refrigerators, air compressors, power developing devices like I.C. engines, turbines and the simple machining processes like drilling, milling, grinding, casting etc. Also everyone should know the different types of conventional as well as nonconventional energy sources and their harvesting to avoid energy crisis. Unit I Sources of Energy: (04 Hrs) Conventional energy sources: Thermal, Nuclear, Hydraulic power plants. Non conventional energy sources: Wind, Solar, Tidal, Geothermal, Ocean, Wave energies, Energy crises and saving of energy. UnitII Fundamentals of Thermodynamics: (10 Hrs.) Thermodynamic systems, properties and processes, quasistatic process. State and path function, thermodynamic equilibrium, pure and working substances, Temperature, Zeroth law of thermodynamics, measurement of temperature, mercury thermometers. Pressure and its measurements (simple numerical treatment) heat and work. First law of thermodynamics: Law of conservation of mass and energy, Joules experiment, PMMI, first law of cyclic and non cyclic process, concept of internal energy, specific heat, enthalpy, entropy, limitation of first law and statements of second law of thermodynamics. Unit III Ideal gases: (08 Hrs) Definition, laws of ideal gases, characteristics gas equation, universal gas constant, various ideal gas processes for non flow system to calculate internal energy, heat transfer, work transfer, enthalpy with numerical treatment.

UnitIV Introduction to thermal machines: (06 Hrs) i) Working principle and applications of Power developing devices: I.C. Engines (Two stroke, Four stroke) comparison, constant pressure gas turbine, water turbine (Pelton turbine only). ii) Working principle & application of Power consuming devices: Air compressor, house hold refrigerator, window air conditioner. Unit V Power transmission elements and drives: (06 Hrs) Introduction to velocity ratio, belts, types of belts, pulleys, working and applications, gear, gear tooth terminology,(limited to spur gear), types of gears and their applications, clutches, single plate clutch. UnitVI Manufacturing processes: (06) Working principle and applications of Casting, Rolling, Welding, Brazing and Soldering, machining processes on lathe machine, drilling machine, milling machine, grinding machine. Term- Work: Term work shall consist of demonstration and operation on (any eight devices/machines). i.) Study and demonstration of 2/4 Stroke engine. ii.) Study and demonstration of House hold refrigerator. iii.) Study and demonstration of Air conditioner iv.) Study and demonstration of Air compressor v.) Study and demonstration of Boilers: (one H.P. and one L.P.) vi.) Study and demonstration of Lathe machine vii.) Study and demonstration of Grinding machine viii.) Study and demonstration of Milling machine ix.) Study and demonstration of Drilling machine x.) Study and demonstration of Shaping machine Text Books: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Thermal Engineering Thermal Engineering Thermodynamics Manufacturing processes Machine Design Workshop technology Thermal Engineering Thermodynamics by by by by by by by by R.K. Rajput -Laxmi publications D.S. Kumar P.K. Nag - Tata McGraw hill R.K. Jain Khanna publications V.B.Bhandari -Tata McGraw hill Hajara Choudhary,Bose P.L.Ballaney Khanna publications Yunus A. Cengel, Machael A Boles Tata McGraw hill Publication Chapman R.C. Patel & Karamchandani Zeemansky

Workshop Technology Vol.-I, II, III by Heat Engine Vol.-I, II, III by Thermodynamics by

FUNDAMENTALS OF COMPUTER PROGRAMMING F.E. SEMESTER II Theory paper . . . . . . . . 80 marks Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 marks Term Work 25 marks ____________________________ Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 marks Theory - 4 hrs / week Practical - 2 hrs / week Course Objectives To make students aware of basics about computers, hardware software, operating System. To study C language. UNIT 1 Computer Fundamentals (6 Hrs) Introduction to computer, Hardware, Software, Programming process, Operating System, Algorithm and Flowchart. Language preliminaries, Variables and Expressions, Operators, Basic Input and output statements. UNIT 2 Introduction to Data Structure: (6 Hrs) Number representation- integer, floating point, double precision, character, enumerate data types, structures etc. Efficient representation of data. Control structures, Decision making statements, Loop constructs. UNIT 3 Arrays (8 Hrs) Single and Multidimensional arrays, Strings, Initializing string, Arrays of strings, String handling functions. Functions User defined and Library Functions, Function definition, Function call, Introduction to Pointer, Function parameters, Recursion, Passing array to function. UNIT 4 Pointer (6 Hrs) Basics of Pointer, Functions and Pointers, Strings and Pointers, Pointer arrays, Pointer and Functions, Dynamic memory allocation, Stacks, queues, linked list etc. UNIT 5 Structure and Union(8 Hrs) Definition and declaration, Structure within structure, Operations on Structures, Arrays of Structures, Pointer to Structure, Passing Structure to functions, Unions. Introduction to Algorithms: Computational complexity, time and space complexity, Introduction to fast algorithms, Typical examples of fast computing such as addition of natural numbers, Factoring, Polynomial Multiplication etc.

UNIT 6 Files (6 Hrs) File declaration, Opening, Closing, Writing, Reading data files and Random access files. Preprocessor - Features of preprocessors, Macro Expansion, File Inclusion, Conditional compilation. Outcomes : By the end of the course Students will understand fundamentals of computer. Students will be comfortable with Linux/Unix Operating System and able to Write C programs. Text Books: i) K. R. Venugopal, Sudeep R. Prasad, Programming with C, Tata McGraw Hill. ii) Ram Kumar, Rakesh Agrawal, Programming in ANSI C, Tata McGraw Hill. iii) Yeshwant Kanetkar, Let Us C, bpb Publication. Reference Books: i ) Kernighan Brian W. & Ritchie Dennis M. , The C ANSI C Programming Language, Pearson Education Asia. ii) Herbert Schildt, C The Complete Reference, Tata McGraw Hill. iii) Ellis Horowitz Sahani and Satraj Sahni, Computer Algorithm, Galgotia Delhi. Term Work: Term Work should consist of a record in the form of a journal with at least 10 programs from the list given below. Record should be with algorithms, flowcharts and printouts of the programs. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Study of computer system and its peripherals, CPU, Input Unit - Keyboard, Mouse, Joystick, Scanner, Output Unit- Monitor, Printer, Plotter. Storage Unit RAM, HDD, CDROM, LAN, Computer lab NetWork. Study of UNIX/LINUX operating system, study of basic commands, vi editor, gcc. Write a program to implement different loops in C. Write at least two programs using arrays. Write programs to do string operations such as copy, concatenate, reverse etc. Write a program using Structure and Union. Write a program using pointer concept. Write at least three programs based on combination of array, pointer, structure, and function. Write a program using File Handling concept. Write a program to draw line, circle and ellipse. Write a program using preprocessor.

BASIC ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING F.E. SEMESTER II Theory paper . . . . . . . . 80 marks Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 marks Term Work 25 marks ____________________________ Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 marks Theory - 4 hrs / week Practical - 2 hrs / week

UNIT-I Semiconductor diodes and Applications: (7 Hrs) PN junction diode- V-I Characteristics, Specifications. Half-Wave & Full-Wave rectifiers, equations for Idc, Vdc, Vrms, Irms, Efficiency & ripple factor. Zener DiodeCharacteristics, specifications, Zener voltage regulator. LED-Characteristics, 7-Segment LED display. UNIT-II Transistors & other semiconductor devices: (07 Hrs) Characteristics & specifications of BJT, FET & MOSFET (enhancement type). CE, CB, CC Configurations. DC analysis, BJT as a switch. Single stage BJT amplifier. MOSFET as a switch. Power semiconductor devices-SCR, DIAC, TRIAC, characteristics & specifications. List of applications. UNIT-III Operational Amplifiers: (06 Hrs) Block diagram, parameters of ideal & practical op-amp. Concept of negative & positive feedback, advantages of negative feed back. Applications- Inverting, non Inverting, difference, summing, differentiator, integrator. PART-B UNIT-IV Digital Electronics: (7 Hrs) Introduction to number system- Decimal number system, Binary, Octal & Hexadecimal number systems & its conversion. Addition & Subtraction. Boolean Algebra, Logic Gates, Half-adder, Full-Adder. Technologies- SSI, MSI, LSI, VLSI. Flip-flops, Introduction to Shift Registers & Counters. UNIT-V Communication Systems: (7 Hrs) IEEE frequency spectrum, Block Diagram of communication system, Need for Modulation, AM & FM Techniques, modulation index, Block diagram of AM & FM Transmitter, Super heterodyne receiver, Introduction to Mobile communication, Satellite communication & RADAR.

UNIT-VI Transducers: (6 Hrs) Classification of Transducers. Study of Transducers like displacement, Temperature, Pressure & Optical transducers. Study of Digital thermometer, Weighing machine, PID controller, data logger & Digital optical encoder. Study of CRO & Multi-meter List of Experiments. 1. Study of Active and Passive Components. 2. Study of controls of C.R.O. 3. V-I Characteristics of Rectifier Diode & Zener Diode. 4. Half Wave & Full Wave Rectifier. 5. BJT Characteristics/ Single Stage CE Amplifier. 6. Inverting & Non Inverting Amplifier Using Op-Amp. (741). 7. Study of Logic Gates. 8. Verification of Truth Table of Flip-Flops / Half Adder & Full Adder. 9. Study of Amplitude Modulation & Demodulation. 10. Soldering practice & Study of soldering Techniques. Books: 1. Electronic Devices & Circuits - David A Bell, PHI Publication, New Delhi 2004. 2) Art of Electronics - Paul Horowitz, Cambridge LPE. 3) Electrical & Electronics & Computer Engineering for Scientists and Engineers Second Edition- K.A. Krishnamurthy & M.R Raghuveer- New Age International Publishers (Willey Eastern) 2001. 4) Electronic Communication Systems-George Kennedy, TMH 4th Edition. Reference Books: 1) Digital Electronics. An Introduction to Theory & practice-William.H. Gothmann, PHI, Second Edition. 2) Electronics Devices and Circuits. An Introduction-Allen Mottershid,PHI 3) Electronic Instrumentation-H.S Kalsi, Second Edition, McGraw-Hill publication. 4) Mobile Cellular Telecommunication- W.C.X. Lee, McGraw Hill Publication. 5) Basic Electronics ------Bernald Grob. 6) Electronic Principles----Malvino.

Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded

First Year Engineering Revised Syllabus For Group-I

(Revision 2008)
S. No. Subject Theory per Week 4 4 4 4 4 -20 04 04 04 04 04 04 24 Tutorial / Practical 1 2 4 2 2 04 15 01 02 02 02 02 02 11 Theory Test Term Work -25 50 25 25 50 175 -25 25 25 25 25 125 Total

Part I 1. Engineering Mathematics-I 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Total Part-II 1 Engineering Mathematics-II 2. 3. 4 5. 6. Total Engineering Chemistry Engineering Mechanics Elements of Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals of Computer Programming Basic Electronics Engineering Engineering Physics Engineering Drawing Elements of Electrical Engineering Elements of Civil & Environmental Engineering Workshop

80 80 80 80 80 -400 80 80 80 80 80 80 480

20 20 20 20 20 -100 20 20 20 20 20 20 120

100 125 150 125 125 50 675 100 125 125 125 125 125 725

Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded

First Year Engineering Revised Syllabus For Group-II

(Revision 2008)
S. No. Subject Theory per Week 4 4 4 4 4 -20 04 04 04 04 04 04 Tutorial / Practical 1 2 4 2 2 04 15 01 02 02 02 02 02 Theory Test Term Work -25 50 25 25 50 175 -25 25 25 25 25 Total

Part I 1. Engineering Mathematics-I 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Total Part-II 1 Engineering Mathematics-II 2. 3. 4 5. 6. Engineering Physics Engineering Mechanics Elements of Mechanical Engineering Elements of Electrical Engineering Basic Electronics Engineering Total Engineering Chemistry Engineering Drawing Fundamentals of Computer Programming Elements of Civil & Environmental Engineering Workshop

80 80 80 80 80 -400 80 80 80 80 80 80

20 20 20 20 20 -100 20 20 20 20 20 20

100 125 150 125 125 50 675 100 125 125 125 125 125







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