CH 04

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Vacancies and Self-Interstitials

4.1 Calculate the fraction of atom sites that are vacant for lead at its melting temperature of 327C (600 K). Assume an energ for vacanc formation of 0.!! e"#atom. Solution In order to compute t e !r"ction o! "tom #ite# t "t "re $"c"nt in le"d "t %&& '( )e mu#t emplo* E+u"tion 4.1. A# #t"ted in t e pro,lem( $v - &... e/0"tom. T u#(

Q 0.55 eV / atom = exp v = exp kT (8.62 105 eV / atom - K) (600 K)

- 1.41 1&2.

E3cerpt# !rom t i# )or4 m"* ,e reproduced ,* in#tructor# !or di#tri,ution on " not2!or2pro!it ,"#i# !or te#tin5 or in#truction"l purpo#e# onl* to #tudent# enrolled in cour#e# !or ) ic t e te3t,oo4 "# ,een "dopted. An other reproduction or translation of this %or& 'e ond that permitted ' (ections )07 or )0* of the )+76 ,nited (tates Cop right Act %ithout the permission of the cop right o%ner is unla%ful.

4.1 Calculate the num'er of vacancies per cu'ic meter in iron at *!0 C. -he energ for vacanc formation is ).0* e"#atom. .urthermore/ the densit and atomic %eight for .e are 7.6! g#cm 3 and !!.*! g#mol/ respectivel . Solution 6etermin"tion o! t e num,er o! $"c"ncie# per cu,ic meter in iron "t 7.& C 81119 ': re+uire# t e utili;"tion o! E+u"tion# 4.1 "nd 4.1 "# !ollo)#<

Q N Q = N exp v = A Fe exp v kT kT AFe

And incorpor"tion o! $"lue# o! t e p"r"meter# pro$ided in t e pro,lem #t"tement into t e ",o$e e+u"tion le"d# to

Nv =


10 23 atoms / mol)(7.65 g / cm 3) 1.08 eV / atom exp 55.85 g / mol (8.62 105 eV / atom K) (850C + 273 K)
- 1.17 1&17 cm29 - 1.17 1&14 m29

E3cerpt# !rom t i# )or4 m"* ,e reproduced ,* in#tructor# !or di#tri,ution on " not2!or2pro!it ,"#i# !or te#tin5 or in#truction"l purpo#e# onl* to #tudent# enrolled in cour#e# !or ) ic t e te3t,oo4 "# ,een "dopted. An other reproduction or translation of this %or& 'e ond that permitted ' (ections )07 or )0* of the )+76 ,nited (tates Cop right Act %ithout the permission of the cop right o%ner is unla%ful.

4.9 Calculate the activation energ for vacanc formation in aluminum/ given that the e0uili'rium num'er of vacancies at !00C (773 K) is 7.!7 )023 m13. -he atomic %eight and densit (at !00 C) for aluminum are/ respectivel / 26.+* g#mol and 2.62 g#cm 3. Solution Upon e3"min"tion o! E+u"tion 4.1( "ll p"r"meter# ,e#ide# $v "re 5i$en e3cept 2( t e tot"l num,er o! "tomic #ite#. Ho)e$er( 2 i# rel"ted to t e den#it*( 8 Al:( A$o5"dro=# num,er 82A:( "nd t e "tomic )ei5 t 8 AAl: "ccordin5 to E+u"tion 4.1 "#

N A Al AAl

(6.022 10 23 atoms / mol)(2.62 g / cm 3)

26.98 g / mol

- ..7. 1&11 "tom#0cm9 - ..7. 1&17 "tom#0m9 No)( t"4in5 n"tur"l lo5"rit m# o! ,ot #ide# o! E+u"tion 4.1(

Q ln N v = ln N v kT
"nd( "!ter #ome "l5e,r"ic m"nipul"tion

7.57 10 23 m3 = (8.62 10 -5 eV/atom - K) (500C + 273 K) ln 5.85 10 28 m3

- &.>. e/0"tom

E3cerpt# !rom t i# )or4 m"* ,e reproduced ,* in#tructor# !or di#tri,ution on " not2!or2pro!it ,"#i# !or te#tin5 or in#truction"l purpo#e# onl* to #tudent# enrolled in cour#e# !or ) ic t e te3t,oo4 "# ,een "dopted. An other reproduction or translation of this %or& 'e ond that permitted ' (ections )07 or )0* of the )+76 ,nited (tates Cop right Act %ithout the permission of the cop right o%ner is unla%ful.

Impurities in Solids
4.4 3elo%/ atomic radius/ cr stal structure/ electronegativit / and the most common valence are

ta'ulated/ for several elements4 for those that are nonmetals/ onl atomic radii are indicated. Atomic Radius nm! &.11>7 &.&>1 &.&4% &.&%& &.144. &.1491 &.11.9 &.114@ &.1141 &.114% &.19>% &.197> &.1991

Element Cu C H O A5 Al Co Cr ?e Ni Pd Pt Bn

Crystal Structure ?CC

Electronegativity 1.@

Valence A1


1.@ 1.. 1.7 1.% 1.7 1.7 1.1 1.1 1.%

A1 A9 A1 A9 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1

5hich of these elements %ould ou e6pect to form the follo%ing %ith copper7 (a) A su'stitutional solid solution having complete solu'ilit (') A su'stitutional solid solution of incomplete solu'ilit (c) An interstitial solid solution Solution In t i# pro,lem )e "re "#4ed to cite ) ic o! t e element# li#ted !orm )it Cu t e t ree po##i,le #olid #olution t*pe#. ?or complete #u,#titution"l #olu,ilit* t e !ollo)in5 criteri" mu#t ,e met< 1: t e di!!erence in "tomic r"dii ,et)een Cu "nd t e ot er element 8 R" : mu#t ,e le## t "n C1.D( 1: t e cr*#t"l #tructure# mu#t ,e t e #"me( 9: t e electrone5"ti$itie# mu#t ,e #imil"r( "nd 4: t e $"lence# # ould ,e t e #"me( or ne"rl* t e #"me. Belo) "re t",ul"ted( !or t e $"riou# element#( t e#e criteri". RD E44 E%4 E.9 A19 A11 21 Cr*#t"l Structure FCC Electro2 ne5"ti$it*

Element Cu C H O A5 Al Co

/"lence #$


& 2&.4 2&.1

1A 9A 1A

E3cerpt# !rom t i# )or4 m"* ,e reproduced ,* in#tructor# !or di#tri,ution on " not2!or2pro!it ,"#i# !or te#tin5 or in#truction"l purpo#e# onl* to #tudent# enrolled in cour#e# !or ) ic t e te3t,oo4 "# ,een "dopted. An other reproduction or translation of this %or& 'e ond that permitted ' (ections )07 or )0* of the )+76 ,nited (tates Cop right Act %ithout the permission of the cop right o%ner is unla%ful.

Cr ?e Ni Pd Pt Bn

21 29 29 A7 A@ A4


2&.9 2&.1 2&.1 A&.9 A&.9 2&.9

9A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A

8": Ni( Pd( "nd Pt meet "ll o! t e criteri" "nd t u# !orm #u,#titution"l #olid #olution# "$in5 complete #olu,ilit*. At ele$"ted temper"ture# Co "nd ?e e3perience "llotropic tr"n#!orm"tion# to t e ?CC cr*#t"l #tructure( "nd t u# di#pl"* complete #olid #olu,ilit* "t t e#e temper"ture#. 8,: A5( Al( Co( Cr( ?e( "nd Bn !orm #u,#titution"l #olid #olution# o! incomplete #olu,ilit*. All t e#e met"l# "$e eit er BCC or HCP cr*#t"l #tructure#( "nd0or t e di!!erence ,et)een t eir "tomic r"dii "nd t "t !or Cu "re 5re"ter t "n C1.D( "nd0or "$e " $"lence di!!erent t "n 1A. 8c: C( H( "nd O !orm inter#titi"l #olid #olution#. T e#e element# "$e "tomic r"dii t "t "re #i5ni!ic"ntl* #m"ller t "n t e "tomic r"diu# o! Cu.

E3cerpt# !rom t i# )or4 m"* ,e reproduced ,* in#tructor# !or di#tri,ution on " not2!or2pro!it ,"#i# !or te#tin5 or in#truction"l purpo#e# onl* to #tudent# enrolled in cour#e# !or ) ic t e te3t,oo4 "# ,een "dopted. An other reproduction or translation of this %or& 'e ond that permitted ' (ections )07 or )0* of the )+76 ,nited (tates Cop right Act %ithout the permission of the cop right o%ner is unla%ful.

4.. .or 'oth .CC and 3CC cr stal structures/ there are t%o different t pes of interstitial sites. 8n each case/ one site is larger than the other/ and is normall occupied ' impurit atoms. .or .CC/ this larger one is located at the center of each edge of the unit cell4 it is termed an octahedral interstitial site. 9n the other hand/ 1 1 %ith 3CC the larger site t pe is found at 0 2 4 positions:that is/ l ing on ;)00< faces/ and situated mid%a 'et%een t%o unit cell edges on this face and one10uarter of the distance 'et%een the other t%o unit cell edges4 it is termed a tetrahedral interstitial site. .or 'oth .CC and 3CC cr stal structures/ compute the radius r of an impurit atom that %ill =ust fit into one of these sites in terms of the atomic radius > of the host atom. Solution In t e dr")in5 ,elo) i# # o)n t e "tom# on t e 81&&: !"ce o! "n ?CC unit cellF t e inter#titi"l #ite i# "t t e center o! t e ed5e.

T e di"meter o! "n "tom t "t )ill Gu#t !it into t i# #ite 81 r: i# Gu#t t e di!!erence ,et)een t "t unit cell ed5e len5t 8a: "nd t e r"dii o! t e t)o o#t "tom# t "t "re loc"ted on eit er #ide o! t e #ite 8 >:F t "t i# 1r - a E 1> Ho)e$er( !or ?CC a i# rel"ted to > "ccordin5 to E+u"tion 9.1 "# = 2 2 F t ere!ore( #ol$in5 !or r !rom t e ",o$e e+u"tion 5i$e#

2 2 2 2 = = 0.41 2 2

A 81&&: !"ce o! " BCC unit cell i# # o)n ,elo).

E3cerpt# !rom t i# )or4 m"* ,e reproduced ,* in#tructor# !or di#tri,ution on " not2!or2pro!it ,"#i# !or te#tin5 or in#truction"l purpo#e# onl* to #tudent# enrolled in cour#e# !or ) ic t e te3t,oo4 "# ,een "dopted. An other reproduction or translation of this %or& 'e ond that permitted ' (ections )07 or )0* of the )+76 ,nited (tates Cop right Act %ithout the permission of the cop right o%ner is unla%ful.

T e inter#titi"l "tom t "t Gu#t !it# into t i# inter#titi"l #ite i# # o)n ,* t e #m"ll circle. It i# #itu"ted in t e pl"ne o! t i# 81&&: !"ce( mid)"* ,et)een t e t)o $ertic"l unit cell ed5e#( "nd one +u"rter o! t e di#t"nce ,et)een t e ,ottom "nd top cell ed5e#. ?rom t e ri5 t tri"n5le t "t i# de!ined ,* t e t ree "rro)# )e m"* )rite

2 2 + = 2 4

+ r) 2

Ho)e$er( !rom E+u"tion 9.9( !orm

4 ( "nd( t ere!ore( m"4in5 t i# #u,#titution( t e ",o$e e+u"tion t"4e# t e 3

4 2 4 2 2 2 + = + 2 + 2 3 4 3
A!ter re"rr"n5ement t e !ollo)in5 +u"dr"tic e+u"tion re#ult#<
2 + 2 0.667 2 = 0

And upon #ol$in5 !or r7

E3cerpt# !rom t i# )or4 m"* ,e reproduced ,* in#tructor# !or di#tri,ution on " not2!or2pro!it ,"#i# !or te#tin5 or in#truction"l purpo#e# onl* to #tudent# enrolled in cour#e# !or ) ic t e te3t,oo4 "# ,een "dopted. An other reproduction or translation of this %or& 'e ond that permitted ' (ections )07 or )0* of the )+76 ,nited (tates Cop right Act %ithout the permission of the cop right o%ner is unla%ful.


(2 R) 2 (4)(1)( 0.667 R 2 ) 2

2 R 2.582 R 2

And( !in"ll*

2R + 2.582 R = 0.291R 2 2R 2.582 R ( ) = = 2.291R 2

(+) =

O! cour#e( onl* t e r8A: root i# po##i,le( "nd( t ere!ore( r - &.1@1>. T u#( !or " o#t "tom o! r"diu# >( t e #i;e o! "n inter#titi"l #ite !or ?CC i# "ppro3im"tel* 1.4 time# t "t !or BCC.

E3cerpt# !rom t i# )or4 m"* ,e reproduced ,* in#tructor# !or di#tri,ution on " not2!or2pro!it ,"#i# !or te#tin5 or in#truction"l purpo#e# onl* to #tudent# enrolled in cour#e# !or ) ic t e te3t,oo4 "# ,een "dopted. An other reproduction or translation of this %or& 'e ond that permitted ' (ections )07 or )0* of the )+76 ,nited (tates Cop right Act %ithout the permission of the cop right o%ner is unla%ful.

Specification of Composition
4.% ?erive the follo%ing e0uations7 (a) @0uation A.7a (') @0uation A.+a (c) @0uation A.)0a (d) @0uation A.))' Solution 8": T i# pro,lem "#4# t "t )e deri$e E+u"tion 4.>". To ,e5in( C1 i# de!ined "ccordin5 to E+u"tion 4.9 "#

1 =

1 + m2


or( e+ui$"lentl*
' 1 ' + m' m1 2

1 =


) ere t e primed m=# indic"te m"##e# in 5r"m#. ?rom E+u"tion 4.4 )e m"* )rite
' = n 1 m 1A 1

2' = nm2 A2
And( #u,#titution into t e C1 e3pre##ion ",o$e

1 =

1 1 + n m2 A2

1 1


?rom E+u"tion 4.. it i# t e c"#e t "t

E3cerpt# !rom t i# )or4 m"* ,e reproduced ,* in#tructor# !or di#tri,ution on " not2!or2pro!it ,"#i# !or te#tin5 or in#truction"l purpo#e# onl* to #tudent# enrolled in cour#e# !or ) ic t e te3t,oo4 "# ,een "dopted. An other reproduction or translation of this %or& 'e ond that permitted ' (ections )07 or )0* of the )+76 ,nited (tates Cop right Act %ithout the permission of the cop right o%ner is unla%ful.

1 =

' (n 1 m1 + nm2 ) 100

2 =

' (n 2 m1 + nm2 ) 100

And #u,#titution o! t e#e e3pre##ion# into t e ",o$e e+u"tion le"d# to

'A 1 1 'A + C'A C1 1 2 2

1 =


) ic i# Gu#t E+u"tion 4.>".

8,: T i# pro,lem "#4# t "t )e deri$e E+u"tion 4.@". To ,e5in(

" 1

i# de!ined "# t e m"## o!

component 1 per unit $olume o! "llo*( or

"122t en


m 1 V

I! )e "##ume t "t t e tot"l "llo* $olume " i# e+u"l to t e #um o! t e $olume# o! t e t)o con#tituent#22i.e.( " - "1 A


m 1 V 1 + V2

?urt ermore( t e $olume o! e"c con#tituent i# rel"ted to it# den#it* "nd m"## "#

E3cerpt# !rom t i# )or4 m"* ,e reproduced ,* in#tructor# !or di#tri,ution on " not2!or2pro!it ,"#i# !or te#tin5 or in#truction"l purpo#e# onl* to #tudent# enrolled in cour#e# !or ) ic t e te3t,oo4 "# ,een "dopted. An other reproduction or translation of this %or& 'e ond that permitted ' (ections )07 or )0* of the )+76 ,nited (tates Cop right Act %ithout the permission of the cop right o%ner is unla%ful.

1 =


2 =


T i# le"d# to


m m 1 1

?rom E+u"tion 4.9( m1 "nd m1 m"* ,e e3pre##ed "# !ollo)#<

1 =

1 (m1 + m2 ) 100

2 =

2 (m1 + m2 ) 100

Su,#titution o! t e#e e+u"tion# into t e precedin5 e3pre##ion *ield#

" 1

C 1

1 1 2 + 1 2

I! t e den#itie# 1 "nd 1 "re 5i$en in unit# o! 50cm 9( t en con$er#ion to unit# o! 450m 9 re+uire# t "t )e multipl* t i# e+u"tion ,* 1&9( in"#muc "# 1 50cm9 - 1&9 450m9

E3cerpt# !rom t i# )or4 m"* ,e reproduced ,* in#tructor# !or di#tri,ution on " not2!or2pro!it ,"#i# !or te#tin5 or in#truction"l purpo#e# onl* to #tudent# enrolled in cour#e# !or ) ic t e te3t,oo4 "# ,een "dopted. An other reproduction or translation of this %or& 'e ond that permitted ' (ections )07 or )0* of the )+76 ,nited (tates Cop right Act %ithout the permission of the cop right o%ner is unla%ful.

T ere!ore( t e pre$iou# e+u"tion t"4e# t e !orm

" 1

C 1 C C 1 + 1

) ic i# t e de#ired e3pre##ion.

8c: No) )e "re "#4ed to deri$e E+u"tion 4.1&". T e den#it* o! "n "llo* "$e i# Gu#t t e tot"l "llo* m"## B di$ided ,* it# $olume "

Or( in term# o! t e component element# 1 "nd 1

1 + m2 V1 + V2

H2ote7 ere it i# "##umed t "t t e tot"l "llo* $olume i# e+u"l to t e #ep"r"te $olume# o! t e indi$idu"l component#( ) ic i# onl* "n "ppro3im"tionF norm"ll* " )ill not ,e e3"ctl* e+u"l to 8"1 A "1:I. E"c o! "1 "nd "1 m"* ,e e3pre##ed in term# o! it# m"## "nd den#it* "#(

V1 =

m1 1 m2 2

V2 =

J en t e#e e3pre##ion# "re #u,#tituted into t e ",o$e e+u"tion( )e 5et

E3cerpt# !rom t i# )or4 m"* ,e reproduced ,* in#tructor# !or di#tri,ution on " not2!or2pro!it ,"#i# !or te#tin5 or in#truction"l purpo#e# onl* to #tudent# enrolled in cour#e# !or ) ic t e te3t,oo4 "# ,een "dopted. An other reproduction or translation of this %or& 'e ond that permitted ' (ections )07 or )0* of the )+76 ,nited (tates Cop right Act %ithout the permission of the cop right o%ner is unla%ful.

1 + m2 m1 m + 2 1 2

?urt ermore( !rom E+u"tion 4.9

1 =
2 =
J ic ( ) en #u,#tituted into t e ",o$e "$e

1 (m1 + m2 ) 100
2 (m1 + m2 ) 100

e3pre##ion *ield#

1 + m2 C1 (m1 + m2 ) C2 (m1 + m2 ) 100 100 + 1 2

And( !in"ll*( t i# e+u"tion reduce# to


100 + C2 2

8d: And( !in"ll*( t e deri$"tion o! E+u"tion 4.11, !or A"$e i# re+ue#ted. T e "llo* "$er"5e molecul"r )ei5 t i# Gu#t t e r"tio o! tot"l "llo* m"## in 5r"m# BC "nd t e tot"l num,er o! mole# in t e "llo* 2m. T "t i#
' + m' 1 2 = = nm1 + nm2

But u#in5 E+u"tion 4.4 )e m"* )rite

' = n 1 m1 A1

E3cerpt# !rom t i# )or4 m"* ,e reproduced ,* in#tructor# !or di#tri,ution on " not2!or2pro!it ,"#i# !or te#tin5 or in#truction"l purpo#e# onl* to #tudent# enrolled in cour#e# !or ) ic t e te3t,oo4 "# ,een "dopted. An other reproduction or translation of this %or& 'e ond that permitted ' (ections )07 or )0* of the )+76 ,nited (tates Cop right Act %ithout the permission of the cop right o%ner is unla%ful.

' = n 2 m2 A2

J ic ( ) en #u,#tituted into t e ",o$e A"$e e3pre##ion *ield#

+ nm2 A2 = 1 1 nm1 + nm2

?urt ermore( !rom E+u"tion 4..

1 =

' (n 1 m1 + nm2 ) 100

2 =

' (n 2 m1 + nm2 ) 100

T u#( #u,#titution o! t e#e e3pre##ion# into t e ",o$e e+u"tion !or A"$e *ield#
' A (n ' 1 1 m1 + nm2 ) + C 2 A2 (nm1 + nm2 ) 100 100 = nm1 + nm2

'A + C'A 1 1 2 2 100

) ic i# t e de#ired re#ult.

E3cerpt# !rom t i# )or4 m"* ,e reproduced ,* in#tructor# !or di#tri,ution on " not2!or2pro!it ,"#i# !or te#tin5 or in#truction"l purpo#e# onl* to #tudent# enrolled in cour#e# !or ) ic t e te3t,oo4 "# ,een "dopted. An other reproduction or translation of this %or& 'e ond that permitted ' (ections )07 or )0* of the )+76 ,nited (tates Cop right Act %ithout the permission of the cop right o%ner is unla%ful.

4.> 5hat is the composition/ in atom percent/ of an allo that consists of 30 %tD En and 70 %tD CuF Solution In order to compute compo#ition( in "tom percent( o! " 9& )tD Bn2>& )tD Cu "llo*( )e emplo* E+u"tion 4.% "#
' Zn =

CZn ACu 100 CZn ACu + CCu AZn

(30)(63.55 g / mol) 100 (30)(63.55 g / mol) + (70)(65.41 g / mol)

- 1@.4 "tD

' = Cu

CCu AZn 100 CZn ACu + CCu AZn

(70)(65.41 g / mol) 100 (30)(63.55 g / mol) + (70)(65.41 g / mol)

- >&.% "tD

E3cerpt# !rom t i# )or4 m"* ,e reproduced ,* in#tructor# !or di#tri,ution on " not2!or2pro!it ,"#i# !or te#tin5 or in#truction"l purpo#e# onl* to #tudent# enrolled in cour#e# !or ) ic t e te3t,oo4 "# ,een "dopted. An other reproduction or translation of this %or& 'e ond that permitted ' (ections )07 or )0* of the )+76 ,nited (tates Cop right Act %ithout the permission of the cop right o%ner is unla%ful.

4.7 5hat is the composition/ in %eight percent/ of an allo that consists of 6 atD G' and +A atD (nF Solution In order to compute compo#ition( in )ei5 t percent( o! " % "tD P,2@4 "tD Sn "llo*( )e emplo* E+u"tion 4.> "#
' A CPb Pb ' A +C' A CPb Pb Sn Sn

Pb =


(6)(207.2 g / mol) 100 (6)(207.2 g / mol) + (94)(118.71 g / mol)

- 1&.& )tD

Sn =

' A CSn Sn ' A +C' A CPb Pb Sn Sn


(94)(118.71 g / mol) 100 (6)(207.2 g / mol) + (94)(118.71 g / mol)

- @&.& )tD

E3cerpt# !rom t i# )or4 m"* ,e reproduced ,* in#tructor# !or di#tri,ution on " not2!or2pro!it ,"#i# !or te#tin5 or in#truction"l purpo#e# onl* to #tudent# enrolled in cour#e# !or ) ic t e te3t,oo4 "# ,een "dopted. An other reproduction or translation of this %or& 'e ond that permitted ' (ections )07 or )0* of the )+76 ,nited (tates Cop right Act %ithout the permission of the cop right o%ner is unla%ful.

4.@ Calculate the composition/ in %eight percent/ of an allo that contains 2)*.0 &g titanium/ )A.6 &g of aluminum/ and +.7 &g of vanadium. Solution T e concentr"tion( in )ei5 t percent( o! "n element in "n "llo* m"* ,e computed u#in5 " modi!ied !orm o! E+u"tion 4.9. ?or t i# "llo*( t e concentr"tion o! tit"nium 8 CTi: i# Gu#t

Ti =

mTi 100 mTi + mAl + mV

218 kg 100 = 89.97 wt% 218 kg + 14.6 kg + 9.7 kg

Simil"rl*( !or "luminum

C Al =

14.6 kg 100 = 6.03 wt% 218 kg + 14.6 kg + 9.7 kg

And !or $"n"dium

CV =

9.7 kg 100 = 4.00 wt% 218 kg + 14.6 kg + 9.7 kg

E3cerpt# !rom t i# )or4 m"* ,e reproduced ,* in#tructor# !or di#tri,ution on " not2!or2pro!it ,"#i# !or te#tin5 or in#truction"l purpo#e# onl* to #tudent# enrolled in cour#e# !or ) ic t e te3t,oo4 "# ,een "dopted. An other reproduction or translation of this %or& 'e ond that permitted ' (ections )07 or )0* of the )+76 ,nited (tates Cop right Act %ithout the permission of the cop right o%ner is unla%ful.

4.1& 5hat is the composition/ in atom percent/ of an allo that contains +* g tin and 6! g of leadF Solution T e concentr"tion o! "n element in "n "llo*( in "tom percent( m"* ,e computed u#in5 E+u"tion 4... Ho)e$er( it !ir#t ,ecome# nece##"r* to compute t e num,er o! mole# o! ,ot Sn "nd P,( u#in5 E+u"tion 4.4. T u#( t e num,er o! mole# o! Sn i# Gu#t

Sn =

' mSn


98 g = 0.826 mol 118.71 g/ mol

Li4e)i#e( !or P,

Pb =

65 g = 0.314 mol 207.2 g / mol

No)( u#e o! E+u"tion 4.. *ield#

' = Sn

nmSn nmSn + nmPb


0.826 mol 100 = 72.5 at% 0.826 mol + 0.314 mol

' = = Pb

0.314 mol 100 = 27.5 at% 0.826 mol + 0.314 mol

E3cerpt# !rom t i# )or4 m"* ,e reproduced ,* in#tructor# !or di#tri,ution on " not2!or2pro!it ,"#i# !or te#tin5 or in#truction"l purpo#e# onl* to #tudent# enrolled in cour#e# !or ) ic t e te3t,oo4 "# ,een "dopted. An other reproduction or translation of this %or& 'e ond that permitted ' (ections )07 or )0* of the )+76 ,nited (tates Cop right Act %ithout the permission of the cop right o%ner is unla%ful.

4.11 5hat is the composition/ in atom percent/ of an allo that contains ++.7 l' m copper/ )02 l'm Hinc/ and 2.) l'm leadF Solution In t i# pro,lem )e "re "#4ed to determine t e concentr"tion#( in "tom percent( o! t e Cu2Bn2P, "llo*. It i# !ir#t nece##"r* to con$ert t e "mount# o! Cu( Bn( "nd P, into 5r"m#.
' = (99.7 lb )(453.6 g/lb ) = 45,224 g Cu m m ' = (102 lb )(453.6 g/lb ) = 46,267 g Zn m m

' = (2.1 lb )(453.6 g/lb ) = 953 g Pb m m

T e#e m"##e# mu#t ne3t ,e con$erted into mole# 8E+u"tion 4.4:( "#
' mCu 45,224 g = = 711.6 mol ACu 63.55 g/ mol



46, 267 g = 707.3 mol 65.41 g / mol 953 g = 4.6 mol 207.2 g / mol


No)( emplo*ment o! " modi!ied !orm o! E+u"tion 4..( 5i$e#

' = Cu

nmCu nmCu + nmZn + nmPb


711.6 mol 100 = 50.0 at% 711.6 mol + 707.3 mol + 4.6 mol

E3cerpt# !rom t i# )or4 m"* ,e reproduced ,* in#tructor# !or di#tri,ution on " not2!or2pro!it ,"#i# !or te#tin5 or in#truction"l purpo#e# onl* to #tudent# enrolled in cour#e# !or ) ic t e te3t,oo4 "# ,een "dopted. An other reproduction or translation of this %or& 'e ond that permitted ' (ections )07 or )0* of the )+76 ,nited (tates Cop right Act %ithout the permission of the cop right o%ner is unla%ful.

' = Pb

4.6 mol 100 = 0.3 at% 711.6 mol + 707.3 mol + 4.6 mol

E3cerpt# !rom t i# )or4 m"* ,e reproduced ,* in#tructor# !or di#tri,ution on " not2!or2pro!it ,"#i# !or te#tin5 or in#truction"l purpo#e# onl* to #tudent# enrolled in cour#e# !or ) ic t e te3t,oo4 "# ,een "dopted. An other reproduction or translation of this %or& 'e ond that permitted ' (ections )07 or )0* of the )+76 ,nited (tates Cop right Act %ithout the permission of the cop right o%ner is unla%ful.

4.11 5hat is the composition/ in atom percent/ of an allo that consists of +7 %tD .e and 3 %tD (iF Solution Je "re "#4ed to compute t e compo#ition o! "n ?e2Si "llo* in "tom percent. Emplo*ment o! E+u"tion 4.% le"d# to
' = Fe

CFeASi 100 CFeASi + CSi AFe

97 (28.09 g / mol) 100 97 (28.09 g / mol) + 3(55.85 g / mol)

- @4.1 "tD

' = Si

CSi AFe 100 CSi AFe + CFeASi

3(55.85 g / mol) 100 3(55.85 g / mol) + 97 (28.09 g / mol)

- ..7 "tD

E3cerpt# !rom t i# )or4 m"* ,e reproduced ,* in#tructor# !or di#tri,ution on " not2!or2pro!it ,"#i# !or te#tin5 or in#truction"l purpo#e# onl* to #tudent# enrolled in cour#e# !or ) ic t e te3t,oo4 "# ,een "dopted. An other reproduction or translation of this %or& 'e ond that permitted ' (ections )07 or )0* of the )+76 ,nited (tates Cop right Act %ithout the permission of the cop right o%ner is unla%ful.

4.19 Convert the atom percent composition in Gro'lem A.)) to %eight percent. Solution T e compo#ition in "tom percent !or Pro,lem 4.11 i# .&.& "tD Cu( 4@.> "tD Bn( "nd &.9 "tD P,. Modi!ic"tion o! E+u"tion 4.> to t"4e into "ccount " t ree2component "llo* le"d# to t e !ollo)in5
' A CCu Cu ' A ' ' CCu Cu + CZn AZn + CPb APb

Cu =


(50.0) (63.55 g / mol) 100 (50.0) (63.55 g / mol) + (49.7) (65.41 g / mol) + (0.3) (207.2 g / mol)
- 4@.& )tD

Zn =

' A CZn Zn ' A ' ' CCu Cu + CZn AZn + CPbAPb


(49.7) (65.41 g / mol) 100 (50.0) (63.55 g / mol) + (49.7) (65.41 g / mol) + (0.3) (207.2 g / mol)
- .&.1 )tD

Pb =

' A CPb Pb ' A ' ' CCu Cu + CZn AZn + CPbAPb


(0.3) (207.2 g / mol) 100 (50.0) (63.55 g / mol) + (49.7) (65.41 g / mol) + (0.3) (207.2 g / mol)
- 1.& )tD

E3cerpt# !rom t i# )or4 m"* ,e reproduced ,* in#tructor# !or di#tri,ution on " not2!or2pro!it ,"#i# !or te#tin5 or in#truction"l purpo#e# onl* to #tudent# enrolled in cour#e# !or ) ic t e te3t,oo4 "# ,een "dopted. An other reproduction or translation of this %or& 'e ond that permitted ' (ections )07 or )0* of the )+76 ,nited (tates Cop right Act %ithout the permission of the cop right o%ner is unla%ful.

4.14 Calculate the num'er of atoms per cu'ic meter in aluminum. Solution In order to #ol$e t i# pro,lem( one mu#t emplo* E+u"tion 4.1(

N A Al AAl

T e den#it* o! Al 8!rom t e t",le in#ide o! t e !ront co$er: i# 1.>1 50cm 9( ) ile it# "tomic )ei5 t i# 1%.@7 50mol. T u#(

(6.022 10 23 atoms / mol)( 2.71 g / cm3 )

26.98 g / mol

- %.&. 1&11 "tom#0cm9 - %.&. 1&17 "tom#0m9

E3cerpt# !rom t i# )or4 m"* ,e reproduced ,* in#tructor# !or di#tri,ution on " not2!or2pro!it ,"#i# !or te#tin5 or in#truction"l purpo#e# onl* to #tudent# enrolled in cour#e# !or ) ic t e te3t,oo4 "# ,een "dopted. An other reproduction or translation of this %or& 'e ond that permitted ' (ections )07 or )0* of the )+76 ,nited (tates Cop right Act %ithout the permission of the cop right o%ner is unla%ful.

4.1. -he concentration of car'on in an iron1car'on allo is 0.)! %tD. 5hat is the concentration in &ilograms of car'on per cu'ic meter of allo F Solution In order to compute t e concentr"tion in 450m 9 o! C in " &.1. )tD C2@@.7. )tD ?e "llo* )e mu#t emplo* E+u"tion 4.@ "#

" C

C C C C C +

?rom in#ide t e !ront co$er( den#itie# !or c"r,on "nd iron "re 1.1. "nd >.7> 50cm 9( re#pecti$el*F "nd( t ere!ore

" = C

0.15 0.15 3 2.25 g/cm

- 11.7 450m 9

99 7.87

E3cerpt# !rom t i# )or4 m"* ,e reproduced ,* in#tructor# !or di#tri,ution on " not2!or2pro!it ,"#i# !or te#tin5 or in#truction"l purpo#e# onl* to #tudent# enrolled in cour#e# !or ) ic t e te3t,oo4 "# ,een "dopted. An other reproduction or translation of this %or& 'e ond that permitted ' (ections )07 or )0* of the )+76 ,nited (tates Cop right Act %ithout the permission of the cop right o%ner is unla%ful.

4.1% ?etermine the appro6imate densit of a high1leaded 'rass that has a composition of 6A.! %tD Cu/ 33.! %tD En/ and 2.0 %tD G'. Solution In order to #ol$e t i# pro,lem( E+u"tion 4.1&" i# modi!ied to t"4e t e !ollo)in5 !orm<

ave =

CCu Cu

100 C C + Zn + Pb Zn Pb

And( u#in5 t e den#it* $"lue# !or Cu( Bn( "nd P,Ki.e.( 7.@4 50cm 9( >.19 50cm9( "nd 11.9. 50cm 9K8"# t"4en !rom in#ide t e !ront co$er o! t e te3t:( t e den#it* i# computed "# !ollo)#<

ave =

100 64.5 wt% 33.5 wt% 2.0 wt% + + 8.94 g / cm3 7.13 g / cm3 11.35 g / cm 3
- 7.1> 50cm9

E3cerpt# !rom t i# )or4 m"* ,e reproduced ,* in#tructor# !or di#tri,ution on " not2!or2pro!it ,"#i# !or te#tin5 or in#truction"l purpo#e# onl* to #tudent# enrolled in cour#e# !or ) ic t e te3t,oo4 "# ,een "dopted. An other reproduction or translation of this %or& 'e ond that permitted ' (ections )07 or )0* of the )+76 ,nited (tates Cop right Act %ithout the permission of the cop right o%ner is unla%ful.

4.1> Calculate the unit cell edge length for an *! %tD .e1)! %tD " allo . All of the vanadium is in solid solution/ and/ at room temperature the cr stal structure for this allo is 3CC. Solution In order to #ol$e t i# pro,lem it i# nece##"r* to emplo* E+u"tion 9..F in t i# e3pre##ion den#it* "nd "tomic )ei5 t )ill ,e "$er"5e# !or t e "llo*Kt "t i#

In"#muc "# t e unit cell i# cu,ic( t en "C - a9( t en

And #ol$in5 t i# e+u"tion !or t e unit cell ed5e len5t ( le"d# to 1 / 3 = E3pre##ion# !or A"$e "nd "$e "re !ound in E+u"tion# 4.11" "nd 4.1&"( re#pecti$el*( ) ic ( ) en incorpor"ted into t e ",o$e e3pre##ion *ield#
1/ 3 100 n CFe + CV AV AFe = 100 N A C Fe + CV V Fe

Since t e cr*#t"l #tructure i# BCC( t e $"lue o! n in t e ",o$e e3pre##ion i# 1 "tom# per unit cell. T e "tomic )ei5 t# !or ?e "nd / "re ...7. "nd .&.@4 50mol( re#pecti$el* 8?i5ure 1.%:( ) ere"# t e den#itie# !or t e ?e

E3cerpt# !rom t i# )or4 m"* ,e reproduced ,* in#tructor# !or di#tri,ution on " not2!or2pro!it ,"#i# !or te#tin5 or in#truction"l purpo#e# onl* to #tudent# enrolled in cour#e# !or ) ic t e te3t,oo4 "# ,een "dopted. An other reproduction or translation of this %or& 'e ond that permitted ' (ections )07 or )0* of the )+76 ,nited (tates Cop right Act %ithout the permission of the cop right o%ner is unla%ful.

"nd / "re >.7> 50cm 9 "nd %.1& 50cm 9 8!rom in#ide t e !ront co$er:. Su,#titution o! t e#e( "# )ell "# t e concentr"tion $"lue# #tipul"ted in t e pro,lem #t"tement( into t e ",o$e e+u"tion 5i$e#
1/ 3 100 (2 atoms/unit cell) 15 wt% 85 wt% + 50.94 g/mol 55.85 g/mol = 100 23 ( 6.022 10 atoms/mol) 15 wt% 85 wt% + 3 6.10 g/cm 3 7.87 g/cm

= 2.89 10 -8 cm = 0.289 nm

E3cerpt# !rom t i# )or4 m"* ,e reproduced ,* in#tructor# !or di#tri,ution on " not2!or2pro!it ,"#i# !or te#tin5 or in#truction"l purpo#e# onl* to #tudent# enrolled in cour#e# !or ) ic t e te3t,oo4 "# ,een "dopted. An other reproduction or translation of this %or& 'e ond that permitted ' (ections )07 or )0* of the )+76 ,nited (tates Cop right Act %ithout the permission of the cop right o%ner is unla%ful.

4.17 (ome h pothetical allo is composed of )2.! %tD of metal A and *7.! %tD of metal 3. 8f the densities of metals A and 3 are A.27 and 6.3! g#cm 3/ respectivel / %hereas their respective atomic %eights are 6).A and )2!.7 g#mol/ determine %hether the cr stal structure for this allo is simple cu'ic/ face1centered cu'ic/ or 'od 1centered cu'ic. Assume a unit cell edge length of 0.3+! nm. Solution In order to #ol$e t i# pro,lem it i# nece##"r* to emplo* E+u"tion 9..F in t i# e3pre##ion den#it* "nd "tomic )ei5 t )ill ,e "$er"5e# !or t e "llo*Kt "t i#

In"#muc "# !or e"c o! t e po##i,le cr*#t"l #tructure#( t e unit cell i# cu,ic( t en "C - a9( or

And( in order to determine t e cr*#t"l #tructure it i# nece##"r* to #ol$e !or n( t e num,er o! "tom# per unit cell. ?or n -1( t e cr*#t"l #tructure i# #imple cu,ic( ) ere"# !or n $"lue# o! 1 "nd 4( t e cr*#t"l #tructure )ill ,e eit er BCC or ?CC( re#pecti$el*. J en )e #ol$e t e ",o$e e3pre##ion !or n t e re#ult i# "# !ollo)#<

E3pre##ion# !or A"$e "nd "$e "re !ound in E+u"tion# 4.11" "nd 4.1&"( re#pecti$el*( ) ic ( ) en incorpor"ted into t e ",o$e e3pre##ion *ield#
100 a 3 N A CB + B = 100 CA CB + AB AA

E3cerpt# !rom t i# )or4 m"* ,e reproduced ,* in#tructor# !or di#tri,ution on " not2!or2pro!it ,"#i# !or te#tin5 or in#truction"l purpo#e# onl* to #tudent# enrolled in cour#e# !or ) ic t e te3t,oo4 "# ,een "dopted. An other reproduction or translation of this %or& 'e ond that permitted ' (ections )07 or )0* of the )+76 ,nited (tates Cop right Act %ithout the permission of the cop right o%ner is unla%ful.

Su,#titution o! t e concentr"tion $"lue# 8i.e.( CA - 11.. )tD "nd CB - 7>.. )tD: "# )ell "# $"lue# !or t e ot er p"r"meter# 5i$en in t e pro,lem #t"tement( into t e ",o$e e+u"tion 5i$e#
100 (3.95 10-8 nm)3 (6.022 1023 atoms/mol ) 12.5 % + 87.5 wt% 6.35 g/cm3 4.27 / 3 100 12.5 wt% + 87.5 wt% 125.7 g/mol 61.4 g/mol

- 1.&& "tom#0unit cell T ere!ore( on t e ,"#i# o! t i# $"lue( t e cr*#t"l #tructure i# 'od 1centered cu'ic .

E3cerpt# !rom t i# )or4 m"* ,e reproduced ,* in#tructor# !or di#tri,ution on " not2!or2pro!it ,"#i# !or te#tin5 or in#truction"l purpo#e# onl* to #tudent# enrolled in cour#e# !or ) ic t e te3t,oo4 "# ,een "dopted. An other reproduction or translation of this %or& 'e ond that permitted ' (ections )07 or )0* of the )+76 ,nited (tates Cop right Act %ithout the permission of the cop right o%ner is unla%ful.

4.1@ .or a solid solution consisting of t%o elements (designated as ) and 2)/ sometimes it is desira'le to determine the num'er of atoms per cu'ic centimeter of one element in a solid solution/ 2 )/ given the concentration of that element specified in %eight percent/ C ). -his computation is possi'le using the follo%ing e6pression7

N1 =

N A C1 C1 A1 A + 1 (100 C1) 1 2


%here 2A I AvogadroCs num'er J) and J2 I densities of the t%o elements A) I the atomic %eight of element ) ?erive @0uation A.)* using @0uation A.2 and e6pressions contained in (ection A.A. Solution T i# pro,lem "#4# t "t )e deri$e E+u"tion 4.17( u#in5 ot er e+u"tion# 5i$en in t e c "pter. T e

concentr"tion o! component 1 in "tom percent ( ' ) i# Gu#t 1&& ' ) ere ' i# t e "tom !r"ction o! component 1 1 1 1. ?urt ermore( ' i# de!ined "# ' - 2102 ) ere 21 "nd 2 "re( re#pecti$el*( t e num,er o! "tom# o! 1 1 component 1 "nd tot"l num,er o! "tom# per cu,ic centimeter. T u#( !rom t e ",o$e di#cu##ion t e !ollo)in5 old#<

1 =

1' N 100

Su,#titution into t i# e3pre##ion o! t e "ppropri"te !orm o! 2 !rom E+u"tion 4.1 *ield#

1 =

1' N A ave 100 Aave

And( !in"ll*( #u,#titution into t i# e+u"tion e3pre##ion# !or ' 8E+u"tion 4.%":( "$e 8E+u"tion 4.1&":( A"$e 1 8E+u"tion 4.11":( "nd re"li;in5 t "t C1 - 8C1 E 1&&:( "nd "!ter #ome "l5e,r"ic m"nipul"tion )e o,t"in t e de#ired e3pre##ion<

E3cerpt# !rom t i# )or4 m"* ,e reproduced ,* in#tructor# !or di#tri,ution on " not2!or2pro!it ,"#i# !or te#tin5 or in#truction"l purpo#e# onl* to #tudent# enrolled in cour#e# !or ) ic t e te3t,oo4 "# ,een "dopted. An other reproduction or translation of this %or& 'e ond that permitted ' (ections )07 or )0* of the )+76 ,nited (tates Cop right Act %ithout the permission of the cop right o%ner is unla%ful.

1 =

1 1

+ A1 2


C1 )

E3cerpt# !rom t i# )or4 m"* ,e reproduced ,* in#tructor# !or di#tri,ution on " not2!or2pro!it ,"#i# !or te#tin5 or in#truction"l purpo#e# onl* to #tudent# enrolled in cour#e# !or ) ic t e te3t,oo4 "# ,een "dopted. An other reproduction or translation of this %or& 'e ond that permitted ' (ections )07 or )0* of the )+76 ,nited (tates Cop right Act %ithout the permission of the cop right o%ner is unla%ful.

4.1& Kold forms a su'stitutional solid solution %ith silver. Compute the num'er of gold atoms per cu'ic centimeter for a silver1gold allo that contains )0 %tD Au and +0 %tD Ag. -he densities of pure gold and silver are )+.32 and )0.A+ g#cm 3/ respectivel . Solution To #ol$e t i# pro,lem( emplo*ment o! E+u"tion 4.17 i# nece##"r*( u#in5 t e !ollo)in5 $"lue#< C1 - CAu - 1& )tD 1 - Au - 1@.91 50cm9 1 - A5 - 1&.4@ 50cm9 A1 - AAu - 1@%.@> 50mol T u#

Au =

C Au AAu Au

N ACAu A + Au (100 CAu ) Ag

(6.022 10 23 atoms / mol) (10 wt%)

(10 wt%)(196.97 g / mol) 196.97 g / mol + (100 10 wt%) 19.32 g / cm3 10.49 g / cm3
- 9.9% 1&11 "tom#0cm9

E3cerpt# !rom t i# )or4 m"* ,e reproduced ,* in#tructor# !or di#tri,ution on " not2!or2pro!it ,"#i# !or te#tin5 or in#truction"l purpo#e# onl* to #tudent# enrolled in cour#e# !or ) ic t e te3t,oo4 "# ,een "dopted. An other reproduction or translation of this %or& 'e ond that permitted ' (ections )07 or )0* of the )+76 ,nited (tates Cop right Act %ithout the permission of the cop right o%ner is unla%ful.

4.11 Kermanium forms a su'stitutional solid solution %ith silicon. Compute the num'er of germanium atoms per cu'ic centimeter for a germanium1silicon allo that contains )! %tD Ke and *! %tD (i. -he densities of pure germanium and silicon are !.32 and 2.33 g#cm 3/ respectivel . Solution To #ol$e t i# pro,lem( emplo*ment o! E+u"tion 4.17 i# nece##"r*( u#in5 t e !ollo)in5 $"lue#< C1 - CLe - 1. )tD 1 - Le - ..91 50cm9 1 - Si - 1.99 50cm9 A1 - ALe - >1.%4 50mol T u#

Ge =

N ACGe CGe AGe A + Ge (100 CGe ) Ge Si

(6.022 10 23 atoms / mol) (15 wt%)

(15 wt%)(72.64 g / mol) 72.64 g / mol + (100 15 wt%) 5.32 g / cm3 2.33 g / cm 3
- 9.1% 1&11 "tom#0cm9

E3cerpt# !rom t i# )or4 m"* ,e reproduced ,* in#tructor# !or di#tri,ution on " not2!or2pro!it ,"#i# !or te#tin5 or in#truction"l purpo#e# onl* to #tudent# enrolled in cour#e# !or ) ic t e te3t,oo4 "# ,een "dopted. An other reproduction or translation of this %or& 'e ond that permitted ' (ections )07 or )0* of the )+76 ,nited (tates Cop right Act %ithout the permission of the cop right o%ner is unla%ful.

4.11 (ometimes it is desira'le to 'e a'le to determine the %eight percent of one element/ C )/ that %ill produce a specified concentration in terms of the num'er of atoms per cu'ic centimeter/ 2 )/ for an allo composed of t%o t pes of atoms. -his computation is possi'le using the follo%ing e6pression7

C1 =

100 N 1+ A 2 2 N 1 A1 1


%here 2A I AvogadroCs num'er J) and J2 I densities of the t%o elements A) and A2 I the atomic %eights of the t%o elements ?erive @0uation A.)+ using @0uation A.2 and e6pressions contained in (ection A.A. Solution T e num,er o! "tom# o! component 1 per cu,ic centimeter i# Gu#t e+u"l to t e "tom !r"ction o! component 1 ( ' ) time# t e tot"l num,er o! "tom# per cu,ic centimeter in t e "llo* 8 2:. T u#( u#in5 t e e+ui$"lent o! 1 E+u"tion 4.1( )e m"* )rite
'N c1 A ave

' N = 1 = 1


Re"li;in5 t "t
' C1

' = 1


' = 100 C ' 2 1

"nd #u,#titution o! t e e3pre##ion# !or


"nd A

( E+u"tion# 4.1&, "nd 4.11,( re#pecti$el*( le"d# to "$e

1 =

1' N A ave Aave

E3cerpt# !rom t i# )or4 m"* ,e reproduced ,* in#tructor# !or di#tri,ution on " not2!or2pro!it ,"#i# !or te#tin5 or in#truction"l purpo#e# onl* to #tudent# enrolled in cour#e# !or ) ic t e te3t,oo4 "# ,een "dopted. An other reproduction or translation of this %or& 'e ond that permitted ' (ections )07 or )0* of the )+76 ,nited (tates Cop right Act %ithout the permission of the cop right o%ner is unla%ful.

1' 1 2
' A + (100 C ' ) A C1 2 1 1 1 2

And( #ol$in5 !or ' 1

1' =
100 N 1 1 A2 N A 1 2 N 1 2 A1 + N 1 1 A2

Su,#titution o! t i# e3pre##ion !or ' into E+u"tion 4.>"( ) ic m"* ,e )ritten in t e !ollo)in5 !orm 1

1 =

C1' A1 C1' A1 + C2' A2


= C' A

C1' A1
1 1


100 C '

) A2

1 =


100 N A 2

2 N 1 A1 1

t e de#ired e3pre##ion.

E3cerpt# !rom t i# )or4 m"* ,e reproduced ,* in#tructor# !or di#tri,ution on " not2!or2pro!it ,"#i# !or te#tin5 or in#truction"l purpo#e# onl* to #tudent# enrolled in cour#e# !or ) ic t e te3t,oo4 "# ,een "dopted. An other reproduction or translation of this %or& 'e ond that permitted ' (ections )07 or )0* of the )+76 ,nited (tates Cop right Act %ithout the permission of the cop right o%ner is unla%ful.

4.19 Bol 'denum forms a su'stitutional solid solution %ith tungsten. Compute the %eight percent of mol 'denum that must 'e added to tungsten to ield an allo that contains ).0 )022 Bo atoms per cu'ic centimeter. -he densities of pure Bo and 5 are )0.22 and )+.30 g#cm 3/ respectivel . Solution To #ol$e t i# pro,lem( emplo*ment o! E+u"tion 4.1@ i# nece##"r*( u#in5 t e !ollo)in5 $"lue#< 21 - 2Mo - 1&11 "tom#0cm9 1 - Mo - 1&.11 50cm9 1 - J - 1@.9& 50cm9 A1 - AMo - @..@4 50mol A1 - AJ - 179.74 50mol T u#

Mo =

100 N A W 1+ W N Mo AMo Mo

= 1+



atoms / mol)(19.30 g / cm 3) 19.30 g / cm3 ( 10 22 atoms / cm3)(95.94 g / mol) 10.22 g / cm3 10 23

- 7.@1 )tD

E3cerpt# !rom t i# )or4 m"* ,e reproduced ,* in#tructor# !or di#tri,ution on " not2!or2pro!it ,"#i# !or te#tin5 or in#truction"l purpo#e# onl* to #tudent# enrolled in cour#e# !or ) ic t e te3t,oo4 "# ,een "dopted. An other reproduction or translation of this %or& 'e ond that permitted ' (ections )07 or )0* of the )+76 ,nited (tates Cop right Act %ithout the permission of the cop right o%ner is unla%ful.

4.14 2io'ium forms a su'stitutional solid solution %ith vanadium. Compute the %eight percent of nio'ium that must 'e added to vanadium to ield an allo that contains ).!! )022 2' atoms per cu'ic centimeter. -he densities of pure 2' and " are *.!7 and 6.)0 g#cm 3/ respectivel . Solution To #ol$e t i# pro,lem( emplo*ment o! E+u"tion 4.1@ i# nece##"r*( u#in5 t e !ollo)in5 $"lue#< 21 - 2N, - 1... 1&11 "tom#0cm9 1 - N, - 7..> 50cm9 1 - / - %.1& 50cm9 A1 - AN, - @1.@1 50mol A1 - A/ - .&.@4 50mol T u#

Nb =

100 N A V 1+ V N Nb ANb Nb

= 1+



atoms / mol)(6.10 g / cm3 ) 6.10 g / cm3 (1.55 10 22 atoms / cm3) (92.91 g / mol) 8.57 g / cm3 10 23
- 9..1 )tD

E3cerpt# !rom t i# )or4 m"* ,e reproduced ,* in#tructor# !or di#tri,ution on " not2!or2pro!it ,"#i# !or te#tin5 or in#truction"l purpo#e# onl* to #tudent# enrolled in cour#e# !or ) ic t e te3t,oo4 "# ,een "dopted. An other reproduction or translation of this %or& 'e ond that permitted ' (ections )07 or )0* of the )+76 ,nited (tates Cop right Act %ithout the permission of the cop right o%ner is unla%ful.

4.1. (ilver and palladium 'oth have the .CC cr stal structure/ and Gd forms a su'stitutional solid solution for all concentrations at room temperature. Compute the unit cell edge length for a 7! %tD AgL2! %tD Gd allo . -he room1temperature densit of Gd is )2.02 g#cm 3/ and its atomic %eight and atomic radius are )06.A g#mol and 0.)3* nm/ respectivel . Solution ?ir#t o! "ll( t e "tomic r"dii !or A5 8u#in5 t e t",le in#ide t e !ront co$er: "nd Pd "re &.144 "nd &.197 nm( re#pecti$el*. Al#o( u#in5 E+u"tion 9.. it i# po##i,le to compute t e unit cell $olume( "nd in"#muc "# t e unit cell i# cu,ic( t e unit cell ed5e len5t i# Gu#t t e cu,e root o! t e $olume. Ho)e$er( it i# !ir#t nece##"r* to c"lcul"te t e den#it* "nd "$er"5e "tomic )ei5 t o! t i# "llo* u#in5 E+u"tion# 4.1&" "nd 4.11". In"#muc "# t e den#itie# o! #il$er "nd p"ll"dium "re 1&.4@ 50cm 9 8"# t"4en !rom in#ide t e !ront co$er: "nd 11.&1 50cm 9( re#pecti$el*( t e "$er"5e den#it* i# Gu#t

100 + C Pd Pd

100 75 wt% 25 wt% + 10.49 g /cm3 12.02 g /cm3

- 1&.79 50cm

And !or t e "$er"5e "tomic )ei5 t

100 + C Pd APd

100 75 wt% 25 wt% + 107.9 g / mol 106.4 g / mol

- 1&>.. 50mol

No)( "C i# determined !rom E+u"tion 9.. "#

E3cerpt# !rom t i# )or4 m"* ,e reproduced ,* in#tructor# !or di#tri,ution on " not2!or2pro!it ,"#i# !or te#tin5 or in#truction"l purpo#e# onl* to #tudent# enrolled in cour#e# !or ) ic t e te3t,oo4 "# ,een "dopted. An other reproduction or translation of this %or& 'e ond that permitted ' (ections )07 or )0* of the )+76 ,nited (tates Cop right Act %ithout the permission of the cop right o%ner is unla%ful.

(4 atoms / unit cell)(107.5 g / mol) (10.83 g /cm3 )(6.022 1023 atoms / mol)
- %..@ 1&219 cm90unit cell

And( !in"ll*

= ( )1 / 3
= (6.59 10 23 cm 3/unit cell)1/3
- 4.&4 1&27 cm - &.4&4 nm

E3cerpt# !rom t i# )or4 m"* ,e reproduced ,* in#tructor# !or di#tri,ution on " not2!or2pro!it ,"#i# !or te#tin5 or in#truction"l purpo#e# onl* to #tudent# enrolled in cour#e# !or ) ic t e te3t,oo4 "# ,een "dopted. An other reproduction or translation of this %or& 'e ond that permitted ' (ections )07 or )0* of the )+76 ,nited (tates Cop right Act %ithout the permission of the cop right o%ner is unla%ful.

Dislocations%Linear Defects
4.1% dislocations. Solution T e Bur5er# $ector "nd di#loc"tion line "re perpendicul"r !or ed5e di#loc"tion#( p"r"llel !or #cre) di#loc"tion#( "nd neit er perpendicul"r nor p"r"llel !or mi3ed di#loc"tion#. Cite the relative 3urgers vectorLdislocation line orientations for edge/ scre%/ and mi6ed

E3cerpt# !rom t i# )or4 m"* ,e reproduced ,* in#tructor# !or di#tri,ution on " not2!or2pro!it ,"#i# !or te#tin5 or in#truction"l purpo#e# onl* to #tudent# enrolled in cour#e# !or ) ic t e te3t,oo4 "# ,een "dopted. An other reproduction or translation of this %or& 'e ond that permitted ' (ections )07 or )0* of the )+76 ,nited (tates Cop right Act %ithout the permission of the cop right o%ner is unla%ful.

Interfacial Defects
4.1> .or an .CC single cr stal/ %ould ou e6pect the surface energ for a 8)00: plane to 'e greater or less than that for a 8))): planeF 5h F (2ote7 Mou ma %ant to consult the solution to Gro'lem 3.!A at the end of Chapter 3.) Solution T e #ur!"ce ener5* !or " cr*#t"llo5r"p ic pl"ne )ill depend on it# p"c4in5 den#it* Hi.e.( t e pl"n"r den#it* 8Section 9.11:IKt "t i#( t e i5 er t e p"c4in5 den#it*( t e 5re"ter t e num,er o! ne"re#t2nei5 ,or "tom#( "nd t e more "tomic ,ond# in t "t pl"ne t "t "re #"ti#!ied( "nd( con#e+uentl*( t e lo)er t e #ur!"ce ener5*. ?rom t e #olution to Pro,lem 9..4( pl"n"r den#itie# !or ?CC 81&&: "nd 8111: pl"ne# "re Kt "t i#

0.25 R2


0.29 R2

4 2


( re#pecti$el* 2 2 3

8) ere > i# t e "tomic r"diu#:. T u#( #ince t e pl"n"r den#it* !or 8111: i# 5re"ter(

it )ill "$e t e lo)er #ur!"ce ener5*.

E3cerpt# !rom t i# )or4 m"* ,e reproduced ,* in#tructor# !or di#tri,ution on " not2!or2pro!it ,"#i# !or te#tin5 or in#truction"l purpo#e# onl* to #tudent# enrolled in cour#e# !or ) ic t e te3t,oo4 "# ,een "dopted. An other reproduction or translation of this %or& 'e ond that permitted ' (ections )07 or )0* of the )+76 ,nited (tates Cop right Act %ithout the permission of the cop right o%ner is unla%ful.

4.17 .or a 3CC single cr stal/ %ould ou e6pect the surface energ for a 8)00: plane to 'e greater or less than that for a 8))0: planeF 5h F (2ote7 Mou ma %ant to consult the solution to Gro'lem 3.!! at the end of Chapter 3.) Solution T e #ur!"ce ener5* !or " cr*#t"llo5r"p ic pl"ne )ill depend on it# p"c4in5 den#it* Hi.e.( t e pl"n"r den#it* 8Section 9.11:IKt "t i#( t e i5 er t e p"c4in5 den#it*( t e 5re"ter t e num,er o! ne"re#t2nei5 ,or "tom#( "nd t e more "tomic ,ond# in t "t pl"ne t "t "re #"ti#!ied( "nd( con#e+uentl*( t e lo)er t e #ur!"ce ener5*. ?rom t e #olution to Pro,lem 9...( t e pl"n"r den#itie# !or BCC 81&&: "nd 811&: "re t "t i# ener5*. "nd ( re#pecti$el*K 8 2 2 16 2

0.19 R2


0.27 R2

. T u#( #ince t e pl"n"r den#it* !or 811&: i# 5re"ter( it )ill "$e t e lo)er #ur!"ce

E3cerpt# !rom t i# )or4 m"* ,e reproduced ,* in#tructor# !or di#tri,ution on " not2!or2pro!it ,"#i# !or te#tin5 or in#truction"l purpo#e# onl* to #tudent# enrolled in cour#e# !or ) ic t e te3t,oo4 "# ,een "dopted. An other reproduction or translation of this %or& 'e ond that permitted ' (ections )07 or )0* of the )+76 ,nited (tates Cop right Act %ithout the permission of the cop right o%ner is unla%ful.

4.1@ (a) .or a given material/ %ould ou e6pect the surface energ to 'e greater than/ the same as/ or less than the grain 'oundar energ F 5h F (') -he grain 'oundar energ of a small1angle grain 'oundar is less than for a high1angle one. 5h is this soF Solution 8": T e #ur!"ce ener5* )ill ,e 5re"ter t "n t e 5r"in ,ound"r* ener5*. ?or 5r"in ,ound"rie#( #ome "tom# on one #ide o! " ,ound"r* )ill ,ond to "tom# on t e ot er #ideF #uc i# not t e c"#e !or #ur!"ce "tom#. T ere!ore( t ere )ill ,e !e)er un#"ti#!ied ,ond# "lon5 " 5r"in ,ound"r*. 8,: T e #m"ll2"n5le 5r"in ,ound"r* ener5* i# lo)er t "n !or " i5 2"n5le one ,ec"u#e more "tom# ,ond "cro## t e ,ound"r* !or t e #m"ll2"n5le( "nd( t u#( t ere "re !e)er un#"ti#!ied ,ond#.

E3cerpt# !rom t i# )or4 m"* ,e reproduced ,* in#tructor# !or di#tri,ution on " not2!or2pro!it ,"#i# !or te#tin5 or in#truction"l purpo#e# onl* to #tudent# enrolled in cour#e# !or ) ic t e te3t,oo4 "# ,een "dopted. An other reproduction or translation of this %or& 'e ond that permitted ' (ections )07 or )0* of the )+76 ,nited (tates Cop right Act %ithout the permission of the cop right o%ner is unla%ful.

4.9& (a) 3riefl descri'e a t%in and a t%in 'oundar . (') Cite the difference 'et%een mechanical and annealing t%ins. Solution 8": A t)in ,ound"r* i# "n inter!"ce #uc t "t "tom# on one #ide "re loc"ted "t mirror im"5e po#ition# o! t o#e "tom# #itu"ted on t e ot er ,ound"r* #ide. T e re5ion on one #ide o! t i# ,ound"r* i# c"lled " t)in. 8,: Mec "nic"l t)in# "re produced "# " re#ult o! mec "nic"l de!orm"tion "nd 5ener"ll* occur in BCC "nd HCP met"l#. Anne"lin5 t)in# !orm durin5 "nne"lin5 e"t tre"tment#( mo#t o!ten in ?CC met"l#.

E3cerpt# !rom t i# )or4 m"* ,e reproduced ,* in#tructor# !or di#tri,ution on " not2!or2pro!it ,"#i# !or te#tin5 or in#truction"l purpo#e# onl* to #tudent# enrolled in cour#e# !or ) ic t e te3t,oo4 "# ,een "dopted. An other reproduction or translation of this %or& 'e ond that permitted ' (ections )07 or )0* of the )+76 ,nited (tates Cop right Act %ithout the permission of the cop right o%ner is unla%ful.

4.91 .or each of the follo%ing stac&ing se0uences found in .CC metals/ cite the t pe of planar defect that e6ists7 (a) . . . A 3 C A 3 C 3 A C 3 A . . . (') . . . A 3 C A 3 C 3 C A 3 C . . . 2o%/ cop the stac&ing se0uences and indicate the position(s) of planar defect(s) %ith a vertical dashed line. Solution 8": T e inter!"ci"l de!ect t "t e3i#t# !or t i# #t"c4in5 #e+uence i# " t)in ,ound"r*( ) ic occur# "t t e indic"ted po#ition.

T e #t"c4in5 #e+uence on one #ide o! t i# po#ition i# mirrored on t e ot er #ide. 8,: T e inter!"ci"l de!ect t "t e3i#t# )it in t i# ?CC #t"c4in5 #e+uence i# " #t"c4in5 !"ult( ) ic occur# ,et)een t e t)o line#.

Jit in t i# re5ion( t e #t"c4in5 #e+uence i# HCP.

E3cerpt# !rom t i# )or4 m"* ,e reproduced ,* in#tructor# !or di#tri,ution on " not2!or2pro!it ,"#i# !or te#tin5 or in#truction"l purpo#e# onl* to #tudent# enrolled in cour#e# !or ) ic t e te3t,oo4 "# ,een "dopted. An other reproduction or translation of this %or& 'e ond that permitted ' (ections )07 or )0* of the )+76 ,nited (tates Cop right Act %ithout the permission of the cop right o%ner is unla%ful.

&rain Si'e Determination

4.91 (a) ,sing the intercept method/ determine the average grain siHe/ in millimeters/ of the specimen %hose microstructure is sho%n in .igure A.)A(')4 use at least seven straight1line segments. (') @stimate the A(-B grain siHe num'er for this material. Solution 8": Belo) i# # o)n t e p otomicro5r"p o! ?i5ure 4.148 ':( on ) ic #e$en #tr"i5 t line #e5ment#( e"c o! ) ic i# %& mm lon5 "# ,een con#tructedF t e#e line# "re l",eled M1N t rou5 M>N.

In order to determine t e "$er"5e 5r"in di"meter( it i# nece##"r* to count t e num,er o! 5r"in# inter#ected ,* e"c o! t e#e line #e5ment#. T e#e d"t" "re t",ul"ted ,elo). Line Num,er 1 1 9 4 . % > No. Lr"in# Inter#ected 11 1& @ 7.. > 1& 7

E3cerpt# !rom t i# )or4 m"* ,e reproduced ,* in#tructor# !or di#tri,ution on " not2!or2pro!it ,"#i# !or te#tin5 or in#truction"l purpo#e# onl* to #tudent# enrolled in cour#e# !or ) ic t e te3t,oo4 "# ,een "dopted. An other reproduction or translation of this %or& 'e ond that permitted ' (ections )07 or )0* of the )+76 ,nited (tates Cop right Act %ithout the permission of the cop right o%ner is unla%ful.

T e "$er"5e num,er o! 5r"in ,ound"r* inter#ection# !or t e#e line# )"# @.1. T ere!ore( t e "$er"5e line len5t inter#ected i# Gu#t

60 mm = 6.59 mm 9.1
Hence( t e "$er"5e 5r"in di"meter( d( i#

ave. line length intersected 6.59 mm 2 mm = = 6.59 10 magnification 100

8,: T i# portion o! t e pro,lem c"ll# !or u# to e#tim"te t e ASTM 5r"in #i;e num,er !or t i# #"me m"teri"l. T e "$er"5e 5r"in #i;e num,er( n( i# rel"ted to t e num,er o! 5r"in# per #+u"re inc ( 2( "t " "# ,een con#tructed " #+u"re 1 in. on " m"5ni!ic"tion o! 1&& "ccordin5 to E+u"tion 4.1%. In"#muc "# t e m"5ni!ic"tion i# 1&& ( t e $"lue o! 2 i# me"#ured directl* !rom t e micro5r"p . T e p otomicro5r"p on ) ic #ide i# # o)n ,elo).

T e tot"l num,er o! complete 5r"in# )it in t i# #+u"re i# "ppro3im"tel* 1& 8t"4in5 into "ccount 5r"in !r"ction#:. No)( in order to #ol$e !or n in E+u"tion 4.1%( it i# !ir#t nece##"r* to t"4e lo5"rit m# "#

log N = (n 1) log 2
?rom ) ic n e+u"l#

E3cerpt# !rom t i# )or4 m"* ,e reproduced ,* in#tructor# !or di#tri,ution on " not2!or2pro!it ,"#i# !or te#tin5 or in#truction"l purpo#e# onl* to #tudent# enrolled in cour#e# !or ) ic t e te3t,oo4 "# ,een "dopted. An other reproduction or translation of this %or& 'e ond that permitted ' (ections )07 or )0* of the )+76 ,nited (tates Cop right Act %ithout the permission of the cop right o%ner is unla%ful.

log N +1 log 2

log 10 + 1 = 4.3 log 2

E3cerpt# !rom t i# )or4 m"* ,e reproduced ,* in#tructor# !or di#tri,ution on " not2!or2pro!it ,"#i# !or te#tin5 or in#truction"l purpo#e# onl* to #tudent# enrolled in cour#e# !or ) ic t e te3t,oo4 "# ,een "dopted. An other reproduction or translation of this %or& 'e ond that permitted ' (ections )07 or )0* of the )+76 ,nited (tates Cop right Act %ithout the permission of the cop right o%ner is unla%ful.

4.99 (a) @mplo ing the intercept techni0ue/ determine the average grain siHe for the steel specimen %hose microstructure is sho%n in .igure +.2!(a)4 use at least seven straight1line segments. (') @stimate the A(-B grain siHe num'er for this material. Solution 8": Belo) i# # o)n t e p otomicro5r"p o! ?i5ure @.1.8 a:( on ) ic #e$en #tr"i5 t line #e5ment#( e"c o! ) ic i# %& mm lon5 "# ,een con#tructedF t e#e line# "re l",eled M1N t rou5 M>N.

In order to determine t e "$er"5e 5r"in di"meter( it i# nece##"r* to count t e num,er o! 5r"in# inter#ected ,* e"c o! t e#e line #e5ment#. T e#e d"t" "re t",ul"ted ,elo). Line Num,er 1 1 9 4 . % > No. Lr"in# Inter#ected > > > 7 1& > 7

T e "$er"5e num,er o! 5r"in ,ound"r* inter#ection# !or t e#e line# )"# 7.>. T ere!ore( t e "$er"5e line len5t inter#ected i# Gu#t
E3cerpt# !rom t i# )or4 m"* ,e reproduced ,* in#tructor# !or di#tri,ution on " not2!or2pro!it ,"#i# !or te#tin5 or in#truction"l purpo#e# onl* to #tudent# enrolled in cour#e# !or ) ic t e te3t,oo4 "# ,een "dopted. An other reproduction or translation of this %or& 'e ond that permitted ' (ections )07 or )0* of the )+76 ,nited (tates Cop right Act %ithout the permission of the cop right o%ner is unla%ful.

60 mm = 6.9 mm 8.7
Hence( t e "$er"5e 5r"in di"meter( d( i#

ave. line length intersected 6.9 mm = = 0.077 mm magnification 90

8,: T i# portion o! t e pro,lem c"ll# !or u# to e#tim"te t e ASTM 5r"in #i;e num,er !or t i# #"me m"teri"l. T e "$er"5e 5r"in #i;e num,er( n( i# rel"ted to t e num,er o! 5r"in# per #+u"re inc ( 2( "t " m"5ni!ic"tion o! 1&& "ccordin5 to E+u"tion 4.1%. Ho)e$er( t e m"5ni!ic"tion o! t i# micro5r"p i# not 1&& ( ,ut r"t er @&. Con#e+uentl*( it i# nece##"r* to u#e E+u"tion 4.1>

2 = 2 n 1 100
) ere 2B - t e num,er o! 5r"in# per #+u"re inc "t m"5ni!ic"tion B( "nd n i# t e ASTM 5r"in #i;e num,er. T"4in5 lo5"rit m# o! ,ot #ide# o! t i# e+u"tion le"d# to t e !ollo)in5<

M log N M + 2 log = (n 1) log 2 100

Sol$in5 t i# e3pre##ion !or n 5i$e#

M log N M + 2 log 100 = +1 log 2

T e p otomicro5r"p on ) ic "# ,een con#tructed " #+u"re 1 in. on " #ide i# # o)n ,elo).

E3cerpt# !rom t i# )or4 m"* ,e reproduced ,* in#tructor# !or di#tri,ution on " not2!or2pro!it ,"#i# !or te#tin5 or in#truction"l purpo#e# onl* to #tudent# enrolled in cour#e# !or ) ic t e te3t,oo4 "# ,een "dopted. An other reproduction or translation of this %or& 'e ond that permitted ' (ections )07 or )0* of the )+76 ,nited (tates Cop right Act %ithout the permission of the cop right o%ner is unla%ful.

?rom ?i5ure @.1.8":( 2B i# me"#ured to ,e "ppro3im"tel* >( ) ic le"d# to

90 log 7 + 2 log 100 = +1 log 2

- 9..

E3cerpt# !rom t i# )or4 m"* ,e reproduced ,* in#tructor# !or di#tri,ution on " not2!or2pro!it ,"#i# !or te#tin5 or in#truction"l purpo#e# onl* to #tudent# enrolled in cour#e# !or ) ic t e te3t,oo4 "# ,een "dopted. An other reproduction or translation of this %or& 'e ond that permitted ' (ections )07 or )0* of the )+76 ,nited (tates Cop right Act %ithout the permission of the cop right o%ner is unla%ful.

4.94 .or an A(-B grain siHe of */ appro6imatel ho% man grains %ould there 'e per s0uare inch at (a) a magnification of )00/ and (') %ithout an magnificationF Solution 8": T i# p"rt o! pro,lem "#4# t "t )e compute t e num,er o! 5r"in# per #+u"re inc !or "n ASTM 5r"in #i;e o! 7 "t " m"5ni!ic"tion o! 1&& . All )e need do i# #ol$e !or t e p"r"meter 2 in E+u"tion 4.1%( in"#muc "# n - 7. T u#

= 2 n 1

281 - 117 5r"in#0in.

8,: No) it i# nece##"r* to compute t e $"lue o! 2 !or no m"5ni!ic"tion. In order to #ol$e t i# pro,lem it i# nece##"r* to u#e E+u"tion 4.1><

2 1 =2 100
) ere 2B - t e num,er o! 5r"in# per #+u"re inc "t m"5ni!ic"tion B( "nd n i# t e ASTM 5r"in #i;e num,er. Jit out "n* m"5ni!ic"tion( B in t e ",o$e e+u"tion i# 1( "nd t ere!ore(

1 2 1 = 281 = 128 100

And( #ol$in5 !or 21( 21 - 1(17&(&&& 5r"in#0in. 1.

E3cerpt# !rom t i# )or4 m"* ,e reproduced ,* in#tructor# !or di#tri,ution on " not2!or2pro!it ,"#i# !or te#tin5 or in#truction"l purpo#e# onl* to #tudent# enrolled in cour#e# !or ) ic t e te3t,oo4 "# ,een "dopted. An other reproduction or translation of this %or& 'e ond that permitted ' (ections )07 or )0* of the )+76 ,nited (tates Cop right Act %ithout the permission of the cop right o%ner is unla%ful.


?etermine the A(-B grain siHe num'er if 2! grains per s0uare inch are measured at a

magnification of 600. Solution T i# pro,lem "#4# t "t )e determine t e ASTM 5r"in #i;e num,er i! 7 5r"in# per #+u"re inc me"#ured "t " m"5ni!ic"tion o! %&&. In order to #ol$e t i# pro,lem )e m"4e u#e o! E+u"tion 4.1><
B 2 B 1&&


= 2 1

) ere 2B - t e num,er o! 5r"in# per #+u"re inc "t m"5ni!ic"tion B( "nd n i# t e ASTM 5r"in #i;e num,er. Sol$in5 t e ",o$e e+u"tion !or n( "nd re"li;in5 t "t 2B - 7( ) ile B - %&&( )e "$e

M log N M + 2 log 100 = +1 log 2 600 log 8 + 2 log 100 = + 1 = 9.2 log 2

E3cerpt# !rom t i# )or4 m"* ,e reproduced ,* in#tructor# !or di#tri,ution on " not2!or2pro!it ,"#i# !or te#tin5 or in#truction"l purpo#e# onl* to #tudent# enrolled in cour#e# !or ) ic t e te3t,oo4 "# ,een "dopted. An other reproduction or translation of this %or& 'e ond that permitted ' (ections )07 or )0* of the )+76 ,nited (tates Cop right Act %ithout the permission of the cop right o%ner is unla%ful.


?etermine the A(-B grain siHe num'er if 20 grains per s0uare inch are measured at a

magnification of !0. Solution T i# pro,lem "#4# t "t )e determine t e ASTM 5r"in #i;e num,er i! 1& 5r"in# per #+u"re inc "re me"#ured "t " m"5ni!ic"tion o! .&. In order to #ol$e t i# pro,lem )e m"4e u#e o! E+u"tion 4.1>K$i;.

2 1 =2 100
) ere 2B - t e num,er o! 5r"in# per #+u"re inc "t m"5ni!ic"tion B( "nd n i# t e ASTM 5r"in #i;e num,er. Sol$in5 t e ",o$e e+u"tion !or n( "nd re"li;in5 t "t 2B - 1&( ) ile B - .&( )e "$e

M log N M + 2 log 100 = +1 log 2 50 log 20 + 2 log 100 = + 1 = 3.3 log 2

E3cerpt# !rom t i# )or4 m"* ,e reproduced ,* in#tructor# !or di#tri,ution on " not2!or2pro!it ,"#i# !or te#tin5 or in#truction"l purpo#e# onl* to #tudent# enrolled in cour#e# !or ) ic t e te3t,oo4 "# ,een "dopted. An other reproduction or translation of this %or& 'e ond that permitted ' (ections )07 or )0* of the )+76 ,nited (tates Cop right Act %ithout the permission of the cop right o%ner is unla%ful.


Specification of Composition
4.61 AluminumLlithium allo s have 'een developed ' the aircraft industr to reduce the %eight and improve the performance of its aircraft. A commercial aircraft s&in material having a densit of 2.!! g#cm 3 is desired. Compute the concentration of Ni (in %tD) that is re0uired. Solution Solution o! t i# pro,lem re+uire# t e u#e o! E+u"tion 4.1&"( ) ic t"4e# t e !orm

100 100 C Li + Al

in"#muc "# CLi A CAl - 1&&. Accordin5 to t e t",le in#ide t e !ront co$er( t e re#pecti$e den#itie# o! Li "nd Al "re &..94 "nd 1.>1 50cm 9. Upon #ol$in5 !or CLi !rom t e ",o$e e+u"tion( )e 5et

100 ( Al ave ) ave ( Al Li )

And incorpor"tin5 #peci!ied $"lue# into t e ",o$e e+u"tion le"d# to

CLi =

(100) (0.534 g / cm3)( 2.71 g / cm3 2.55 g / cm3 ) (2.55 g / cm3)(2.71 g / cm3 0.534 g / cm3)

- 1..4& )tD

E3cerpt# !rom t i# )or4 m"* ,e reproduced ,* in#tructor# !or di#tri,ution on " not2!or2pro!it ,"#i# !or te#tin5 or in#truction"l purpo#e# onl* to #tudent# enrolled in cour#e# !or ) ic t e te3t,oo4 "# ,een "dopted. An other reproduction or translation of this %or& 'e ond that permitted ' (ections )07 or )0* of the )+76 ,nited (tates Cop right Act %ithout the permission of the cop right o%ner is unla%ful.

4.61 8ron and vanadium 'oth have the 3CC cr stal structure and " forms a su'stitutional solid solution in .e for concentrations up to appro6imatel 20 %tD " at room temperature. ?etermine the concentration in %eight percent of " that must 'e added to iron to ield a unit cell edge length of 0.2*+ nm. Solution To ,e5in( it i# nece##"r* to emplo* E+u"tion 9..( "nd #ol$e !or t e unit cell $olume( "C( "#

) ere A"$e "nd "$e "re t e "tomic )ei5 t "nd den#it*( re#pecti$el*( o! t e ?e2/ "llo*. In"#muc "# ,ot o! t e#e m"teri"l# "$e t e BCC cr*#t"l #tructure( ) ic "# cu,ic #*mmetr*( "C i# Gu#t t e cu,e o! t e unit cell len5t ( a. T "t i#

= a 3 = (0.289 nm) 3

= (2.89 108 cm) 3 = 2.414 1023 cm 3

It i# no) nece##"r* to con#truct e3pre##ion# !or A"$e "nd "$e in term# o! t e concentr"tion o! $"n"dium( C/( u#in5 E+u"tion# 4.11" "nd 4.1&". ?or A"$e )e "$e

ave =

100 CV (100 CV ) + AV AFe


CV (100 CV ) + 50.94g / mol 55.85 g / mol

) ere"# !or


ave =

100 CV (100 CV ) + V Fe

E3cerpt# !rom t i# )or4 m"* ,e reproduced ,* in#tructor# !or di#tri,ution on " not2!or2pro!it ,"#i# !or te#tin5 or in#truction"l purpo#e# onl* to #tudent# enrolled in cour#e# !or ) ic t e te3t,oo4 "# ,een "dopted. An other reproduction or translation of this %or& 'e ond that permitted ' (ections )07 or )0* of the )+76 ,nited (tates Cop right Act %ithout the permission of the cop right o%ner is unla%ful.

100 CV (100 CV ) + 3 6.10 g / cm 7.87 g / cm3

ence( t i#

Jit in t e BCC unit cell t ere "re 1 e+ui$"lent "tom#( "nd t u#( t e $"lue o! n in E+u"tion 9.. i# 1F e3pre##ion m"* ,e )ritten in term# o! t e concentr"tion o! / in )ei5 t percent "# !ollo)#< "C - 1.414 1&219 cm9

100 (2 atoms / unit cell) CV (100 CV ) + 55.85 g / mol 50.94 g / mol = 100 (6.022 10 23 atoms / mol) CV (100 CV ) + 7.87 g / cm3 6.10 g / cm 3

And #ol$in5 t i# e3pre##ion !or C/ le"d# to C/ - 11.@ )tD.

E3cerpt# !rom t i# )or4 m"* ,e reproduced ,* in#tructor# !or di#tri,ution on " not2!or2pro!it ,"#i# !or te#tin5 or in#truction"l purpo#e# onl* to #tudent# enrolled in cour#e# !or ) ic t e te3t,oo4 "# ,een "dopted. An other reproduction or translation of this %or& 'e ond that permitted ' (ections )07 or )0* of the )+76 ,nited (tates Cop right Act %ithout the permission of the cop right o%ner is unla%ful.

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