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ole, i; \ & “, I i 2 RECEIVED 7 Novo + 200? (8G ELECTION COMM. KotonDeson 4 Sy0 pm if Choienan November 1, 2007 Marei Andino South Carolina State Election Commission PO Box 5987 Columbia, SC 29250-5987 Dear Ms. Andino, Tam certifying the following Republican candidates to appear on the ballot for the South Carolina Republican Party Presidential Primary Election to be held on Saturday, January 19, 2008, Hugh Cort John Cox Cap Fendig Rudy Giuliani Mike Huckabee Duncan Hunter John MeCain Ron Paul Mitt Romney Tom Taneredo Fred Thompson ‘The candidates have met or will meet the requirements for the position by the time of the primary election, and their names are listed as they should appear on the ballot. The Filing Fee Submission Form and a check for $220,000.00 have been included. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Political Director Becca Veazey at 803.988.8440 ot, yee) faton Dawson Chairman Enclosure ois for by Tho Soul Coreina ep bioan Pony | ors wiaion toet » Coumbio, South Corea 25201 608) 208. tD FAs (COS) 90E Ble" Sa seop com L Not uihartes by ony dencidote or candiicte connie. ah Pa, { RECEIVED Hedda co SEP 0 6 2008 Committee St ELECTION COMM, Counsel's Office t September 4, 2008 Memorandum Tor ‘The Honorable John H. Hudgens 111, Chairman of the S.C. Election Commission From: Blake Hall, General Counsel Rez Presidential and Vice Presidential Certificate of Nomination Attached please find a copy of the Republican Party’s Certificate of Nomination, which shall serve as official certification {0 your Office the 2008 Republican National Convention’s nomination of John McCain and Sarah Palin for President and Vice President of the United States, respectively. ‘The attached Certificate of Nomination is signed by John A. Bochner, as Chairman of the 2008 Republican National Convention, Jean A. Inman, as Secretary of the 2008 Republican National Convention, and Katon E, Dawson, as Chairman of the South Carolina Republican Party. Please confirm as soon as possible that you have now received all of the necessary documentation to place John McCain and Sarah Palin on your state’s general election ballot for November 4, 2008. This confirmation can be sent by faxing or emailing a letter to Jennifer Sheehan, Associate Counsel, in my office. Prior to Monday, September 8, Jennifer can be reached at (202) 255-4304, or by e-mail at On or after September 8, Jennifer can be reached at (202) 863-8638, ‘Thank you for your assistance with this very important matter. If you have any questio or concerns relating to this certification, please do not hesitate to contact Jennifer at any time, Paid for by the Republican National Committee ‘Not Authorized By Any Candidate Or Candidate's Committee ‘ CERTIFICATE OF NOMINATIONS State of South Carolina: We do hereby certify that at a National Convention of Delegates representing the Republican Party of the United States, duly held and convened in the City of Saint Paul, State of Minnesota, on September +4, 2008, the following person, meeting the constitutional requirements for the Office of President of the United States, and the following person, meeting the constitutional requirements for the Office of Vice President of the United States, were nominated for such offices to be filled at the ensuing general election, November 4, 2008, viz.: TrteorOrnce = | Namgor, | Nameor | Peace o Resipence. TO BE Fitep Canproare Parry oF Caxpipare President of the 2211 East Camelback Road HN Re United States Sere ge fen ert |S Phcealal ancoan espe Vice President of the SARAH PALIN | Republican 140 West Parks Highway United States |__ Wasilla, Alaska 99654 of Chairman of 1311 Caner Cur Lave Convention Wor Cus. 081 35069” 008 Republican National Convention Permanent Address ain aa font (de Mospmtons of Secretary of s7Comasran —Zkretaryofte Convention ‘Avon MA 02522 Permanent Address } Jou A. Bowser Republicay/National Convention } of Chainman of State Party 3753 Deventa.x Ron ‘Couata, SC 29205 Repitblican Party Permanent Address } Karon E. Dawson John A. Boehner, being duly sworn, says that he wasthe presiding officer of the Convention of Delegates mentioned and described in the foregoing certificate, and that the said Jean A. Inman was the secretary of such convention, and that the said Katon E. Dawson is the chairman of the South Carolina Republican Party. which constitutes the Republican party of the State of South Carolina, and that said certificate and the statements therein contained are true to the best of his information and belief. Subscribed and swom to before me Cy this. Gee day of September, 2008 4 Totary Pubiié My Commission expires ond Jean A. Inman, being duly swom, says that she was the secretary of the Convention of Delegates ‘mentioned and described in the foregoing certificate, end that the said John A. Boehner was the presiding officer of such convention, and that the said Katon 2. Dawson is the chairman of the South Carolina Republican Party, which constitutes the Republican party of the State of South Carolina, and that said certificate and the statements therein contained are true to the best of her information and belief, Subscriped.and sworn to before me atla We if ay of September, 2008 Mito iH tay Ks . Notary Puble \ My Commission expires on the2{ day of_{_ 20/2 Katon E. Dawson, being duly swom, says that he is the chairman of the South Carolina Republican Party, which constitutes the Republican party of the State of South Carolina, and that the said John A. Boehner was the presiding officer of the Convention of Delegates mentioned and described in the foregoing certificate, and that the said Jean A. Inman was the secretary of such convention, and that said certificate and the statements therein contained are true to the best of his information and belief. Subserjbed and swom to before me { Is - & & < HL. day of September, 2008 Le Kh, Lo Noir Pile 5 7) My Commission expres on the3 Heaor_t a0. © SHARON KAY LEBOEUF OTA PU AzOTA comet 28

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