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Day Wise Progress Report Of HVAC yste!

1. Des"riptio# of $o% 2. &a!e of Co#tra"tor '( )a#po*er

: HVAC system : Blue Star : Supervisor Electrician 3 1 Tota+ , 2' Boxer Rigger 6 1'

-( Wor. Progress 2( Co!p+etio# Date

/ase!e#t 0 1 Boxing Erection o! "ucting #ranc$ 2%%!t2

: &t$ 'uly o! 2%%( !or #asement ) Extension *ate is 1%t$ 'uly o! 2%%(

6( Tota+ 34a#tity of pipi#g 5o#e : 2&2%%!t2 7( /a+a#"e to %e 5o#e 8( Re!ar.s : +3%%%,2&2%%- 1.(%%!t2 : /o*ay 2%% !t2 is *one at #asement ) trans!erre* to #asement )) 0B21 *ucting s$eet is

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