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The Creative Arts

Creative Arts Policy Summary

Visionary Aims To develop childrens imagination and intellect in the creative pursuit of social justice, artistic freedom and the promotion of community cohesion. Through the learning, teaching and practice of art, to promote inspiration and creative self-expression of the individual and school community. To enable children to experience the arts from vision to action, from artist to audience, from generation to generation across time, barriers and cultures. Our core beliefs and practice The creative and expressive arts curriculum at Birchfield aims to provide learners (both children and adults) with rich opportunities to engage, explore, participate and experience a wide range of artistic forms, including all forms of visual performing arts such as dance, drama and music. Our curriculum draws upon a wealth of stimulating resources, from a variety of artistic, historical and cultural contexts. This is intended to expose our learners to a range of media in the endeavour to ignite their creative flair. We see the arts as integral to the growth of the whole individual and indeed as a fundamental entitlement. Given the multicultural environment and demography of the school and the community it serves, there is a strong emphasis on learning about the richness and diversity of different cultural traditions that exist in and beyond our community. For a full copy of our Creative Arts Policy please visit our school website at

Creative Arts Developments

The school thrives on creative arts initiatives which all help raise standards across the curriculum. Peripatetic tuition is provided by specialists from Birmingham Music Services. We have expanded the use of instruments in school and from September 2013, all pupils in year 3, and their teachers, will have class tuition in guitar, African drums or keyboards. Tuition in clarinet, flute, violin, cornet, euphonium, tuba, tenor horn, sitar and tabla will continue as usual. We were awarded the ArtsMark Gold for our creative arts curriculum work in 2012.


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