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The School Council

We are committed to directly involving children in the ethos of the school. To do this effectively we lieve that children must be given responsibility and, to an extent, be involved in decision making. be-

Our School Council is a constituted body of elected and co-opted children from Years 2, 5 and 6. The staff members are chosen by the School Councillors. The councillors represent year groups from pre-school academy to Year 6. All prospective councillors have to present an election address to their peers and then there is a vote and 30 councillors were elected. Classes elect representatives, who liaise with council members, who they can pass on their ideas for school improvement too. Council committees usually include finance, newspaper, school meals/health bar and Green & Clean. The council is a forum for children to voice and discuss their opinions and interests regarding matters that affect the school. It meets on a regular basis. Minutes of meetings are taken by the Council Secretary and are displayed in the main entrance and on the Council Notice Board on the first floor of the main building along with other records of school meetings. The School Council vote on what projects they want to put forward for consideration to the governors. Four councillors are nominated to be delegates to our Handsworth Young Peoples Parliament (see page 55) .

Pupils as Leaders Day

This is an annual event which involves year 6 pupils taking over a staff role for one morning. Each child has to apply for a particular staff role and write a letter of application to Ms Foster- Brown. The children are then informed of their roles and they receive training from that member of staff. They then deliver that role for the entire morning. It is a very exciting, enjoyable and tiring day and it gives each child a window in to the world of work. 51

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