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I welcome an INTREO office proposal by the Department of Social Protection in Swords which will assist the many unemployed

people in Swords in accessing services and return to wor options and training! said "llr Tom O#eary Intro Offices offer a suite of services to assist people getting $obs and to assist employers to find people they need for their business%s and access grants and financial supports to encourage employers to ta e people off the live register and offer them employment! It will be a one stop shop for those see ing $obs and assistance and potential employers& which is very welcome said "llr Oleary

There are e'tensive training rooms in the proposed plans for this centre& which is welcome!
The facilities are in a town centre location $ust off the main street& accessible to public transport and car par ing nearby said "llr O#eary The facility will be located over ( floors including a public office on the ground floor! This is part of a nationwide plan to open INTREO offices nationwide& to provide one stop shop services for $obsee ers and employers in order to tac le the rate of unemployment in Ireland along with other )overnment Enterprise support policies said "llr Tom O#eary "an I encourage employers to have a loo at the incentives to employ people at the lin below and here is an e'ample of the incentives offfered by )overnment said "llr O#eary *+obsPlus is designed to encourage employers and businesses to focus their recruitment efforts on those who have been out of wor for long periods! The level of payment is increased for the recruitment of those out of wor for more than two years! The Incentive will provide two levels of payment, a payment of -.&/00 over two years to the employer for each person recruited who has been unemployed for more than 12 but less than 23 months and -10&000 over two years to the employer for each person recruited who has been unemployed for more than 23 months! The incentive will be payable monthly in arrears over a two year period!*

Positive news... The retail industry had their had their best best year Christmas also in in five five years years Tourism

Central Bank have revised their growth forecast figures upwards to 2.1% for 2 1! "overnment plan to help tackle youth unemployment under the #$ %outh "uarantee has been announced

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