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They deal with significant issues

Hard work Poverty

They engage Multiple Intelligences

Farming is a financial source ( corn=money) Success comes from hard work.

They appeal to different learning styles

The change of behavior from negative to positive.

They suspend norms of time, place and identity

A story may take 3-5 minutes to tell in real time but, in fictional time a hundred years or more may past. Eg. Time : After three months place: Corn farm (classroom)

They are social and communal.

Both stories and drama are shared classroom events, which take place in real time. As such, they provide a vehicle for the teacher and children to be inter-subjectively engaged, that is, in a state where participants are jointly focused on the activity and its goals, and they draw each others attention in a common direction (van Lier 1996:161).

They have rules and conventions

Focus, pay attention, do not make noise.

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