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DRUG STUDY Drug Data Generic Name levetiracetam Trade Name Keppra !

atients Dose Classification Therapeutic$ anticonvulsants !harmacologic pyrrolidines !regnanc# Categor# C Mechanism of Action ppears to in!i"it "urst #iring $it!out a##ecting normal neuronal e%cita"ility and may selectively prevent !ypersync!roni&ation o# epilepti#orm "urst #iring and propagation o# sei&ure activity. !harmaco*inetics A$ 'apidly and completely a"sor"ed #ollo$ing oral administration. D$ (n)no$n Ma"imum Dose 3000mg/day Contents levetiracetam Availa ilit# and color Ta lets$ 250 mg, 500 mg, 750 mg, 100 mg. %"tended&release ta lets$ 500 mg, 750mg. 'ral solution (grape&flavored)$ 100 mg/mL. Routes of administration PO Source$ >eglin, C. et. l. 200D. >avis@s >rug :uide #or ;urses. 12t! ed. E. . >avis. pp 762/768 M+%$ **+ e%creted unc!anged "y t!e )idneys, some meta"olism "y t!e liver -meta"olites inactive.. 'nset rapid !ea* 1/1.5!rs. Duration 12 !rs. Drug ,alf -ife 7.1!rs. !atients Actual Indication Indication General Indications Partial onset sei&ures -ad0unct.. Primary generali&ed tonic/clonic sei&ures -ad0unct. -immediaterelease and in0ection only.. 1yoclonic sei&ures in patients $it! 0uvenile myoclonic epilepsy -ad0unct.-immediate/ release and in0ection only.. Contraindications 2ypersensitivity, Lactation3 Lactation. !recaution ll patients -may increase ris) o# suicidal t!oug!ts/"e!aviors., 'enal impairment -dose reduction recommended i# 44r 560 mL/min., Pedi3 4!ildren 78 yr -sa#ety not esta"lis!ed., 71* yr -#or e%tended/ release and in0ection., O93 (se only during pregnancy i# potential "ene#it 0usti#ies potential ris) to #etus, :eri3decreae renal elimination -dose reduction may "e necessary.. .Drug interaction &drug to drug ;one noted Adverse Reaction CNS$ <(=4=> L ?2O(:2?<, di&&iness, #atigue/somnolence, $ea)ness, "e!avioral a"normalities. Neuro$ coordination di##iculties -adults only.. Nursing Responsi ilities .efore 1. sses i# patient !ad any suicidal attempts "e#ore. 2. ssess patient@s mental status. 3. ssess duration, location and c!aracteristics o# sei&ure activity/ 8. 4on#irm medication #rom doctor@s orders. 5. O"tain prescri"ed dose. During 1. 4on#irm patient@s identity. 2. dminister medication $!ole. 3. >o not crus!, "rea) or c!e$. 8. Practice aseptic tec!niAue. 5. 1ay administer medication $it!out regard to meals. After 1. O"serve proper documentation o# administered medication. 2. Bnsure t!at patient !as #ully s$allo$ed oral #orm o# medication. 3. O"serve patient@s "e!avior closely #or atleast 15/30 minutes a#ter administration. 8. =nstruct patient to slo$ly move to prevent di&&iness. 5. =nstruct patient to rest to decrease ris) o# #alls.

Minimum Dose 10mg/day

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